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Roseanne Trivia Game

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  On 5/13/2018 at 8:10 PM, ajsnaves said:

Wasn't it something like "The stick up her butt, has a stick up its butt"?

If so: In Lies My Father Told Me, according to David and Darlene, what color is the sound of a dog barking?


"she's so uptight you couldn't drag a needle out of her butt with a tractor"  was the answer.

  On 5/14/2018 at 12:52 AM, AM1418 said:

Put a book in front of it. 


In the episode “Saturday” what was Dan’s punishment (Roseanne’s reward) if he didn’t have the truck running by 5? 


He has to clean the oven.

In the very 1st episode, what does Becky ask Roseanne to return & get her a new one? 

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  On 5/14/2018 at 5:00 PM, peacheslatour said:

Women of the nineties. Not to be confused with women in their nineties.

What was the shower gift Nancy gave Roseanne in Shower the People You Love With Stuff?


I want to say a tree planted in Israel but I think that was from one of the old ladies lol.

Edited by Mmmfloorpie
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  On 5/14/2018 at 6:27 PM, Mmmfloorpie said:

I want to say a tree planted in Israel but I think that was from one of the old ladies lol.


Yes, it was one of the old ladies.  I think Nancy is the one who gave her a certificate to have her baby's zodiac chart done once it was born.  But I hate that episode (Roseanne and Darlene are unbearably shitty people in it) - the only things I like are the presence of Original Recipe Becky and the line, "The world's last surviving confederate widow wants another drink" - so I don't know it as well as most others.

Edited by Bastet
  On 5/20/2018 at 9:33 PM, peacheslatour said:

"Any time's the perfect time for a Canoga Beer! The bear's the one to have friends and fun, so have a Canoga Beer! Ca-no-ga!"

I can't remember does it burp or growl?

What was the thing that Roseanne paid some thieves $20.00 for?


it burps. 

for Kathy Bowman's dalmation umbrella stand. 

In Inherit the Wind, who does Crystal say that Roseanne can borrow a dress from? 

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  On 5/21/2018 at 12:24 AM, Steff said:

same episode:  What are "Miss America Roseanne Conner's" hobbies according to Jackie? 


Windsurfing and satisfying her man


Same episode: 

Roseanne was relating an embarrassing experience to Becky to help her thru her ordeal, one that Becky had heard plenty of times, someone stole Roseanne's diary and read it out loud. Who was it?

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  On 5/21/2018 at 7:45 PM, Mmmfloorpie said:

Frozen solid with a great big ole stick up her butt.

What was the reason that DJ gave Todd for the Bowman's having to move back to Chicago?


she has to have an operation to remove the stick up her butt.

In the EARLY seasons episode where Roseanne & Dan fight & throw furniture & stuff out the front door, how does Dan answer the phone in the bedroom? 

  On 5/21/2018 at 11:36 PM, Steff said:

In the EARLY seasons episode where Roseanne & Dan fight & throw furniture & stuff out the front door, how does Dan answer the phone in the bedroom? 


“Hello, Dan’s House of Ecstacy”

In the early episode “Saturday”, when Jackie calls Dwight cute, Roseanne responds with the suggestion that his parents are what? 

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