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S03.E07: David Justice / Dweezil Zappa

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David Justice's wife leaves behind her housekeeper, groundskeeper and sprawling home in San Diego and swaps places with Dweezil Zappa's wife, who lives an eco-friendly, cell-phone-free lifestyle in Los Angeles.
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Dweezil already had a cooking show! Back in 2004, when he was with Lisa Loeb, Dweezil & Lisa was on the Food Network for...I want to say three episodes? It wasn't a great show, although both Lisa and Dweezil are great. I preferred Happy Hour, the terrible show he and Ahmet hosted.

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When the episode started, I was convinced that Rebecca took a picture of young Raquel Welch to her plastic surgeon, and said "turn me into her".  And then they said her daughter was named Raquel!  Not a coincidence I would argue.

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Rebecca really came off as a pretentious bitch.


No!, Dweezil Zappa is not going to have the same size house as David Justice.


I don't think I'm going to watch anymore of the celebrities shows because they are boring. Celebrities are not going to ruin their image by doing/saying anything while on this show.


Bring back the regular wifes!!!!!

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I like to see where the celebrities live.  The mansions are fabulous and I like to see how they decorate.  And I've been surprised at how simple a few live and that my very normal home is better than some of theirs!  Of course I'm not paying for living in California.  My house in California would be worth a heck of a lot more I'm sure... 


I thought giving the girl the phone was a chancy thing to do: the girl realizes what her friends have and likes it and what if the strict mom came back and made her give it up?  It didn't seem fair for the girl.  Hopefully Rebecca had already privately discussed this with Dweezil and knew it would be accepted.  (I have trouble typing the name Dweezil for a grown man and not a pet or something! ;)  )

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Dweezil is adorable.   I would love to have 1 week in David's house though.  Just to see how the other half lives.     They did not focus much on David's boys.   The play date with his daughter was adorable. 

Edited by tribeca
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Just me or everyone wondering if "how did it feel to beat Halle Berry?" came up ;)


I usually hate eco-friendly people, but they didn't seem like militant about it.  I respect those that can live their truth but doesn't push their truth.  They come off more practical than green freak, and they build independence in their kid.  But maybe I'm on their side because my husband and I like our flip phones and our conversations.

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Yes, Dweezil was adorable.  The ten year old deserves a phone if only for safety reasons!  She seems like a very nice, mature kid.


I might stop watching over the conspicuous consumption castles.  No doubt that little girl sitting on the double sized sofa told me that having stuff isn't everything. 

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The best part of the show was watching DJ's little girl's face *light up!* when Meghan told her she was to have some daddy-daughter time. Aww...

The second best part was watching the wives be really bitchy about one another's lifestyles. Man, they didn't hold back, did they?!

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