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On 11/15/2017 at 6:27 AM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

The whole fraternity house 'cock-block' mission was pretty funny.

We're not going to kill him. We're going to cock block him. It's stupid and brilliant. I did like that Josh could dance. I don't want to see a show where the character is fucking up all the time. I thought he should have tried to just tell Kronish that she had herpes a little more forcefully, but I could roll with it.

I love Sleigh Ride!

The entire James Cameron episode was screamingly hilarious.

bwhahahahahahahahaha volleyball scene.

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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On 11/19/2017 at 9:50 AM, Doyounot said:

Josh "interrogating" jeri was awsome sure the fate of the world is at stake but the one thing he needs to know is if she really liked him or was it just a con lol im glad he used that to get the intel because i would totally buy that thats all he cared about.

I've been watching literally all day. I'm pleased that Josh is actually clever. Starting out, I thought he was going to be too much just bumbling around. The fight was silly, but he got the information on the professor and beat him. I don't expect him to suddenly be a total hero, but these small developments are good. Even the plan to get Kronish on the boat than killing him.

I don't know how I feel about the cop side plot. Like it was said above, I do like that there's consequences. I like the parents though. And the Night of the Flaming Sombrero. Oh boy.

I'm totally dying at Wolf's late 80s/early 90s underground restaurant. Also wow what a coke habit.

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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I just flared through the last 5 episodes. I don't think Susan was lying about all the timelines because in the second to last episode the v19 of them was saying, 'hey we don't actually have to be here.' Another version said, 'we have to keep jumping in case they don't make it.' So I'm guessing a handful of the versions took off and mucked through time. I liked that Josh never tried to kill Hitler.

I liked the whole prisoner's dilemma. They tipped off it was a show when Susan kind of looked into the camera and Josh was confused at what he was looking at.

So next season is basically The Running Man? Cool.

I have no idea how the series will end because they established that there's no 'go back in time reset button'.

I'll be looking forward to talking about the show in real time with everyone next year.

Edited by DoctorAtomic

Just finished Episode 1 -- Susan's android wife Randall was reading "Probst: A Life".  Now that is funny.

Tiger: "That's great news. We're hoping you had more to throw at us than some rinky-dink show pony and a fat goldfish with one ball."
Wolf: "Yeah, getting out of a long promised threesome with Vince Neil and Tawny Kitaen was much harder than this bullshit excuse for the Running Man, which by the way I did an uncredited re-write on.  The first draft was a Disaster with a capital D, made no sense."

I liked the fan signs outside Josh's rehab enclosure.
-- Dude ! Have you thought about hiding behind Tiger & Wolf ?
-- John 3:16 -- Just kidding, there is no GOD
-- Josh .. I want your DNA
-- Free Octopus Pete
-- Josh is my Fave
-- Team Wolf
-- Josh, will you sign a temporary cohabitation unification agreement with me ?
-- How are you still alive ?
-- Keep Trying Josh

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Just finished Episode 2 -- and this season is back to the Season 1 style humor that made this show so much fun in the first place.

Marshall Mathers is in command of the search for the fugitives, and then proceeds to paraphrase Samuel Gerard's Hard Target Search speech from the movie 'The Fugitive'.

Even funnier was the beet-accessorized sex between Wolf and Dasha set to the Russian language version of 'I Want to Know What Love is' by Chicago.

Wolf decapitates a samurai because he insulted his steeped tea.  Classic Wolf.

Marshall Mathers: "He's weak. I want more eyes on the Futturman house. he's going to make a play for home.  Give me constant surveillance around known associates -- Jim Cameron, Corey Hart, Estelle Kronish, OJ Simpson, Blaze Blazington, everyone in the Brat pack especially the Estevezes."

Wolf: "Oh shit !  They tranqed my sando."

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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17 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Bwahahahaha. End of episode 3.

That was too funny -- also explains why 'Friend' seemingly didn't have a good working knowledge of the Bible.

I love how Wolf persists in creating fine dining wherever they go.

Toddler bombs -- that is messed up.

I just realized that the wanted poster on the side of the building at the trading post of Wild Sam Bladden -- was of


Osama Bin Laden.

Josh: "What kind of god would let my leg get caught in a bear trap ?"
Friend: "That's so on you, bro."

Josh: "A real god wouldn't have to slam a door."

Wolf: "Wait !  I just had an idea that will change everything. "
Josh: "What ? Tell me."
Wolf: "Vegan carnitas.   These are King Bolides. They have the perfect density to make faux-Mex taste like fuck yes.  So, to sum up, you're never going home, you're god is dead, and Taco Tuesday is on."

If Whitey was an actual white bear, who tied the bear traps up in the trees ?

Other than Wolf, how come no one else in Haven seems all that concerned about the giant vortex in the sky ?

Where does all the stuff come from ?  Books, furniture, chess sets, painting materials, etc.

Marilyn: "Stop trying to fix me."
Josh: "Oh please, I didn't say fix I said grow."
Marilyn: "It's like your book club, but you never trust me to chose the book."
Josh: "That's because I know some classics that maybe you haven't heard of."
Marilyn: "Like the Da Vinci Code ?  Guess what, I cracked the code -- it's Hardy Boys for idiots."

Tiger's deep conversations and revelations with the goat are too funny.

Ghandhi.  Abraham Lincoln.  Joan of Arc.  I'm getting a real Clone High vibe here.

Wolf: "Ya gonna kill me ?"
Jesus: "We would never do that."
Lincoln: "We'll come back for you.  Soon as you've had a few scores to cool off."

He is risen.  Hahaha !

Tiger becomes a Zen master -- even discovering how to levitate -- while Wolf is losing his shit because he's forgetting everything.  The writing on the wall of Wolf's lair was like a fever dream, but now it's finally coming back to them.  Well, maybe not all of it.

Wolf's 'Welcome to No Brains Dumb Dumb Land' painting was pretty funny -- James Dean had an alien erupting from his chest while Jesus and Marilyn kissed Josh's butt all while Lincoln stood there holding a tetherball that said 'tetherball sux' on it.

I like how they all ended up


in the year 2000 with Wolf basically turned into Bruce Wayne with Blaze Blazington as his 'Alfred' (Squiggler beware), Tiger as a Zen shepherd with the Killing Machine by her side,  and Josh seemingly at peace keeping tabs on his younger self (even if his dad thinks he's a stalker perv).

I'd be curious to find out what happened to Susan and his family (other than body disposal duty).


It would be funny if Josh started a company to produce the game. If anything, I would take the whole ordeal and put out a series of scifi books or comics. 

I would have thought that Wolf would have done his chain of calendar dining but with better food, but his wayward house for nerds was the big thing for Q3, so maybe the restaurant would have already been up and running. 

Not quite done with this season, will finish tomorrow I think, but Season 3 has been pretty disappointing in my opinion. 

They stayed on Haven way too long, got old quick and also way too much like The Good Place plot. 

It has its moments but overall just not that interesting.  I am through 7 episodes will see if that changes. 

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On 4/18/2020 at 7:36 PM, DrSpaceman73 said:

Finished and series and the ending was pretty good

Overall though this was a show with a strong first season that failed to live up to it in season 2 and 3. 

I agree. I found the series a few months ago and binged the first two seasons over a long weekend. I thought the first season was a lot of fun.

The second suffered because they separated the characters to their own stories, which I think is a common sophomore season mistake. I liked seeing Haley Joel Osment.

The third season had too much of The Good Place (as someone pointed out). They spent too much time in the in-between world with the giant vagina on the sky.

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Finally got through season three. Didn't know ahead of time that Seth Rogan was in this season. Eh, he kind of overshadowed a lot I thought.

The guy playing Wolf seemed a lot thinner to me in the first episode.

Boy they really took some out there turns for their swan song. Josh having sex with Jesus might have been too far, IMO.

And did I miss it or was there no JFK in Haven?

Ditto comments upthread, the finale felt rushed to me, like they were just trying to get it over with. But at least they knew it was the finale, unlike so many shows now that got abruptly and prematurely ended because of the shutdown.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu

I've just binged the whole show over the last week or so and it was an absolute hoot!

Josh was probably my favourite character. The chemistry and comic timing between Josh, Tiger and Wolf was brilliant. I often got a bit bored when there were episodes that only featured one of the characters, as they were all just so hilarious together.

Highlights of the series include SIGOURN.E (I was dying with laughter at this), Josh peeing in the desert and failing to take advantage of it, which Tiger figured out instantly, and Tiger and the goat.

Season One was probably the best, but I was mostly thoroughly entertained.

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