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S03.E03: Sierra Maestra

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Broussard didn't seem to get sick by the bio weapon camp... And will didn't seem too bad after being by the Rap.. I still gotta figure the show will explain what exactly is up with the aliens and those 2... 


The Raps explanation makes sense... But couldn't they have killed a few hundred million less and make the point that a worse enemy was in the way

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1 hour ago, UNOSEZ said:

Broussard didn't seem to get sick by the bio weapon camp... And will didn't seem too bad after being by the Rap.. I still gotta figure the show will explain what exactly is up with the aliens and those 2... 


The Raps explanation makes sense... But couldn't they have killed a few hundred million less and make the point that a worse enemy was in the way

A thought that occurred to me a while ago was that the Raps aren't truly Aliens but rather time travellers sent by future humans. It would explain why they sent robots and seem to be trying to save Earth itself.

Its interesting that the Rap called the humans Allies because I could see how a robot race might see thier actions as simply logical and not realize humans with our emotions would see things differently. To a race of robots sacrificing 1 million people to save the rest make sense. Humans see it differently.

Broussard's adventures could be interesting if it pays off but right now it feels a little like padding. I do like the doc though.

MacGregor is every inch the asshole I thought he would be. Judging by the way he was talking about the Rap I would say he was some type of scientist. The arrival procedure he had the Bowmans on is very quarantine like as well. I suspect he was a failed or wannabe soldier before and is now living out his fantasy as resistance leader. Either he probably should shut up and let Will talk to the Rap. He probably know what he is doing more than anyone else they have.

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It's also possible that the humans "in charge" on Earth are using the Raps as an excuse and abuse the "power" they've been given. Maybe the Raps told the humans in charge about their situation and enemy and proposed an alliance: advanced technology and defense (because their enemy was also on its way to Earth) in return for human labor to create more tech and defense. And the humans in charge decided to create the colonies et cetera and placed the blame on the Raps. We've never seen the Raps give an order about how to lead the colonies/blocks or to rendition a block, it's always a human telling a lower level human in charge the decisions "their hosts" have made.

I also noticed Broussard wasn't affected by the magnetic field or whatever the way the doctor was. And why was everyone stumbling out of the cabin with the Rap/Click after their interrogation? Were they implying that they were being affected adversely during the interrogation or because of that guy's actions when he reached for the Rap/Click and ended the interrogation? Because they seemed fine during the interrogation (and after the wailing stopped). I don't know if some were just exaggerating or if Will was less affected by it than the others (that's always tricky when the actors aren't that good at their job), but if he was then it's possible that's one of the reasons Will and Broussard are on the list.

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23 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I think the show lost me. The aliens see the humans they are killing and enslaving as allies. Ah, no. 

Except it actually makes perfect sense if you consider history. No Coloniser every thinks of themselves as monstrous murderers. There is always a justification for mass murder no matter how horrific.  The British Empire had common strategy of befriending one group in an area they were moving into, allowing them to slaughter whoever their enemy was and then turning on their "Ally" and ruling over them.  Even Japanese soldiers who participated in massacres still saw themselves as "Honorable Warriors". This particular Rap was a pilot probably not someone in the high ranks. He could be just parroting whatever propaganda he has been told. I also think since we are dealing with alien robots they could have a very different meaning for ally  and equals. 

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I did LOL at Snyder when Will tells him he can just leave the camp "I can't survive out there!  I'm not (pauses) YOU"!  hee,  I was also amused by Will's hair gel and Katie's makeup.  Priorities! Seriously, show people, at least try to tone it down.  

I did like the episode.  I liked that they didn't drag out the Rap reveal, though I wish they would call the translator gizmo something other than "The Gauntlet" which annoys me for some reason.  I'm always up for apocalyptic road trips so I enjoyed Broussard's piece as well.  Will was coming on a little strong to his digging buddy and should have been more low key.  I didn't mind Katie's frustration, which I thought was earned and appropriate, and she did take the "wait and see" answer; big surprise no one really knew what they were doing with the Rap.  I would think that noise would bring a whole contingent down on the camp now.

The Bowman's younger son lived with a tough group before Will finally found him, I do wonder if he's enjoying doing kid things, school etc. 

39 minutes ago, Emily Thrace said:

This particular Rap was a pilot probably not someone in the high ranks. He could be just parroting whatever propaganda he has been told. I also think since we are dealing with alien robots they could have a very different meaning for ally  and equals. 

This is what I thought, that he's a low level pilot.   I don't think we really know yet what the Rap agenda is. 

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On 5/18/2018 at 12:51 PM, Haleth said:

Graham MacTavish!

Once I realized it was him, it kind of took me out of the show for a minute.  It was very strange hearing him with an American accent!

My first thought was "Dougal MacKenzie!" (from Outlander)

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On 17/05/2018 at 9:10 AM, Efzee said:

It's also possible that the humans "in charge" on Earth are using the Raps as an excuse and abuse the "power" they've been given. Maybe the Raps told the humans in charge about their situation and enemy and proposed an alliance: advanced technology and defense (because their enemy was also on its way to Earth) in return for human labor to create more tech and defense. And the humans in charge decided to create the colonies et cetera and placed the blame on the Raps. We've never seen the Raps give an order about how to lead the colonies/blocks or to rendition a block, it's always a human telling a lower level human in charge the decisions "their hosts" have made.

I also noticed Broussard wasn't affected by the magnetic field or whatever the way the doctor was. And why was everyone stumbling out of the cabin with the Rap/Click after their interrogation? Were they implying that they were being affected adversely during the interrogation or because of that guy's actions when he reached for the Rap/Click and ended the interrogation? Because they seemed fine during the interrogation (and after the wailing stopped). I don't know if some were just exaggerating or if Will was less affected by it than the others (that's always tricky when the actors aren't that good at their job), but if he was then it's possible that's one of the reasons Will and Broussard are on the list.

Yeah, that's been my theory since S1.  I go from "there are no aliens" to "there are just a few aliens."  I don't buy that the RAPs are the real threat (as opposed to power-hungry humans) nor that there's another race chasing them, although the crashed occupant of the ship in the first or second ep this season certainly did look like an alien.  

Good call on everyone stumbling out of the cabin.  My guess was that they filmed a couple of different versions of that set of scenes and used the wrong version for the exit for whatever reason, hoping no one would notice!  I also didn't think about Broussard and Will's special status when they found that mysterious place in the desert.  I figured he was just feeling the effects less than Amy, but in retrospect I bet you're right.  Nice call.  

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