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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Oh Jesus.  Now he's talking about Jess and Cody and all the opportunities they got.  I feel like this is his real motivation for staying in the house with Bayleigh.

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Swaggy: "I swear on my dad's dead grave and the Bible that if on Thursday..."

I didn't know it was possible for a grave to die but okay!


It's so nice of Swaggy to give Tyler the name of every member of his alliance. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Callaphera said:

Swaggy: "I swear on my dad's dead grave and the Bible that if on Thursday..."

I didn't know it was possible for a grave to die but okay!

I know!  He has been saying that dad's dead grave stuff all day and it's been driving me crazy.  

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Swaggy: "I swear on my dad's dead grave and the Bible that if on Thursday..."

I didn't know it was possible for a grave to die but okay!

He just keeps talking about his dead dad and Bayleigh and Kaitlyn's soaking it up while Tyler doesn't seem to be buying it. 

I imagine Tyler will talk Kaitlyn out of changing her mind today.

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He keeps talking about if he wins Thursday he's not going after them and that may be true...however he's not promising beyond that, lol.

Tyler is going to make sure there are 7 votes on Thursday.

ETA: If Swaggy had actual conversations with Kaitlyn before now, maybe he wouldn't be in this position.

ETA: Tyler also knows that none of his people have said the things he said. No one has every just said "you're on the other side".

Edited by kellog010
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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Kaitlyn to Swaggy: "The rumour going around that I like Fessy? That's, like, bad. Like, I have a lot to, like, lose."

Also Kaitlyn: *curled up against Tyler in bed less than 24 hours after writing on his arm last night that she wants to kiss him*

This chick. I can't even. And for the record, I'm someone that would absolutely freak you guys out with the touchy feels if I were in the house. She's a whole other level, in a number of ways. 

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Kaitlyn to Swaggy: "You're speaking my language."  Exactly because he's telling her what she wants to hear.  Now Kaitlyn says if it is a tie, she doesn't know what she'll do.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Kaitlyn to Swaggy: "You're speaking my language. Like, you're speaking to me, like I'm not some, like, psycho bitch."


Thisclose to self awareness, and yet... 

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Now Swaggy is back on the whole "nobody else can know about my showmance with Bayleigh" train.  He also claimed that they'd be safe with Bayleigh, too.  Tyler said that Bayleigh doesn't trust him and he's heard it from multiple people.

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Okay..i saw a few pages back that Swaggy and Bayleigh were nicknamed  'Swayleigh'. No, I think it should be 'Baggy' instead. We need to discourage these showmances. Also, no to 'Kaityler'. How about 'Tylit' instead?  ; )

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn promised to send Swaggy a check for $5,000 if Swaggy leaves this week.  What?

Kaitlyn has already visualized herself winning Big Brother so it's going to manifest itself into her destiny and, like, the prize money is going to be hers, and now her aura will be scrubbed clean. Like, Namaste.

ETA: Just a guess, not quoting.

Edited by Callaphera
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Swaggy: "I'm a forgiving person. I stayed with the same girl after she cheated on me three times."

Oh, Swaggy. Also: stop swearing on your father and his dead grave. This is getting embarrassing. 

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Just now, kellog010 said:

The genie is out the bottle, there is no forgive and forget in BB.

Yes, and she'd be an idiot to leave him in the game if it comes down to a tie.  How many times have we seen within this alliance these talks of clearing the air and everything is ok, when it so obviously is not.

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

The genie is out the bottle, there is no forgive and forget in BB.

I wonder if Kaitlyn believes that she's not Swaggy's target after this and it's still Angela. Because I know Tyler doesn't.

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Ya know, Swaggy just threw out that Bayleigh will do what he wants because she's his girlfriend and he can get Faysal to do what he wants, too, which pretty much bolsters Kaitlyn's argument that Swaggy says he is the ringleader and they will all do what he wants.

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I can't. Any shred of sympathy I felt towards Swaggy's dad's dead grave is over. Fuck that jerk. I don't care if it was game play talk or not. "This woman will do whatever I say, because I'm fucking her." Just... fuck you, buddy.

Also, it sounds like Orwell has been replaced? Has JC been around Orwell lately?

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Just now, zorak said:

Now Kaitlyn is whining about what if they put her and Tyler up together.  He's reassuring her it won't happen.

Meanwhile Tyler would drop her ass so quickly to haul his ass to his Safety Cloud that it isn't even funny.

Kaitlyn, in full whine: "But he swore on his dad!"

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Kaitlyn in a whiny voice, "My gut is telling me that he has to go home."  For someone who's all about her intuition, she doesn't want to seem to follow it.

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This is exactly why nobody from either side of the house wanted to leave her alone this week for fear that someone from the other side would get in her ear.  She's so damn wishy washy.

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Ok this is making me uncomfortable. I don't think Tyler has actual feelings for Kaitlyn. And he's really preying on her stage 5 clinger personality traits to do his dirty work. Is it part of BB to manipulate others into doing what you want? Yes. But it's uncomfortable seeing Kaitlyn planning their honeymoon.

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Gravelstar finally went out to chat with the Leighs. Her retelling of her talk with Kaitlyn was vastly different than what I saw with the punchline being she told Kaitlyn they’re not friends anymore. 

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Rockstar asked Swaggy how his talk with Tyler went and wanted to know if he called Tyler out.  He said, "Yeah."  Umm, no.  Nowhere in that convo did I feel like Tyler was being called out for anything.

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Kaitlyn: "On a scale from 1 to 10, like, how much do you not trust me? 10 being less."
Faysal in his head: "30? Can I pick 30?"

Damn it. My feeds just crashed. Boo!

Edited by Callaphera
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