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Attack On Titan - General Discussion

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Eren's dad is behind the Undercover Titans. I mean, I get that Ymir might be a lot older than she looks (if not outright immortal), but Dr. Jaegar seems like the likely culprit. It seems so obvious, right?

I love Eren. He wants to murder Reiner, and he didn't give a shit about not having hands to make fists. Fuck it, elbows are just as good, right?

I bet Ymir doesn't swallow. Historia, I mean.

(Late reply to last week)

So many questions.  So were the white clothed cult given something that enabled the Titan transformation?   I can understand Ymir was dosed, but it seems the lady next to her was too.  

And, if you eat the right person you may change back?  Could explain why Titans have a compulsion to eat humans I guess.  

Oh, hey, everybody! Haven't been here in a while, but I'm all caught up with the manga, and I don't want to say too much.

I do much, much, much prefer Titan-form Eren voice in the original Japanese. He sounds almost rabid in English, and it's sometimes hard to understand what the heck he's saying. The swearing doesn't bother me, but there's a lot less of it in the original.


I watched one episode with english dub now and there the opening is subed. The title of the opening is "Opfert eure Herzen" (sacrifice your hearts) but the chorus in the opening is translated to "offer your hearts". Wondering where the translation error lies. The japanese giving their opening a german name or the english translation from japanese. In this case, I'd guess the later, since "sacrifice your hearts" seems more in tune with Attack on Titan. :D

Interesting that they're translating it this way. I've seen the name in Japanese ("Shinzou wo Sasageyo"/"Dedicate Your Hearts"), which refers to the literal heart. Erwen yells "Shinzooooou sasagaeyo!" a couple of eps back, and it's not as powerful a line in English (which is natural, I suppose). I hate the "we've gotta shorten the credits for more ad space" that Toonami does. "Shinzou wo Sasageyo" is the most anthemic of all the themes.

Nice finale. As much as I'm looking forward to the next generation of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Dio's back, y'all!!!), I'd like to see new AoT ASAP.

While there is a sense of optimism, we end on several down notes. The Undercover Titans are loose, Ymir's with them, and Hannes is really, really dead at the jaws of the same Titan that ate Eren's mom. Oh, and Eren bit the shit out of his hand trying to Titan up, but he couldn't pull it off. Oh, and Connie's town have been turned into Titans.  Nice closing shots, with the Beast Titan and a dude I'm assuming is Dr, Jaeger next to him.

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Ymir said she was a Titan for about 60 years so the ability to turn into Titans has been around a long time.

I'm thinking this is like TWD, all humans are infected with the virus or whatever that causes Titanism but there's some trigger. That's probably what Eren's dad discovered. Originally caused by a military experiment to create super soldiers gone wrong?

23 hours ago, the fresh maker said:

I do much, much, much prefer Titan-form Eren voice in the original Japanese. He sounds almost rabid in English,

I have seen very little of the show in original Japanese so I don't have much to compare it to, but I like this aspect of his voice. I think it shows how basically insane he his.


18 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Oh, and Eren bit the shit out of his hand trying to Titan up, but he couldn't pull it off.

I think that was just because his hands weren't fully healed yet. 

I like how they showed Hannes struggle to kill one titan. It really showcased the skill disparity between the Survey Corps and the other branches.

Well see you all in year or so for season 3! 

On 7/24/2017 at 7:44 PM, Sandman87 said:

When Eren decides to chow down on his hands, he doesn't fool around. Parts of his hands that had previously been healed ended up with bones showing through.

Ever read the American anthology? Evan Dorkin did a bunch of gag strips; one of those had Eren biting his hand over and over, only to find he was chomping on Mikasa. "You know, I thought I tasted cute."

I watched Team Four Star's abridgement that got shut down. Funny thing: At the graduation ceremony, the cadets are lined up by performance. The order of the top five: Mikasa, Reiner, Bertolt, Annie and Eren. Mikasa is such a badass, she outdid three people who knew they were Titans and one who didn't.

Honest Trailers covered Ghost In The Shell last week. I started the link around the time the Voiceover Guy is talking about how only Japan should handle live-action manga/anime properties. Then he smarts off on the Attack on Titan live-action movie, as a Titan eats a guy. Also: Screen Junkies offers anime trailers from their website with a subscription, and AoT gets covered. Haven't seen that yet.

I'm thinking this season won't have that many Titans. We do get soldiers that can do the aerial manveurs of the Scouts, but with guns instead of swords. Makes the Scouts look stupid, until you realize that guns probably can't do shit against Titans, even if you aim for the weak spot. Also, I reckon Levi's origins will be revealed. Apparently, he grew up with a serial killer that looks and acts like an American Wild West stereotype. What, he had to be "Kenny" and not "Hol Horse"?

Also, Hange does some over-the-top acting to get out of trouble. Probably helps that the guys guarding the murder scene were one-dimensional morons.

The credits . . . where the hell is the intensity?!? No massive chorus? No looming Titans? Dang . . .

ETA: There's no hour-long block of new episodes tomorrow. The new episode airs after "Smoke Signal" at 11.

Edited by Lantern7

The new season starts off with a bang. Several bangs, really, since a mercenary gang armed with guns gets involved. Levi is awesome, as usual. And Eren gets captured...as usual.

22 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

The credits . . . where the hell is the intensity?!? No massive chorus? No looming Titans? Dang . . .

Hey, I like the opening credits. If the music sounds familiar, it's because it's Hyde, who did my favorite of the Blood+ opening themes.

I'll have to rewatch the episode. I reckon Kenny's a right bastard. I'm also thinking Kenny somehow traveled from the American West to whatever spot in Europe where Trost is located, because he's full-on with the cowboy gimmick. Bringing someone in that's superior to Levi is a good move. But I'm thinking we're not going to get many Titans or Shifters (or whatever those guys are called).

@Sandman87 . . . still too mellow. For anyone interested in Hyde, here are clips from the various anime he's sung on, both by himself and with L'Arc~en~Ciel.

I kind of agree.  Some series have a lot of recap (maybe too much) in each ep.  This show has zero recap, a huge cast, a lot of mysteries, and they have trouble keeping a through line in each season.

At this point I mostly appreciate it for the atmosphere and the characters.  The plot really takes a back seat; if I happen to understand it it’s a bonus.  

Memory erasing, Titans being born, and apparently Kenny might be related to Mikasa. Also: Eren chained and gagged while topless, and a noble hung upside-down with a funnel stuck in his ass for forced feeding. Also, the flashback to Eren's dad attacking him with a syringe. In Team Four Star's abridgement of the first few episodes (which only got that far before the powers that be shut it down), here was the dialogue:

Grisha: Now son, stop being a [sexist slur] and take your medicine!


Oh, and they played Ugly Kid Joe's cover of "Cats In The Cradle" for both seconds. But now I'm guessing . . . Eren Titaned out and ate his dad? That seems . . . a little too Goku for me.

I don't know if this is an issue with the manga or with the writers of the anime, but this show doesn't do politics well. It's not even a matter of the episodes having to be action-packed. I just think this series is at its best when it's showing what happens when humanity is on the verge of extinction and fighting desperately for their lives in a world where anybody can die. It's kind of hard to care about the succession of royalty when there are giant grinning monsters trying to eat the population.


Finally caught up on this season. I think I say this everytime it changes, but I hate the intro music. I thought it's been a pretty good season so far. Fairly faithful to manga. Apparently, there is going to be a hiatus at the end of this arc though.

Edit: i really loved the lean on the fouth wall "Hey, remember that thing that was really important like 3 years ago." conversation about Eren's basement.

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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@ZoqFotPik . . . apparently the second part of the third season will in Japan in April 2019.

I understand that the series needs to throw new stuff at us, but I feel like we've taken a lot of leaps of faith. Basically, getting injected with Titan goop and eating people who can shift into Titans . . . gives you more powers? As well as the ability to alter collective memories? Oh, and Historia's dad just had to lick the stuff to become a Titan so massive, he can only crawl on the ground?

Yeah, that one’s pretty gross.  If it’s too hot to approach, I hope they have some asbestos Survey Corps gear.

Is it significant that we haven’t seen it’s face yet?

I like how Armin’s argument against Eren sacrificing himself is “we don’t really know if Reiss will revert after he eats you, anyway”.  Logic!

The Reiss Titan manages to become even more gross, because it stands up to reveal that dragging along the ground has sanded away half of its face and torso. My favorite part is when it damages part of the Wall just by letting some of its bowels fall out. The Scouts stuff a bunch of gunpowder into its face, and it done blowed up real good, after which Historia slices the chunk with Reiss in it, killing him..

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On 10/21/2018 at 8:36 AM, Sandman87 said:

The Reiss Titan manages to become even more gross, because it stands up to reveal that dragging along the ground has sanded away half of its face and torso.

Yeah that was rather nightmare inducing.


19 hours ago, lathspel said:

It’s weird that Reiss became an abnormal that he apparently didn’t control.  Most human titans are abnormal but appear to be under conscious control.

I'm guessing all of the irregularities with Rod Reiss were due to him only drinking some of the serum and not getting a full dose.


20 hours ago, lathspel said:

Also, I wonder if that wall also had titans inside?

I think all of the walls are made of titans. 

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