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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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1 and 27 gone!  We can just vote against one now.


Chilton scenes

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

Aw man!  I have to decide between 7 and 5 as tie-breaker.  :/  7 is the more iconic moment (and so unlike Early!Rory which makes it awesome) but "I'm winningly naive!" is what I always think of when I think of Brad.  Urgh.

I'm voting out 5.  But I'm not happy about it.


Chilton scenes

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

7 it is!

Chilton scenes

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

Our Top Two!


Chilton scenes

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

I'm going with 14 to win as well. This is such a quiet and understated moment, but it might be one of my favorites in all of GG. It sort of encapsulates everything I love about early seasons Rory. As a fellow introvert who is around her age, it was really nice to see myself represented onscreen at the time, and for there to be this positive message about introversion in general.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, elang4 said:

Sorry! I want 14 to win. :)

Thank you!  That's what I thought but the more I read it the more I realized it could be taken either way, ha ha.


So that leaves us with our favorite Chilton scene!  (Did anyone else catch that the girl who joins her was the other one being Puffed with Rory and Paris?  I always wondered what her story was and hate that we never got to know her!  I don't even think we found out her name.)

After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

  • Love 1

For our next game, I had an idea last night that I thought might be kind of fun -- Scenes where one of the characters is acting in such a way that you absolutely hate them in that moment (whether you normally like the character or not).  An example for me would be Lorelai acting a fool and yelling at Luke in the middle of the street over Jess and Rory's accident.  I despise her right then.  I can think of examples for many of the other characters, too, where they're being particularly cruel or nasty to someone, or just utterly selfish, etc.

What do you guys think?

Okay, are we going to start naming some? I'll give it a whirl:


Dean getting upset with Rory for not saying "I love you". 

When Sookie is chiding Lorelai about breaking up with Max and Lorelai says, "You haven't been in a relationship in years". 

Rory stealing the yacht. 

Rory freezing Lorelai out after the latter and Chris got married in France. 

When Dean yells at Lindsey about answering his phone in the night. 

Rory missing Lorelai's graduation to go see Jess in NY. 

When Richard is really nasty to Dean at dinner. 

Luke's entire attitude in Cape Cod, until Lorelai desperately brings up postponing the wedding. 

Luke being so freaked out by the nursing mom in his diner. 

Lorelai sleeping with Chris RIGHT after she broke it off with Luke. 

Lane yelling at the exchange student. 

When Paris avoided Jamie for weeks, then coldly broke up with him on the phone. 

Jess - Kyle's bedroom. Enough said. 

When Richard goes back to Floyd and screws Jason over. '

Logan being nasty to Jess at dinner. 

I like this idea!

Just for clarity: when we vote, are we voting to eliminate the ones where we hate the characters the least, so that our winner will be a moment that we collectively hate the most?, or is it the other way around?

-When Rory just lets Lorelai get roasted by Emily at dinner in Kropogs... actually, Emily, Rory, and Logan's behavior at dinner in Kropogs, but if I have to pick one character to dislike the most in this scene, I pick Rory

- Anna telling Lorelai that "engaged is not the same as married" and not wanting her to have contact with April after the sleepover debacle.

-When Rory goes to Paris' apartment after breaking up with Logan in Bridesmaids and lets Paris believe that she's there because she heard that she and Doyle broke up, (even though that's not at all the reason)

42 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Okay, are we going to start naming some? I'll give it a whirl:


Dean getting upset with Rory for not saying "I love you". 

When Sookie is chiding Lorelai about breaking up with Max and Lorelai says, "You haven't been in a relationship in years". 

Rory stealing the yacht. 

Rory freezing Lorelai out after the latter and Chris got married in France. 

When Dean yells at Lindsey about answering his phone in the night. 

Rory missing Lorelai's graduation to go see Jess in NY. 

When Richard is really nasty to Dean at dinner. 

Luke's entire attitude in Cape Cod, until Lorelai desperately brings up postponing the wedding. 

Luke being so freaked out by the nursing mom in his diner. 

Lorelai sleeping with Chris RIGHT after she broke it off with Luke. 

Lane yelling at the exchange student. 

When Paris avoided Jamie for weeks, then coldly broke up with him on the phone. 

Jess - Kyle's bedroom. Enough said. 

When Richard goes back to Floyd and screws Jason over. '

Logan being nasty to Jess at dinner. 

These are all great ones but the one in bold, I actually understand why Rory felt angry.

Just now, deaja said:

Luke driving to Christopher's and punching him in the face.

Understand that one as well! ? But I am a bit biased I guess! 


Lorelai acting like a sulky teenager at the thanksgiving meal when Rory revealed that she’d applied to Yale.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Bumblebee Tights said:

Just for clarity: when we vote, are we voting to eliminate the ones where we hate the characters the least, so that our winner will be a moment that we collectively hate the most?,

That's what I had in mind, yes.  Like, some of these listed so far, I don't feel all that passionately about so if I were voting I'd start voting them out first and leave the ones where I'm like 'oh yeah I hated her there too!' for the end.  I'll put a statement about that with the title when I do up the list.

Keep them coming, everyone!  I'll start working on a list later this evening hopefully.  It may be tomorrow though, we've got ball games tonight.

Tristan being a jerk to Dean in Doose's

The go to hell exchange between Luke and Lorelai

Lorelai is trying to help with Jess and Luke tells her she didn't have the best decision making skills. (Two pies)

Emily takes it out on Lorelai when she finds out that Richard was having lunch with Pennilyn Lott. "You weren't even suppose to come."

Any more before we get started voting?

Scenes where a character is acting in such a way that you hate them for it.  (Vote against the scenes you don't feel as strongly about.)

1.  Rory yells at Lorelai after having sex with Married!Dean.  "I hate you for ruining this for me!"  (R&R)

2.  Lorelai screams her ultimatum regarding their marriage at Luke - "No!  I'm not waiting!  It's now or never!"  (Partings)

3.  Emily goes to Christopher and encourages him to break up Lorelai and Luke, as they are getting serious.  "Timing has never been your strong point, Christopher.  You should see if you can change that."  (Come Home)

4.  Lorelai goes to thank Richard for defending her to Straub.  She is hurt when Richard makes it clear he didn't do it for her sake.  "A member of my family was being attacked. The very Gilmore name was being attacked. I will not stand for that, not under any circumstances."  (Christopher Returns)

5.  Dean breaks up with Rory on their three month anniversary.  "You don't get pregnant saying 'I love you'."  (SCLAOS)

6.  Lorelai snaps at Sookie for pointing out the two-month-getaway-dance with Max.  "When did you become the relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years."  (Paris is Burning)

7.  Rory feels like taking to the sea but needs a yacht.  "Not ours to take."  "That ever stopped you before?"  (BBAM)

8.  Rory is angry that Lorelai and Chris got married in France without her, and refuses to take Lorelai's calls.  (Planetarium)

9.  Dean yells at Lindsay for answering his phone when Rory called.  "G-d, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious."  (SGTDM)

10.  Rory takes off to see Jess in NYC and misses Lorelai's graduation.  "It was a once in a lifetime thing. You should've been there. My best friend should've been there."  (LGD)

11.  Rory brings Dean to FND and Richard is nasty to him all evening.  "This family has standards. You live up to them, and you should expect that everyone that you spend time with live up to them also."  (Sadie, Sadie)

12.  Luke agrees to go to Martha's Vineyard with Rory and Logan but then grouches about everything the entire time.  (AVV)

13.  Luke freaks out when a woman is breastfeeding in the diner.  "This is a diner, not a peep show!"  (Oasis)

14.  Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)

15.  Lane flips out when she sees an exchange student living with Mrs. Kim.  "You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!"  (Afterboom)

16.  Paris avoids talking to Jamie for weeks, then breaks up with him on the phone.  "Hey, it's me. We've got to end this - now. There's just no reason to prolong it. Sorry you came all the way out here."  (AFM)

17.  Jess assumes Rory followed him into Kyle's bedroom for sex.  (Keg! Max!)

18.  Richard makes a business agreement with Floyd, screwing Jason over in the process.  (TTTB)

19.  Logan is jealous that Jess came back to visit Rory, and is a complete d!ck at dinner.  (Balalaikas)

20.  Rory silently allows Emily to humiliate Lorelai when Logan is over for FND.  (Kropogs)

21.  Anna refuses Lorelai's attempts to smooth things over after April's birthday party, and tells Lorelai she has no part in April's life.  "Engaged isn't married.  People get engaged all the time."  (SCPP)

22.  Paris assumes Rory came over to comfort her after finding out she and Doyle broke up, Rory goes along with it.  "I throw you out, I treat you like dirt, no one else can stand me, but you come over to make sure I'm all right."  (Bridesmaids)

23.  Luke drives to Christopher's apartment after finding out Chris slept with Lorelai before she and Luke were officially broken up, and punches him in the face.  (Whoopee)

24.  Lorelai acts a fool at Thanksgiving dinner after finding out Rory applied to Yale as a backup school.  (ADFKT)

25.  Tristan pulls the rich asshole act on Dean in Doose's, drops and spills a bag of flour and then throws money down to "cover it."  (RALB)

26.  Lorelai screams at Luke in the middle of town square because Jess and Rory got into an accident.  (TMT)

27.  Lorelai tries to give Luke parenting advice about Jess, he makes a nasty crack about her getting pregnant at 16.  (N&N, S&N)

28.  Emily finds out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott and takes it out on Lorelai.  "If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"  (TKBNO)

29.  Lane finds out Rory and Dean had sex and squees over the "romance" of it all.  "You did it at Miss Patty's?  She would be so proud!"  (SGTDM)

30.  Taylor is untrusting of Luke's motives in volunteering to help remodel the Twickham House.  "Luke, you hated Old Man Twickham. I know that for a fact. You said despicable things about him your whole life!"  (Diorama)

31.  Lorelai goes off on Jess over Rory's bracelet.  "Oh, don’t whatever me, you little jerk. You let Rory run around completely panicked, thinking she lost her boyfriend’s bracelet. She was miserable, do you understand that?"  (Lost & Found)

Any more before we get started voting?

Scenes where a character is acting in such a way that you hate them for it.  (Vote against the scenes you don't feel as strongly about.)

1.  Rory yells at Lorelai after having sex with Married!Dean.  "I hate you for ruining this for me!"  (R&R)

2.  Lorelai screams her ultimatum regarding their marriage at Luke - "No!  I'm not waiting!  It's now or never!"  (Partings)

3.  Emily goes to Christopher and encourages him to break up Lorelai and Luke, as they are getting serious.  "Timing has never been your strong point, Christopher.  You should see if you can change that."  (Come Home)

4.  Lorelai goes to thank Richard for defending her to Straub.  She is hurt when Richard makes it clear he didn't do it for her sake.  "A member of my family was being attacked. The very Gilmore name was being attacked. I will not stand for that, not under any circumstances."  (Christopher Returns)

5.  Dean breaks up with Rory on their three month anniversary.  "You don't get pregnant saying 'I love you'."  (SCLAOS)

6.  Lorelai snaps at Sookie for pointing out the two-month-getaway-dance with Max.  "When did you become the relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years."  (Paris is Burning)

7.  Rory feels like taking to the sea but needs a yacht.  "Not ours to take."  "That ever stopped you before?"  (BBAM)

8.  Rory is angry that Lorelai and Chris got married in France without her, and refuses to take Lorelai's calls.  (Planetarium)

9.  Dean yells at Lindsay for answering his phone when Rory called.  "G-d, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious."  (SGTDM)

10.  Rory takes off to see Jess in NYC and misses Lorelai's graduation.  "It was a once in a lifetime thing. You should've been there. My best friend should've been there."  (LGD)

11.  Rory brings Dean to FND and Richard is nasty to him all evening.  "This family has standards. You live up to them, and you should expect that everyone that you spend time with live up to them also."  (Sadie, Sadie)

12.  Luke agrees to go to Martha's Vineyard with Rory and Logan but then grouches about everything the entire time.  (AVV)

13.  Luke freaks out when a woman is breastfeeding in the diner.  "This is a diner, not a peep show!"  (Oasis)

14.  Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)

15.  Lane flips out when she sees an exchange student living with Mrs. Kim.  "You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!"  (Afterboom)

16.  Paris avoids talking to Jamie for weeks, then breaks up with him on the phone.  "Hey, it's me. We've got to end this - now. There's just no reason to prolong it. Sorry you came all the way out here."  (AFM)

17.  Jess assumes Rory followed him into Kyle's bedroom for sex.  (Keg! Max!)

18.  Richard makes a business agreement with Floyd, screwing Jason over in the process.  (TTTB)

19.  Logan is jealous that Jess came back to visit Rory, and is a complete d!ck at dinner.  (Balalaikas)

20.  Rory silently allows Emily to humiliate Lorelai when Logan is over for FND.  (Kropogs)

21.  Anna refuses Lorelai's attempts to smooth things over after April's birthday party, and tells Lorelai she has no part in April's life.  "Engaged isn't married.  People get engaged all the time."  (SCPP)

22.  Paris assumes Rory came over to comfort her after finding out she and Doyle broke up, Rory goes along with it.  "I throw you out, I treat you like dirt, no one else can stand me, but you come over to make sure I'm all right."  (Bridesmaids)

23.  Luke drives to Christopher's apartment after finding out Chris slept with Lorelai before she and Luke were officially broken up, and punches him in the face.  (Whoopee)

24.  Lorelai acts a fool at Thanksgiving dinner after finding out Rory applied to Yale as a backup school.  (ADFKT)

25.  Tristan pulls the rich asshole act on Dean in Doose's, drops and spills a bag of flour and then throws money down to "cover it."  (RALB)

26.  Lorelai screams at Luke in the middle of town square because Jess and Rory got into an accident.  (TMT)

27.  Lorelai tries to give Luke parenting advice about Jess, he makes a nasty crack about her getting pregnant at 16.  (N&N, S&N)

28.  Emily finds out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott and takes it out on Lorelai.  "If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"  (TKBNO)

29.  Lane finds out Rory and Dean had sex and squees over the "romance" of it all.  "You did it at Miss Patty's?  She would be so proud!"  (SGTDM)

30.  Taylor is untrusting of Luke's motives in volunteering to help remodel the Twickham House.  "Luke, you hated Old Man Twickham. I know that for a fact. You said despicable things about him your whole life!"  (Diorama)

31.  Lorelai goes off on Jess over Rory's bracelet.  "Oh, don’t whatever me, you little jerk. You let Rory run around completely panicked, thinking she lost her boyfriend’s bracelet. She was miserable, do you understand that?"  (Lost & Found)

32.  Taylor finds out Kirk didn't make an egg map, first yells at him in the soda shoppe in front of customers, and later embarrasses him in front of the search volunteers.  (TTTB)

33.  Taylor is upset that Rory doesn't have time to be the Ice Cream Queen, and makes a big deal out of her being too busy to care about the town anymore and makes a kid cry.  (B&B)

Okay we've got more than enough now, time to start voting!  Voting against three for a while.


Scenes where a character is acting in such a way that you hate them for it.  (Vote against the scenes you don't personally feel as strongly about.)

1.  Rory yells at Lorelai after having sex with Married!Dean.  "I hate you for ruining this for me!"  (R&R)

2.  Lorelai screams her ultimatum regarding their marriage at Luke - "No!  I'm not waiting!  It's now or never!"  (Partings)

3.  Emily goes to Christopher and encourages him to break up Lorelai and Luke, as they are getting serious.  "Timing has never been your strong point, Christopher.  You should see if you can change that."  (Come Home)

4.  Lorelai goes to thank Richard for defending her to Straub.  She is hurt when Richard makes it clear he didn't do it for her sake.  "A member of my family was being attacked. The very Gilmore name was being attacked. I will not stand for that, not under any circumstances."  (Christopher Returns)

5.  Dean breaks up with Rory on their three month anniversary.  "You don't get pregnant saying 'I love you'."  (SCLAOS)

6.  Lorelai snaps at Sookie for pointing out the two-month-getaway-dance with Max.  "When did you become the relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years."  (Paris is Burning)

7.  Rory feels like taking to the sea but needs a yacht.  "Not ours to take."  "That ever stopped you before?"  (BBAM)

8.  Rory is angry that Lorelai and Chris got married in France without her, and refuses to take Lorelai's calls.  (Planetarium)

9.  Dean yells at Lindsay for answering his phone when Rory called.  "G-d, Lindsay, you know, you don't -- you don't get it, do you? I mean, you have absolutely no respect for me at all. That's just obvious."  (SGTDM)

10.  Rory takes off to see Jess in NYC and misses Lorelai's graduation.  "It was a once in a lifetime thing. You should've been there. My best friend should've been there."  (LGD)

11.  Rory brings Dean to FND and Richard is nasty to him all evening.  "This family has standards. You live up to them, and you should expect that everyone that you spend time with live up to them also."  (Sadie, Sadie)

12.  Luke agrees to go to Martha's Vineyard with Rory and Logan but then grouches about everything the entire time.  (AVV)

13.  Luke freaks out when a woman is breastfeeding in the diner.  "This is a diner, not a peep show!"  (Oasis)

14.  Lorelai sleeps with Chris after leaving Luke standing in the street when he refuses her ultimatum.  (Partings)

15.  Lane flips out when she sees an exchange student living with Mrs. Kim.  "You don't have to feel sorry for Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim is fine! And give me back my sweater, and my second-least-favorite scarf!"  (Afterboom)

16.  Paris avoids talking to Jamie for weeks, then breaks up with him on the phone.  "Hey, it's me. We've got to end this - now. There's just no reason to prolong it. Sorry you came all the way out here."  (AFM)

17.  Jess assumes Rory followed him into Kyle's bedroom for sex.  (Keg! Max!)

18.  Richard makes a business agreement with Floyd, screwing Jason over in the process.  (TTTB)

19.  Logan is jealous that Jess came back to visit Rory, and is a complete d!ck at dinner.  (Balalaikas)

20.  Rory silently allows Emily to humiliate Lorelai when Logan is over for FND.  (Kropogs)

21.  Anna refuses Lorelai's attempts to smooth things over after April's birthday party, and tells Lorelai she has no part in April's life.  "Engaged isn't married.  People get engaged all the time."  (SCPP)

22.  Paris assumes Rory came over to comfort her after finding out she and Doyle broke up, Rory goes along with it.  "I throw you out, I treat you like dirt, no one else can stand me, but you come over to make sure I'm all right."  (Bridesmaids)

23.  Luke drives to Christopher's apartment after finding out Chris slept with Lorelai before she and Luke were officially broken up, and punches him in the face.  (Whoopee)

24.  Lorelai acts a fool at Thanksgiving dinner after finding out Rory applied to Yale as a backup school.  (ADFKT)

25.  Tristan pulls the rich asshole act on Dean in Doose's, drops and spills a bag of flour and then throws money down to "cover it."  (RALB)

26.  Lorelai screams at Luke in the middle of town square because Jess and Rory got into an accident.  (TMT)

27.  Lorelai tries to give Luke parenting advice about Jess, he makes a nasty crack about her getting pregnant at 16.  (N&N, S&N)

28.  Emily finds out Richard has been having lunch with Pennilyn Lott and takes it out on Lorelai.  "If you hadn't talked to her, I wouldn't have known, and everything would have been fine!"  (TKBNO)

29.  Lane finds out Rory and Dean had sex and squees over the "romance" of it all.  "You did it at Miss Patty's?  She would be so proud!"  (SGTDM)

30.  Taylor is untrusting of Luke's motives in volunteering to help remodel the Twickham House.  "Luke, you hated Old Man Twickham. I know that for a fact. You said despicable things about him your whole life!"  (Diorama)

31.  Lorelai goes off on Jess over Rory's bracelet.  "Oh, don’t whatever me, you little jerk. You let Rory run around completely panicked, thinking she lost her boyfriend’s bracelet. She was miserable, do you understand that?"  (Lost & Found)

32.  Taylor finds out Kirk didn't make an egg map, first yells at him in the soda shoppe in front of customers, and later embarrasses him in front of the search volunteers.  (TTTB)

33.  Taylor is upset that Rory doesn't have time to be the Ice Cream Queen, so he makes a big deal out of her being too busy to care about the town anymore and makes a kid cry.  (B&B)

34.  Lorelai acts like she and Rory are too good to hang out with the B&B'ers at the Cheshire Cat.  "That was not on the freaking list!"  (RTTH)

35.  Rory runs into Jess on the bus as he's leaving for California, he tells her he can't go to prom but doesn't tell her he's leaving.  (SGG)

36.  Emily tells Luke to go back to Lorelai.  "She wants you, Luke. She’s made her choice, G-d help her, but there it is. It doesn’t matter if I agree with it, I can’t fight it. You’ve won. Go back to her. I promise I will stay out of it."  (So...Good Talk)

37.  Lorelai and Rory find an open dorm room at Harvard and go in and snoop around and take pictures.  (RTTH)

38.  Lorelai is disdainful of the Springsteen family and accuses the two younger kids of incest.  (Application Anxiety)

39.  Emily is upset when Lorelai still isn't speaking to her after she told Luke to go back to her, thinking he didn't take her advice, so she goes to the diner and yells at him.  (Pulp Friction)

40.  Dean pulls Lorelai away from her picnic with Luke to gripe about Rory going off with Jess.  (A'Tisket A'Tasket)

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