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My one requirement for Arrow fic--even AUs--is that Oliver spend time on the Island. I feel like the only writer really capturing the current mood and themes of the show in a satisfying way is theshipsfirstmate, but the angst is brutal. I really liked the piece she posted last week "I've Got the Pictures to Prove I was There", and I think she's doing a nice job in all her stuff of writing an Oliver and Felicity who are hurt and apart, but will find their way back to each other. I still wish she'd finish "Slave to the Wires", an AU that needs only one more chapter, and whenever I need a good cry I go read her futurefic "That's All You".

"I've Got the Pictures to Prove I was There" Is really good but am I finding a lot less enjoyable fanfic of late, mainly because until BMD the show was doing a real good job for Olicity and I didn't need fanfic to supplement. Now authors are slower to update and some fic quality has dropped IMO, I'm waiting to move past in show what is happening on screen but definitely nor reading as much fic nowadays.

Edited by Genki
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I also thought they did a good job with Zoom catching sight of Ellie and trying to get through the barrier that separated them.  It really was scary.

Is that something from The Flash or did the authors come up with it?

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I thought they did a really good job of Laurel -- brittle, hurt underneath but still willing to help them not to mention smart. If the show had only written her that well, I think she might not have been in the grave right now.


God, yes. With the dirty, messy backstory this is who Laurel should have been on the show. I don't know that I would want to be BFFs with her, but it would have been an anderstandable, flesh and bone character.

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So, I've read yet another (AU) story in which Oliver and Felicity often call each other "Queen" or "Smoak." For some reason, that writing choice bothers me to the same degree as any of the characters "popping" their lips on the "p" when they utter a word that ends in "p," the endless "quirking" of eye brows, the overuse of Oliver making a quiet "huff" in response to Felicity saying something cute (I can tolerate a few mentions in any one story because it's something he actually does), and mentions of Oliver's nervous tic--rubbing his finger and thumb together--in AUs in which he was never on the island and doesn't even shoot a bow (the original inspiration for SA's acting choice). I also find it curious that Raisa is such a beloved character in fics, given that we haven't seen her since her few brief appearances in the pilot.

Does anybody else have Arrow fan fic pet peeves? Am I being ungracious to the generous writers who share their efforts with the fans?

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So, I've read yet another (AU) story in which Oliver and Felicity often call each other "Queen" or "Smoak." For some reason, that writing choice bothers me to the same degree as any of the characters "popping" their lips on the "p" when they utter a word that ends in "p," the endless "quirking" of eye brows, the overuse of Oliver making a quiet "huff" in response to Felicity saying something cute (I can tolerate a few mentions in any one story because it's something he actually does), and mentions of Oliver's nervous tic--rubbing his finger and thumb together--in AUs in which he was never on the island and doesn't even shoot a bow (the original inspiration for SA's acting choice). I also find it curious that Raisa is such a beloved character in fics, given that we haven't seen her since her few brief appearances in the pilot.

Does anybody else have Arrow fan fic pet peeves? Am I being ungracious to the generous writers who share their efforts with the fans?


Oliver is always looking as Felicity "in Awe"...the amount of times this turns up is grating, Felicity is awesome [sic] we know, but please another word would be nice.


I also hate when the banter or Felicity "babble" is done poorly.

Edited by Genki
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Does anybody else have Arrow fan fic pet peeves? Am I being ungracious to the generous writers who share their efforts with the fans?


Swearing unless it's internal monologue or muttered under the breath since no one on the show ever swears.  It may be more realistic but it's out of character after four seasons.


Also Oliver getting drunk post his Ollie days. I don't mean buzzed or during the summer of love tipsy but just drinking shots to get fall down drunk while trying to maintain a secret identity. 


Donna being a bad mother that favored her boyfriends over her daughter or forced Felicity to be the grown up all the time.  (Some of that is left over from before we knew her but I still see it pop up in new ones.  That's not our Donna.)


Felicity not really needing her glasses.  WTH??


Another big pet peeve is authors that clearly only recently started watching and haven't seen past seasons and talk about characters doing things that we know they couldn't have done.  Like recently I read one where Quentin was there in the lair helping the team in the days leading up to the LoA's showing up.  No mention of him hating Oliver or wanting to arrest him or anything. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Donna being a bad mother that favored her boyfriends over her daughter or forced Felicity to be the grown up all the time.  (Some of that is left over from before we knew her but I still see it pop up in new ones.  That's not our Donna.)


Yeah, I don't like this either - and I've actually written her that way (it was from before we knew her). Sometimes I wish I could go back and change it, haha.


I don't really have TOO many fic peeves, and they're general rather than Arrow specific. I don't like use of the word "orbs." And I don't like it when writers use descriptors instead of character names. Like, Oliver will be talking to Diggle, and instead of just using his name they'll write something like, "Oliver looked over at the taller man." JUST USE HIS NAME. I don't like it when people get TOO descriptive in sex scenes. Not in a prudish way, but...I don't want to read about anything dripping or anything like that.

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Fanfic pet peeves:


  • Nicknames like Lis, Licity, or Lic... Ugh. NO. 
  • Laurel and Felicity being besties because usually LL is completely unrecognizable as a character
  • Felicity swearing. Nope.
  • When fanfic writers make Felicity put her foot in her mouth every 2 paragraphs
  • Creepy stalker Oliver who follows Felicity or breaks into her house
  • Donna being a bad parent
  • Making Felicity too forgiving. I hated how one shots where Felicity/Oliver deal with his lying about the kid gets wrapped up so quickly
  • Sara being a bimbo


I'm sure there are more..

Edited by wonderwall
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Donna being a bad mother that favored her boyfriends over her daughter or forced Felicity to be the grown up all the time. (Some of that is left over from before we knew her but I still see it pop up in new ones. That's not our Donna.)

I can't even read older ones written when it was a fair deduction. The power of Donna is strong.

I do have other issues, but I can't really recall them right now.

Definitely characters being too cutesy with each other. Oh, and Oliver and Felicity engaging in PDA to prove a point when it's not undercover. Felicity dropping sexual innuendos on purpose in front of other people. Like, no. The point is they slip out before she catches them.

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As a rabid Olicity fan girl, it pains me to add that I'm also a little put off when Oliver is instantly smitten when he meets her. I know the show gave us that "There was just something about you" line, but Oliver pursued other women after meeting Felicity and didn't seem to be romantically interested in her at first.

He definitely had a type, and I don't think Felicity aroused any sort of attraction until she joined the team and developed beyond being the cute and funny nerdy girl. As soon as she joined the team, she stood up to Oliver, challenged him to be better, and slipped into a sexy gold dress to go into the field.

I don't mean to downplay their love story, but I know I'm capable of meeting someone who I immediately find funny and interesting without jumping to the conclusion that I could fall in love with him. I like stories in which they draw together and change for the better as they move toward each other.

I dislike stories in which Felicity is an insta-saint who is completely perfect and Oliver is all agog at the beautiful creature he can't believe exists on this earth. Gag. I also dislike stories in which Oliver starts out as a complete douche who sexes his way through a string of beautiful women because there's nothing that can make me believe that Felicity can witness that and still want to be with him. His Girl Wednesday* started with an incredibly promiscuous Oliver that I can't forget about even as he's changing.

@Genki and @bkwurm1, I definitely agree with your points, too

*I always forget how to format on my iPad--I know it should be italicized

ETA: Even though I called out two posts, I agree with all of the others pet peeves that were listed while I was composing my post--especially the Felicity nicknames like "Lissy." Just, nope.

Edited by EmeraldArcher
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And I don't like it when writers use descriptors instead of character names. Like, Oliver will be talking to Diggle, and instead of just using his name they'll write something like, "Oliver looked over at the taller man." JUST USE HIS NAME.

This! For reasons I cannot fathom, I once read a few paragraphs of a fic in which the younger man was talking to the older man. Oliver and Dig.

The quickest way to get me to not check out a fic is "I suck at summaries". You're telling me you're bad at writing while you want me to check out your writing.

Oh yeah, I don't like that. I especially hate "Lissy."

I don't mind a drugged on pain meds or sleepy "'city" though.

I can maybe sorta accept the nicknames in AUs, even if I find them silly. But why do people use them in canon compliant fics when nobody has used them ever?

Drugged up is better. It's not a nickname, it's slurring.

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This! For reasons I cannot fathom, I once read a few paragraphs of a fic in which the younger man was talking to the older man. Oliver and Dig.

The quickest way to get me to not check out a fic is "I suck at summaries". You're telling me you're bad at writing while you want me to check out your writing.

I can maybe sorta accept the nicknames in AUs, even if I find them silly. But why do people use them in canon compliant fics when nobody has used them ever?

Drugged up is better. It's not a nickname, it's slurring.

The admission of not sucking at summaries was made even worse when who I assumed was a young writer mentioned that her English teacher could back that up! I laugh whenever her story updates and I see it in my search return, but I will never ever be tempted to read it!

I've read a few stories recently in which Oliver is sometimes called "the archer" when he and Diggle are talking.

I forgot how I dislike the overuse of "broody" being Oliver's defining characteristic, especially when it's being told, not shown. Yes, he can be broody, but there are certainly more creative ways to convey that.

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God, I hate Lissy. I also dislike the use of the word "cerulean" to describe either Oliver or Felicity's eyes.

I have a hard time reading fics where Oliver doesn't end up on the Island--it makes him who he is. I also have a hard time with the enemies to lovers trope as applied to Oliver and Felicity. I like it in other romances, but for them it feels out of character as I classify their romance as "life partners and helpmates" rather than soulmates.

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Nicknames like Lis, Licity, or Lic... Ugh. NO.


Oh yeah, I don't like that. I especially hate "Lissy."


I don't mind a drugged on pain meds or sleepy "'city" though.


Some names just are not conducive to becoming nicknames and forcing it on an adult is extremely painful.  But yeah, sleepy or slurred variations of her name is completely allowed. 


His Girl Wednesday* started with an incredibly promiscuous Oliver that I can't forget about even as he's changing.


I was iffy when I started the story (didn't start to read it for a long time for this very reason) but in the end it worked for me since Felicity kind of hated Oliver until he turned that corner. Not the enemies to lovers thing but no putting up with any of his crap and letting him know.   Toss in his father dying and him not wanting to be like him and the change seemed believable. Then he convinced her through his behavior that he was a changed man. Less believable is how friendly Moira now is but since it's still weirding Felicity out, I'm coping. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'm also put off when Batman is introduced in fics, here I'm firmly on the side of WB/DC," please keep all properties seperate". It's probably because they tend to move Felicity dangerously close to Mary-Sue territory and also make Oliver look bad and Bruce tends to take over the narrative a bit.


I know I've said this a heap of times, but big NOPE on OC characters, especially as Felicity's best friend(s) and especially with all sort of extra details and backstories and scenes, the Flarrowverse is big enough to use a pre-existing characters. I can accept OC Olicity children however if done well.



God, I hate Lissy. I also dislike the use of the word "cerulean" to describe either Oliver or Felicity's eyes.

I have a hard time reading fics where Oliver doesn't end up on the Island--it makes him who he is. I also have a hard time with the enemies to lovers trope as applied to Oliver and Felicity. I like it in other romances, but for them it feels out of character as I classify their romance as "life partners and helpmates" rather than soulmates.



I find "enemy to lovers" OOC for Oliver and Felicity whenever I try to read them.


Also I find it hard to get past when fic get corporate culture really wrong, it shows that the author has never had to work in a proper job, which leads to another no for me.....sex in the office, especially during the day!!


Also HATE the nicknames.

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And I don't like it when writers use descriptors instead of character names. Like, Oliver will be talking to Diggle, and instead of just using his name they'll write something like, "Oliver looked over at the taller man." JUST USE HIS NAME.


You can blame a lot of English teachers for this.  I clearly recall in ninth grade when we were tasked with writing a children's story being repeatedly told that just using names or he said or she said was unacceptable and dull.  We were told by the teacher and the work pages all the fun and creative ways that we could instead attribute who the speaker was.  Fast forward to the college level writing course and they begged everyone to forget the heresy that they'd been taught, lol. 

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I find "enemy to lovers" OOC for Oliver and Felicity whenever I try to read them.


Also I find it hard to get past when the fic get corporate culture really wrong, it shows that the author has never had to work in a proper job, which leads to another no for me.....sex in the office, especially during the day!!

I don't really like the enemies to lovers trope either, but I'm hooked on Supersillyanddorky's "The Predator." It's completely OOC, but I just read it thinking that they're completely different characters who happen to look just like Oliver and Felicity. I separate them in my mind because it's so AU and OOC. I feel embarrassed even admitting that I'm liking the story, because it's set in such an awful and brutal world, but she is such a great writer!

I'm still reading "His Girl Wednesday," but including Oliver having oral sex in his office and Felicity walking in on it just ruined even the later, better chapters a bit for me. Which reminds me--I loathe all of the recent dry humping and Oliver mentioning he hadn't made a mess in his pants since high school. I'm with @apinknightmare in that I don't want details about bodily fluids in sex scenes. Yuck!

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I don't really like the enemies to lovers trope either, but I'm hooked on Supersillyanddorky's "The Predator." It's completely OOC, but I just read it thinking that they're completely different characters who happen to look just like Oliver and Felicity. I separate them in my mind because it's so AU and OOC. I feel embarrassed even admitting that I'm liking the story, because it's set in such an awful and brutal world, but she is such a great writer!


I was going to try that one out then I saw the dreaded Original Character tag...haha


ETA: I'm sick of the Panda flats, they were super cute in S1 when Felicity wore them, but her fashion sense has evolved along with her character.

Edited by Genki
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don't really like the enemies to lovers trope either, but I'm hooked on Supersillyanddorky's "The Predator." It's completely OOC, but I just read it thinking that they're completely different characters who happen to look just like Oliver and Felicity. I separate them in my mind because it's so AU and OOC. I feel embarrassed even admitting that I'm liking the story, because it's set in such an awful and brutal world, but she is such a great writer!


Just read that one the other day.  I can almost believe that if they'd both had these totally different lives they might have become these people and perhaps in the distant future might someday more resemble the Oliver and Felicity we know but yeah, apart from appearance and some small details like intellect, glasses, abs and the name of his sister, there is no recognizing them.  And yet, it was a good story.  Not one I could see their faces or hear their voices without stopping and REALLY trying, but yeah, a good story. 

I was going to try that one out then I saw the dreaded Original Character tag...haha


ETA: I'm sick of the Panda flats, they were super cute in S1 when Felicity wore them, but her fashion sense has evolved along with her character.

The original characters aren't bad.  Apart from a totally imagined father completely unconnected to anything on the show for Felicity, the original characters are all new people she meets so they haven't been inserted into her past or been given instant relationships. They do have a long history with Oliver but I'm so used to discovering new people that Oliver has long histories with that it never made me blink.   I wouldn't have put a warning tag in for original characters had I posted it.  They are just side characters really to flesh out the story.   

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I'm okay with descriptive sex scenes, including fluids, when it's done correctly and the story is well written.


I'm okay with nicknames - under certain conditions, like I can only accept it when Roy and Tommy use it for Felicity. With Roy because it feels like it's done in a little brother sort of way and with Tommy because it feel like something he would do, and I can accept it if it's an AU but it depends on the AU.

Under no circumstances do I accept Felicity EVER! calling Oliver "Ollie" unless she's half- asleep/ drugged out of our mind and slurring the name and even than I can only accept it if it's o`iver or something like that. I need that damn V to be there!


The wall of tags, followed by irrelevant tags or the author trying to talk to the audience such as (but not restricted to): So many tropes/Bad at tagging/Felicity Smoak is a Puppy... and so forth. Dude, don't talk to me through tags, that's what the author notes are for!; also, putting down EVERY single character in the story, even if they appear for like half a scene.


"I suck at summaries"- than get a freakin beta to write it for you!! make sure they also beta your story, for all of our sake.


Badly and weirdly written summaries! they just kill any interest. I can look beyond punctuation and grammar for the most part but, some summaries are just... Did you double read it before you posted it dude?!


Anything Laurel centric to be honest, because it's usually poorly written and OOC to how she is on the show, but specifically when she is weirdly romantically paired with Nyssa/Felicity/Thea!! (the revolving door of sibling swap needs to die!! even in fanfics!).... just no. Oh and all these new E2 Laurel that have cropped up in the past week or so.


Any: Felicity was raised by the Merlyn's or is a Merlyn fics, because 98% of the times those stories are badly done and play off bad tropes.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I'm okay with descriptive sex scenes, including fluids, when it's done correctly and the story is well written.

I'm okay with nicknames - under certain conditions, like I can only accept it when Roy and Tommy use it for Felicity since I know it's in a brotherly sense, and I can accept it if it's an AU but it depends on the AU.

The wall of tags, followed by irrelevant tags or the author trying to talk to the audience such as (but not restricted to): So many tropes/Bad at tagging/Felicity Smoak is a Puppy... and so forth. Dude, don't talk to me through tags, that's what the author notes are for!; also, putting down EVERY single character in the story, even if they appear for like half a scene.

"I suck at summaries"- than get a freakin beta to write it for you!! make sure they also beta your story, for all of our sake.

Badly and weirdly written summaries! they just kill any interest. I can look beyond punctuation and grammar for the most part but, some summaries are just... Did you double read it before you posted it dude?!

Anything Laurel centric to be honest (Just because it's usually poorly written and OOC to who she really is), especially when she is weirdly romantically paired with Nyssa/Felicity/Thea!! (the revolving door of sibling swap needs to die!! even in fanfics!).... just no.

Any Felicity was raised by the Merlyn's or is a Merlyn. 98% of the times those stories are badly done and play off bad tropes.

Re the summaries - the worst is when it's a 20 chapter fic, still unfinished, and the horrible mistakes are still in the summary! You know, dude, you can change it at any time! Ugh.

I've already said I hate kid and babyfic of any type - I even tried to read it in sleepy Hollow fandom (which is suffering a meltdown right now, and in which I'm fully participating- with all its problems, Arrow hasn't reached that level of disaster yet), and I peaced out- can't do it.

I agree with most of the things on the list here (the taller man stuff is a particular peeve of mine), but some things don't bother me.

Like the cursing - no, they don't swear on the show, but that's more of a tv convention, IMO. Not that I write them as turning the air around them blue or something, but the well-placed expletive in times of great emotional stress is very effective, I find. IMO, always.

I do dislike all the show callbacks, especially if they weigh down the story - like the panda flats, or mint choc chip. Felicity isn't a cartoon, she can occasionally like/wear different things.

Mainly, I dislike when the protagonists are OOC - why bother with fanfic, then?

Edited by arjumand
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Oh forgot to add the very disgusting, disrespectful "Real People Fics", I will read them if it's a friendship fic, but I have yet to come across one so... I just find it disrespectful to the actors, their family members and their friendships. I pray to the god/s I don't even believe exist that they will never hook up, and if they do: I don't want to know about it until i'm old and gray.

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I generally hate the descriptors instead of names - it's really weird - except when they are used for peripheral characters. I can accept it, then.

Is the nickname Lissy that frequent? I have encountered it just in one fic.


Personally, I hate when characters don't do anything but tell each other how awesome they are, how lucky they are to have met them. Either in dialogue or internal monologue. I can stand it every once in a while. But not when it's every two paragraphs!

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I also hate when the banter or Felicity "babble" is done poorly.

I hate when the Felicity babble is incessant. I read a fic recently, couldn't make it past the first chapter because EVERY time Felicity spoke it was an epic babble. ..

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I hate when a writer makes Oliver too possessive and Felicity completely helpless. They aren't like that on the show and if they were I probably wouldn't like them as individuals and together. I started a fic a while ago because it seemed popular in the fandom (I don't remember the title but Felicity got pregnant because they got drugged and slept together) and I couldn't keep reading because Felicity launched herself at Oliver like he was her security blanket in every chapter. It weirded me out.

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Fanfic pet peeves. OMG I have lots. I'm pretty fussy, I think.


  • Felicity calling Oliver 'Ollie.'
  • Oliver or anyone calling Felicity 'Lis' "City' or any of those shortened names.
  • Felicity babbling for the whole fic.
  • Laurel and Felicity being BFFs or sisters. 
  • Oliver getting aroused at Felicity wearing green - 'his color.' I don't understand this at all. 
  • Dragging out fics/plots for chapter after chapter (most longer fics I've read could easily be halved).
  • Fics that have Felicity in Laurel's place as teenagers. I just don't think Oliver was the same person at that age and it wouldn't have worked.
  • This is silly but too many tags on fics will put me off. I just want to know which characters are in it and if it has triggers/smut/fluff. I don't need to know that Oliver and Felicity are each other's lobsters or whatever tbh. Haha. 
  • Stalker Oliver. I didn't like it when Ray did it to Felicity, what makes people think it's okay for Oliver to do it?!
  • Oh and I think this is just something that gets better with more practice but I hate it when a description is like 'He took his left hand that was on her hip and put it on her left cheek. The hand that was on her shoulder glided up to her hair.' STOP. Just say he cradled her face. 
  • Eyes going dark with desire. Didn't realize eyes could change color tbh. LOL.


I could go on but I won't. Haha.

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I hate when a writer makes Oliver too possessive and Felicity completely helpless. They aren't like that on the show and if they were I probably wouldn't like them as individuals and together. I started a fic a while ago because it seemed popular in the fandom (I don't remember the title but Felicity got pregnant because they got drugged and slept together) and I couldn't keep reading because Felicity launched herself at Oliver like he was her security blanket in every chapter. It weirded me out.


I don't know which fic this is, but your description certainly doesn't make me want to read it.


While on topic, anthfan's Time Like These is pretty well liked as far as I can tell, but to be honest the image that stayed with me is Felicity falling unconscious a lot and Oliuver carrying her hither and yon. Now, it's not that I'm opposed to him carrying her around, I didn't mind any of the times it was done on the show. But the thing is, on the show, it's four times over the course of four seasons. BTW, I think anthfan is a very good writer, it's just that this seems like an earlier work. In which case it's a good thing, because she's grown over time.



  • Felicity calling Oliver 'Ollie.'


  • Fics that have Felicity in Laurel's place as teenagers. I just don't think Oliver was the same person at that age and it wouldn't have worked.


I am proud to say I have not read fics like these. I don't know whether to call the first point madness or depravity. Just, ew.


I'm not really sure I get the second one. Felicity was the smart girl that high school Ollie fell for or was she the one he cheated on?  

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I don't know which fic this is, but your description certainly doesn't make me want to read it.

While on topic, anthfan's Time Like These is pretty well liked as far as I can tell, but to be honest the image that stayed with me is Felicity falling unconscious a lot and Oliuver carrying her hither and yon. Now, it's not that I'm opposed to him carrying her around, I didn't mind any of the times it was done on the show. But the thing is, on the show, it's four times over the course of four seasons. BTW, I think anthfan is a very good writer, it's just that this seems like an earlier work. In which case it's a good thing, because she's grown over time.

Did Anthfan write a fic with Felicity pregnant by accident? Because I think the one I was talking about might be hers, LOL. Ops. I remember I started reading it because the author was very popular in the fandom but the way she wrote the characters, especially Felicity, bothered me.

Instead I like basically everything MachasWicket, Serenadreams, Yellowflicker and Bre write with the exception of FICON that doesn't interest me anymore..

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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No idea if the accidental pregnancy fic is by anthfan or not. I don't think I've read Serenadreams and Yellowflicker, but I'll check them out if they're mentioned in the same sentence with MachasWicket.


Since we were on topic of nicknames, I find it completely natural when Roy calls Felicity Blondie. But I can't recall if he's done so on the show. Even if he hasn't that one feels like something Roy would have used.

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While on topic, anthfan's Time Like These is pretty well liked as far as I can tell, but to be honest the image that stayed with me is Felicity falling unconscious a lot and Oliuver carrying her hither and yon. Now, it's not that I'm opposed to him carrying her around, I didn't mind any of the times it was done on the show. 



I'm not really sure I get the second one. Felicity was the smart girl that high school Ollie fell for or was she the one he cheated on?  


Anthfan is one whose fics I can never really get to grips with. I can't even explain it very well because she's not a bad writer at all but I'm not keen on the way she writes Felicity. She always clings to Oliver and Oliver is always OTT protective and it's just very dramatic and most chapters end with DUN DUN DUN!!! I've enjoyed some of her work but it's definitely a popular one where I disagree with the majority. But each to their own! I think fics are very much down to personal tastes. 


The teenage thing? It's usually High School fics where Oliver falls in love with smart girl Felicity (and Laurel is usually with Tommy). I've not read one with cheating which is a bonus but they're basically removing who Oliver used to be. It's his character that he was a cheater and failed at school etc...So it doesn't work for me. 

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The teenage thing? It's usually High School fics where Oliver falls in love with smart girl Felicity (and Laurel is usually with Tommy). I've not read one with cheating which is a bonus but they're basically removing who Oliver used to be. It's his character that he was a cheater and failed at school etc...So it doesn't work for me.

Eh, I am not interested in teen fics, so I just don't open them. Thanks for answering. I have read Bre's college AU and that one is very good, even if she hasn't posted the last chapter yet.
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  • Eyes going dark with desire. Didn't realize eyes could change color tbh. LOL.


See... I, too, for the longest time wondered WHY this was such a popular phrase... It made no sense to me. So I just figured it's just the character's pupils dilating? hmm

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Fanfic pet peeves. OMG I have lots. I'm pretty fussy, I think.


  • Felicity calling Oliver 'Ollie.'
  • Oliver or anyone calling Felicity 'Lis' "City' or any of those shortened names.
  • Felicity babbling for the whole fic.
  • Laurel and Felicity being BFFs or sisters. 
  • Oliver getting aroused at Felicity wearing green - 'his color.' I don't understand this at all. 
  • Dragging out fics/plots for chapter after chapter (most longer fics I've read could easily be halved).
  • Fics that have Felicity in Laurel's place as teenagers. I just don't think Oliver was the same person at that age and it wouldn't have worked.
  • This is silly but too many tags on fics will put me off. I just want to know which characters are in it and if it has triggers/smut/fluff. I don't need to know that Oliver and Felicity are each other's lobsters or whatever tbh. Haha. 
  • Stalker Oliver. I didn't like it when Ray did it to Felicity, what makes people think it's okay for Oliver to do it?!
  • Oh and I think this is just something that gets better with more practice but I hate it when a description is like 'He took his left hand that was on her hip and put it on her left cheek. The hand that was on her shoulder glided up to her hair.' STOP. Just say he cradled her face. 
  • Eyes going dark with desire. Didn't realize eyes could change color tbh. LOL.


I could go on but I won't. Haha.


I agree with every point except the "dark with desire", 'cos I always understood it as a metaphor, rather than literally changing colour. But YMMV.


'He took his left hand that was on her hip and put it on her left cheek. The hand that was on her shoulder glided up to her hair.'


This so much! I'm laughing as I read it, as I'm imagining Oliver's disembodied hand gliding all over her, like something from the Addams Family.


I don't know which fic this is, but your description certainly doesn't make me want to read it.


While on topic, anthfan's Time Like These is pretty well liked as far as I can tell, but to be honest the image that stayed with me is Felicity falling unconscious a lot and Oliuver carrying her hither and yon. Now, it's not that I'm opposed to him carrying her around, I didn't mind any of the times it was done on the show. But the thing is, on the show, it's four times over the course of four seasons. BTW, I think anthfan is a very good writer, it's just that this seems like an earlier work. In which case it's a good thing, because she's grown over time.





Yeah, all I could think was that I've known quite a few pregnant women, and none of them fainted all the time.


Oh, I don't know about anthfan, tbh. Wasn't she the one who wrote a whole long drabble series on tumblr, with every second one killing off / torturing Felicity in different contrived ways? My problem with these (because I torture the characters too) is that there's never any resolution, because it's a drabble. So we have horrendous pain and agony - The End.


There was another recent story which took the scene in the limo and made it a coda to a story in which Oliver is still in the Bratva (or something) and he and Felicity have a daughter, and the Bratva guys killed their daughter and raped Felicity. Not that we get the story - all we get is Felicity in torn clothing and a dead child. I'm like, seriously? This is the laziest thing ever.


My greatest pet peeve, tbh, is inappropriate word / phrase usage which takes me out of the story completely. It's usually characters speaking like robots which set me off, though in the above story, I must admit it was a description of the holes in Felicity's sweater which got me (I had the involuntary thought of "Was she attacked by giant moths?").


I do admit the endlessly babbling Felicity can be annoying in fic - tbh, sometimes on the show the babble goes on for longer than really necessary, at least in my opinion.

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Fanfic pet peeves. OMG I have lots. I'm pretty fussy, I think.


  • Felicity calling Oliver 'Ollie.'
  • Oliver or anyone calling Felicity 'Lis' "City' or any of those shortened names.
  • Felicity babbling for the whole fic.
  • Laurel and Felicity being BFFs or sisters. 
  • Oliver getting aroused at Felicity wearing green - 'his color.' I don't understand this at all. 
  • Dragging out fics/plots for chapter after chapter (most longer fics I've read could easily be halved).
  • Fics that have Felicity in Laurel's place as teenagers. I just don't think Oliver was the same person at that age and it wouldn't have worked.
  • This is silly but too many tags on fics will put me off. I just want to know which characters are in it and if it has triggers/smut/fluff. I don't need to know that Oliver and Felicity are each other's lobsters or whatever tbh. Haha. 
  • Stalker Oliver. I didn't like it when Ray did it to Felicity, what makes people think it's okay for Oliver to do it?!
  • Oh and I think this is just something that gets better with more practice but I hate it when a description is like 'He took his left hand that was on her hip and put it on her left cheek. The hand that was on her shoulder glided up to her hair.' STOP. Just say he cradled her face. 
  • Eyes going dark with desire. Didn't realize eyes could change color tbh. LOL.

I could go on but I won't. Haha.

Wow--this entire list is spot on! The pupils "blowing wide" and "eyes darkening" are so overdone. I also didn't even know that was a thing. I tried to research this to see if it was true, but it's always dark in our bedroom during sexy times! ;-)

One more that I'd add is a love triangle between Felicity, Oliver, and Tommy. Just no.

Now that we've started lists of pet peeves, does anybody want to share tropes or elements in fics that you shouldn't like but do? I *might* be willing to admit that I check out the sex pollen fics, even though the whole concept is outrageous. I think they're fun because I know I'd feel an irresistible compulsion to sex up Oliver Queen if I were in his orbit. ;-). Honestly, I think I'm OK with stories like Rosie Twigg's "A New Normal" because despite having their agency removed due to the sex pollen, Oliver and Felicity were already heading toward being together.

(Hangs head in shame and slinks away, looking back just once to see if you're glad to see me go)

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This so much! I'm laughing as I read it, as I'm imagining Oliver's disembodied hand gliding all over her, like something from the Addams Family.

Yeah, all I could think was that I've known quite a few pregnant women, and none of them fainted all the time.

Oh, I don't know about anthfan, tbh. Wasn't she the one who wrote a whole long drabble series on tumblr, with every second one killing off / torturing Felicity in different contrived ways? My problem with these (because I torture the characters too) is that there's never any resolution, because it's a drabble. So we have horrendous pain and agony - The End.

Now I want to read a fic with the Addams famuly hand. Hee.

The fic with fainting isn't the pregnancy fic. I haven't read that one.

The torture thing doesn't sound like anthfan to me.

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Now I want to read a fic with the Addams famuly hand. Hee.

The fic with fainting isn't the pregnancy fic. I haven't read that one.

The torture thing doesn't sound like anthfan to me.


I honestly can't remember who it was - that's why I can't get into tumblr when it comes to reading fic, I end up reading a lot and not knowing where it came from. At least on AO3 I can go in my history and find it.


ETA the pregnant fainting thing - then it must have been another fic, in which Felicity's pregnancy is announced by a headlong faint, like on tv or something - you know, when a character coughs, they're dying, when they have a nosebleed, it's cancer, etc.


Can I just add how much I hate all the 'pregnant by accident' fics? Because I do.


One more that I'd add is a love triangle between Felicity, Oliver, and Tommy. Just no.

    Now that we've started lists of pet peeves, does anybody want to share tropes or elements in fics that you shouldn't like but do? I *might* be willing to admit that I check out the sex pollen fics, even though the whole concept is outrageous. I think they're fun because I know I'd feel an irresistible compulsion to sex up Oliver Queen if I were in his orbit. ;-). Honestly, I think I'm OK with stories like Rosie Twigg's "A New Normal" because despite having their agency removed due to the sex pollen, Oliver and Felicity were already heading toward being together.

    (Hangs head in shame and slinks away, looking back just once to see if you're glad to see me go)



I dislike 'Smoaking Billionaires' (that's what the trope is called) too - can't get into it.

Yay, another lover of sex pollen fic, and A New Normal. Yay! The only thing I worry about is that it's not going to be finished. It kind of seems to be stalled, a little - the latest chapter didn't seem to be going anywhere.

Edited by arjumand
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I dislike 'Smoaking Billionaires' (that's what the trope is called) too - can't get into it.

Yay, another lover of sex pollen fic, and A New Normal. Yay! The only thing I worry about is that it's not going to be finished. It kind of seems to be stalled, a little - the latest chapter didn't seem to be going anywhere.

I don't even peek at the "Smoaking Billionaires" trope, as I'm not interested in the poly stuff. I was referring to fics that tag Oliver/Felicity and Tommy/Felicity, and she has been in a relationship with Tommy but transitions to Oliver by the end (I assume, because I don't want to read those stories). I have never seen Felcity as simply a welcome replacement for Laurel, so I hate it when she gets her hand-me-down stories either on the show (BMD) or in the fics.

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To be honest the one thing that can make me drop a fic full stop is giving Felicity a nickname like Lissy etc, I just hate it so much lol. I think Felicity is a beautiful name and while i can handle Blondie there is no need to shorten Felicity's name into something silly.

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I don't even peek at the "Smoaking Billionaires" trope, as I'm not interested in the poly stuff. I was referring to fics that tag Oliver/Felicity and Tommy/Felicity, and she has been in a relationship with Tommy but transitions to Oliver by the end (I assume, because I don't want to read those stories). I have never seen Felcity as simply a welcome replacement for Laurel, so I hate it when she gets her hand-me-down stories either on the show (BMD) or in the fics.


Oh, gotcha! No, not really interested in those, either.


To be honest, I've never been that interested in Tommy. Season 1 really messed up those relationships in their obsession with making Oliver and Laurel work out - it would have been much better if the Tommy/Laurel thing had been kept up throughout, and Oliver'd had more placeholder girlfriends.


So I especially can't get into all the 'Tommy lives!' fics. And then in a relationship with Felicity? Or even a friendship? The only way Oliver even noticed Felicity was because he was a completely different person after the island. Tommy never had that crucible. I think my problem with Tommy is a throwaway line of Lance's in the pilot, about roofies? And Tommy doesn't deny it? Also, I hated how he changed after he found out about Oliver.

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Eh, I am not interested in teen fics, so I just don't open them. Thanks for answering. I have read Bre's college AU and that one is very good, even if she hasn't posted the last chapter yet.

Yes! That damn last chapter!! I enjoy Bre's writing but sometimes I just shake my head when I see her publish new stuff while leaving other stories unfinished when they are so close to being done. It's usually worth the wait, but still I just want some stories wrapped up when it's 1-2ch away.

Which brings me to my biggest pet peeve~ if you publish a story with a final chapter count, I assume you have a plan. Taking a chance on a WIP never finishing is part of the game in fan-fic, but when you tell me you know how many chapters you want to finish I consider that more of a promise that you will finish the work. I realize life can get in the way, but if you are not going to complete the set number of chapters you said you would, I appreciate when you give an update saying that there will be a hiatus.


Other than that, I don't feel like I have a gapping list of pet peeves. There are some things that bother me when reading but I often forget about it or just let it go. If something is too grating then I just drop the fic & I avoid entire genres altogether like high-school fics. I tend to thrive on stories that take my fav characters from Arrow and place them in new scenarios or worlds. So a lot of it is AU or only quasi-canon compliant which I think helps in minimizing my pet peeves because the stories are inspired by Arrow but not necessarily a re-telling of Arrow. But I will say an overly babbling FS is generally too grating for me to read. EBR is great at babbling on screen, but it rarely translates well into the written word if the writer is not skilled at writing good babble as opposed to just random words.


As for OCs it depends on how well they are written. I have loved some and despised others. And as for beloved characters like Tommy & Raisa being in them, the more the merrier. I love my Tommy fics, especially when he & FS are friends, because I think that was a missed opportunity on the show. And Raisa, I know she was only in the pilot, but her scenes with OQ were really poignant and showed that there was more to OQ than just the Hood or the Playboy. So I feel like her character struck a chord with a lot of the audience because she seemed to understand & love OQ from a young age. I do not like though when Raisa is made bad or a Bratva spy. I like her as the second mother to OQ, esp if the story does not have a living MQ - because that is how I always imagined Raisa to be. It's tropey but rich kids having familial like relationships with house staff is realistic and interesting.

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