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S04.E08: Belly of the Beast

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12 hours ago, Hanahope said:

I call bull on Simcoe able to crawl away after that fall.  

Oh, there's that and so many other things that are BS on this show.

One of my main gripes this week was the sloppy handling of travel time (or maybe I should say Time Travel). Unless the American Revolutionary soldiers fed their horses cocaine laced hay, I don't see how these characters moved between states so fast. I have driven from NY to VA and it took 6 hours. Did Amtrak offer an Acela Wagon between the Tri-State area and Virginia in the 1780's?  Caleb (in NY) decides one afternoon to go look for Abe (in VA).  Next day, he finds a group of American soldiers to hang with, and shows up in the exact spot Abe is fighting almost immediately.  Good thing Abe had his Ye Olde GPS location device in his breeches, pinging his coordinates to Caleb!  And I'm so glad Saint Mary of the Long Suffering Second Choice Spouses & her healing touch aided Caleb's sharpshooting skills so he could hit a moving target from so far away, when mere days (hours??) ago he couldn't hit an immobile tree target from 10 paces. 

I can't wait for Peggy to give birth in the next episode so her child will be old enough to spy &/or fight in the finale!

There's tweaking history for the sake of drama, then there's farce.

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I did like the episode though. Especially with Abe being all "I'm Culper!" "You said you're name was Abe." "OBVIOUSLY I'TS A CODE NAME FRENCHY!"

I'm surprised there wasn't a code phrase specific to Abe that the officers would know. Although I guess they weren't expecting him in the field. Still though. 

On 7/29/2017 at 9:33 PM, LittleIggy said:

I guess Simcoe has a spiritual awakening following this incident and becomes the Canadian founding father history records. ;-)

I took it a different way. He got beat. Abe had him and they both knew it. Simcoe spent the entire episode taunting Abe, "when we get on the battlefield, who knows what happens?" "You lie, that's your domain; the battlefield is mine." Simcoe was in his domain and found himself bleeding out and beat up. I'm seeing more like he's humiliated and getting out of there. 

Of course, it could be that he saw Abe coming to finish him off, and Abe didn't, so maybe he interprets Abe not as mercy, when in fact Abe was leaving because of the intel he gained.

I do love me some bitch-Arnold trying to make a buck. He is kind of right though. Everyone else is, so why does he have to be on the straight and narrow. One subtle thing I did like was Arnold talking to Abe about how they are limited in supplies and ammo, which dictates how a military force here would strike, versus in Europe, where supply lines are more secure, which rules out a siege here. I liked that we saw he actually knows something about something. 

I think it's a subtle but strong point. The English couldn't fight a European war in America, so maybe they didn't adapt as well. Washington basically had nothing to work with, but maybe had a more adaptable force. Also, the French to counter the English navy.

I also like Washington getting chewed out. I really like how he's been portrayed in this show.  

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