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West Wing Elimination Game

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Voting against Josh

1. C.J.

2. Toby

3. Leo

4. Jed

(C.J. is definitely first, Toby definitely second, and Josh definitely last of the remaining, but Leo and Jed I flip flop on; since I put Jed before Leo yesterday, I'm doing it the opposite today.)

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Actually I will be sad to see Josh go, because I thought he was pretty awesome throughout all 7 seasons. I know he was a complete egotistical, arrogant and bullying at times, but he just had that certain charming magnetism that always endeared me, especially during the campaigns in seasons 6 & 7.

But CJ was right ..


you elitist, Harvard, fascist, missed-the-dean's-list-two-semesters-in-a-row Yankee jackass!!

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I love Josh. And yes, he's great in all 7 seasons. His obnoxious personality doesn't hurt him with me. It's hilarious, realistic as a politico, creates good conflicts and I ultimately find him lovable. Great character played by a talented and adorable (although aging) actor. For me, he had the following weaknesses. His relationships with Mandy and Donna are mostly annoying. And the Donna bullshit takes up a shit ton of time in all seven seasons. He's also more clearly a Stock Type Avatar Character for Sorkin, even if he's the best example. Jed, CJ and Leo feel more one-of-a-kind in Sorkin-world. 

Edited by Melancholy
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1 hour ago, Moose135 said:
8 hours ago, Bastet said:

I'll just be over here, muttering about how there is no one I don't hate right now

I'll be right there along side you...

Okay, but when you vote against C.J. again, I'm going to shove a motherboard so far up your ass!

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7 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Okay, but when you vote against C.J. again, I'm going to shove a motherboard so far up your ass!

In that case...

Voting off: Josh

1 - Leo

2 - C.J.

3 - Jed

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Voting out POTUS



1 hour ago, deaja said:

I'll be back to vote later. I can't decide this early.

Hurry up, it's 1:30 in the afternoon this side of the Pond ;-)

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(Before anyone is offended, please realize I also voted against him. :( )

Now you are voting FOR someone to win!

I was hoping from the beginning we'd be down to these two. 

Voting for CJ for the win!

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And CJ Cregg is the winner!

So for the next game, we will have a much shorter one.  :)  After this, we can do favorite episodes by season, but for now we'll do whole seasons. 

Since there are only 7, we'll only vote against two to start.  

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

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5 hours ago, deaja said:

And CJ Cregg is the winner!

Damn right.

Voting off: seasons five and seven.

Okay, voting against seven isn't entirely fair because I've never seen it, but so be it.  Season five is when I started drifting away from the show, somewhere in season six is where I quit for good, and nothing about the season seven storylines I've heard about over the years has ever made me want to go back and watch (just Josh/Donna and CJ/Danny are enough for a hearty no thanks, never mind the rest).

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Season 7 felt like a spin-off to me.  That's probably not a fair statement, having only seen it once. But it just did.  Like, you have the one central character that the spin-off followed, but the rest of everything felt off, with brief visits back to the "main show."

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In defence of S7 - i loved it!! So bored with the silliness going on back at the White House, and the tired characters and the claustrophobic feel to it all - not helped by 2 ridiculous story-lines.

The Presidential nomination between Santos and Vinick, was like a breath of fresh air, and was probably the only factor that made me hang onto the end of the show.

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I enjoy most of S6-7, even though there's storylines that I don't care for like Josh/Donna or the Toby leak story. I don't like that CJ ended up with Danny but their highly limited scenes together were mostly entertaining and/or interesting. I loved the campaign arc. I actually also liked a lot of the White House stuff but more on a episode-of-the-week level as opposed to admiring the long campaign arc. And I've rewatched these seasons a few times so I'm solid in my opinion.

S5 is the outlier for me. It was just...dull. And weird. I've rewatched some of the best scenes like Jed walking to the Hill to stop the shut down, the Jed/Leo scenes in Memorial Day, a lot of The Supremes. And those were good and indicative of the solid but not Sorkinesque writing the new team was capable of in S6-7. But I tried to give the season a solid rewatch and gave up at the bizarre hash it made out of the kid napping story. (I'm of the opinion that Sorkin didn't fuck over the new team with the end of S4. It was a great cliffhanger with cool possibilities. He "made them a corner" to quote Sam. The new writers didn't rise to the occasion even though there was talent on that team. 

I also think TWW is underrated in how it innovated in radically changing the show, a few seasons in. Maybe people don't like it. But that just wasn't done pre-TWW other than graduating teens to college in teen shows. But then, it became a bigger part of Prestige TV. 

Edited by Melancholy
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Goodbye, seasons 5 and 6!

Let's still vote against 2. 

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 7

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That second one was tough, deciding whether to go with season three or four; I like the average episode of season three more than the average episode of season four, and probably a good deal more, but season three has the steaming pile of offensive shit that is Isaac & Ishmael and the stupid Simon Donovan storyline, so that's a big knock against it. 

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