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On 11/5/2020 at 6:46 PM, kaygeeret said:

I went to the ION television site yesterday and emailed them asking when the heck they are going to schedule Private Eyes.

No response yet.

And, on day 2 post email, no response from ION

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I think her character is meant to rub you the wrong way, at the end of the day, she's about producing results, no ifs about it. But who knows, maybe they'll expand on her character later this season since she seems to be sticking around for the ride. 

On 11/6/2020 at 9:17 PM, kaygeeret said:

And, on day 2 post email, no response from ION

I don't think ION's bringing it back to the network anytime soon; they haven't even started airing Season 3 yet. Just speculation, but they may just be waiting for the series to conclude so they can air it as an all day marathon like they do with all their other shows. Maybe low ratings got to them?

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10 hours ago, Pharaz said:

I really don't like Linda Kash: Inspector Carlson the character.

She is meant to be like that. She is a  by-the-book cop and pretty hard-nosed. But she listened to what Shade and Angie had to say and acted on it when she could.  I think she is tough with a soft centre.

Linda Kash has pretty impressive parents.

I liked the episode, it was back to normal for this show.  I think the 'daughter' episode last week was really to introduce another possible love interest for Shade.  I could be wrong of course.

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39 minutes ago, Trey said:

I liked the episode, it was back to normal for this show.  I think the 'daughter' episode last week was really to introduce another possible love interest for Shade.  I could be wrong of course.

They're hinting at Shade and Everett getting together (for how long remains to be seen) extremely on the nose every episode, it's just a matter of when at this point. Ofc, this may end up just being misdirection since everyone expects the two leads to get together eventually. The 'daughter' episode brought back an old flame, but I'm willing to bet it won't last. 

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Pretty good episode, we finally got to meet Danica's elusive girlfriend and whatnot, but the real news is, more of our favorite goofball Conroy next week, ay. Can't wait to see what goes wrong then lol.  

One thing that's surprised me so far is the lack of Becca this season. Thought for sure she'd play a role in the whole 'daughter' storyline, but that wrapped up prettty quickly. Perhaps sometime down the road then. 

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“Maybe she’s heading to Huntsville. Think we can catch her?”

Of course you can, Shade, you drive a Porsche!

I liked this episode, it was back to the old shenanigans, if a little bit saccharine at the end. 


19 hours ago, CipherDex said:

One thing that's surprised me so far is the lack of Becca this season. Thought for sure she'd play a role in the whole 'daughter' storyline, but that wrapped up prettty quickly. Perhaps sometime down the road then. 

I was surprised how short that storyline was as well. It was a lost opportunity not having Becca involved. I was avidly anticipating her reaction. Maybe Nicole de Boer wasn’t available. 


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I didn't miss Becca. I think we've been seeing less and less of her each season.

Are we going to be seeing more of Angie's mother?  I got that feeling when Zoe told her, Nora, that she really liked having a partner to work with.

That was a pretty good episode.  I like when they have a bad guy who is really bad.

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Yeah, I miss Maz too.

I think they have too many new characters and are trying to make them important when we just don't know them well enough to care about them.

And, this year is totally off - it makes everything seem off.

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I really enjoyed this episode; I thought the plot was better than usual.

I guess Becca is close at hand, ready to help out whenever necessary.

Poor Jules. She must get so frustrated at the hovering of her parents, not that I blame them, but she obviously is capable of taking care of herself and so much more.

I was ticked that the show wasn't on until 9 pm. 

Next week is the "fall finale".  Is that the season 4 finale? 


Edited by Trey
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Yeah, this is probably my favorite episode of the season, maybe aside from Conroy's appearance, things felt a lot more contained and grounded.

Glad Becca showed up, it felt weird with her being absent for most of the season so far. The parent dynamic between her and Shade with Jules in the middle was fantastic as always. 

This case of the week was far more intriguing to me, and I have to admit it, I didn't really miss Zoe this time around. Liam fit so seamlessly, his bringing out Shade's overprotective parent side really made the episode for me. And me being in university myself may have also played a role in my enjoyment of it too lol.

I honestly had no idea the episode aired late, I always watch it on the Global site the next morning.

Edit: IIRC, this season has twelve episodes total, so I presume next week is just the mid-season finale.

Edited by CipherDex
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I agree, Liam fit in really well.

Thanks for the update on the episodes.

Murdoch Mysteries starts Jan. 4 at 8 pm.  I hope we don't have to choose between the two most popular detective shows. There is so much time when there is nothing I want to watch, it would be a shame if I had to miss one or the other.

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Finally decided to give this show a try.  Binged through all of the shows over a couple of weeks and am now caught up.  Gotta say - I love it!  I miss Ennis Esmer and hope he comes back, but I am loving the relationship between Danica and her girlfriend.  Zoe always makes me laugh.  And I love the respect between Angie and Shade.  Now I have to wait a week until the next episode!

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This was back to the old formula and it showed. It's usually a better episode when the family dynamics are involved. Shade as overprotective Dad is always a good laugh. Becca was great in this. She should start her own PI agency, she was better than Shade and Angie put together! She always reads Shade to a T.  Lots of humour in this episode. "One more question... in three parts. ' 😄 Milking Shade's age was hilarious.

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Not as good as last week's episode but still pretty good.

Plot had a nice twist to it and I enjoyed all the guest stars, especially Scott McGillivray - I thought he did a very good job.

I wonder when we'll see the second part of the season.

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Well, that was a fun one, liked the callback to Angie's fear of heights, pretty nice way to wrap up this half of the season. Plot was interesting for the premise behind it. Feel like it was a missed opportunity not seeing Don hit the green, but guess they couldn't find a way to get Barry Flatman out there lol. Shade's latest conquest was enjoyable, could sense some chemistry behind it, but not sure if she's gonna appear past this episode. 

Though really, the only thing that really disappointed me in the end was that we never got to see Angie's friend talk to Nick Nurse. Honestly forgot he was even making a cameo, but a welcome surprise nonetheless. 

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On 12/8/2020 at 3:57 PM, Trey said:

Murdoch Mysteries starts Jan. 4 at 8 pm.  I hope we don't have to choose between the two most popular detective shows. There is so much time when there is nothing I want to watch, it would be a shame if I had to miss one or the other.

IMDB just updated the Private Eyes page, says next episode will air January 7, so watching both ought to be manageable. 

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On 12/18/2020 at 11:03 AM, Trey said:

Thanks for the update.

Moving it to Thursday.  That's a good idea.  Hope it's still on at 8 pm instead of 9 pm.

Welp, Global says it'll be airing at 10 PM now lmao.

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Yowza and cheers!!!!

ION is FINALLY showing Private Eyes in the US.

Look for ION Plus on over the air or you cable station and enjoy.

They are streaming all day on Thursdays.  They started today with S. 1 Epi. I, so I am hoping they just keep going with the new shows too.



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I was able to get the show from St. John at 7 pm Eastern time so that was good - probably the best feature of satellite tv.

I guess Willow was okay - her presence made a change of pace for the show and it was a decent plot but it certainly wasn't my favourite of the season.

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I actually enjoyed this one a lot, pretty good way to pick back up the season. Willow was fun, although slightly overplayed at times. Good pacing overall, and I enjoyed seeing Don interact with her as well. Seems like the writers made it not so subtly made it clear her and Shade won't be long term at the end though lol.

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Pretty fun episode again, the case worked pretty well this time around, felt a lot more personal compared to some other ones this season. Glad they certainly made the most of Willow's character before her inevitable departure, she felt more alive to me than someone like Melanie lol. Kind of disappointed we didn't get a scene with her and Jules, but the role she got suited her well enough already, given that it didn't seem like she'd be a long term character. 

Additional notes:

-Banter this episode was great, definitely got a chuckle or two out of me.

-Wish we could have seen more of the party outside of Willow and Shade making pitches. 

-The fight scene was a welcome surprise, decent job on the choreography too. 

-Once again, a very on the nose comment near the end regarding our two leads, though I'm sure that'll be one of the potential cliffhangers they leave us with by the end of the season. 

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Yes, it was a good episode with a warm and fuzzy ending.

I'm glad Zoe got such a good part in this episode - I was expecting the actor to really want to hire her as his assistant.

Willow was good but she took up a lot of space.  I did like her story and I'm glad she is making it big but I'm also glad she is moving on.

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I didn't know Cindy Sampson was such a good singer.  But they should have had her sing  Smoke Gets in Your Eyes instead of Fever🙂

Poor old Charley, died for love. That was sad.

That fireman was decidedly unprofessional. 

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Caught this one late, but I thought it was a decent one overall. Case didn't quite have the usual hook for me, though having Becca involved again was nice. Maybe it was pacing, maybe the last couple episodes have spoiled me, but I won't complain too much lol. 

On 1/22/2021 at 2:04 PM, LakeGal said:

I had trouble getting into this episode.  Not sure why but my mind kept wandering.  

Next week looks very interesting though.

The singing portions lulled me into a trance at times. 😅

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On 1/22/2021 at 2:04 PM, LakeGal said:

I had trouble getting into this episode.  Not sure why but my mind kept wandering.  

Next week looks very interesting though.

Something was definitely missing. Usually the episodes with Becca and Jules are the better ones, but even their presence didn't help.

Tonight's episode does look better. Here's hoping.

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Well then, that's more like it. This one's definitely up there for me this season, love a good old murder mystery. Dynamic and banter between Danica and Shade was enjoyable as always, writers did a good job drawing out the tension (though I suspected fake Minister from the second she appeared lol), and we got to see the actual wedding as well. (Stares intensely at Blue Bloods)

Other notes: 

-Paul Sun Hyung Lee! Always a pleasure seeing him act. 

-Zoe made me cringe internally every time she loudly asked if anyone was there. I'd probably do the same thing, but yeeshI was just waiting for her to be taken hostage or something.

-Writers really could not be any less subtle at this point with our two leads. Definitely gonna be drawn out at least another season or two though imo. 

-Not gonna watch the sneak peek for next week out of sheer anticipation, interested to see what the cliffhanger/hook will be for next season. 

Edited by CipherDex
Corrected typos stemming from insomnia
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I enjoyed this episode.  It was the trapped on an island without cell service or power type mystery.  Of course as soon as the minister was introduced I looked at LakeGuy and said I didn't trust her. They were assuming it was a male so it was going to be a female accomplice.

I liked the spooky quality to the episode.  We also got a happy ending with the wedding.     

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You two are smarter than I am because I did not suspect the minister at all.

It was a good episode with a decent amount of action and detecting and a blizzard and an invisible bad guy and a wedding.  There was lots to love.

The owner of the island was very lucky that they were all there to foil the robbery - otherwise they would have gotten clean away with the coins.

I am sad that next week is the season finale already.

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6 hours ago, LakeGal said:

It was the trapped on an island without cell service or power type mystery. 

Yeah my bad, I watched it fresh in the morning off 4 hours of sleep, didn't even occur to me that no one actually died in the episode until your post lmao. 

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1 hour ago, CipherDex said:


I know!

I was really enjoying this episode (except for Rufus being killed) and then that hit us right between the eyes!

I guess we know she'll be okay but I still don't like it.

Irina may have been a scammer but she was still a pretty good psychic.


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We all know Angie will survive.  That season cliffhanger isn't that dramatic.  But it was done for shock value. I was just thinking that it wasn't safe to shoot in there because you never knew who was behind the mirror.  Then it actually happened.

I did enjoy the episode.  I guess Angie's mom won't be able to take her trip now.     

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So, near brush with death for a main character? I think I know where this is going lol. 

Also, it's possible that Nora already boarded her flight when Angie got shot, lots of loose threads heading to next season. 

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Fun opener, between this and Loki, man my Wednesdays are about to get crowded. 

Good to see the Liam subplot continue, I always feel like Priestley really excels in those scenes. 

Shame they couldn't find a way for Becca to be there for moral support.

Hopefully the healing process (mentally) isn't rushed and they don't have things back to normal by next episode, some future callbacks to the finale would be nice as a reminder that things won't quite be the same. 

Edit: Oh, turns out next episode airs on Thursday, nice. 

Edited by CipherDex
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5 hours ago, CipherDex said:

Good to see the Liam subplot continue

I really do like Liam but it would be a frosty day in hell before my parents would have set me up in my own little place so my boyfriend could live with me, no matter how much work he does around the house.

Angie was really trying to brush off the effects of the gunshot but everyone else took it very seriously.  And everyone around them seemed to be pushing Angie and Shade toward each other.

The cotw was okay.  I'm glad the hospital lady in charge of everything was not the guilty party - of course the guilty party may as well have had a big red dot on him.

Edited by Trey
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I am going to miss this show.  Too bad Global wants to end it.  Jason said the cast and crew wanted to keep going.  Global wants to end while the show is still popular.  

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Don't really mind them ending the show on a high note, but there's definitely room for more stories and it's a shame we won't get to see them if the cast is so willing to create them. Wonder how much COVID messed things up for Global and if we'd be looking at a 6th season if not for it. 

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