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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Valentine's Day episode, appears like dreams for everyone. 

Phyllis shows up at Billys in Paris.  She tells him how Sally went back to Genoa city to Adam. He tries to call her and voice mail. Phyllis  still pathetic in dreams. He wants to know why she's there. She opens the chocolate for Sally, Phyllis says they make great team. He says she's right and they cheers. 

She says doesn't have to prove himself to her. Wants to dance. They discuss him thinking about Victor, not being over Victor taking Chancellor and wanting to go after him, she's in. They dance more. She's excited to be all in with him, they about to kiss and Phyllis wakes up. Wondering where that came from. 

Nick wanting to do romance with Sharon at coffee house. He gjves her rose, he sent everyone home. He tells her she's his hero, strongest woman for all challenges and adversity. He loves her. Always will. Needs her in his life and they dance. 

He asks her their next move, she asks him and Christian to move into ranch. He says yes let's do it. They kiss. They discuss if it's too late, not teenagers anymore. They'll take one step at a time. He asks Sharon Newman to have dance, one that lasts rest of lives. Nick disappears she looks for where he went. 

She's asleep on the books, Nick wakes her up. He says she can always count on him she says same for her. 

Chelsea telling Adam she's falling for him. Magic of Valentine Day to open up to him. It's what he wants, but he has to know she's sure.  They talk about Connor putting him first. She's sure. He says they're not good for each other. They drink and dance too. He's wondering if she not afraid she'd break heart, she's not. They about to kiss. 

Then Sally shows up, saying she had a dream she's at peace and forgive for what he did with Chelsea. When Adam looks over Chelsea not there. Wants another chance. 

Being with Billy wasn't right, she's healed and she sees he changed. She asks if he loves Chelsea. He tells her he hates how much he hurt her, he had to let her go. He chooses Chelsea. 

Chelsea calls out for Adam. He was asleep on the sofa. She got him a bag of chips because of boundaries. He eats it. 

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Jack and Diane debate refresh house again. He wants to know if she's testing him, she just wants trust and give her a little room trust her. Jack was stringing her along, he is excited but no avocado green. Lol 

Diane picked out and designed already. She wants to vacation now while it's being done. 

Kyle and Claire in park. Something wrong he wants to know why. She's upset about his not wanting really to reschedule. He thinks it's futile. He can have a dozen dinners he'd still be Jack Abbot's son. He respects she never had family or grandpa. 

He thinks she's inviting disappointment. Her grandparents approval means a lot, he wants to know how much.  She won't give up on them to appease Victor. She just wants people in her life onboard with each other. Is Victor always going to be an issue? Kyle asks if he agreed to dinner, Claire says not in words. 

Kyle gives in to go to dinner with him. 

Lily runs into Nikki & Victor. He asks if she's happy at family business. She calls them toxic Nikki wants put it behind them. Lily thinks she'll never forgive.  Nikki says they're found of her, Nikki points out everyone in Newman family go up and down the ladder when needed. Lily goes to go then says she has something to smooth over. She wants information on Damien she won't tell him why. He agrees to look into it. 

Lily could not have gotten info from anyone else? Devon is billionaire.She sells herself out to Victor. 

Nikki happy Victor helped Lily, she's hoping things will thaw now. Just wants Victor to do what she asks. 

Nate interrupts Holden and Audra. Wants to know what happening. Audra said they ran into each other. They talk about Amy, she wants to mend things. Holden says they're leaving. Nate thinks what's wrong with him, his mom dying he doesn't have a soul. 

Nate wants Holden to help him, Holden thinks she's a good person but he's not going to harass Damien for Nate and goes. 

 Nate doesn't want it to end like this, Audra warns him on getting Amy's hopes up. Nate thinks Holden did something to change her mind on this. She said no but Damien feels burnt by all the lies, Damien and him are stranger's and he doesn't want it. 

Nate calls Damien and goes to voicemail. He needs to get them to stay. 

Claire shows up at Society needing Nikki signature. She asks if they have plans that Kyle can join them. If that's good for Victor. She says she knows she doesn't need his approval but she wants it.  Nikki gives her approval. Victor doesn't say anything. Then agrees because it's what granddaughter wants, but later on tonight, first he has a meeting. After she goes, Nikki thanks him and he says we'll see. 

Kyle comes into Abbott house. He knew about the refresh plan. Teases him and Harrison moving in pool house. 

Lily runs into Audra and Nate at coffee house. He says Damien going, Lily agrees with Audra. Nate still think there's a chance. 

Audra goes to back patio. Holden comes back and asks her for one drink before I go. 

Claire calls Kyle says to meet him at Society. Victor agreed. After they hang up Kyle says into lion's den. 

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Jack and Diane at club. He's still worrying about refresh. Going on about it being mistake. He promises to stop. They go dance.  They discuss some good idea she has for jabot. He approves and supports that. 

They discuss Kyle and Claire and Victor. Jack gonna let them go and let them figure it out. Jack thinks he's learned his lesson on Victor. 


Summer waiting for Daniel. Kyle comes in and they discuss Harrison project. She invite him to join her, he meeting Victor and Claire.

Summer brings up how Victor had no problem with them, she's his granddaughter too. Kyle has different issues with him now, he doesn't care Victor opinion. Summer thinks that's a plus?  It means Victor loves Claire more lol. 

Daniel shows up and Kyle leaves for his table.  Summer acts jealous and Daniel calls her on it. Summer calls out on Claire being a delicate flower Victor has to protect. 

Daniel says she's giving off Phyllis vibes. He hopes mom genes coming out keeps her in check.  He asks if she's heard from Phyllis, she's not answering.  He tells her he accepted the job. 

Lucy heard news and stop worrying as much, she's making friends, crying less. Lucy made friends really? 

Victor meets Michael. He calls him out on letting Jordan go with Cole. He appreciates him staying when Ian was going to kill him.  Victor wants to go after Jack. Michael tries to talk him out of it, Victor says he's doing it no matter what.  Michael asks if Kyle, Jack and Diane haven't suffered enough and Victor says they haven't. Victor tells at him he'll decide when Abbot's suffered, he yells again about Jack did to Nikki in hotel room. 

He wants to know jabot plans are, production schedule. Claire shows up. Michael leaving says he'll get data. 

Isn't Michael supposed to be Diane friend? 

Claire wanted to go together, Nikki has a meeting will be late. She asks him not to grill Kyle, Victor kind of promises.

Victor greets summer and Daniel, Claire doesn't just stand there. They go over to Kyle. 

Summer staring from her table. Daniel calls her out again on Phyllis vibes and jealous. She says it's parental thing she doesn't want Kyle hurt. She thinks Victor won't let it go it'll cause stress and tension. She has to protect Harrison.  Then why doesn't she stand up against Victor? 

Victor confronts Kyle.  Says it's a problem, he's protective of family. He doesn't want to do damage to this granddaughter as other but acknowledge that it wasn't all his fault. 

He calls out there's going to be an implosion of Abbott family and he doesn't want his granddaughter in fall out. He's objecting because of his family. Kyle says their family stronger than ever. 

Because the Newman's are so stable? 

Jack and Diane in their hotel room bed, he asks one thing does refresh include bulldozers. She jokes she wants to replace the door and put a revolving one. Harrison will have fun. He realizes she's joking.

Daniel agrees Victor won't back down, he can see it coming back to Harrison. He still thinks Claire and Kyle will break up because Victor and her want her to. 

Claire speaks up he's being unfair. Kyle agrees he acted badly with his parents. He can seperate all that from Claire. They'll have a relationship with or without his blessing, but he wouldn't be here if he didn't want to try. Is there anything he can do?

Victor says there's nothing he can do. Can Claire stop this now? 

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