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S04.E09: Pulling Strings

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NOTE: Reign airs on Thursdays in Canada, meaning that the episodes are very often viewed a day before they have aired in the US. Therefore please be aware that this thread will almost definitely have spoilers for those who wish to wait until Friday night to view the new episode.


Mary and Darnley wed in a lavish affair, which proves to be a successful decision in regard to her political standing. Meanwhile, James makes an interesting discovery about Greer; and Elizabeth frantically tries to salvage England's power.


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Bothwell and Mary are in love immediately? Still not buying the chemistry there, and definitely not for it to happen so fast. Well, I guess having dragged their feet this far they decided not to bother with the years Mary put up with Darnley. I doubt he'll make it to his son's birth. I was a little surprised Catherine didn't say, "well there's your problem solved, just marry him long enough for everyone to think your child was conceived in wedlock and then kill him with this vial I carry in my bodice". Because seriously, Darnley is just the worst combination of ambitious and stupid.

I loved Catherine vs Lady Lennox. Scheming Matron, meet The Mother of All Scheming Matrons. I just loved everything about Catherine dancing around arranging everything for Mary exactly how she wanted it.

Did we really have to see Elizabeth and Gideon going at it? At least she probably won't get pregnant this time either, considering how many times Mary slept with him without worry. Then she turns around and bangs one night out of Darnley and BAM. Heir to the throne.

Damn you show, did you have to make me love Rizzio so fast? And I don't know why but I also love Emily and her potential for The Drama, despite them having more than enough storylines going already. The actress had such a convincing, sad innocence. Now she becomes the hell that hath no fury, I guess. Which is kind of stupid because all she has to do is go to Mary, who as a complete pushover would probably give her lands and a title to support herself out of simple guilt. I guess I liked the show giving John Knox some genuinely human feelings, but leaving his wife standing naked in a strange town is not endearing.

Greer and Martine...um, okay. I like her with James, but maybe she should stay out of that hot mess. And are we to believe this entire time that every last upper-class female on this show has been wearing clip-on earrings?

This better not be the last Catherine and Mary ever see of one another. Their goodbye was nowhere near epic enough.

Oh, and I Ioved Mary's wedding dress. It had such a beautiful mature look that contrasted with the sort of princess-y ivory snow dress she wore for her first marriage. Loved the veil especially.

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I know genetics was not taught to everyone in the same way back then as it is now, but, seriously, Greer was sure no one would NOTICE how her daughter looked so much like the visiting pirate? LOL! Agree that Catherine making everything work in Scotland was awesome. Elizabeth throwing a temper tantrum reminded me of Black Adder's Queenie, more akin to Reign's version than Cate Blanchett or Glenda Jackson, IMO. But, then, this is Mary's show. I so want Mary to exclaim at some point "That DARN Darnley!" out of frustration. He really is the worst.

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I'm sorry, but considering the period and Mary's station, she's really coming across like a well-bred whore.  I loved Darnley being a first class ass to her because it's fun to see someone who doesn't treat Mary like she's God's gift to men and yes, she deserves all the shit she's getting in payback for her shabby treatment of Francis.  The Bothwell crap is just that...crap.  I'm watching it with a jaundiced eye.  Fiction writers love to portray Mary and Bothwell's love as epic, but I have never bought that based on history.  He certainly had no problem leaving her high and dry without a word when they parted ways before she became Elizabeth's prisoner.  Greer is an idiot, that is why she didn't think that anyone who saw Martin and then Rose wouldn't put two and two together.  I don't care about James and Greer as a couple.  As a matter of fact, I wish they would just stop with the couples.  James deserves some bad karma as well for using Knox's wife and bringing about her downfall.  I guess I'm the only one who wasn't excited about seeing Mary and Catherine together.  Why?  Because that ship has sailed and Catherine's presence just underscores how crappy a queen Mary really is.  Hard face and "I'm queen" speeches aside, she really is the weakest link.  I will agree that Mary's choice of wedding gown was lovely and mature, not the romantic confection that she wore (and was appropriate) when she was Francis's bride.  I liked Elizabeth's emotional scene right up until she fell on top of Gideon.  Really?  Seriously?  And the guy playing Rizzio is kind of creepy.  There is something off about the look of the series this season.  I don't know if it's because they didn't have the budget or because they're in Scotland or what, but it's bleaker and drearier.  Also, I'm not at all impressed by Adelaide Kane's acting this season.  I've never thought her a fabulous actress, but I never felt like she was phoning it in, like I did tonight.  Okay.  I'm done.   

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2 hours ago, taurusrose said:

James deserves some bad karma as well for using Knox's wife and bringing about her downfall.

Oh, yeah. I like James and the actor that plays him but he is due to reap what he sow. He intentionally seduced Emily, used and thrown her aside like trash. He is worse than Knox.

I am enjoying this last season. I like that they portrayed Mary as someone who doesn't have it together and frankly, doesn't know what she is doing, even though she is the protagonist of the story.

Elizabeth and Gideon have become my favorite part of the show. I like the friendship and love they have for each other and that scene where Elizabeth was breaking down about her mother and father got me. She really is a more competent queen than Mary would ever be. I am rooting for her now, even though I like Mary too in all her dysfunction.

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19 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

I know genetics was not taught to everyone in the same way back then as it is now, but, seriously, Greer was sure no one would NOTICE how her daughter looked so much like the visiting pirate?


10 hours ago, taurusrose said:

Greer is an idiot, that is why she didn't think that anyone who saw Martin and then Rose wouldn't put two and two together.

Well, technically Greer is claiming Rose isn't biologically hers. A resemblance to Martine only suggests that maybe Rose is his daughter by another woman that he left with Greer for whatever reason, or simply that he and Rose have similar ancestry.

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On 15/4/2017 at 7:09 AM, taurusrose said:

Also, I'm not at all impressed by Adelaide Kane's acting this season.  I've never thought her a fabulous actress, but I never felt like she was phoning it in, like I did tonight.  Okay.  I'm done.   

I was always impressed by Adelaide in her "i'm a badass queen" scenes, and especially in her more emotional scenes like after her rape and Francis' death. BUT I completely agree that with every episode this season she seems more and more out of it.

I didn't like Elizabeth scene at all. I kinda like what they were going for but the actress is terrible (at least for playing Elizabeth, I've never seen her in anything else) and she seemed kinda crazy aand...well I might be mean but I actually laughed during that scene. And what the hell? WHY did she have to sleep with Gideon as well? And how exactly was that even remotely discreet? She's already an illegitimate queen who quite openly sleeps with all her advisors. Great writing there Reign!

On to the good parts: I loved Catherine so much. She's just brilliant.


I just hope we will get to see Catherine's reaction to Mary's death. She's going to kill it.

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Were there really that many out of wedlock pregnancies back then? Or are Mary and her ladies exceptionally dumb about birth control? 

I was worried Baby Daddy was going to kidnap Pirate Baby while Greer was at the wedding. I'm glad he only pierced her ears. That bit was pretty funny, actually. What did James get out of the arrangement? 

Elizabeth and Gideon, barf.

I enjoyed Catherine's gloating over Mary's triumph with the border towns (although Mary didn't have much to do with it). I could tell Cathy was new to town when she kept going on about how the people love Mary- they barely respect her, let alone love her!

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3 hours ago, wonderchica05 said:

Were there really that many out of wedlock pregnancies back then? Or are Mary and her ladies exceptionally dumb about birth control? 

I was worried Baby Daddy was going to kidnap Pirate Baby while Greer was at the wedding. I'm glad he only pierced her ears. That bit was pretty funny, actually. What did James get out of the arrangement? 

Elizabeth and Gideon, barf.

I enjoyed Catherine's gloating over Mary's triumph with the border towns (although Mary didn't have much to do with it). I could tell Cathy was new to town when she kept going on about how the people love Mary- they barely respect her, let alone love her!

Your post was pretty entertaining.  This is Reign. They've never pretended to be historically accurate.  All the out of wedlock babies, bed hopping and love triangles are staples for a show on the CW. Pirate Baby's pierced ears was funny, but the real hoot was Greer's reaction to them.  I barely tolerate James because he's such a waste of space. Catherine's fondness for Mary has blinded her.  No one loves or respects her; they're all looking for ways to get rid of her as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

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On 4/14/2017 at 3:25 PM, NorthstarATL said:

Elizabeth throwing a temper tantrum reminded me of Black Adder's Queenie, more akin to Reign's version than Cate Blanchett or Glenda Jackson, IMO. But, then, this is Mary's show.

I don't think that's it. After all, Mary Queen of Scots with Vanessa Redgrave was Mary's movie, and Glenda Jackson didn't turn a bad performance in that. Once in a while RS has some good moments but overall she struggles in the part.

Edited by ulkis
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On 4/15/2017 at 9:35 AM, PinkRibbons said:


Well, technically Greer is claiming Rose isn't biologically hers. A resemblance to Martine only suggests that maybe Rose is his daughter by another woman that he left with Greer for whatever reason, or simply that he and Rose have similar ancestry.

Yes. Earlier in the season people were commenting on Rose’s ethnic background. The actor playing Martine is ethnically ambiguous (great for an actor), and practical for a pirate- just looking at him and Rose, it could very well be believed that he was her biological father. I don’t think people would go straight to assuming Greer was the bio-Mother. Especially since she was married and her husband appeared at court. More likely that Martine was friends with Alyocious (spelling) and arranged for his child to be cared for by them. 

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