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S05.E11: Invisible

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What is going on with Stef? Anxiety/panic attacks?

THANK GOD that Mariana told Lena about Nick and it was her that went to his house. Finally, a good move from her.

Jesus' aide, David, is something else. I can see him being painted as too demanding, but, maybe he's being that way so that Jesus isn't babied and can truly catch up in school? I also liked the realism of that kid making that comment about wishing he could have a head injury so he could have it easier in school. Kids say stupid crap like that without thinking. I really felt for him when he couldn't open his locker, reminding us of his poor short-term memory.

I so needed that scene with Jesus and his moms. The emotion was really believable. I hope we get to see changes with how Jesus is treated by the family.

TBH, this is really all I care about in terms of plots.

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5 minutes ago, ShortyMac said:

What is going on with Stef? Anxiety/panic attacks?

It sure seems like it. I'm trying to rack my brain on how it might have gotten triggered. 

I was not a fan of Mariana's plot, but I'm happy that end scene happened. I was about to lose hope on Mariana if she didn't tell Lena about Nick's texts. Finally, she does something right! Maybe she's learning too! Though I loathe her many suitors, because I just don't think Mariana's all that. 

I wasn't a huge fan of Jesus' para David, mostly because I felt he was too pushy. But maybe that's the type of aide Jesus needs? One that keeps him on track, no matter what? I think my opinion shifted when he told Jesus that he had to sit and finish his test. He wasn't babying him, but getting him to finish his test right then and there, perhaps so Jesus wouldn't take advantage of the special treatment and think he can get away with everything because of his TBI. I think I'll need some more David before I figure out my exact feelings.

I agree that Jesus' scene with his moms was exactly what was needed. I'm super glad they have course corrected, even if it's a season late. I also loved seeing the support group. Again, something Jesus needed from the start. 

So...now Emma's going to get jealous of Poppy? Why, exactly? I thought Emma was basically all out once her and Jesus graduate. She has been sending mixed signals for me. 

Also, Callie/Aaron are...tolerable, at best. I'm personally just happy it's not Brandon/Callie. Speaking of the two, it's nice to get some sibling scenes from them. 

I also need Callie to pick a path. Can't she just apply to both schools and see what happens? Why is it a one path only choice? She can apply to both and choose later, show! 

I really enjoy Brandon/Grace. It's going to be really hard if they do kill her. 

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I also need Callie to pick a path. Can't she just apply to both schools and see what happens? Why is it a one path only choice? She can apply to both and choose later, show! 

That's typical Callie, though.  All or nothing, and usually self-destructive.  Of course she can apply to both; it's what just about all kids do - they apply to multiple schools.  But she's choosing to make it hard on herself because that's what she does.

Edited by izabella
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18 hours ago, possibilities said:

I thought Callie might use her filming of Ximena somehow in her portfolio. She could combine her social working and her artmaking.

I was thinking that too. Some way of using art for good.

18 hours ago, izabella said:

That's typical Callie, though.  All or nothing, and usually self-destructive.  Of course she can apply to both; it's what just about all kids do - they apply to multiple schools.  But she's choosing to make it hard on herself because that's what she does.

Kids on TV rarely apply to more than one school and they never, ever have a safety school or a back up plan if they don't get into their one dream spot. It wouldn't be dramatic enough.

But in this case, it sounds like she's not allowed to apply to both social work and art within the same school.  They make her pick her intended major. She should apply to art school their and social work at some other college though. Or a less competitive art school. There must be thousands of colleges with those majors.

Edited by KaveDweller
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Really, why does Callie need to go to this art school? Cant she just go to another school with a less intense program? Or, as other people have said, mix her social justice work with her art. That should keep her working for awhile. 

The last scene between Jesus and the moms was perfectly done, and just what I've been wanting to see. Jesus just broke my heart when he was trying to open his locker, its just so hard watching him struggle so much. Also, Emma is getting jealous of him being friendly with Poppy? Really? I think Poppy has other things to deal with right now beyond getting a boyfriend!

I really like Brandon/Grace. They're cute together, and seem like a realistic couple. I also cracked up at the super uncomfortable expression on Brandon (and the movers!) face when Grace was arguing with her mom about their sex life. I hope they dont kill her off. 

Why is Stef have some kind of PTSD thing or something? Did it just now hit her that she had cancer her dad died, and all her kids have almost died, been seriously injured, jailed, stalked, or almost sexually assaulted in the course of about a year?

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I'm also curious as to what triggered stef's attacks. Mike had said that he hadn't seen her do that since they were married, which implied this was something that happened in the past.  However from the looks of it, she doesn't recall having these attacks... or does she? Is trying to play it off? why hide it now though? Do you think you can cure yourself, or are you afraid to find out what causing them? Either way we can tell that it's bothering you enough that its scaring you, but how long are you going to let it go on... Lena suspects, something is wrong and that's why she keeps asking. I wondering why stef is hiding it from her 

Edited by TLCHP1987
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On 1/20/2018 at 0:34 AM, morakot said:

Is it just me or my TV but is the background music and the sounds really loud in this episode? It was hard for me to pay attention to what people were saying...

The sounds were loud on purpose in the school scenes so the audience could experience school the way Jesus was, without the ability to filter background noise.

Edited by ShortyMac
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On 1/19/2018 at 2:21 AM, tennisgurl said:

Why is Stef have some kind of PTSD thing or something? Did it just now hit her that she had cancer her dad died, and all her kids have almost died, been seriously injured, jailed, stalked, or almost sexually assaulted in the course of about a year?

This cracked me up! Stef also lost Frankie, thought her wife was having an affair with Monte, had job issues with Detective Gray, etc... All in the course of 1 year! 

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