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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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16 it is!

Vote for the one you want to WIN!

Paris scenes

5.  Paris and Jess end up at Rory's house, eating a ton of food and having great conversation about books and pop culture.  Dean comes over to surprise Rory, and is furious to find Jess there.  Paris jumps in and pretends she wanted to invite Jess over.  "It’s my fault that Jess was here. I saw him in the diner the day I came to Stars Hollow and I thought he was cute and since I’m not great at the whole ‘batting the eyelashes, look at my belly shirt’ kind of thing, I asked Rory to help me."  (TTR)

24.  Paris reluctantly agrees to go to the Bangles concert.  She perks up when Lorelai tracks down Madeline and Louise and pulls them out of the party they snuck off to.  "I think this is the best night I’ve ever had."  (Concert Interruptus)

As much as I love 5, 24 was a more major development between Paris and Rory and I loved it. I can just imagine how many times Madeline and Louise would have ditched Paris in the past so for Paris to see them finally get blasted for it must have been a good moment. And it was the start of a tentative friendship between her and Rory as well. So 24 to win! ?

  • Love 4

I thought for a minute there you all were going to make me play tie-breaker on this one!  O.O  Glad I was spared that agony! 

As much as I love Lorelai pulling those two nitwits out of the party, and Paris' reaction to it, and I understand the argument for it being a more important scene, the whole There's the Rub eating while debating pop culture scene (until Dean arrives, anyway) is one of my favorite GG scenes of all time, so I'm glad to announce it our winner!

Paris and Jess end up at Rory's house, eating a ton of food and having great conversation about books and pop culture.  Dean comes over to surprise Rory, and is furious to find Jess there.  Paris jumps in and pretends she wanted to invite Jess over.  "It’s my fault that Jess was here. I saw him in the diner the day I came to Stars Hollow and I thought he was cute and since I’m not great at the whole ‘batting the eyelashes, look at my belly shirt’ kind of thing, I asked Rory to help me."  (TTR)

40 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Haven't we covered just about everything at this point?  I can't think of anything new!

LOL it feels like it.

Some things I have jotted down still are Emily; Richard; Michel; and Emily/Lorelai but even those overlap with so many things we have done recently that none of it feels that new.

Maybe somebody can think of something!  I do love this game.

I don't think we did Michel specifically, I think we did Inn scenes (both Independence and Dragonfly) and he was just in most of those.  But it's not like there's that many Michel-away-from-the-Inn scenes to choose from, so it's basically the same anyway.

I know we did Sookie & Jackson already.  

Dean....ugh.  LOL.  I guess we could probably come up with a few Dean moments that don't make me want to stab myself in the eye.

I wouldn't mind doing Christopher moments.

Emily/Lorelai is still up for grabs, too.

I think it might be kind of fun to do Dean or Logan (have we done Logan?), or Rory/Dean or Rory/Logan but then I don't mind either of them, or I at least like certain moments with them or aspects of them.

Christopher moments would be good too, I don't think we've done that.

Emily/Lorelai is always good.

I'll throw out a few others..


Favorite season openers/season finales? Could do that all as one round.

Favorite date scenes? (Dates between any couple on the show that we find sweet, funny, so terrible that it's funny, etc.)

Or just a straight favorite couple elimination? Probably already know the favorites but might be interesting to see differing opinions..do we prefer Babette and Morey to Sookie and Jackson? Etc.

Or, (and this has probably already been done, but not when I was playing), we could do a favorite episode elimination in reverse. As in, vote OUT your favorites and we end up with the colllectively most hated episode.

Edited by Bumblebee Tights
Thought of some more!
  • Love 1

I SWEAR we did do straight up Michel ones!  LOL


I kind of like the idea of doing couple moments, for either Lorelai or Rory. So, for instance, we could list Dean, Jess, and Logan moments separately. Then eliminate, say, two from each category each time. Then maybe once we get down to final 5 or final 3 for each guy, pit them against each other? Same for Lorelai with Max, Jason, Chris, Luke? 

I don't know....if that's a dumb idea, I will NOT be offended! 


I also like the idea of doing episode openers. 

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I SWEAR we did do straight up Michel ones!  LOL

Well, maybe we did!  My memory is not what it used to be LOL.

Oooh I like the idea of doing dating/couple moments with each guy, and then pitting the top three or five against each other!  Because as much as I hate some of their guys (Dean, Max, I'm looking at you!) even I can admit they had one or two good scenes.

  • Love 1

I'm pretty sure we did Townie scenes, because I was debating on whether Kirk should have his own game or be put in with the Townies.  (I think we put him in with the Townies, btw, but I still think Kirk has enough scenes he could carry his own game!)

I say we do Couples/Dating scenes!  Split it into Lorelai and Rory so we can have enough for the next two games at least, ha ha.  Lorelai first, just because.    And name scenes with any guy, I'll split them up when I'm putting the game together so we can vote on them individually and then pit them against each other at the end.

Lorelai and Jason end up at a supermarket getting snowballs, and full-sized Pringles

Lorelai and Jason go antique shopping, they both end up talking to Emily on the phone.

Christopher does a movie on the side of a barn.

Max and Lorelai sit on the front porch as she admires her engagement ring

Max and Lorelai are at dinner and Max show her a check from his folks

Luke picks Lorelai up from her house but first she must get her socks out of the oven

Luke and Lorelai are at the BWR watching Pippi Longstockings. Lorelai asks him not to have a 'tude.

Luke and Lorelai are at Sniffy's. Lorelai reads the menu and Luke is all in.

Luke tells Lorelai that he will buy her CDs. No pirates allowed. But it is a great first date.

Jason introduces Lorelai to Cyrus. 

Jason shows Lorelai the guest room. At first Lorelai is upset but then she enjoys the room

Edited by lulu1960

When Luke and Lorelai are prepping to paint the diner and they have that "moment" where it seems like they're about to kiss. (That Damn Donna Reed)

Max's yellow daisies proposal. 

Christopher arranging the drive-in movie date for Lorelai. 

In "Run Away Little Boy", when Lorelai talks about how she doesn't have many people who are in her life, REALLY in her life, and she hopes Luke is one of them. "You do."

Jason and Lorelai shopping for groceries on their first date. 

Christopher sending the gift basket before Lorelai's graduation. 

Lorelai bunking with Luke during "A Tale of Poes and Fire" and sharing her pregnancy dream with him. 

Luke comforting Lorelai during "The Incredible Sinking Lorelais".

Lorelai listening to the "Max Medina" recording over and over. 

Chris and Lorelai arguing over Metallica vs. Offspring. 

Jason and Lorelai pretend to be dating while really dating at the rare manuscript acquisitions dinner. 

Edited by ghoulina

I love this idea.

Max spends the night at Lorelai and Rory's. He makes the garlic bread and falls asleep on the couch.

Max and Lorelai go on a double date with Rory and Dean. 

Max and Lorelai meet when Lorelai attends a parent teacher conference. She horrifies the other parents but charms Max.

Max and Lorelai have a first date in the snow when his car is stranded in Stars Hollow.

Jason gives Lorelai the "talking key".

Jason impresses Lorelai by getting Emily to invite him to stay for dinner.

Lorelai goes to confront Jason about canceling the launch party. He can't change his plans, but he can ask her out.

(I don't know if this counts but I just find it hilarious) Lorelai tries to tell Emily that she's dating Jason. Emily laughs so hard that her drink has been "shaken on up for her".

Chris and Lorelai dance together at Miss Patty's to show Rory and Dean how it's done.

Chris proposes to Lorelai after the balcony incident in "Christopher Returns". Charles Manson is freaked out by him right now.

Chris and Lorelai have a brief moment of happiness at Sookie's wedding before he finds out about Sherry's pregnancy.

Lorelai calls Chris after Rory's car accident and wakes up to find him sleeping in the chair next to her.

Lorelai and Luke have their first kiss. "Will you just stand still"

Luke buys and unbuys the Twickham? House. "Kids would be good".

Luke stays up all night to salvage Rory's going away party "I just like to see you happy"

Lorelai proposes to Luke and they celebrate with Zima.


1. Lorelai and Jason end up at the supermarket for their first date, buying Sno Balls ("Why are they shaped like a chest?") and toothpaste and going in the storeroom for purse-sized Pringles.  (TKBNO)

2.  Jason tries to take the morning off so he and Lorelai can go antique shopping.  ("Japan does not have the morning off.")  They both end up on the phone with Emily, who thinks Jason is a stalker.  (AFM)

3.  Jason introduces Lorelai to Cyrus, his dog.  "Cyrus, a little to the left."  (The Nanny & the Professor)

4.  Jason and Lorelai have sex, then he breaks the news that she'll have to sleep in the guest room, since he can't have any distractions when he's trying to sleep.  "TV, reading material, unbelievably gorgeous woman. "I should at least get billing over the TV." "It's plasma."  (TNaTP)

5.  Jason and Lorelai have to pretend to be dating - while hiding that they really are dating - at the Rare Manuscripts Acquisition Fundraiser, because Lorelai didn't know to bring a man.  "So who else is joining us?" "No one. We brought one of Richard's coats to hang over the chair."  (Nag Hammadi)

6.  Jason gives Lorelai a key to his apartment.  "The key was supposed to say something."  "So it's a talking key?"  (GIB, BDTT)

7.  Jason cons Emily into inviting him to stay for dinner.  Lorelai is impressed.  He almost tips his hand when he asks Emily for advice on a good restaurant with a romantic atmosphere.  "Why would you need a romantic atmosphere for business?"  (Die, Jerk)

8.  Lorelai storms over to Jason's office after Emily cancels the catering plans for the launch party, because he hasn't called her back.  "I'll call you back now, what's your number?"  "976-bite-me."  (An Affair to Remember)

9.  Lorelai tries to tell Emily that she and Jason are dating.  Emily laughs so hard at the idea that her drink has been shaken up for her.  (AFM)



1.  Chris sets up a showing of Funny Face on the side of a barn.  "I thought it was time we saw a movie we wouldn't complain about."  ('SW 'SM)

2.  Chris sends Lorelai a special gift basket for her graduation - a $25 savings bond, a youth hostel card, a DVD of The Graduate, a necklace.  "The pearl almost looks real."  "It better look very real, because it is."  (LGD)

3.  Chris and Lorelai argue over which band is better, Metallica or The Offspring.  He wants to get married.  "And the hits just keep on coming."  (CR)

4.  Chris and Lorelai dance at Miss Patty's to show Dean and Rory how it's done.  "Okay, I'm adopted."  (PLG)

5.  Chris and Lorelai have a few brief moments of happiness together before he finds out Sherry is pregnant.  "Stop looking at me like that or everyone here will think we did it."  (ICGS)

6.  Lorelai calls Chris to tell him Rory has been in an accident.  She wakes up in a chair next to Rory's bed, and see Chris asleep in a chair next to her.  (TMT)



1.  Max and Lorelai sit on her front porch, she admires her engagement ring.  "I'm getting married."  (Sadie, Sadie)

2.  Max and Lorelai have dinner and discuss wedding plans.  He gives her a check from his parents.  "Ah, did you tell them that we're paying for everything ourselves?  Sookie's doing the cake, the ceremony's at my house, Patty's supplying the chairs… thirty five dollars?"  (H&V)

3.  Max arranges to have a thousand million yellow daisies delivered to the Inn as part of a proper marriage proposal.  "Oh, my."  (LDaT)

4.  Max leaves a message on Lorelai's answering machine, which she listens to over and over.  "Lorelai, it's Max.  Medina.  Maaax Medina."  (L&W&S)

5.  Max spends the night at the Crap Shack because his apartment is being painted.  He makes garlic bread in the broiler ("Did you know we had that?!") and falls asleep on the couch during movies.  "What happened to Billy Jack?"  "I'll explain it to you later."  (RLOTWN)

6.  Max and Lorelai double-date with Rory and Dean.  The girls run off for ice cream while Dean gives Max advice.  "Don't ever use the last of the parmesan cheese. And never get into a heavy discussion late at night 'cause that's when they're at their crankiest."  (RLOTWN)

7.  Lorelai attends a parent/teacher conference and meets Max.  She makes a bad impression on the other parents ("What in the world?") but Max is charmed.  (TDH)

8.  Max's car breaks down in Stars Hollow and he and Lorelai have an impromptu date.  "I smell snow."  (L&W&S)



1.  Luke arrives to pick Lorelai up for a date, she's waiting on her socks to finish drying.  In the oven.  "Huh, they're still damp.  I followed the recipe."  (NMIP)

2.  Luke and Lorelai double-date with Dean and Rory.  She sings along to the Pippi Longstocking theme and asks him not to have a 'tude.  (Pippi Virgin)

3.  Luke and Lorelai have their first real date at Sniffy's.  He knows the owners.  "No, no, no garlic. I mean, give the boy a chance."  Lorelai reads the entire back of the menu and Luke declares he is all in.  (WitS)

4.  Luke makes a list of CD's Lorelai will want him to buy now that they are dating.  "And skip any '80s groups where the guys dressed up like pirates. I draw the line at pirates."  It's been a great first date.  (WitS)

5.  Luke and Lorelai prep the diner for painting and share a "moment" before being interrupted by Taylor trying to get in to take pictures.  (TDDR)

6.  Lorelai tells Luke she doesn't have many people who are in her life permanently, forever, but he's one of them.  "At least, I think I've got . . ."  "You do."  (RALB)

7.  Lorelai stays the night at Luke's when the Inn burns down.  She tells him about the dream she had that they were married and she was pregnant with twins.  "Mine?"  "What am I, dream tramp?  Of course yours."  (ATOPAF)

8.  Lorelai cries on Luke's shoulder after the disastrous FND with Gran.  "You are not failing."  (TISL)

9.  Luke and Lorelai's first kiss.  "Will you just stand still?"  (R&R)

10.  Luke buys - and later unbuys - the Twickham House.  "Kids would be good."  (TLALD, NAIL)

11.  Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)

12.  Lorelai proposes to Luke and they look for something to toast the occasion.  "Grapefruit juice or Worcestershire sauce."  Taylor has Zima in the back.  (NAIL)

Jason and Lorelai meet at the Gilmores to have his parents over. Jason compliments her, and Lorelai realizes she should definitely shower more often. 

Lorelai and Chris look at Gigi in the hospital nursery. 

The Gilmores invite Chris over to dinner and try to set him up with the therapist. Lorelai monopolizes the conversation in an effort to try and help Chris out. 

Luke and Lorelai's first back-together date where they fight about his reggae CD. 


1. Lorelai and Jason end up at the supermarket for their first date, buying Sno Balls ("Why are they shaped like a chest?") and toothpaste and going in the storeroom for purse-sized Pringles.  (TKBNO)

2.  Jason tries to take the morning off so he and Lorelai can go antique shopping.  ("Japan does not have the morning off.")  They both end up on the phone with Emily, who thinks Jason is a stalker.  (AFM)

3.  Jason introduces Lorelai to Cyrus, his dog.  "Cyrus, a little to the left."  (The Nanny & the Professor)

4.  Jason and Lorelai have sex, then he breaks the news that she'll have to sleep in the guest room, since he can't have any distractions when he's trying to sleep.  "TV, reading material, unbelievably gorgeous woman. "I should at least get billing over the TV." "It's plasma."  (TNaTP)

5.  Jason and Lorelai have to pretend to be dating - while hiding that they really are dating - at the Rare Manuscripts Acquisition Fundraiser, because Lorelai didn't know to bring a man.  "So who else is joining us?" "No one. We brought one of Richard's coats to hang over the chair."  (Nag Hammadi)

6.  Jason gives Lorelai a key to his apartment.  "The key was supposed to say something."  "So it's a talking key?"  (GIB, BDTT)

7.  Jason cons Emily into inviting him to stay for dinner.  Lorelai is impressed.  He almost tips his hand when he asks Emily for advice on a good restaurant with a romantic atmosphere.  "Why would you need a romantic atmosphere for business?"  (Die, Jerk)

8.  Lorelai storms over to Jason's office after Emily cancels the catering plans for the launch party, because he hasn't called her back.  "I'll call you back now, what's your number?"  "976-bite-me."  (An Affair to Remember)

9.  Lorelai tries to tell Emily that she and Jason are dating.  Emily laughs so hard at the idea that her drink has been shaken up for her.  (AFM)

10.  Jason's parents are over at the Gilmore's for FND.  Everyone is surprised at how 'dressed up' Lorelai is.  "By the way, may I be the fourteenth person this evening to say how great you look?" "It's the shower. I gotta try that more often."  (TTTB)



1.  Chris sets up a showing of Funny Face on the side of a barn.  "I thought it was time we saw a movie we wouldn't complain about."  ('SW 'SM)

2.  Chris sends Lorelai a special gift basket for her graduation - a $25 savings bond, a youth hostel card, a DVD of The Graduate, a necklace.  "The pearl almost looks real."  "It better look very real, because it is."  (LGD)

3.  Chris and Lorelai argue over which band is better, Metallica or The Offspring.  He wants to get married.  "And the hits just keep on coming."  (CR)

4.  Chris and Lorelai dance at Miss Patty's to show Dean and Rory how it's done.  "Okay, I'm adopted."  (PLG)

5.  Chris and Lorelai have a few brief moments of happiness together before he finds out Sherry is pregnant.  "Stop looking at me like that or everyone here will think we did it."  (ICGS)

6.  Lorelai calls Chris to tell him Rory has been in an accident.  She wakes up in a chair next to Rory's bed, and see Chris asleep in a chair next to her.  (TMT)

7.  Chris comes to wake Lorelai to tell her Gigi has arrived.  They go together to look at her through the viewing window.  We flashback to Chris seeing Rory for the first time.  "She's pretty."  "She's perfect."  (DEaR)

8.  Emily has Christopher over for FND and tries to set him up with Lynnie, a family friend and therapist.  Lorelai monopolizes the conversation even more than usual to give him an out.  "Hey, Lynnie, I have a recurring dream where a walrus waddles up, lies down on me, falls asleep, and I can't breathe. What do you think it means?"  (Partings) 



1.  Max and Lorelai sit on her front porch, she admires her engagement ring.  "I'm getting married."  (Sadie, Sadie)

2.  Max and Lorelai have dinner and discuss wedding plans.  He gives her a check from his parents.  "Ah, did you tell them that we're paying for everything ourselves?  Sookie's doing the cake, the ceremony's at my house, Patty's supplying the chairs… thirty five dollars?"  (H&V)

3.  Max arranges to have a thousand million yellow daisies delivered to the Inn as part of a proper marriage proposal.  "Oh, my."  (LDaT)

4.  Max leaves a message on Lorelai's answering machine, which she listens to over and over.  "Lorelai, it's Max.  Medina.  Maaax Medina."  (L&W&S)

5.  Max spends the night at the Crap Shack because his apartment is being painted.  He makes garlic bread in the broiler ("Did you know we had that?!") and falls asleep on the couch during movies.  "What happened to Billy Jack?"  "I'll explain it to you later."  (RLOTWN)

6.  Max and Lorelai double-date with Rory and Dean.  The girls run off for ice cream while Dean gives Max advice.  "Don't ever use the last of the parmesan cheese. And never get into a heavy discussion late at night 'cause that's when they're at their crankiest."  (RLOTWN)

7.  Lorelai attends a parent/teacher conference and meets Max.  She makes a bad impression on the other parents ("What in the world?") but Max is charmed.  (TDH)

8.  Max's car breaks down in Stars Hollow and he and Lorelai have an impromptu date.  "I smell snow."  (L&W&S)



1.  Luke arrives to pick Lorelai up for a date, she's waiting on her socks to finish drying.  In the oven.  "Huh, they're still damp.  I followed the recipe."  (NMIP)

2.  Luke and Lorelai double-date with Dean and Rory.  She sings along to the Pippi Longstocking theme and asks him not to have a 'tude.  (Pippi Virgin)

3.  Luke and Lorelai have their first real date at Sniffy's.  He knows the owners.  "No, no, no garlic. I mean, give the boy a chance."  Lorelai reads the entire back of the menu and Luke declares he is all in.  (WitS)

4.  Luke makes a list of CD's Lorelai will want him to buy now that they are dating.  "And skip any '80s groups where the guys dressed up like pirates. I draw the line at pirates."  It's been a great first date.  (WitS)

5.  Luke and Lorelai prep the diner for painting and share a "moment" before being interrupted by Taylor trying to get in to take pictures.  (TDDR)

6.  Lorelai tells Luke she doesn't have many people who are in her life permanently, forever, but he's one of them.  "At least, I think I've got . . ."  "You do."  (RALB)

7.  Lorelai stays the night at Luke's when the Inn burns down.  She tells him about the dream she had that they were married and she was pregnant with twins.  "Mine?"  "What am I, dream tramp?  Of course yours."  (ATOPAF)

8.  Lorelai cries on Luke's shoulder after the disastrous FND with Gran.  "You are not failing."  (TISL)

9.  Luke and Lorelai's first kiss.  "Will you just stand still?"  (R&R)

10.  Luke buys - and later unbuys - the Twickham House.  "Kids would be good."  (TLALD, NAIL)

11.  Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)

12.  Lorelai proposes to Luke and they look for something to toast the occasion.  "Grapefruit juice or Worcestershire sauce."  Taylor has Zima in the back.  (NAIL)

13.  Luke and Lorelai have their first officially-back-together date and she discovers a reggae CD in his truck.  "Well, all I can say is, you’re lucky I’m back in your life, because clearly you were lost without me. I mean, it’s a miracle you’re even still alive. Right?"  "You bet."  (Pulp Friction)

Okay we've got an even number for each guy now, so let's start voting!  Vote out ONE scene from EACH guy.


1. Lorelai and Jason end up at the supermarket for their first date, buying Sno Balls ("Why are they shaped like a chest?") and toothpaste and going in the storeroom for purse-sized Pringles.  (TKBNO)

2.  Jason tries to take the morning off so he and Lorelai can go antique shopping.  ("Japan does not have the morning off.")  They both end up on the phone with Emily, who thinks Jason is a stalker.  (AFM)

3.  Jason introduces Lorelai to Cyrus, his dog.  "Cyrus, a little to the left."  (The Nanny & the Professor)

4.  Jason and Lorelai have sex, then he breaks the news that she'll have to sleep in the guest room, since he can't have any distractions when he's trying to sleep.  "TV, reading material, unbelievably gorgeous woman. "I should at least get billing over the TV." "It's plasma."  (TNaTP)

5.  Jason and Lorelai have to pretend to be dating - while hiding that they really are dating - at the Rare Manuscripts Acquisition Fundraiser, because Lorelai didn't know to bring a man.  "So who else is joining us?" "No one. We brought one of Richard's coats to hang over the chair."  (Nag Hammadi)

6.  Jason gives Lorelai a key to his apartment.  "The key was supposed to say something."  "So it's a talking key?"  (GIB, BDTT)

7.  Jason cons Emily into inviting him to stay for dinner.  Lorelai is impressed.  He almost tips his hand when he asks Emily for advice on a good restaurant with a romantic atmosphere.  "Why would you need a romantic atmosphere for business?"  (Die, Jerk)

8.  Lorelai storms over to Jason's office after Emily cancels the catering plans for the launch party, because he hasn't called her back.  "I'll call you back now, what's your number?"  "976-bite-me."  (An Affair to Remember)

9.  Lorelai tries to tell Emily that she and Jason are dating.  Emily laughs so hard at the idea that her drink has been shaken up for her.  (AFM)

10.  Jason's parents are over at the Gilmore's for FND.  Everyone is surprised at how 'dressed up' Lorelai is.  "By the way, may I be the fourteenth person this evening to say how great you look?" "It's the shower. I gotta try that more often."  (TTTB)

11.  Jason and Lorelai discuss her habit of talking through movies which bore her on the way back in from a date.  "I am not vibing your habits. I'm merely saying that the large man in a wife beater sitting in front of us invited me into the lobby to discuss your habits, and had I accepted his charming invitation, I might be in traction right now."  (TNATP)

12.  Jason and Lorelai discuss the benefit auction he attended, not without a date.  "Um, my mother said she didn't wear any underwear." "Emily didn't wear any underwear?"  (TNATP)

13.  Jason refuses to accept that he and Lorelai are broken up and shows up at the trial run of the Dragonfly.  "Lorelai, I've been sitting in my apartment for two weeks staring at a dead plant that you gave me. Now I know we can work this out. I am not leaving until we do."  (R&R)



1.  Chris sets up a showing of Funny Face on the side of a barn.  "I thought it was time we saw a movie we wouldn't complain about."  ('SW 'SM)

2.  Chris sends Lorelai a special gift basket for her graduation - a $25 savings bond, a youth hostel card, a DVD of The Graduate, a necklace.  "The pearl almost looks real."  "It better look very real, because it is."  (LGD)

3.  Chris and Lorelai argue over which band is better, Metallica or The Offspring.  He wants to get married.  "And the hits just keep on coming."  (CR)

4.  Chris and Lorelai dance at Miss Patty's to show Dean and Rory how it's done.  "Okay, I'm adopted."  (PLG)

5.  Chris and Lorelai have a few brief moments of happiness together before he finds out Sherry is pregnant.  "Stop looking at me like that or everyone here will think we did it."  (ICGS)

6.  Lorelai calls Chris to tell him Rory has been in an accident.  She wakes up in a chair next to Rory's bed, and see Chris asleep in a chair next to her.  (TMT)

7.  Chris comes to wake Lorelai to tell her Gigi has arrived.  They go together to look at her through the viewing window.  We flashback to Chris seeing Rory for the first time.  "She's pretty."  "She's perfect."  (DEaR)

8.  Emily has Christopher over for FND and tries to set him up with Lynnie, a family friend and therapist.  Lorelai monopolizes the conversation even more than usual to give him an out.  "Hey, Lynnie, I have a recurring dream where a walrus waddles up, lies down on me, falls asleep, and I can't breathe. What do you think it means?"  (Partings) 

9.  Chris has bought a Volvo and has a steady job.  Lorelai thinks he's finally ready to be in a relationship, then finds out he already is -- with Sherry.  (PLG)

10.  Chris comes for Rory's debate and brings Sherry with him.  Sherry wants to take Rory shopping so they can get to know each other.  Chris sees through the "mutual Leonard" phone call.  (ISHBL)

11.  Chris is hurt that Rory is not returning his phone calls and comes to the Gilmore mansion to confront Lorelai.  "Don’t you understand that I can’t talk to you because it hurts! Talking to you, really hurts! Standing here right now is killing me, okay? Don’t you understand that?"  Emily asks him to leave.  (Haunted Leg)

12.  Chris and Lorelai reminisce about their shared past and end up having sex on the balcony.  (CR)

13.  Chris calls Lorelai in a panic because Sherry has moved to Paris, leaving him to raise Gigi alone.  (NMIP)



1.  Max and Lorelai sit on her front porch, she admires her engagement ring.  "I'm getting married."  (Sadie, Sadie)

2.  Max and Lorelai have dinner and discuss wedding plans.  He gives her a check from his parents.  "Ah, did you tell them that we're paying for everything ourselves?  Sookie's doing the cake, the ceremony's at my house, Patty's supplying the chairs… thirty five dollars?"  (H&V)

3.  Max arranges to have a thousand million yellow daisies delivered to the Inn as part of a proper marriage proposal.  "Oh, my."  (LDaT)

4.  Max leaves a message on Lorelai's answering machine, which she listens to over and over.  "Lorelai, it's Max.  Medina.  Maaax Medina."  (L&W&S)

5.  Max spends the night at the Crap Shack because his apartment is being painted.  He makes garlic bread in the broiler ("Did you know we had that?!") and falls asleep on the couch during movies.  "What happened to Billy Jack?"  "I'll explain it to you later."  (RLOTWN)

6.  Max and Lorelai double-date with Rory and Dean.  The girls run off for ice cream while Dean gives Max advice.  "Don't ever use the last of the parmesan cheese. And never get into a heavy discussion late at night 'cause that's when they're at their crankiest."  (RLOTWN)

7.  Lorelai attends a parent/teacher conference and meets Max.  She makes a bad impression on the other parents ("What in the world?") but Max is charmed.  (TDH)

8.  Max's car breaks down in Stars Hollow and he and Lorelai have an impromptu date.  "I smell snow."  (L&W&S)

9.  Max shows up on time for a date with Lorelai and has to sit awkwardly in the living room with Rory while Lorelai finishes getting ready.  "Who shows up at 8:00 for an 8:00 date?"  "I don't know, maybe a Chilton teacher?"  (PiB)

10.  Max and Lorelai interview Kirk, who wants to be their wedding photographer.  Kirk insists that the nude photo of himself is a flesh-colored Speedo.  "The man was buck naked." "Offer rescinded if this line of conversation proceeds."  (RLOAWN)

11.  Max pretends that he learned to make osso bucco from an Italian widow who lived upstairs and looked at him as a son.  "So, an old girlfriend, huh?"  "Yep."  (PiB)

12.  Max calls Lorelai from the teacher's lounge for a chat date.  She wants him to make a gorilla sound, she'll tell him what color underwear she's wearing if he does.  "Had you considering the gorilla sound, didn't I?" "Yup."  (PS I Lo...)

13.  The town throws Max and Lorelai an engagement party.  They sit on giant throne-like chairs and every gift they open is for Lorelai.  "In this town, I am the queen. You are simply my jester."  (H&V)



1.  Luke arrives to pick Lorelai up for a date, she's waiting on her socks to finish drying.  In the oven.  "Huh, they're still damp.  I followed the recipe."  (NMIP)

2.  Luke and Lorelai double-date with Dean and Rory.  She sings along to the Pippi Longstocking theme and asks him not to have a 'tude.  (Pippi Virgin)

3.  Luke and Lorelai have their first real date at Sniffy's.  He knows the owners.  "No, no, no garlic. I mean, give the boy a chance."  Lorelai reads the entire back of the menu and Luke declares he is all in.  (WitS)

4.  Luke makes a list of CD's Lorelai will want him to buy now that they are dating.  "And skip any '80s groups where the guys dressed up like pirates. I draw the line at pirates."  It's been a great first date.  (WitS)

5.  Luke and Lorelai prep the diner for painting and share a "moment" before being interrupted by Taylor trying to get in to take pictures.  (TDDR)

6.  Lorelai tells Luke she doesn't have many people who are in her life permanently, forever, but he's one of them.  "At least, I think I've got . . ."  "You do."  (RALB)

7.  Lorelai stays the night at Luke's when the Inn burns down.  She tells him about the dream she had that they were married and she was pregnant with twins.  "Mine?"  "What am I, dream tramp?  Of course yours."  (ATOPAF)

8.  Lorelai cries on Luke's shoulder after the disastrous FND with Gran.  "You are not failing."  (TISL)

9.  Luke and Lorelai's first kiss.  "Will you just stand still?"  (R&R)

10.  Luke buys - and later unbuys - the Twickham House.  "Kids would be good."  (TLALD, NAIL)

11.  Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)

12.  Lorelai proposes to Luke and they look for something to toast the occasion.  "Grapefruit juice or Worcestershire sauce."  Taylor has Zima in the back.  (NAIL)

13.  Luke and Lorelai have their first officially-back-together date and she discovers a reggae CD in his truck.  "Well, all I can say is, you’re lucky I’m back in your life, because clearly you were lost without me. I mean, it’s a miracle you’re even still alive. Right?"  "You bet."  (Pulp Friction)

Jason-12  (I know 13 will be the popular choice, but I don't think Jason is unlikeable in it, in fact he's rather likeable.. it's just that he never had a chance once Luke became a real option)

Chris-12 ( This is really like a perfect representation of everything that's wrong with their relationship, plus I hate that EMILY and neither of her parents go and look for Rory here)

Max-12 (I think the concept of the chat dates was vaguely annoying)

And just to prove I'm not picking all 12s...

Luke-2. Just ugh.

@Bumblebee Tights I agree with you about Jason.  

Jason - 13, Chris - 12, Max - 5, and Luke - 2 are out!


1. Lorelai and Jason end up at the supermarket for their first date, buying Sno Balls ("Why are they shaped like a chest?") and toothpaste and going in the storeroom for purse-sized Pringles.  (TKBNO)

2.  Jason tries to take the morning off so he and Lorelai can go antique shopping.  ("Japan does not have the morning off.")  They both end up on the phone with Emily, who thinks Jason is a stalker.  (AFM)

3.  Jason introduces Lorelai to Cyrus, his dog.  "Cyrus, a little to the left."  (The Nanny & the Professor)

4.  Jason and Lorelai have sex, then he breaks the news that she'll have to sleep in the guest room, since he can't have any distractions when he's trying to sleep.  "TV, reading material, unbelievably gorgeous woman. "I should at least get billing over the TV." "It's plasma."  (TNaTP)

5.  Jason and Lorelai have to pretend to be dating - while hiding that they really are dating - at the Rare Manuscripts Acquisition Fundraiser, because Lorelai didn't know to bring a man.  "So who else is joining us?" "No one. We brought one of Richard's coats to hang over the chair."  (Nag Hammadi)

6.  Jason gives Lorelai a key to his apartment.  "The key was supposed to say something."  "So it's a talking key?"  (GIB, BDTT)

7.  Jason cons Emily into inviting him to stay for dinner.  Lorelai is impressed.  He almost tips his hand when he asks Emily for advice on a good restaurant with a romantic atmosphere.  "Why would you need a romantic atmosphere for business?"  (Die, Jerk)

8.  Lorelai storms over to Jason's office after Emily cancels the catering plans for the launch party, because he hasn't called her back.  "I'll call you back now, what's your number?"  "976-bite-me."  (An Affair to Remember)

9.  Lorelai tries to tell Emily that she and Jason are dating.  Emily laughs so hard at the idea that her drink has been shaken up for her.  (AFM)

10.  Jason's parents are over at the Gilmore's for FND.  Everyone is surprised at how 'dressed up' Lorelai is.  "By the way, may I be the fourteenth person this evening to say how great you look?" "It's the shower. I gotta try that more often."  (TTTB)

11.  Jason and Lorelai discuss her habit of talking through movies which bore her on the way back in from a date.  "I am not vibing your habits. I'm merely saying that the large man in a wife beater sitting in front of us invited me into the lobby to discuss your habits, and had I accepted his charming invitation, I might be in traction right now."  (TNATP)

12.  Jason and Lorelai discuss the benefit auction he attended, not without a date.  "Um, my mother said she didn't wear any underwear." "Emily didn't wear any underwear?"  (TNATP)



1.  Chris sets up a showing of Funny Face on the side of a barn.  "I thought it was time we saw a movie we wouldn't complain about."  ('SW 'SM)

2.  Chris sends Lorelai a special gift basket for her graduation - a $25 savings bond, a youth hostel card, a DVD of The Graduate, a necklace.  "The pearl almost looks real."  "It better look very real, because it is."  (LGD)

3.  Chris and Lorelai argue over which band is better, Metallica or The Offspring.  He wants to get married.  "And the hits just keep on coming."  (CR)

4.  Chris and Lorelai dance at Miss Patty's to show Dean and Rory how it's done.  "Okay, I'm adopted."  (PLG)

5.  Chris and Lorelai have a few brief moments of happiness together before he finds out Sherry is pregnant.  "Stop looking at me like that or everyone here will think we did it."  (ICGS)

6.  Lorelai calls Chris to tell him Rory has been in an accident.  She wakes up in a chair next to Rory's bed, and see Chris asleep in a chair next to her.  (TMT)

7.  Chris comes to wake Lorelai to tell her Gigi has arrived.  They go together to look at her through the viewing window.  We flashback to Chris seeing Rory for the first time.  "She's pretty."  "She's perfect."  (DEaR)

8.  Emily has Christopher over for FND and tries to set him up with Lynnie, a family friend and therapist.  Lorelai monopolizes the conversation even more than usual to give him an out.  "Hey, Lynnie, I have a recurring dream where a walrus waddles up, lies down on me, falls asleep, and I can't breathe. What do you think it means?"  (Partings) 

9.  Chris has bought a Volvo and has a steady job.  Lorelai thinks he's finally ready to be in a relationship, then finds out he already is -- with Sherry.  (PLG)

10.  Chris comes for Rory's debate and brings Sherry with him.  Sherry wants to take Rory shopping so they can get to know each other.  Chris sees through the "mutual Leonard" phone call.  (ISHBL)

11.  Chris is hurt that Rory is not returning his phone calls and comes to the Gilmore mansion to confront Lorelai.  "Don’t you understand that I can’t talk to you because it hurts! Talking to you, really hurts! Standing here right now is killing me, okay? Don’t you understand that?"  Emily asks him to leave.  (Haunted Leg)

13.  Chris calls Lorelai in a panic because Sherry has moved to Paris, leaving him to raise Gigi alone.  (NMIP)



1.  Max and Lorelai sit on her front porch, she admires her engagement ring.  "I'm getting married."  (Sadie, Sadie)

2.  Max and Lorelai have dinner and discuss wedding plans.  He gives her a check from his parents.  "Ah, did you tell them that we're paying for everything ourselves?  Sookie's doing the cake, the ceremony's at my house, Patty's supplying the chairs… thirty five dollars?"  (H&V)

3.  Max arranges to have a thousand million yellow daisies delivered to the Inn as part of a proper marriage proposal.  "Oh, my."  (LDaT)

4.  Max leaves a message on Lorelai's answering machine, which she listens to over and over.  "Lorelai, it's Max.  Medina.  Maaax Medina."  (L&W&S)

6.  Max and Lorelai double-date with Rory and Dean.  The girls run off for ice cream while Dean gives Max advice.  "Don't ever use the last of the parmesan cheese. And never get into a heavy discussion late at night 'cause that's when they're at their crankiest."  (RLOTWN)

7.  Lorelai attends a parent/teacher conference and meets Max.  She makes a bad impression on the other parents ("What in the world?") but Max is charmed.  (TDH)

8.  Max's car breaks down in Stars Hollow and he and Lorelai have an impromptu date.  "I smell snow."  (L&W&S)

9.  Max shows up on time for a date with Lorelai and has to sit awkwardly in the living room with Rory while Lorelai finishes getting ready.  "Who shows up at 8:00 for an 8:00 date?"  "I don't know, maybe a Chilton teacher?"  (PiB)

10.  Max and Lorelai interview Kirk, who wants to be their wedding photographer.  Kirk insists that the nude photo of himself is a flesh-colored Speedo.  "The man was buck naked." "Offer rescinded if this line of conversation proceeds."  (RLOAWN)

11.  Max pretends that he learned to make osso bucco from an Italian widow who lived upstairs and looked at him as a son.  "So, an old girlfriend, huh?"  "Yep."  (PiB)

12.  Max calls Lorelai from the teacher's lounge for a chat date.  She wants him to make a gorilla sound, she'll tell him what color underwear she's wearing if he does.  "Had you considering the gorilla sound, didn't I?" "Yup."  (PS I Lo...)

13.  The town throws Max and Lorelai an engagement party.  They sit on giant throne-like chairs and every gift they open is for Lorelai.  "In this town, I am the queen. You are simply my jester."  (H&V)



1.  Luke arrives to pick Lorelai up for a date, she's waiting on her socks to finish drying.  In the oven.  "Huh, they're still damp.  I followed the recipe."  (NMIP)

3.  Luke and Lorelai have their first real date at Sniffy's.  He knows the owners.  "No, no, no garlic. I mean, give the boy a chance."  Lorelai reads the entire back of the menu and Luke declares he is all in.  (WitS)

4.  Luke makes a list of CD's Lorelai will want him to buy now that they are dating.  "And skip any '80s groups where the guys dressed up like pirates. I draw the line at pirates."  It's been a great first date.  (WitS)

5.  Luke and Lorelai prep the diner for painting and share a "moment" before being interrupted by Taylor trying to get in to take pictures.  (TDDR)

6.  Lorelai tells Luke she doesn't have many people who are in her life permanently, forever, but he's one of them.  "At least, I think I've got . . ."  "You do."  (RALB)

7.  Lorelai stays the night at Luke's when the Inn burns down.  She tells him about the dream she had that they were married and she was pregnant with twins.  "Mine?"  "What am I, dream tramp?  Of course yours."  (ATOPAF)

8.  Lorelai cries on Luke's shoulder after the disastrous FND with Gran.  "You are not failing."  (TISL)

9.  Luke and Lorelai's first kiss.  "Will you just stand still?"  (R&R)

10.  Luke buys - and later unbuys - the Twickham House.  "Kids would be good."  (TLALD, NAIL)

11.  Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)

12.  Lorelai proposes to Luke and they look for something to toast the occasion.  "Grapefruit juice or Worcestershire sauce."  Taylor has Zima in the back.  (NAIL)

13.  Luke and Lorelai have their first officially-back-together date and she discovers a reggae CD in his truck.  "Well, all I can say is, you’re lucky I’m back in your life, because clearly you were lost without me. I mean, it’s a miracle you’re even still alive. Right?"  "You bet."  (Pulp Friction)

Oh man, I really like 5. I like seeing Max try to mesh with Lorelai and Rory's routine at home. In fact, I find that Max is pretty consistently likeable for me when his interactions include Rory. When it's just he and Lorelai, not so much.



Chris-8 (Lynnie deserved none of this)


Luke-well, I already like all of these now, but I guess I'll go with 10 since I agree with Lorelai, he should've discussed it with her.

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