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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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8, 29, and with my vote, 25 out!  (Not just because I'm one of the only ones who likes Liz, heh, but because of my pet theory that Liz was actually in rehab and Jess knew it but Luke didn't.)

Remember, we're voting "backwards" in this game - we want the truly awful moments to be the winners.  Voting against three.

Worst Parenting Moments

1.  Lorelai breaks out bread and water and makes a joke out of Rory getting arrested.  "Rory, the penal system is not something we enjoy, It’s something with a name that makes us giggle."

2.  Straub and Francine act as though Christopher has no responsibilities toward a pregnant Lorelai.  "They are in this together." "I don’t see why. Why should Christopher sacrifice everything we’ve planned for him just because --" "Choose your words extremely carefully, Straub."

3.  Chris and Lorelai escape to the balcony for sex and leave Rory to face the aftermath of the horrid FND with the Haydens and Gilmores alone.  "That was a memorable evening."

4.  Emily spends all of FND with Logan taking passive/aggressive swipes at Lorelai.  "You’ll have to excuse Lorelai, Logan. It takes a certain eye to be aware of this kind of thing."

5.  Logan is in the ICU.  Shira goes to a spa.  Mitchum doesn't come by until Rory tears into him on the phone.  "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!"

6.  Paris' parents are in trouble with the IRS and have left her penniless.  "My ATM refused me. I thought it was just that particular one. So I went to another, and it refused me, too. So I went to the bank and used a few choice expletives, and a bunch of guys in suits started closing in on me. So I started pacing and yelling, 'Attica! Attica!' and then the manager hit a little red button under his desk, so I ran out of there and came right over here."

9.  Emily blames Lorelai for finding out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott for all these years.  "I wouldn't have known! If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"

10.  Emily yells at Lorelai when Rory accidentally stays out all night after her dance.  "She's doing the same thing you did." "No she's not." "She's going to get pregnant." "No she's not." "She's gonna ruin everything just like you did." "No she's not, no she's not, no she's not!"

11.  Lorelai then turns around and yells at Rory for accidentally staying out all night after her dance.  "Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?"

12.  Richard refuses to reconsider the way he's gone back into business with Floyd and tossed Jason out to the dogs.  "I am tired of this, Lorelai. You've shown absolutely no concern about what happens to me, what happens to your mother. The only thing you care about is what happens to your boyfriend. And the worst part of it...is that I never expected you to act any differently."

13.  Lorelai is proud that Dean and Jess got into a fight over Rory and completely trashed Kyle's house.  "This fence is broken because of you, this crap is on the ground because of you." "What's your point?" "Did you ever know that you're my hero?"

14.  Lorelai shows up at Chilton acting a fool when Rory isn't allowed to take her test after oversleeping and arriving to school late.  "You sit up here in your snotty little school that’s in desperate need of some extra heating vents and you nurture horrible kids who treat each other like mortal enemies. You set impossible standards that make normal people feel less than everyone else. And you take a great kid like Rory and you tear her apart!"

15.  Emily makes a passive/aggressive swipe at Lorelai over having to cancel the wedding reception now that Chris and Lorelai are divorcing so soon.  "Of course, I'll have my hands full canceling the party. I've already called the florist and the hall. We'll only get 60% of our deposit back, but that’s better than nothing."

17.  Chris promises Rory that he's committed to being there for the girls this time.  Moments later, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and leaves Sookie's wedding after only talking to Lorelai.  "You'll tell Rory?" "I will."

18.  Chris tells Rory to pick out anything she wants at Andrew's bookstore.  She picks out the Compact Oxford English Dictionary.  Chris is embarrassed when his credit card is declined and asks Rory not to tell Lorelai about it.  She finds out anyway and later brings it up.  "Oh man, I told Rory not to rat me out. I can’t believe she did that." "She didn’t. Andrew from the bookstore called and Jackson and the UPS guy and ooh it was the lead story on the Stars Hollow web page. And then I asked Rory and she very reluctantly confirmed it. ‘Rat me out’ what are you - sixteen?"

19.  Lorelai invites Chris to lunch, not knowing that Rory has asked him to stay away from her so he doesn't screw things up between her and Luke. Rory is angry when she finds out, Chris is defensive.  "I'm your father, kid, okay? I think that demands a tiny bit of respect here."

20.  Rory confronts Chris about his not being a real part of her life growing up.  "Look, your mom did what she wanted to do. I wasn't consulted." "I know, but you let her do it." "I did. I...I let her do it." "So, now, all these years later, how do you feel about that?" "It was in the cards. Lorelai and you, from the first moment I saw you two together, no one was getting between you guys. Maybe that's why she's getting married now. You're grown. Her job is done. Now she can let someone else in." "So she didn't let you in?" "I'm not saying that." "But is that why you weren't there? Because she made the decision and she pushed you away?" "Not at all. We were just so young. I was so young, and Lorelai was, much like yourself, she was a force of nature. Just uncontrollable. Sure about everything. I couldn't come close to competing with that, so I didn't."

21.  After agreeing to help Lorelai get Rory back to Yale, Richard and Emily go behind her back and let Rory drop out and move in with them.  "Rory will be taking some time off from Yale. She will be moving into the pool house here with us. We will find her some sort of suitable job through one of our friends, and then after a suitable amount of time has passed, we will revisit the subject of her returning to school."

22.  Lorelai refuses to listen to Rory at all when she wants to take some time off from Yale and completely shuts her down.  "So what’s the great master plan, then, huh? You’re going to move back home, live in your room, work part-time at the bookstore? Forget it. Not an option."

23.  Lorelai pretends that Rory dating a barely-divorced Dean is just fine, knowing that Rory is the reason he and Lindsey are divorced in the first place, and forces Luke to go on a double date with them.  "We all used to get together all the time for whatever and hang out. We had a great rhythm. I like Dean. I've always liked Dean. He has a great heart. I don't want it to be weird."

24.  Lorelai shares with Emily that she and Max are engaged.  Emily's reaction is....underwhelming.  "Well, I think that's very nice. I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."

26.  Lorelai invites Dean over for a movie night before he and Rory have even been on an actual date.  "I can't believe you did this. I'm so humiliated."

27.  Emily and Rory get into it at the DAR function.  "When your father gets home, we're going to talk about the house rules and be on the same page once and for all!" "You mean my grandfather."

28.  Emily and Richard realize that Rory and Logan may be thinking of getting intimate (*snort*) and have the Reverend over for dinner to warn her against taking things too far.  "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift."

12 hours ago, deaja said:

12 because I agreed with Richard overall.

I did too.  I didn't think it was right the way he totally did a 180 on Jason to save his own hide, but he and Floyd essentially did the same thing to Jason that Jason had done to Floyd.  Even Jason understood it was "just business".  Lorelai wouldn't have cared one bit if her boyfriend weren't involved, that much is for sure true.

4, 12, 28 gone!

Remember, we're voting "backwards" in this game - we want the truly awful moments to be the winners.  Voting against three.

Worst Parenting Moments

1.  Lorelai breaks out bread and water and makes a joke out of Rory getting arrested.  "Rory, the penal system is not something we enjoy, It’s something with a name that makes us giggle."

2.  Straub and Francine act as though Christopher has no responsibilities toward a pregnant Lorelai.  "They are in this together." "I don’t see why. Why should Christopher sacrifice everything we’ve planned for him just because --" "Choose your words extremely carefully, Straub."

3.  Chris and Lorelai escape to the balcony for sex and leave Rory to face the aftermath of the horrid FND with the Haydens and Gilmores alone.  "That was a memorable evening."

5.  Logan is in the ICU.  Shira goes to a spa.  Mitchum doesn't come by until Rory tears into him on the phone.  "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!"

6.  Paris' parents are in trouble with the IRS and have left her penniless.  "My ATM refused me. I thought it was just that particular one. So I went to another, and it refused me, too. So I went to the bank and used a few choice expletives, and a bunch of guys in suits started closing in on me. So I started pacing and yelling, 'Attica! Attica!' and then the manager hit a little red button under his desk, so I ran out of there and came right over here."

9.  Emily blames Lorelai for finding out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott for all these years.  "I wouldn't have known! If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"

10.  Emily yells at Lorelai when Rory accidentally stays out all night after her dance.  "She's doing the same thing you did." "No she's not." "She's going to get pregnant." "No she's not." "She's gonna ruin everything just like you did." "No she's not, no she's not, no she's not!"

11.  Lorelai then turns around and yells at Rory for accidentally staying out all night after her dance.  "Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?"

13.  Lorelai is proud that Dean and Jess got into a fight over Rory and completely trashed Kyle's house.  "This fence is broken because of you, this crap is on the ground because of you." "What's your point?" "Did you ever know that you're my hero?"

14.  Lorelai shows up at Chilton acting a fool when Rory isn't allowed to take her test after oversleeping and arriving to school late.  "You sit up here in your snotty little school that’s in desperate need of some extra heating vents and you nurture horrible kids who treat each other like mortal enemies. You set impossible standards that make normal people feel less than everyone else. And you take a great kid like Rory and you tear her apart!"

15.  Emily makes a passive/aggressive swipe at Lorelai over having to cancel the wedding reception now that Chris and Lorelai are divorcing so soon.  "Of course, I'll have my hands full canceling the party. I've already called the florist and the hall. We'll only get 60% of our deposit back, but that’s better than nothing."

17.  Chris promises Rory that he's committed to being there for the girls this time.  Moments later, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and leaves Sookie's wedding after only talking to Lorelai.  "You'll tell Rory?" "I will."

18.  Chris tells Rory to pick out anything she wants at Andrew's bookstore.  She picks out the Compact Oxford English Dictionary.  Chris is embarrassed when his credit card is declined and asks Rory not to tell Lorelai about it.  She finds out anyway and later brings it up.  "Oh man, I told Rory not to rat me out. I can’t believe she did that." "She didn’t. Andrew from the bookstore called and Jackson and the UPS guy and ooh it was the lead story on the Stars Hollow web page. And then I asked Rory and she very reluctantly confirmed it. ‘Rat me out’ what are you - sixteen?"

19.  Lorelai invites Chris to lunch, not knowing that Rory has asked him to stay away from her so he doesn't screw things up between her and Luke. Rory is angry when she finds out, Chris is defensive.  "I'm your father, kid, okay? I think that demands a tiny bit of respect here."

20.  Rory confronts Chris about his not being a real part of her life growing up.  "Look, your mom did what she wanted to do. I wasn't consulted." "I know, but you let her do it." "I did. I...I let her do it." "So, now, all these years later, how do you feel about that?" "It was in the cards. Lorelai and you, from the first moment I saw you two together, no one was getting between you guys. Maybe that's why she's getting married now. You're grown. Her job is done. Now she can let someone else in." "So she didn't let you in?" "I'm not saying that." "But is that why you weren't there? Because she made the decision and she pushed you away?" "Not at all. We were just so young. I was so young, and Lorelai was, much like yourself, she was a force of nature. Just uncontrollable. Sure about everything. I couldn't come close to competing with that, so I didn't."

21.  After agreeing to help Lorelai get Rory back to Yale, Richard and Emily go behind her back and let Rory drop out and move in with them.  "Rory will be taking some time off from Yale. She will be moving into the pool house here with us. We will find her some sort of suitable job through one of our friends, and then after a suitable amount of time has passed, we will revisit the subject of her returning to school."

22.  Lorelai refuses to listen to Rory at all when she wants to take some time off from Yale and completely shuts her down.  "So what’s the great master plan, then, huh? You’re going to move back home, live in your room, work part-time at the bookstore? Forget it. Not an option."

23.  Lorelai pretends that Rory dating a barely-divorced Dean is just fine, knowing that Rory is the reason he and Lindsey are divorced in the first place, and forces Luke to go on a double date with them.  "We all used to get together all the time for whatever and hang out. We had a great rhythm. I like Dean. I've always liked Dean. He has a great heart. I don't want it to be weird."

24.  Lorelai shares with Emily that she and Max are engaged.  Emily's reaction is....underwhelming.  "Well, I think that's very nice. I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."

26.  Lorelai invites Dean over for a movie night before he and Rory have even been on an actual date.  "I can't believe you did this. I'm so humiliated."

27.  Emily and Rory get into it at the DAR function.  "When your father gets home, we're going to talk about the house rules and be on the same page once and for all!" "You mean my grandfather."

5 and 15 out, and I'm helping vote out 1.  I didn't like Lorelai making a big joke out of Rory getting arrested, but trying to lighten the mood so they can talk about what happened is consistent with her character, and not necessarily a bad parenting move.  I do the same thing with my kids a lot of the time (thankfully it's never over something quite so serious, heh).

Remember, we're voting "backwards" in this game - we want the truly awful moments to be the winners.  Voting against three.

Worst Parenting Moments

2.  Straub and Francine act as though Christopher has no responsibilities toward a pregnant Lorelai.  "They are in this together." "I don’t see why. Why should Christopher sacrifice everything we’ve planned for him just because --" "Choose your words extremely carefully, Straub."

3.  Chris and Lorelai escape to the balcony for sex and leave Rory to face the aftermath of the horrid FND with the Haydens and Gilmores alone.  "That was a memorable evening."

6.  Paris' parents are in trouble with the IRS and have left her penniless.  "My ATM refused me. I thought it was just that particular one. So I went to another, and it refused me, too. So I went to the bank and used a few choice expletives, and a bunch of guys in suits started closing in on me. So I started pacing and yelling, 'Attica! Attica!' and then the manager hit a little red button under his desk, so I ran out of there and came right over here."

9.  Emily blames Lorelai for finding out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott for all these years.  "I wouldn't have known! If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"

10.  Emily yells at Lorelai when Rory accidentally stays out all night after her dance.  "She's doing the same thing you did." "No she's not." "She's going to get pregnant." "No she's not." "She's gonna ruin everything just like you did." "No she's not, no she's not, no she's not!"

11.  Lorelai then turns around and yells at Rory for accidentally staying out all night after her dance.  "Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?"

13.  Lorelai is proud that Dean and Jess got into a fight over Rory and completely trashed Kyle's house.  "This fence is broken because of you, this crap is on the ground because of you." "What's your point?" "Did you ever know that you're my hero?"

14.  Lorelai shows up at Chilton acting a fool when Rory isn't allowed to take her test after oversleeping and arriving to school late.  "You sit up here in your snotty little school that’s in desperate need of some extra heating vents and you nurture horrible kids who treat each other like mortal enemies. You set impossible standards that make normal people feel less than everyone else. And you take a great kid like Rory and you tear her apart!"

17.  Chris promises Rory that he's committed to being there for the girls this time.  Moments later, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and leaves Sookie's wedding after only talking to Lorelai.  "You'll tell Rory?" "I will."

18.  Chris tells Rory to pick out anything she wants at Andrew's bookstore.  She picks out the Compact Oxford English Dictionary.  Chris is embarrassed when his credit card is declined and asks Rory not to tell Lorelai about it.  She finds out anyway and later brings it up.  "Oh man, I told Rory not to rat me out. I can’t believe she did that." "She didn’t. Andrew from the bookstore called and Jackson and the UPS guy and ooh it was the lead story on the Stars Hollow web page. And then I asked Rory and she very reluctantly confirmed it. ‘Rat me out’ what are you - sixteen?"

19.  Lorelai invites Chris to lunch, not knowing that Rory has asked him to stay away from her so he doesn't screw things up between her and Luke. Rory is angry when she finds out, Chris is defensive.  "I'm your father, kid, okay? I think that demands a tiny bit of respect here."

20.  Rory confronts Chris about his not being a real part of her life growing up.  "Look, your mom did what she wanted to do. I wasn't consulted." "I know, but you let her do it." "I did. I...I let her do it." "So, now, all these years later, how do you feel about that?" "It was in the cards. Lorelai and you, from the first moment I saw you two together, no one was getting between you guys. Maybe that's why she's getting married now. You're grown. Her job is done. Now she can let someone else in." "So she didn't let you in?" "I'm not saying that." "But is that why you weren't there? Because she made the decision and she pushed you away?" "Not at all. We were just so young. I was so young, and Lorelai was, much like yourself, she was a force of nature. Just uncontrollable. Sure about everything. I couldn't come close to competing with that, so I didn't."

21.  After agreeing to help Lorelai get Rory back to Yale, Richard and Emily go behind her back and let Rory drop out and move in with them.  "Rory will be taking some time off from Yale. She will be moving into the pool house here with us. We will find her some sort of suitable job through one of our friends, and then after a suitable amount of time has passed, we will revisit the subject of her returning to school."

22.  Lorelai refuses to listen to Rory at all when she wants to take some time off from Yale and completely shuts her down.  "So what’s the great master plan, then, huh? You’re going to move back home, live in your room, work part-time at the bookstore? Forget it. Not an option."

23.  Lorelai pretends that Rory dating a barely-divorced Dean is just fine, knowing that Rory is the reason he and Lindsey are divorced in the first place, and forces Luke to go on a double date with them.  "We all used to get together all the time for whatever and hang out. We had a great rhythm. I like Dean. I've always liked Dean. He has a great heart. I don't want it to be weird."

24.  Lorelai shares with Emily that she and Max are engaged.  Emily's reaction is....underwhelming.  "Well, I think that's very nice. I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."

26.  Lorelai invites Dean over for a movie night before he and Rory have even been on an actual date.  "I can't believe you did this. I'm so humiliated."

27.  Emily and Rory get into it at the DAR function.  "When your father gets home, we're going to talk about the house rules and be on the same page once and for all!" "You mean my grandfather."

14, 23, 26 gone!

Remember, we're voting "backwards" in this game - we want the truly awful moments to be the winners.  Voting against three still.

Worst Parenting Moments

2.  Straub and Francine act as though Christopher has no responsibilities toward a pregnant Lorelai.  "They are in this together." "I don’t see why. Why should Christopher sacrifice everything we’ve planned for him just because --" "Choose your words extremely carefully, Straub."

3.  Chris and Lorelai escape to the balcony for sex and leave Rory to face the aftermath of the horrid FND with the Haydens and Gilmores alone.  "That was a memorable evening."

6.  Paris' parents are in trouble with the IRS and have left her penniless.  "My ATM refused me. I thought it was just that particular one. So I went to another, and it refused me, too. So I went to the bank and used a few choice expletives, and a bunch of guys in suits started closing in on me. So I started pacing and yelling, 'Attica! Attica!' and then the manager hit a little red button under his desk, so I ran out of there and came right over here."

9.  Emily blames Lorelai for finding out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott for all these years.  "I wouldn't have known! If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"

10.  Emily yells at Lorelai when Rory accidentally stays out all night after her dance.  "She's doing the same thing you did." "No she's not." "She's going to get pregnant." "No she's not." "She's gonna ruin everything just like you did." "No she's not, no she's not, no she's not!"

11.  Lorelai then turns around and yells at Rory for accidentally staying out all night after her dance.  "Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?"

13.  Lorelai is proud that Dean and Jess got into a fight over Rory and completely trashed Kyle's house.  "This fence is broken because of you, this crap is on the ground because of you." "What's your point?" "Did you ever know that you're my hero?"

17.  Chris promises Rory that he's committed to being there for the girls this time.  Moments later, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and leaves Sookie's wedding after only talking to Lorelai.  "You'll tell Rory?" "I will."

18.  Chris tells Rory to pick out anything she wants at Andrew's bookstore.  She picks out the Compact Oxford English Dictionary.  Chris is embarrassed when his credit card is declined and asks Rory not to tell Lorelai about it.  She finds out anyway and later brings it up.  "Oh man, I told Rory not to rat me out. I can’t believe she did that." "She didn’t. Andrew from the bookstore called and Jackson and the UPS guy and ooh it was the lead story on the Stars Hollow web page. And then I asked Rory and she very reluctantly confirmed it. ‘Rat me out’ what are you - sixteen?"

19.  Lorelai invites Chris to lunch, not knowing that Rory has asked him to stay away from her so he doesn't screw things up between her and Luke. Rory is angry when she finds out, Chris is defensive.  "I'm your father, kid, okay? I think that demands a tiny bit of respect here."

20.  Rory confronts Chris about his not being a real part of her life growing up.  "Look, your mom did what she wanted to do. I wasn't consulted." "I know, but you let her do it." "I did. I...I let her do it." "So, now, all these years later, how do you feel about that?" "It was in the cards. Lorelai and you, from the first moment I saw you two together, no one was getting between you guys. Maybe that's why she's getting married now. You're grown. Her job is done. Now she can let someone else in." "So she didn't let you in?" "I'm not saying that." "But is that why you weren't there? Because she made the decision and she pushed you away?" "Not at all. We were just so young. I was so young, and Lorelai was, much like yourself, she was a force of nature. Just uncontrollable. Sure about everything. I couldn't come close to competing with that, so I didn't."

21.  After agreeing to help Lorelai get Rory back to Yale, Richard and Emily go behind her back and let Rory drop out and move in with them.  "Rory will be taking some time off from Yale. She will be moving into the pool house here with us. We will find her some sort of suitable job through one of our friends, and then after a suitable amount of time has passed, we will revisit the subject of her returning to school."

22.  Lorelai refuses to listen to Rory at all when she wants to take some time off from Yale and completely shuts her down.  "So what’s the great master plan, then, huh? You’re going to move back home, live in your room, work part-time at the bookstore? Forget it. Not an option."

24.  Lorelai shares with Emily that she and Max are engaged.  Emily's reaction is....underwhelming.  "Well, I think that's very nice. I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."

27.  Emily and Rory get into it at the DAR function.  "When your father gets home, we're going to talk about the house rules and be on the same page once and for all!" "You mean my grandfather."

On 1/8/2019 at 8:26 AM, lulu1960 said:

Chris wasn't wrong. Yes he could have done more, but he wasn't wrong in his assessment.

Now that 20 is out, I just wanted to say ITA with this. I feel like I defend Chris too much sometimes, so I don't always speak up, but he wasn't wrong here. Like Emily said, he's definitely weak, but charming....but he wasn't wrong in his assessment of Lorelai and Rory's relationship and where he fit in it.

Also I think it was pretty effing terrible of Paris' parents to up and leave her without access to her own money without a word to her, but Paris' last name isn't Gilmore so I understand why it wasn't a bigger deal on the show.

6, 20, 27 out!  Remember, we're voting "backwards" in this game - we want the truly awful moments to be the winners.  Let's drop to voting out two.

Worst Parenting Moments

2.  Straub and Francine act as though Christopher has no responsibilities toward a pregnant Lorelai.  "They are in this together." "I don’t see why. Why should Christopher sacrifice everything we’ve planned for him just because --" "Choose your words extremely carefully, Straub."

3.  Chris and Lorelai escape to the balcony for sex and leave Rory to face the aftermath of the horrid FND with the Haydens and Gilmores alone.  "That was a memorable evening."

9.  Emily blames Lorelai for finding out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott for all these years.  "I wouldn't have known! If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"

10.  Emily yells at Lorelai when Rory accidentally stays out all night after her dance.  "She's doing the same thing you did." "No she's not." "She's going to get pregnant." "No she's not." "She's gonna ruin everything just like you did." "No she's not, no she's not, no she's not!"

11.  Lorelai then turns around and yells at Rory for accidentally staying out all night after her dance.  "Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?"

13.  Lorelai is proud that Dean and Jess got into a fight over Rory and completely trashed Kyle's house.  "This fence is broken because of you, this crap is on the ground because of you." "What's your point?" "Did you ever know that you're my hero?"

17.  Chris promises Rory that he's committed to being there for the girls this time.  Moments later, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and leaves Sookie's wedding after only talking to Lorelai.  "You'll tell Rory?" "I will."

18.  Chris tells Rory to pick out anything she wants at Andrew's bookstore.  She picks out the Compact Oxford English Dictionary.  Chris is embarrassed when his credit card is declined and asks Rory not to tell Lorelai about it.  She finds out anyway and later brings it up.  "Oh man, I told Rory not to rat me out. I can’t believe she did that." "She didn’t. Andrew from the bookstore called and Jackson and the UPS guy and ooh it was the lead story on the Stars Hollow web page. And then I asked Rory and she very reluctantly confirmed it. ‘Rat me out’ what are you - sixteen?"

19.  Lorelai invites Chris to lunch, not knowing that Rory has asked him to stay away from her so he doesn't screw things up between her and Luke. Rory is angry when she finds out, Chris is defensive.  "I'm your father, kid, okay? I think that demands a tiny bit of respect here."

21.  After agreeing to help Lorelai get Rory back to Yale, Richard and Emily go behind her back and let Rory drop out and move in with them.  "Rory will be taking some time off from Yale. She will be moving into the pool house here with us. We will find her some sort of suitable job through one of our friends, and then after a suitable amount of time has passed, we will revisit the subject of her returning to school."

22.  Lorelai refuses to listen to Rory at all when she wants to take some time off from Yale and completely shuts her down.  "So what’s the great master plan, then, huh? You’re going to move back home, live in your room, work part-time at the bookstore? Forget it. Not an option."

24.  Lorelai shares with Emily that she and Max are engaged.  Emily's reaction is....underwhelming.  "Well, I think that's very nice. I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."

11 (again. I just really don't feel Lorelai was totally wrong. I know it was an accident, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be totally freaked out.)

19 (again. I loathe Chris and don't think he deserves any respect. But I just don't think this stands out as a "bad parenting" moment, because I feel Rory was pretty out of line here. Lorelai was the one she should have been mad at.)

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

11 (again. I just really don't feel Lorelai was totally wrong. I know it was an accident, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be totally freaked out.)

19 (again. I loathe Chris and don't think he deserves any respect. But I just don't think this stands out as a "bad parenting" moment, because I feel Rory was pretty out of line here. Lorelai was the one she should have been mad at.)

This is exactly what I was going to vote and for the same reasons, so I shall say “ditto.”

11 and 19 out.  I agree that Lorelai had every right to freak out on Rory for staying out all night even if it was an accident.  And Rory was the one in the wrong in 19, not Chris.

Remember, we're voting "backwards" in this game - we want the truly awful moments to be the winners.  Voting out two.

Worst Parenting Moments

2.  Straub and Francine act as though Christopher has no responsibilities toward a pregnant Lorelai.  "They are in this together." "I don’t see why. Why should Christopher sacrifice everything we’ve planned for him just because --" "Choose your words extremely carefully, Straub."

3.  Chris and Lorelai escape to the balcony for sex and leave Rory to face the aftermath of the horrid FND with the Haydens and Gilmores alone.  "That was a memorable evening."

9.  Emily blames Lorelai for finding out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott for all these years.  "I wouldn't have known! If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"

10.  Emily yells at Lorelai when Rory accidentally stays out all night after her dance.  "She's doing the same thing you did." "No she's not." "She's going to get pregnant." "No she's not." "She's gonna ruin everything just like you did." "No she's not, no she's not, no she's not!"

13.  Lorelai is proud that Dean and Jess got into a fight over Rory and completely trashed Kyle's house.  "This fence is broken because of you, this crap is on the ground because of you." "What's your point?" "Did you ever know that you're my hero?"

17.  Chris promises Rory that he's committed to being there for the girls this time.  Moments later, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and leaves Sookie's wedding after only talking to Lorelai.  "You'll tell Rory?" "I will."

18.  Chris tells Rory to pick out anything she wants at Andrew's bookstore.  She picks out the Compact Oxford English Dictionary.  Chris is embarrassed when his credit card is declined and asks Rory not to tell Lorelai about it.  She finds out anyway and later brings it up.  "Oh man, I told Rory not to rat me out. I can’t believe she did that." "She didn’t. Andrew from the bookstore called and Jackson and the UPS guy and ooh it was the lead story on the Stars Hollow web page. And then I asked Rory and she very reluctantly confirmed it. ‘Rat me out’ what are you - sixteen?"

21.  After agreeing to help Lorelai get Rory back to Yale, Richard and Emily go behind her back and let Rory drop out and move in with them.  "Rory will be taking some time off from Yale. She will be moving into the pool house here with us. We will find her some sort of suitable job through one of our friends, and then after a suitable amount of time has passed, we will revisit the subject of her returning to school."

22.  Lorelai refuses to listen to Rory at all when she wants to take some time off from Yale and completely shuts her down.  "So what’s the great master plan, then, huh? You’re going to move back home, live in your room, work part-time at the bookstore? Forget it. Not an option."

24.  Lorelai shares with Emily that she and Max are engaged.  Emily's reaction is....underwhelming.  "Well, I think that's very nice. I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."

3 (because I kind of like Emily having to be there to comfort Rory. I liked how she started out making excuses, but realized it was all BS and called Straub an "insufferable ass." It was an important moment for both of them.)

13 (It's certainly not a good message to send, but I don't think it really had any affect on Rory, certainly not a hurtful, damaging one like some of these other scenes.)

  • Love 1

13, 18 out. 13 - ugh. Typical ever-16-yo-at-heart Lorelai. 18 - I really feel for Chris (other than the 'rat me out' comment).  I looked up that book one time to see how much it was and I think it was like $400.  My cc would have declined too.  Just saying.

Remember, we're voting "backwards" in this game - we want the truly awful moments to be the winners.  Voting out two.

Worst Parenting Moments

2.  Straub and Francine act as though Christopher has no responsibilities toward a pregnant Lorelai.  "They are in this together." "I don’t see why. Why should Christopher sacrifice everything we’ve planned for him just because --" "Choose your words extremely carefully, Straub."

3.  Chris and Lorelai escape to the balcony for sex and leave Rory to face the aftermath of the horrid FND with the Haydens and Gilmores alone.  "That was a memorable evening."

9.  Emily blames Lorelai for finding out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott for all these years.  "I wouldn't have known! If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"

10.  Emily yells at Lorelai when Rory accidentally stays out all night after her dance.  "She's doing the same thing you did." "No she's not." "She's going to get pregnant." "No she's not." "She's gonna ruin everything just like you did." "No she's not, no she's not, no she's not!"

17.  Chris promises Rory that he's committed to being there for the girls this time.  Moments later, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and leaves Sookie's wedding after only talking to Lorelai.  "You'll tell Rory?" "I will."

21.  After agreeing to help Lorelai get Rory back to Yale, Richard and Emily go behind her back and let Rory drop out and move in with them.  "Rory will be taking some time off from Yale. She will be moving into the pool house here with us. We will find her some sort of suitable job through one of our friends, and then after a suitable amount of time has passed, we will revisit the subject of her returning to school."

22.  Lorelai refuses to listen to Rory at all when she wants to take some time off from Yale and completely shuts her down.  "So what’s the great master plan, then, huh? You’re going to move back home, live in your room, work part-time at the bookstore? Forget it. Not an option."

24.  Lorelai shares with Emily that she and Max are engaged.  Emily's reaction is....underwhelming.  "Well, I think that's very nice. I certainly hope we'll be in town for it, but if not I promise we'll send a nice gift. Now excuse me, I'm going to check on the roast."

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