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The Game Of Thrones Corrupt A Wish Game

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Wish granted!


The Hound has taken a magical drought that imparts patience and he listens to Brienne’s full tale about her glittery sword, the good/bad qualities of Jamie Lannister, and her inability to protect Catelyn because she was on an off-site mission for Catelyn.

The four cleverly breach the Bloody Gate by saying Arya would like to visit her cousin Robin.  Once inside, The Hound dispatches Littlefinger the old fashioned way cause he doesn’t need any bloody Moon Door to do his killing.


The foursome find the Eyrie pleasing and open a bed and breakfast featuring unique bedrooms and bungee jumping locations.  Pod becomes quite the entrepreneur and works on a deal to provide R & R for Stannis’ army.  Brienne sword fights with Arya and implements a stretching routine for Arya to make her taller.  Sansa flirts with The Hound since he is so much more appealing than Littlefinger.  HBO develops a sit-com spin off for our foursome plus Sansa and Robin.


I wish Gendry would reappear, become King of the Seven Kingdoms, and marry Arya.

  • Love 1

Wish granted.


"You look like an idiot." 


Those were the only words Arya could find when she saw him squeezed into that uncomfortable chair, wearing the antler crown on his head.


Gendry deftly pulled the crown off his head, doffing it to her.


"No. I'll only be an idiot if I sit on it."


Nymeria howled along with his terrible joke. Arya shook her head. Nymeria was supposed to protect her...not encourage Gendry's awful sense of humor.


She ran her hand along the direwolf's soft coat, remembering how Nymeria had saved her life that day in Braavos, four, five years ago. She'd felt ashamed at the sight of her loyal friend, but she'd pledged to never let her go again. They'd had their share of adventures after that day, and a part of her still missed the place, missed the chance to create a life somewhere that wasn't about losing everything she loved.


When a seer in Braavos had told her her fate was at the Wall, and helped her find safe passage, the last thing she'd expected to find was Gendry. Yet there he was. She'd been furious at the sight of him, furious that he'd abandoned her the way everyone else had, furious that he was still so kind and sweet and solemn and beautiful. Even now, in that ridiculous crown and the ridiculous fancy clothes of King's Landing, he was ruggedly beautiful.


They'd fought side-by-side in the battle against the White Walkers, and the battle to drive off the last of the Lannister and Targaryen strongholds, but for all the times they'd saved each other's lives, all the times she'd seen him bleeding and half-dead and covered in mud and grime, he still reminded her of the handsome princes in Sansa's old stories. The irony of Arya believing something Sansa herself had given up on long ago was not lost on her. 


"You can be his Lyanna," one of Robert's old acquaintances had said to her one day, near the end of the battle. "You are what she always wished to be." Arya had grimaced at the sexism of two women being so easily compared, at the idea of Gendry being his father, a drunken philandering waste of a man, and at the assumption that Lyanna had ever wanted to marry Robert. Still, she hoped she could make her aunt proud. She could not allow herself to go back to Winterfell, to reopen wounds that would never fully heal, but she would always carry her family with her. 


"What am I doing here? What do you want?"


Arya had not intended to sound so harsh, but being around King Gendry I made her angry. She'd almost begged Stannis to reconsider his claim on the Throne, to not let Gendry destroy himself the way his father had, to not let Gendry be destroyed by others, but she'd seen the light shining in Gendry's eyes at the offer. He WANTED to be king. And she wanted him to be happy...damn idiot that he was. 


"Well," he smirked at her, walking around her and Nymeria in an attempt to hide his nerves, "A king needs a queen."


Arya rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you have plenty of fair ladies to faint every time you wink at them."


Gendry laughed. "Lady Margaery has made an offer. She is quite comely."


Arya tried to hide her fury. "She's been married five times!"


"Saves the people money. She already has the dress, the flowers...the flowers are dead, but it's the thought that counts."


Arya felt that she was being mocked and she felt insanely jealous in a way that made her embarrassed. "Am I here to find you a wife?"


Suddenly the joking stopped, and Gendry looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. 


"Yes. You are."


Arya knew now, and she wanted to flee. She wanted to punch him. She knew she was so close to saying yes, and she could never allow herself to be in this place, this chamber of ghosts and nightmares...


"What makes you think I'd be a good queen?"


Gendry laughed, his laugh lines more pronounced in the sunlight glittering around them, making him even more handsome, somehow. 


"You'll be a terrible queen."


Arya was about to ask what game he was playing when he dropped to one knee.


"I don't want a queen, Arya. I want you. Tear down this damn castle for all I care. We can make this kingdom what it should have been."


All Arya wanted to do was help people. She'd thought that was what a queen should do, not learn to curtsey and sing. She thought of all the people like Yoren and Syrio who'd tried to help her, and how she'd be dead without them. If she could help people as queen, then...


Seven hells, she was actually going to do this.


Gendry was so smug, the smile was about to crack his face. He must have seen it in her eyes. 


She couldn't have that. 


She shoved him to the ground, his surprised laughter echoing through the throneroom as Nymeria put a paw on his chest. 


She kneeled beside him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.


"I will marry you...after I do one thing." 


She took the antler crown in her hands and threw it across the room, watching it shatter into a million pieces. 


"That felt good," she sighed, before she helped Gendry up, the two of them petting Nymeria as she wagged her tail.


"Just never, ever call me your queen. I'll stab you. I mean it."


Gendry shook his head mock-dramatically before he pulled her into a hug. 


"I promise."


He put a finger under her chin, soft and sure.


"Besides, you're not my queen. You're m'lady." 


I wish Davos and Melisandre would open a dating service.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 3

Wish granted!


Billboards pop up around Westeros touting the R'hollor/Onion Dating service. 


Within hours, Ramsay has set up his profile:

Likes:  hunting and BDSM.

Dislikes:  the word "bastard"

Looking for:  A sophisticated Lady who doesn't mind the occasional beating/bloodletting who has nowhere else to go.


After several months, Ramsay is unable to get anyone to respond to a date request, and he dispatches Reek to The Wall to capture Melissandre.  However, due to Reek's horrific body odor, he is caught and killed by Ghost. 


Meanwhile, Arya responds to Ramsay's request and visits The Dreadfort.  When Ramsay shows up for his date, he looks around but sees nobody in the room.  Suddenly, a sudden pain is felt in the back of his neck, and he gets his first glance of Needle, coming right out his mouth.  He dies a quick death.


I wish Bronn had fought the Mountain instead of Oberyn.

  • Love 2

Wish Granted.


Bronn shows up wearing only leather armor which seems to be heavily waxed. Onlooker murmer that he must be planning to grapple and has made himself slick so the Mountain won't be able hang on. The Mountain appears to make the same assumption, he figths at arms length instead of his usual chopping rush. Bronn is using a much large sword than usual, but its weight doesn't seem to hamper him.


About 2 minutes into the fight, Bronn twists a knob on his pommel. Green flame sproughts from his blade. Wildfire! But his sword was also loaded with a clear oil, which was transferred to the Mountian's blade with each parry. The wildfire ignights it. Startled by his sword suddenly flaming, the Mountain stumbles back. Bronn rush forward, shaking wildfire into the Mountain's face. The Mountain drops to his knees, frantically trying to wipe it away. "Oh, take it like your brother!" roars Bronn. He produces a leather flask from his belt and splashes yet more wildfire so that it runs down inside the Mountain's armor.


The Mountain comes after Bronn in a blind rush. Bronn skips aside and slashes his throat. The Mountain dies gurgling and screaming.


Afterward, Tywin decrees that Bronn has forfeited his rank for such unchivalrous behavior, even though that was not the worst thing anyone has every done in a duel.

He and Tyrion are sent out of King's Landing with the bare minimum of possessions and money. "Never mind", says Tyrion. "I've always wondered what it would be like to have to work for a living." "Well first", says Bronn, "you'll have to learn to dance so i can exhibit you."

  • Love 4

Wish granted.


It wasn't that Catelyn was entirely against being Lady Baelish - she hated being called "Lady LIttlefinger" behind her back, but he was certainly devoted enough to her. She just wasn't sure how the whole thing had come about. One day, she'd been pledged to Brandon Stark. The next, he'd returned, announcing that he was the heir to one of the most prized houses in the Riverlands...all of whom had just perished in a boating accident. Catelyn wanted to ask how 10 people having their heads held underwater counted as a "boating accident," but she knew better.


Father married her off, with poor Lysa standing outside the sept, thunder, rain and lightning a match for her mood as she watched them through the window.


As Catelyn produced his heirs - Peter, Little Petyr, and Patrina, and one Little Catelyn for good measure (he'd insisted...) - she watched her father become increasingly ill. Edmure told her it was just a near-winter chill, but Edmure was not a doctor...thank the gods.


Lysa had recently returned home after being widowed by Lord Arryn. Catelyn hated to doubt her sister, but she was suspicious. 


One day, as her father had become bedridden and she knew time was limited if she did not act, she lowered the lights, put her hair in a short, dark wig, drew a mustache on her face, and spoke in a whisper of 5 different accents.


Lysa soon embraced her, thankfully not kissing her, as Catelyn was a Tully, not a Lannister or a Targaryen...or one of the freakier Tyrells after a few too many cups of ale. 


"Oh, Petyr! Our plan is working! Father will be dead, as Jon is dead! Then Edmure. Then you will kill Catelyn as soon as I go walk in front of a carriage to try to see if I can talk to the horses! You are brilliant!"


Catelyn wanted to cry for her sister. For the years they had both wasted.


As she encouraged Lysa to go take a long nap, she planned her next move.


"I remember how you loved mud pies, my husband."


Petyr smiled at her, trusting as always. She wondered how long it would be before he saw her as only another breathing corpse. Likely not long at all. 


He dug in, not realizing she had borrowed a few poisons from recent Riverrun guests Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand. 


After his untimely passing, she nursed her father back to health, sent Lysa to live with their beloved Uncle Brendyn, and planned a lengthy visit to Dorne with her children.


On her way, a mouthy tavern worker said, "Do we no longer call you Lady Littlefinger?"


Catelyn backhanded them.


Oberyn and Ellaria winked at her in approval. As she tugged at her collar to fight the warmth overcoming her better judgment, she realized she might just enjoy Dorne...enjoy it very much indeed.


I wish Hot Pie was instead known as Hot Baked Potato.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 2

Wish Granted.


The Lannister cause is severely weakened when the prisoners slaughter the garrison at Harrenhal who are distracted from frantically trying to pass on the hot potatoes thrown by the fat boy.


Arya insists that her brother knight the young man. Unfortunately the honor goes to his head and in the next battle he insists on riding in the first rank. That's how he encounters the Mountain, who prefers his potatoes mashed.


I wish that Tywin's youth had included a little discreet buggery under the sheets.

Edited by dr pepper
  • Love 2

Wish Granted.


If one asked Tywin about the most embarrassing day of his life, he...well, he'd likely have your tongue cut out, but if you held him at crossbow point, he might answer.


Father was on another of his tours of the stables to tell the horses he hoped they had a happy day. 


Markos was kissing his way down Tywin's naked chest, biting him just the right way to produce those sounds...


Tywin was a man of 20, Markos, the new man of the stables, ten years his senior. Tywin had heard him badmouthing Lord Tytos as slatternly and stupid. Even if most of the comments were true, Tywin refused to allow common servants to treat the Lannister name with such contempt.


Markos had shoved him into a bale of hay and had then begun stripping off his sweat-stained garments, the rough cotton and wool sticking tight to his skin. He'd said something, but Tywin couldn't remember what. He hadn't been paying attention to anything but the perspiration slowly sliding down Markos' hairy chest.


Tywin had needed the release, needed one person who had no fear or respect for him. For those few months, he'd never bothered to delude himself about what he was doing or why he was doing it. He looked forward to the rough hands tearing at his jacket, the way the sunlight through the slats made the gold-plated buttons gleam as they flew through the air. To being touched without caring about what the consequences would be. 


Father ruined it, as he ruined everything. 


"Hello, Daisy! You look so nice today! Hello, Visarius! Such a lovely coat you have! Hellooooooohmygodsohmygods...."


Tywin scrambled to put on his coats as Markos remained sprawled out in the hay, half-naked and roaring with laughter. Insolent boar. Extremely desirable, insolent boar. Tywin shot a warning look his way as he led his father back to his chambers. 


"My son, I had no idea," Tytos said, clasping his hands together as he sat on his bed. 


"There is no idea," Tywin growled through gritted teeth. "You saw nothing."


Tytos looked at him sadly, a lost puppy in an old man's face and form.


"I want you to be happy, Tywin. You certainly sounded very happy."


"No," Tywin spat. He would not do this. 


"Do you think there is anything wrong with desiring other men, Tywin? What matters is the kindness others bestow upon us. As the minstrels say, love is love. Why I once..."


"No, no, no, no, no!" Tywin was close to patricide. He needed no mirror to see the red flush of his cheeks. He would do his best to pretend this day had never happened.


Tytos nodded, fixing him with a look of pity.


Tywin would never accept his father's pity. Never. 


"What must be done about this, Tywin?" 


Tywin was tempted to order Markos' death, but even putting aside silly, self-destructive glimmers of emotional attachment, he knew that was a bad idea. Markos would not die easily, nor quietly. The whole of Casterly Rock would learn of Tywin's buggery, in graphic detail.


No, there were other solutions. 


Markos was quickly and quietly married off to House Florazel, a decaying house inexplicably fond of Father which was short on money and long on unmarried daughters. They eagerly accepted a gruff, virile husband with a large purse, and Tywin knew well and good just how large that purse was. 


Time passed. Father continued to embarrass himself, until he finally did everyone a favor and dropped dead. Tywin courted Joanna, the most beautiful woman in all the Seven Kingdoms. 


The day before they wed, House Florazel sent an assortment of small gifts. Cheap and sentimental, much like them. Much like Father.


One caught Tywin's eye.


A worn, gold-plated jacket button...still gleaming in the midday sun.


Tywin again felt the redness at his cheeks. 


I wish Meereen was a theme park.

  • Love 2

I wish Meereen was a theme park.


Wish Granted.


Welcome to Meereen Khalissar Park!*


We Offer Rides!

  • Crowd Surf on freed slaves! Hope they don't turnon you and stamp on your face!
  • Be hung on a hillside Crucifix! Falling of the hill rates have gone down to 90%!
  • Enjoy the Dothraki carousel and being chased by angry snarling riders!

We Offer Food & Drinks!

  • Horses hearts are all the rage, especially on Valentines Day!
  • Hose jerky is also one of the favorites!
  • And let's not forget the famous Dothraki blood pies!
  • Fermented mare's milk

For those of you are sportsmen:

  • Archery with a (bad) Master's head as the Bull's eye
  • Spiced up races with Drogon blowing fire at random points of the tracks!
  • Dunk the viserys! Use cut off Unsullied balls to propel a lever that will pour molten gold on the unsespecting fella!


We now offer a night ghost tour in the Catacombs where you might be roasted by angry dragons in chains (unrecommended for those not called unburnt).


*(Staying alive not guaranteed)


I wish Lyanna Stark had stayed alive.

Edited by fantique
  • Love 3

Wish granted. Lyanna Stark lives, and she marries Robert.

Robert, of course, continues to be a drunken whoring buffoon, so she eventually has an affair with Jaime Lannister.

Cersei finds out about it and takes revenge for this act of "stealing her brother" by visiting Winterfell, burning it down and killing all the Starks in their sleep.

Later, when Jon Aryn dies, Robert makes Stannis his Hand. Robert is killed by a shadowbaby, Stannis becomes king, and Mellisandre becomes Hand.

Mellisandre+ Power+ Wildfire= Armageddon.

By the time winter comes, there are only ashes waiting for the White Walkers.

I wish that Tyrion and Varys would go undercover as a ventriloquist act... or, as one very tall man under a long coat... or, a fat woman pushing a baby in a stroller... any classic undercover cliche gag will do, really.

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 2

Wish granted.


Tyrion and Varys flee to Estros, where they join a travelling show. Varys pretends to be a barely articulate halfwit and does a strongman act, whille Tyrion tumbles and juggles and quips. The act ends with Tyrion standing on Varys's outstretched hands hurling jibes at the audience. Of course he does not use his full wit. Their partnership is billed as "The Grunt and the Runt".


Eventually they take over the show and use it as the mobile headquarters for Varys's spy network.


I wish that Jamie could meet up with the fire priest turned necromancer and receive a reanimated hand.

  • Love 1

Wish granted!  (There is actually a really fabulous fanfic that includes something very similar, PM for info.)


Jaime meets up with the now released necromancer who took Varys' balls. The Necromancer tells Jaime he can have his hand back if he gives up the woman he loves. Jaime thinks, "Eh, I've already left Cersei for dead once" and opts for the hand.


Instead, Brienne dies.  Jaime goes crazy and attacks the Necromancer, who in turn cuts off Jaime's hand again.  Brienne comes back as a sentient wight.  


The game continues.


I wish Cersei got sent to rehab.

  • Love 1

Wish granted.


It happened about a year after the birth of Tomnen.


Jamie was away, and all the Lannister cousins were either with him or back at Casterly Rock. She was bored and frustrated.


So she started exploring the wine cellars of Kings Landing. Those around her said nothing, just made sure she was safe-- except for some significant groping when the Hound had to carry her home.


Unfortunately, her first blackout drunk happened just after the king had had a succesful hunt. He entered her chamber with a boisterous roar and demanded his husbandly due. And found her less useable than a ragdoll.


Enraged he packed her off to a special hospital for the treatment of such cases. He didn't care if she sobered up, of course, just that she learn to manage herself so as to always be available to him.


The renegade maester that ran the place used an experimental treatment: deep hypnosis. He successfully conditioned her to be able to react atonomously, even when her consciousness was supressed.


Over the years, however, this behavior pattern has become a seperate, autonomous personality, a primal being of simple moods and unhesitating action. The servants know to lock themselves in when the queen walks in her sleep, and express no surprise when some random minstrel or streetwalker is found the next morning with their throat viciously slashed open.


And now, without her other ingrained habit, deference to her father, to hold it back, this other self is about to rise to the surface.

  • Love 1

Wish granted!

Robert decides that he can't trust a royal bodyguard who assassinated the last king, and he can't trust Tywin for only supporting whichever direction the wind is blowing, so he decides to bond his house with one that he does trust. He marries Lyssa Stark. Their son, Joffryn, is a weird alchoholic man-child who spent his teen years breast-feeding from drunken whores who he then threw out of high castle windows in order to watch them fly. Eventually Lyssa had an affair with Littlefinger, poisoned Robert, and let her insane son take over control of the kingdom. Ned investigated Robert's murder and got killed, before he could give Robb or Jon a proper manly upbringing.


With Jaime and Cersei living in the same house as Tywin, he eventually catches them at it and dies of a rage-induced heart attack. Jaime inherits Casterly, but lets Cersei run it because he really doesn't care much about politics. With Cersei screwing things up, House Lannister ceases to be the superpower that it was under Tywin.


Jon Snow joins the Night's Watch at a much younger age, and is immediately killed in battle. Without Jon and Ghost to stand up for him, Sam dies in basic training, and never discovers the obsidian.


Stannis' attack on King's landing took place earlier, so Melisandre wasn't involved. Also, since Tyrion wasn't there to drive them back with the dragonfire trap, Stannis actually made it into the city, before being captured and dealt with under Hand of the King Roose Bolton.


King's Landing, under King Joffryn the Sucky, becomes so creepy that nobody even wants it, so the continent breaks apart into tiny kingdoms. Robb Stark has grown into a rich spoiled brat. Eventually the Walkers kill him in a whorehouse. The only leader left to oppose them is Balon Greyjoy, who thinks the White Walkers killing an entire continent is hilarious. Or... as close to hilarious as a bitter old humorless turd is capable of, at any rate. He chooses to sit back, spend some quality abusive time with his family, and appease the Walkers by placing all of the Iron Islanders male babies on the ice for them. Tyrion, the one person on the continent smart enough to finally realize what's going on up north, goes to him and tries to organize a defense, but ends up bound, swaddled in blankets and diapers, and left out on the ice with a pacifier in his mouth.


When Melisandre shows up, she has no western power player to try and seduce except Joffryn, who even she thinks is too creepy. Also, Roose and Joffryn have absolutely no problem with assassinating Danaerys, so there's no story over on that continent, either.


Littlefinger, however, still gets lots and lots of screen time, periodically dressing up as a three-eyed crow in order to sneak into Bran's bedroom at night and pretend to give him weird boring dream-visions. It's Part One of an intricate Scooby Doo plan, trying to scare people out of the house so he can be alone with Catelyn. Or Sansa. Or Hodor in a red wig. Kind of hard to be fussy when you're insane...


I wish that Ser Jorah would find a magical genie lamp and make three wishes.

Edited by CletusMusashi

Wish granted!


For Wish #1, he wishes that Dany would return his love
She immediately develops a passionate desire for him, but her insistence on 'doing it' several times a day, as she did with Khal Drogo, completely exhausts and nearly destroys him.
For Wish #2, he wishes he was back with his wife, who would be less materialistic this time, and would not pressure him into treason
He finds himself back in Westeros with a wife who is so anti-materialistic that she gives away all their possessions and induces him to join a rigid brotherhood of chastity and poverty.
After a particularly dreary day, he cries, "I wish I was dead!"


I wish Tywin had truly loved and valued Tyrion

  • Love 1

Tywin didn't know what to make of his third child. But his beloved wife, who had almost died bringing Tyrion into the world, persuaded him to overlook the boy's physical characteristics. And when Tyrion's intellect became apparent, Tywin brought in special tutors from all over the world. By his early teens, he was already serving as one of his father's advisors. And after, for reasons best known to herself, Tywin's wife quickly marries off the twins-- Jamie to Dorn, and Cersei to a Frey, Tyrion goes with Tywin to King's Landing where he soon becomes known as the Thuimb, a play on both his stature and his usefulness to the Hand. At the climax of the rebellion, it is Tyrion who kills the Mad King. He uses a crossbow, from a safe distance. Then when Jamie arrives with the dornish contingent, Tyrion declares that he saw the killing and that while he couldn't see the man's face, the cloak of a member of the Kingsguard was unmistakable. This gives Robert a good reason to pick a whole new Kingsguard, which he appoints Jaime as head of. Robert marries Lyssa. Tyrion becomes Master of Coin and marries a Lannister cousin, while keeping his earlier, unsanctioned wife as a "handmaiden". A few years later, when Robert legitimately drinks himself to death, Tyrion is sent by the queen to negotiate with Ilyn for marriage between Lyssa's daughter Melody, to the fugitive Targaryan prince Viserys. But once he sees what kind of person the boy is, he quietly arranges an accident. Then, on his own authority, he secures Danerys for Lyssa's well mannered son, Joffrik, who is also his protege. He then serves as Joffrik's Hand. 15 years later, a religious fanatic attempts to kill Viserik, son of Joffrik and Danerys, with molten gold. Instead of dying, the boy is transformed. Could the old times be coming back? Tyrion will need all of his wits and the resources of Supreme Maester Sam, to figure this one out.



I wish that Jamie wasn't dyslexic

  • Love 1

I wish that Jamie wasn't dyslexic.


Wish granted!


Jamie is not dyslexic, and he has no reading problems whatsoever. In fact, he becomes so drawn to the world of books, and at such a young age, that he ends up too busy touring the seven kingdoms winning spelling bees to actually learn swordsmanship. Even as an adult man, he continues to enter and win every spelling bee in Westeros, even throughout Robert's revolution. With no one there to assassinate the mad king, everyone burns.


I wish that Brienne and the Hound had decided to make love, not war.

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