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Kicking & Screaming - General Discussion

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People like Elaine make me laugh.  She's been scheming all season, being fake friendly and motherly, in order to make people not target her team for elimination.  She has stated this throughout the season.  And yet she gets mad this episode when that fake friendliness didn't save her from going up for elimination.  That fake niceness quickly disappeared after that challenge with the bugs!!  I loved that bitter "I hope they serve sharks on that yacht" quip.  God just loves a catty old bitch, Elaine!!

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What I like the most about the show is that there's less scheming then in other shows, so that's not my favorite characteristic of Elaine's.  Though, I'm not sure what she was so surprised about, just last episode she was complaining that they were picking people based on friendship and not strategy.

The disgusting food challenges are always hard to watch.  I'm sure I'd rather go to the elimination round that even try to eat that gross, still moving, larva-thing.  Despite the very vocal complaining from the women, it looked to me like the guys were more likely to throw up when actually eating.

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I really liked this show, even (most of) the contestants. I feel like it almost went too far with the "sweetness" factor, unlike the Stranded With A Million Dollars, which went too far with the asshat factor. I love the pair that won, and think that her saying "I'm a gamer, and now I've discovered that I like the outside!" was really cool.  It felt genuine, and it felt to me like her world has really opened up. And Mr. Boy Scout became a lot more likeable as time went on. All in all, I would love to see a season two. Which means it won't happen, or they'll screw up the casting :(

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Natalie and Terry were my third favorite out of the remaining three teams, so I was disappointed in the win. Terry's Boy Scout thing bugged me from the beginning, and I never forgave him for his mean snark early on. Plus his answer for what he would do with the money ... he wanted to "inspire" people. WTH does that even mean? While the sniper guy wanted to help veterans. I imagine Terry inspiring people by driving a new 2017 truck and moving into a plush pad after cashing his check. Me: "I'm inspired to go on a reality show and win a million bucks!" See, it worked. I'm inspired.

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I did want Brady to win money for his charity but I would've been okay with any of them winning. I did like how different each of the relationships became and the overall easy breezy tone of the show. Hannah was also a great host.

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I enjoyed this series and loved watching the divas get down and dirty. They also learned a lot of valuable life skills as well as a lot about themselves as a person. 

I would also like to see a season 2. 

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Zzzzz.  It was okay.  I ff'ed all the talk-talk-talk, so I wasn't too invested either way.

(But they fooled me by showing one woman knocking herself out practicing her flint technique while the other woman lounged about--and then the second woman was The Human Torch at crunch time.)

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I'd be all for a second season too. And I should have known that Claire practicing her fire skills while the other woman said she'd practice later, she was busy lounging around, was a typical reality-show fake out. Those editing monkeys can still fool me after all these years.

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