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June 2

1970 - Margaret Easley, an American actress, writer and producer who played Curator in S.04E.08 Pangs.


1972 - Wentworth Miller, an American actor, producer and writer who portrayed Gage Petronzi in S.02E.20 Go Fish!


1979  (date approximate) - Enrique Almeida, an American actor, writer and producer who played Marco in S.06E.05 Life Serial.


11 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

June 2

1970 - Margaret Easley, an American actress, writer and producer who played Curator in S.04E.08 Pangs.


1972 - Wentworth Miller, an American actor, producer and writer who portrayed Gage Petronzi in S.02E.20 Go Fish!


1979  (date approximate) - Enrique Almeida, an American actor, writer and producer who played Marco in S.06E.05 Life Serial.


Are you sure that's not Christina Hendricks in her green dress?

Annoying that Margaret Easley's character is merely listed as "Curator" on so many sources when her name ("Professor Gerhardt") is said right away, when Dean Guerrero introduces her at the dedication.  Even more annoying is that Jane Espenson's script continues to call her "CURATOR" throughout her subsequent dialogue.  Way to depersonalize a woman and reduce her to her job, Jane.  Ever hear of feminism?

Jane doesn't even have the excuse of being lazy;  "GERHARDT" is a whopping one letter longer to type than "CURATOR".  I mean, I know every little bit helps, but still.  (And you could have simply called her "Smith" or "Jones" if you were that bothered, after all.)

Well, David's made a nice amount of jack in his years and years of post-Whedon series work.  Aly hasn't done badly with nine seasons of HIMYM and five years' hosting for Penn & Teller, either.  And Sarah cashed a few decent-sized checks for her starring roles until the movie career fizzled out.

That said, Danny's got them all beat when it comes to awards.  And a sparkly plaque or six certainly cheers up the room, it's true.

8 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

June 9

1956 - Kelly Connell, an American actor who portrayed Norman Pfister in S.02E.09 What's My Line, Part 1 and S02E.10 What's My Line, Part 2.


1975 - Brian Poth, an American actor and writer who played Fighting Boy in S.02E.19 I Only Have Eyes for You.


I remember Connell being very good as the serial killer on Cold Case. 

June 10

1961 - Kim and Kelley Deal, American musicians, songwriters and singers, best known as the frontwomen of The Breeders , who appeared in S.07E.06 Him.


1975 - Nicole Bilderback, a Korean-born American actress, writer and producer who played Cordette in S.03E.09 The Wish.


1978 - Shane West, an American actor and producer who portrayed Sean in S.02E.20 Go Fish!.


14 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

1975 - Nicole Bilderback, a Korean-born American actress, writer and producer who played Cordette in S.03E.09 The Wish.


I normally find hot girls quite inspirational (especially in bikinis and such), but what Nicole is inspiring in some of these pictures is a chant of "EAT SOMETHING!", I'm afraid.  

I know that falcons need a place to perch.  That doesn't mean it has to be on your collarbones, ffs.

17 hours ago, illdoc said:

You've confused [Connell] with John Billingsley

Ironically enough, I tend to confuse Billingsley with Jeff Perry Jeff_Perry_2_Peabody_2014_(cropped).jpg

…which is perhaps understandable, since Perry (LOST, Scandal) took over Billingsley's role on Prison Break when Billingsley got the lead on The Nine and was blinded by the prospect of getting as much screentime as Scott Wolf that he didn't notice how shitty the script was.  (OMG was that pilot painful to sit through.)

("'Foote', with an 'e'."  The writer must have spent time in England [home of Michael Foot] because all the [semi-]famous American Footes [Feet?] have the "e" and you don't have to make a big deal about it.  Or, you know, you could just give the character a different surname and not bore us to death with this every time he introduces himself. Gah!)

June 15

1949 - Rick Rosenthal, an American director, producer and actor who directed S.06E.17 Normal Again and S.07E.04 Help.


1971 - Beth Torbert aka Bif Naked, an Indo-Canadian singer-songwriter, actress, and motivational speaker who appeared in S.04E.03 The Harsh Light of Day.


1973 - Greg Vaughan, an American actor and former fashion model who portrayed Richard Anderson in S.02E.05 Reptile Boy.


1981 - Jordi Vilasuso, a Cuban-American actor who played Dixon in S.04E.21 Primeval.


June 16

1947 - Tom Wyner, an American voice actor, producer, director, and writer who voiced Sid the Dummy in S.01E.09 The Puppet Show.


1960 - James M. Connor (James Michael Connor), an American actor and writer who appeared as Scientist in S.04E.18 Where the Wild Things Are and S.04E.19 New Moon Rising.


1976 - Tom Lenk, an American actor, producer and writer who portrayed Cyrus in S02E.02 Real Me and Andrew Wells in 26 episodes of seasons 6 & 7.



June 17

1944 - Michael Gershman (d. 2018), an American cinematographer and film director who was director of photography for 82 Buffy episodes (seasons 1-5) and directed 10 episodes (seasons 2-7).


1996 - Damani Roberts, an American actor who played young Robin Wood in S07E.17 Lies My Parents Told Me.


Edited by lembergwatcher

June 21

1972 - J. Robin Miller (b. Jennifer Robin Miller), an American actress who played Laura in S.01E.10 Nightmares.


1974 - Douglas Romayne (b. Douglas Romayne Stevens), an American composer who wrote the score for two Buffy episodes (S.07E.01 Lessons and S.07E.03 Same Time, Same Place) and 33 episodes of Angel (seasons 4-5). Also worked as associate music director (S.06E.07 Once More, with Feeling) and music arranger (S.07E.05 Selfless).


2 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

1972 - J. Robin Miller (b. Jennifer Robin Miller), an American actress who played Laura in S.01E.10 Nightmares.

Rawr.  She turned out nice.  I guess the Ugly Man wasn't into ugly girls, huh?

I wonder if anyone ever did a Buffy/Laura slashfic?  "Laura, it's going to be okay."  Hurt/comfort has been done with less, I'd bet.


Most popular theory is that it was SMG, during Season 1.  No real evidence produced, but…

• Joss says that Kai gave him a talking-to after S1, "no more spending his nights on the set", etc.

• Focus of the series shifts from "growing up" and "making hard choices" to "REDEMPTION! HALLELUJAH!  Who hasn't sinned? Who doesn't need forgiveness?" with Amends.  Joss claims it was about "a friend" in AA, but it always smelled to me like his "friend" got caught cheating…

• Joss's commentary on SMG's acting declined from (all paraphrased) "Sarah had to eat that cherry [in the Bronze scene with Willow in WttH] ten times and she matched every time!  She's such a pro!" and "Sarah came to me and told me that she thought she played the 'Prepare Me!' scene [in WttH] too angry, and I agreed, so we re-did it after the season had been filmed" on the S1 DVDs (commentary recorded after S3) to "Sarah and James said they couldn't get the emotions for the final Spuffy scene [in Chosen] right, but sometimes actors are just stupid, so we just shot it and moved on" on the S7 DVDs. 

• He also criticized Sarah for doing too much movie work after S2, specifically taking a shit on Cruel Intentions, which he "jokingly" called "a porny" at a 1999 convention and mocked by saying something like "Dangerous Liaisons at a high school?  Wow, that's real deep".  Meanwhile, he was perfectly supportive of Alyson's film career in contrast.

I don't think Joss was the director who called SMG "fat" in late S3, which led to her starving her tits off in S4, but he didn't exactly rush to defend her, either.  All in all, it felt to me as though the relationship went south during S3, which dovetails with my previous "Kai knows!" theory.  I was completely unshocked when Kai accused Joss of infidelity in 2017, since I'd been doing it for 10-15 years already.

(I do think this may have had something to do with the "Aly is Joss's favorite!" accusations the SMG-fen hurl at AH when they call her a "bitch" and things like that.  I've defended Alyson furiously from such slurs, but I'm hard-pressed to deny that Joss did seem to prefer one of his stars to the other, perhaps blaming Sarah for "seducing" him and causing trouble in his marriage.  The part where he was 32 in 1996 to Sarah's 19 apparently aside…I guess Michelle is lucky it was Marti who was showrunning in '01 when James wrote that song about how 15-y/o Michelle was "dangerous" to his 39-y/o ass because she was so attractive and Marti had the sense to see the red flag and make sure we went most of the year with no Spike/Dawn scenes.  Joss would probably have had them hook up…)

All nothing but spec, though.  It's Kai's choice not to tell, of course.

(And allegedly there are some rumors about Joss nailing Amy Acker, too, but that might just be a reaction to his "waif" fetish [Summer Glau, kill me now…see also his resistance to casting AB as Tara because she was a size 8, the cow] getting out of control and his and Jeff Bell's insistence that Fred was all the sexy Angel S5 needed, so firing Charisma for getting pregnant wasn't misogynistic or anything, oh, never!  I don't know that Joss needed to actually be getting it on with Amy for her to be his avatar for his physical preferences, necessarily.  And I've never seen anything specific about that alleged "affair", so I give Amy the benefit of the doubt.)

ETA:  Okay, so Joss was a liiittle nicer in the Chosen commentary than I tend to recall (it's not as if I ever watched the commentary track, after all; I've only read the transcript):


 I was surprised that [SMG and JM] hadn't come there [emotionally] because usually the three of us come to a scene in exactly the same place. And this time it really was sort of different. And eventually Sarah said "If you have what you think you need I think we should move on, because I'm not sure I understand how this works." But I look at the two of them get together and their work is tremendous. But that is part of making TV and movies. 

Sometimes you'll get a take from an actor that blows you away and they'll go "Oh, I wasn't feeling a thing, I was thinking about something else, can we go again?" And you're like, "You just gave me gold" and they're like, "But I didn't feel it." I'm like, "The audience will." Sometimes you can let them have another and sometimes you just say, "Trust me. The audience will be there, because I was." 

But still, as dressed up in easy compliments as this is, it still comes down to Joss being notably less interested in SMG's (and JM's) input than he was before.  Which, given that the scene was the capstone on the "romance" that was the central story of the last 63 episodes (virtually half [7/16] of the entire series), you'd think Whedon might want to be sure his actors were getting it right?

But of course, Sarah and James have a difficult job, since Joss is so busy straddling both sides of the 'shipper fence he never does make a decision on his main story.


JOSS (on the commentary): Love him when you say you love him. Love her when you say she doesn't love you.

Well, WHICH IS IT, asshole?  Does Buffy love Spike, or doesn't she?  It can't be both, you know. 63 fucking episodes of this shit and he still can't make up his mind.  Poor James, being told to "know" that Buffy doesn't love him when Sarah is supposed to be playing it as if she does.  (One last case of Spike, as ever, being full of shit, I guess, but honestly.)  No wonder the two of them couldn't get on the same page.

The commentary as a whole is as utterly loathsome as I remembered.  I may unpile some bile in the ep thread later today.  We'll see.

Edited by Halting Hex
3 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Most popular theory is that it was SMG

I thought it was Tom Lenk. Or James Marsters... Since Joss does love skinny types...

3 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I do think this may have had something to do with the "Aly is Joss's favorite!" accusations the SMG-fen hurl at AH when they call her a "bitch" and things like that.

Correct me if I'm wrong but seems like Whedon avoided working with both Aly and Sarah after Buffy's demise. Hell, he avoided working with most Buffyverse actors who played main characters in both shows (ED, AA & AD being the few exceptions).

3 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I guess Michelle is lucky it was Marti who was showrunning in '01 when James wrote that song about how 15-y/o Michelle was "dangerous" to his 39-y/o ass because she was so attractive and Marti had the sense to see the red flag and make sure we went most of the year with no Spike/Dawn scenes.  Joss would probably have had them hook up…

I don't think Jimmy needed Spike/Dawn scenes to spend some time with Michelle. Their paths had to cross on set off-screen, you know...

3 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

so firing Charisma for getting pregnant wasn't misogynistic or anything

Joss the Feminist in all his glory. Yet he somehow persuaded Charisma to appear in... what was that episode's name?.. You're Welcome, I guess...    


To be (slightly) fair, that epic bout of misogynist poetry…


People have lives

People have babies

Characters have arcs

And she had a great one

…was Jeff Bell, not Joss.  But I'm sure Joss approved.

(So very awesome that Bell's first job after Angel closed shop was Alias Season 5…where they ended up having to change things all around to accommodate Jennifer Garner's real-life pregnancy.  Apparently, CC isn't the only women with a uterus, after all…those darn things are everywhere!  Karma's a Babe In Total Control of Herself, ain't she, Jeff?)

ETA:  On CC's departure, from The Telegraph (UK):


The WB didn’t just refuse to comment on the circumstances of Carpenter’s departure, but were reluctant to confirm her departure at all. Rather fans were left to speculate on Carpenter’s status after a WB press release announcing Angel’s fifth season noticeably failed to mention her name. Carpenter’s representatives also declined to respond to the rumors when asked by outlets including TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly for comment.

The news was later confirmed by Whedon, who told TV Guide that Carpenter had indeed parted ways with the series, but only because he felt that her character’s story had been told.

Remember that Joss is the same guy who claimed that Doyle died because "I always wanted to kill somebody in the opening credits!"  The fact that Glenn Quinn had a massive drug problem (which would kill him two years later, at the ripe old age of 32) had nothing to do with it, honestly!  Trying to shield David from bad influences?  Not a slightest thought…that was all story-driven, baby!  We swear!


“We felt like we had taken that story... about as far as it could go,” [Whedon] said. “It just seemed like it was time because we were revamping the show, and then paring it down... it just seemed like a good time for certain people to move on.”

Whedon insisted that he wanted Carpenter to return in some capacity, but his comments ended on a somewhat ominous note. When asked if he and Carpenter were on good terms, Whedon said: “Yeah, but that’s also stuff between us and not stuff that I would talk about in an interview.”

Fans quickly began to theorize that Carpenter was being “punished” for her real-life pregnancy, as it had apparently disrupted Whedon’s story plans. While it seemed slightly far-fetched at the time, particularly in context with Whedon’s feminist politics, Carpenter confirmed several years later the circumstances of her departure.

“What happened was that my relationship with Joss became strained,” she revealed at the 2009 DragonCon convention. “We all go through our stuff in general [behind the scenes], and I was going through my stuff, and then I became pregnant. And I guess in his mind, he had a different way of seeing the season go… in the fourth season. It was my least favorite season actually.

“I think Joss was, honestly, mad. I think he was mad at me and I say that in a loving way, which is – it’s a very complicated dynamic working for somebody for so many years, and expectations, and also being on a show for eight years, you gotta live your life. And sometimes living your life gets in the way of maybe the creator’s vision for the future. And that becomes conflict, and that was my experience.”

She also revealed that she was not told by Whedon or anyone at The WB that she wasn’t being invited back for the show’s fifth season: “I actually got a phone call from somebody in the press, which really sucked.


Remember CC was putting in full days on set (as a comatose Cordelia, but still) two days after giving birth.  Two days too many, I suppose.  And again I go with "sigh". 😞

Edited by Halting Hex
21 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

Are we sure she/he was a part of the cast, not a crew?

His exact quote was 'beautiful young actresses'. Been interesting if he'd hooked up with Jane or Marti. 

If you read Slayers and Vampires I think it's Doug Petrie who says they definitely fired Glenn Quinn due to his addictions, he would turn up on set not knowing his lines and giggling when he screwed up. 

On 6/23/2019 at 8:00 PM, Halting Hex said:

I'm hard-pressed to deny that Joss did seem to prefer one of his stars to the other, perhaps blaming Sarah for "seducing" him and causing trouble in his marriage

But still Sarah was the very first to know about the show's cancellation, unlike Aly & the rest (or so the story says).

Yet both options (SMG "seducing" ol' Joss/Papa Joss shifting the blame) are quite possible IMO. From what I know it was Alexis Denisof who followed the "I don't date/sleep with co-workers" rule while Joss apparently wasn't that principled. OTOH back in '96 Sarah was super hot and it was probably too hard for Whedon not to fall for her charms... Then there are rumors about SMG/DB off-screen romance or whatever...   

On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 8:48 AM, lembergwatcher said:

But still Sarah was the very first to know about the show's cancellation, unlike Aly & the rest (or so the story says).

Yet both options (SMG "seducing" ol' Joss/Papa Joss shifting the blame) are quite possible IMO. From what I know it was Alexis Denisof who followed the "I don't date/sleep with co-workers" rule while Joss apparently wasn't that principled. OTOH back in '96 Sarah was super hot and it was probably too hard for Whedon not to fall for her charms... Then there are rumors about SMG/DB off-screen romance or whatever...   

SMG is still super hot! I always dismissed the DB/SMG rumours, that was just fan wishful thinking. 

On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 11:56 PM, lembergwatcher said:

June 25

1971 - Mariah O'Brien, an American actress who portrayed Nancy in S.03E.09 The Wish.


1977 - Josh Braaten, an American actor who played Torg in S.07E.11 Showtime.


1984 - Indigo (b. Alyssa Ashley Nichols), an American actress who portrayed Rona in eight eps of the seventh season.


She looks better now but I still hate her character. 

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