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  1. Wish granted! The Hound has taken a magical drought that imparts patience and he listens to Brienne’s full tale about her glittery sword, the good/bad qualities of Jamie Lannister, and her inability to protect Catelyn because she was on an off-site mission for Catelyn. The four cleverly breach the Bloody Gate by saying Arya would like to visit her cousin Robin. Once inside, The Hound dispatches Littlefinger the old fashioned way cause he doesn’t need any bloody Moon Door to do his killing. The foursome find the Eyrie pleasing and open a bed and breakfast featuring unique bedrooms and bungee jumping locations. Pod becomes quite the entrepreneur and works on a deal to provide R & R for Stannis’ army. Brienne sword fights with Arya and implements a stretching routine for Arya to make her taller. Sansa flirts with The Hound since he is so much more appealing than Littlefinger. HBO develops a sit-com spin off for our foursome plus Sansa and Robin. I wish Gendry would reappear, become King of the Seven Kingdoms, and marry Arya.
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