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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

3.  Tristan invites Rory to the dance, sort of.  She calls him slimy and weasely and tells him he'd have to be stupid to think she'd ever want to go anywhere with him.  (Rory's Dance)

4.  Madeline and Louise find the lesson on the golgi body distracting, because everything sounds dirty.  Paris is, naturally, annoyed. "My life with the Banger Sisters."  (ADFKT)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

6.  Lorelai is startled by Headmaster Charleston's assistant, and starts babbling to cover. "We call her Rory. It's short for Lorelai, but she'll answer to either one, or even 'Hey, you' depending on the . . . uh, is the headmaster here?"  (TLFDAC)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

9.  Lorelai tries to get Rory to carve their initials into a pillar at Chilton during Rory's graduation.  "Come on, knife, knife." "Like the switchblade I keep in my sock?"  (TAS,P)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

11.  Paris wigs out on camera after receiving a rejection letter from Harvard, blaming it on her having had sex with Jamie.  "Pack your chastity belt, Gilmore, you're going to Harvard!"  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

13.  The student body council discusses where to hold the sign up for the annual blood drive and Madeline wigs out.  "She hates the word blood. . . . Just keep your hands over your ears. . . . Hum to yourself."  (I Solemnly Swear)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

15.  Tristan shows up at the Romeo and Juliet performance long enough to explain he is being sent to military school.  He and Rory share a sweet moment while Paris stomps off to get ready to play the part of Romeo.  "Goodbye . . . Mary."  (RALB)

16.  The business fair group Richard is spearheading doesn't win and he blows up at Headmaster Charleston, demanding a recount.  "Very well. I just recounted, the alarm still wins."  (BiTSA)

17.  Paris comes after Rory while fencing, angry because she believes Rory told Francie about Jamie.  "I can't believe I ever considered you my best friend!"  (ISS)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

19.  Sookie goes overboard with the Chilton Bake Sale table, and sets the tablecloth on fire lighting the swan.  (Cinnamon's Wake)

20.  Rory's locker is stuck and she loses her balance trying to open it, bumping into Paris and ruining her project for history class.  Paris refuses to let Rory help redo it.  Rory starts beating Paris to the answers in class.  (TLFDAC)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

22.  Paris sees Tristan at Chilton's Alumnus Day and wigs out.  She chases the students out of the bathroom and holds the door closed with her foot while she and Rory discuss whether or not Paris is still in love with him.  (The Revival, Spring)

23.  Headmaster Charleston wants Rory to get her master's degree and come back to teach at Chilton.  (The Revival, Spring)

24.  Rory and Paris each speak to a room full of students on Alumnus Day.  Rory has her classroom entranced with stories of Yale, such as how she can now see music as she listens, when she could only hear it before.  Paris quotes Stalin and has her terrified classroom in tears.  (The Revival, Spring)

25.  Rory and Tristan discuss the type of girls he usually dates and Rory suggests he think about dating Paris, because Paris is crazy about him.  "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship."  "Who's Louis?"  (The Third Lorelai)

26.  Lorelai shows up late to Rory's parent/teacher conference in a B-52s shirt, bumps into a globe - "What in the world?" - complains about the coffee, horrifies the other parents, and intrigues Max.  (The Deer Hunters)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

28.  Paris melts down over the final issue of the Franklin while Madeline and Louise work on the layout . . . of their limos and prom dates.  "Why don't I just get these pesky Franklin articles out of your way?"  Paris admits to Rory she's excited about prom.  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29.  Jamie shows up at Chilton because he couldn't stop thinking about Paris.  She doesn't know how to handle him still being interested in her.  "He took my books."  "Well, go get 'em back."  (TSG,DT?)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

Edited by Taryn74

3, 13, and 22 are the first out!  Voting against three.

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

4.  Madeline and Louise find the lesson on the golgi body distracting, because everything sounds dirty.  Paris is, naturally, annoyed. "My life with the Banger Sisters."  (ADFKT)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

6.  Lorelai is startled by Headmaster Charleston's assistant, and starts babbling to cover. "We call her Rory. It's short for Lorelai, but she'll answer to either one, or even 'Hey, you' depending on the . . . uh, is the headmaster here?"  (TLFDAC)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

9.  Lorelai tries to get Rory to carve their initials into a pillar at Chilton during Rory's graduation.  "Come on, knife, knife." "Like the switchblade I keep in my sock?"  (TAS,P)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

11.  Paris wigs out on camera after receiving a rejection letter from Harvard, blaming it on her having had sex with Jamie.  "Pack your chastity belt, Gilmore, you're going to Harvard!"  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

15.  Tristan shows up at the Romeo and Juliet performance long enough to explain he is being sent to military school.  He and Rory share a sweet moment while Paris stomps off to get ready to play the part of Romeo.  "Goodbye . . . Mary."  (RALB)

16.  The business fair group Richard is spearheading doesn't win and he blows up at Headmaster Charleston, demanding a recount.  "Very well. I just recounted, the alarm still wins."  (BiTSA)

17.  Paris comes after Rory while fencing, angry because she believes Rory told Francie about Jamie.  "I can't believe I ever considered you my best friend!"  (ISS)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

19.  Sookie goes overboard with the Chilton Bake Sale table, and sets the tablecloth on fire lighting the swan.  (Cinnamon's Wake)

20.  Rory's locker is stuck and she loses her balance trying to open it, bumping into Paris and ruining her project for history class.  Paris refuses to let Rory help redo it.  Rory starts beating Paris to the answers in class.  (TLFDAC)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

23.  Headmaster Charleston wants Rory to get her master's degree and come back to teach at Chilton.  (The Revival, Spring)

24.  Rory and Paris each speak to a room full of students on Alumnus Day.  Rory has her classroom entranced with stories of Yale, such as how she can now see music as she listens, when she could only hear it before.  Paris quotes Stalin and has her terrified classroom in tears.  (The Revival, Spring)

25.  Rory and Tristan discuss the type of girls he usually dates and Rory suggests he think about dating Paris, because Paris is crazy about him.  "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship."  "Who's Louis?"  (The Third Lorelai)

26.  Lorelai shows up late to Rory's parent/teacher conference in a B-52s shirt, bumps into a globe - "What in the world?" - complains about the coffee, horrifies the other parents, and intrigues Max.  (The Deer Hunters)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

28.  Paris melts down over the final issue of the Franklin while Madeline and Louise work on the layout . . . of their limos and prom dates.  "Why don't I just get these pesky Franklin articles out of your way?"  Paris admits to Rory she's excited about prom.  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29.  Jamie shows up at Chilton because he couldn't stop thinking about Paris.  She doesn't know how to handle him still being interested in her.  "He took my books."  "Well, go get 'em back."  (TSG,DT?)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

6, 16, 17 gone.  Still three.

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

4.  Madeline and Louise find the lesson on the golgi body distracting, because everything sounds dirty.  Paris is, naturally, annoyed. "My life with the Banger Sisters."  (ADFKT)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

9.  Lorelai tries to get Rory to carve their initials into a pillar at Chilton during Rory's graduation.  "Come on, knife, knife." "Like the switchblade I keep in my sock?"  (TAS,P)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

11.  Paris wigs out on camera after receiving a rejection letter from Harvard, blaming it on her having had sex with Jamie.  "Pack your chastity belt, Gilmore, you're going to Harvard!"  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

15.  Tristan shows up at the Romeo and Juliet performance long enough to explain he is being sent to military school.  He and Rory share a sweet moment while Paris stomps off to get ready to play the part of Romeo.  "Goodbye . . . Mary."  (RALB)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

19.  Sookie goes overboard with the Chilton Bake Sale table, and sets the tablecloth on fire lighting the swan.  (Cinnamon's Wake)

20.  Rory's locker is stuck and she loses her balance trying to open it, bumping into Paris and ruining her project for history class.  Paris refuses to let Rory help redo it.  Rory starts beating Paris to the answers in class.  (TLFDAC)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

23.  Headmaster Charleston wants Rory to get her master's degree and come back to teach at Chilton.  (The Revival, Spring)

24.  Rory and Paris each speak to a room full of students on Alumnus Day.  Rory has her classroom entranced with stories of Yale, such as how she can now see music as she listens, when she could only hear it before.  Paris quotes Stalin and has her terrified classroom in tears.  (The Revival, Spring)

25.  Rory and Tristan discuss the type of girls he usually dates and Rory suggests he think about dating Paris, because Paris is crazy about him.  "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship."  "Who's Louis?"  (The Third Lorelai)

26.  Lorelai shows up late to Rory's parent/teacher conference in a B-52s shirt, bumps into a globe - "What in the world?" - complains about the coffee, horrifies the other parents, and intrigues Max.  (The Deer Hunters)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

28.  Paris melts down over the final issue of the Franklin while Madeline and Louise work on the layout . . . of their limos and prom dates.  "Why don't I just get these pesky Franklin articles out of your way?"  Paris admits to Rory she's excited about prom.  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29.  Jamie shows up at Chilton because he couldn't stop thinking about Paris.  She doesn't know how to handle him still being interested in her.  "He took my books."  "Well, go get 'em back."  (TSG,DT?)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

Edited by Taryn74

11, 20, 25 goners!  Still three.


Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

4.  Madeline and Louise find the lesson on the golgi body distracting, because everything sounds dirty.  Paris is, naturally, annoyed. "My life with the Banger Sisters."  (ADFKT)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

9.  Lorelai tries to get Rory to carve their initials into a pillar at Chilton during Rory's graduation.  "Come on, knife, knife." "Like the switchblade I keep in my sock?"  (TAS,P)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

15.  Tristan shows up at the Romeo and Juliet performance long enough to explain he is being sent to military school.  He and Rory share a sweet moment while Paris stomps off to get ready to play the part of Romeo.  "Goodbye . . . Mary."  (RALB)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

19.  Sookie goes overboard with the Chilton Bake Sale table, and sets the tablecloth on fire lighting the swan.  (Cinnamon's Wake)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

23.  Headmaster Charleston wants Rory to get her master's degree and come back to teach at Chilton.  (The Revival, Spring)

24.  Rory and Paris each speak to a room full of students on Alumnus Day.  Rory has her classroom entranced with stories of Yale, such as how she can now see music as she listens, when she could only hear it before.  Paris quotes Stalin and has her terrified classroom in tears.  (The Revival, Spring)

26.  Lorelai shows up late to Rory's parent/teacher conference in a B-52s shirt, bumps into a globe - "What in the world?" - complains about the coffee, horrifies the other parents, and intrigues Max.  (The Deer Hunters)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

28.  Paris melts down over the final issue of the Franklin while Madeline and Louise work on the layout . . . of their limos and prom dates.  "Why don't I just get these pesky Franklin articles out of your way?"  Paris admits to Rory she's excited about prom.  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29.  Jamie shows up at Chilton because he couldn't stop thinking about Paris.  She doesn't know how to handle him still being interested in her.  "He took my books."  "Well, go get 'em back."  (TSG,DT?)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

We're saying goodbye to the one scene where I actually like Tristan.  :(  Also 4 and 23.  Continue to vote against three!

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

9.  Lorelai tries to get Rory to carve their initials into a pillar at Chilton during Rory's graduation.  "Come on, knife, knife." "Like the switchblade I keep in my sock?"  (TAS,P)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

19.  Sookie goes overboard with the Chilton Bake Sale table, and sets the tablecloth on fire lighting the swan.  (Cinnamon's Wake)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

24.  Rory and Paris each speak to a room full of students on Alumnus Day.  Rory has her classroom entranced with stories of Yale, such as how she can now see music as she listens, when she could only hear it before.  Paris quotes Stalin and has her terrified classroom in tears.  (The Revival, Spring)

26.  Lorelai shows up late to Rory's parent/teacher conference in a B-52s shirt, bumps into a globe - "What in the world?" - complains about the coffee, horrifies the other parents, and intrigues Max.  (The Deer Hunters)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

28.  Paris melts down over the final issue of the Franklin while Madeline and Louise work on the layout . . . of their limos and prom dates.  "Why don't I just get these pesky Franklin articles out of your way?"  Paris admits to Rory she's excited about prom.  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29.  Jamie shows up at Chilton because he couldn't stop thinking about Paris.  She doesn't know how to handle him still being interested in her.  "He took my books."  "Well, go get 'em back."  (TSG,DT?)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

Edited by Taryn74

9, 24, 26 gone!  Still three.

I probably won't be able to update in the morning, fair warning.

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

19.  Sookie goes overboard with the Chilton Bake Sale table, and sets the tablecloth on fire lighting the swan.  (Cinnamon's Wake)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

28.  Paris melts down over the final issue of the Franklin while Madeline and Louise work on the layout . . . of their limos and prom dates.  "Why don't I just get these pesky Franklin articles out of your way?"  Paris admits to Rory she's excited about prom.  (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29.  Jamie shows up at Chilton because he couldn't stop thinking about Paris.  She doesn't know how to handle him still being interested in her.  "He took my books."  "Well, go get 'em back."  (TSG,DT?)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

19 28 and 29 gone!  Let's vote against three one more time.

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

2, 10, and 12 gone.  Drop to voting against two.

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

2, 10, and 12 gone.  Drop to voting against two.

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

18.  Max is selected Teacher of the Year, and Rory is assigned the story.  They have a heart-to-heart, off the record, about life and Lorelai and regrets.  "I just want you to know, I really wanted you to be my stepfather."  "I just want you to know, I really wanted to be your stepfather."  (N&N, S&N)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

30.  Henry admits to Rory that he tried to call Lane - twelve times - but each time Mrs. Kim would answer so he would hang up, until she threatened to have the FBI trace the call and have him thrown in prison, and so now he needs Rory to let Lane know he hasn't forgotten about her.  He writes his number on his Trig notes.  It's his third time taking Trig.  "I think we may have nailed down the problem."  (Hammers & Veils)

18 and 30 gone!  Voting against two.

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

21.  It's graduation day!  Nanny came, and brought the kids.  Rory gives an emotional speech.  Brad sings.  Paris uses air quotes during the recitation of the national anthem, but assures Headmaster Charleston "no hard feelings."  Richard and Emily tear up.  Everyone else blubbers, including Stone Cold Luke.  (TAS,P)

27.  Lorelai gets called to the school after Rory is not allowed to take the Shakespeare test.  She yells at Headmaster Charleston - "Il Duce" - and is shocked when she finds out Rory also threw a fit.  "She did a lovely impression of you."  (The Deer Hunters)

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