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S28: Jefra Bland: Beauty

David T. Cole

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I'm this close to not watcing the rest of the season, I honestly do not care anymore; but I thought I'd just mention, in case I don't, that if Jefra had flipped last week it would have changed absolutely nothing.  Spencer didn't tell her about his idol, because he's an idiot, so she couldn't have played this "tell them it's Jeremiah" plan, and when she was planning to go with Spencer, Tasha, and Jeremiah, they were going to vote Tony, which would have been completely moot: not only would it be a 4-4 tie and go to rocks (to help two people who are probably unbeatable), but Tony could have just pulled out his Tyler Perry idol anyway (if he didn't realize that a tie made him immune, which I suspect he does know, since he seems to be a superfan.)  They say hindsight is 20/20, but in this case hindsight is covering one eye, I think.

Spencer didn't tell her about his idol, because he's an idiot,



I don't think he didn't tell her because he's an idiot. I think he didn't tell her because he didn't fully trust her and with good reason. Right now we have Jefra's side of what happened, and if as assumed she's telling the truth, that's just proof right there of how much editing does not show. In other words, we don't know how exactly that whole thing went down, what Spencer's reasoning was for not telling her and what his thinking was in regards to the entire situation. Either way it was a risk. Yes, he could have told her he had it to further gain her trust but then there's the risk she tells Kass and/or Trish or the whole other side and he's screwed either way.


Jefra may be talking a good game for herself in her exit interviews, as many of the contestants tend to do after being eliminated, but many of the previously eliminated people this season have confirmed her being more or less a sheep and rarely taking much initiative during the game. My guess, again with editing I may be wrong, but I think Spencer probably just didn't trust that Jefra really had the guts and gameplay to make any significant move and telling her that he had the idol would have likely given more ammunition if she went right back to her group and blabbed to them. 


They said the same thing about Parvati...



Yes but being shallow does not mean being stupid or an inability to play the game. Parvati may well have been shallow but she just also happened to be smart and damn good Survivor player. In Jefra's case not only was she bland as all hell, she also was a mediocre player, imo.

Edited by truthaboutluv

I said the same thing last week before Jefra had any interviews.  If we're going to play "if you had done x then y would have happened therefore you suck" on Jefra, why can't we play it on Spencer too?  When you're severely down in numbers and likely to go home it's time for desperate moves like showing the idol and hoping it works.  When you're sitting in a majority alliance with people you can beat and it's even numbers it is not time for desperate moves like pulling rocks.


I'll take "mediocre" (though I think "average" would be better), sure.  A really good Survivor player would have gotten herself in a better position.  But from where she was last week there was no earthly reason to flip, and it would have been absolutely ineffective if she had.

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If we're going to play "if you had done x then y would have happened therefore you suck" on Jefra, why can't we play it on Spencer too?  When you're severely down in numbers and likely to go home it's time for desperate moves like showing the idol and hoping it works.  When you're sitting in a majority alliance with people you can beat and it's even numbers it is not time for desperate moves like pulling rocks.



I'm not saying one can't with Spencer. My opinion of Jefra was not based on just that one episode. I've been saying Jefra was a sheep since maybe episode 3 of the season and my opinion of her was always that she got as far as she did based on luck. Now sure, there's nothing wrong with that but it just does not make me consider her a very good player and yeah she would have been a great person to sit next to in the end because all the other person had to say was, "um, she didn't do anything."


As I said once before, Jefra is that player in a long line of Survivor players who luck out with a dominant alliance and basically remain comfortable with them until they're voted out. And just to be clear, it's not like I dislike the girl or anything - I don't know her and the little that was shown of her she does seem like a sweet enough person. I just didn't think she was a particularly impressive Survivor player, that's all. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

I just cannot get over the fact that her last name is Bland. I mean that's just the epitome of perfection right there. Who says the universe does not have sense of humor. 


I just saw that her last name is bland and I love that that is her last name! She really is bland to me, and I can't really remember anything that she's ever said or done. Some of you seem to like her, so I might be a bit unfair in my judgement. I might have forgotten things she's said or done. (And I don't actively dislike her, I should perhaps add.)

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