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Warehouse 13 in the Media

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So glad I thought to look up the return of this show today. I would have hated to have missed it and if i'd waited just one more week I would have.

The first new episode is on April 14th at 10 p.m. on Showcase here in Toronto.

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Just this season.   Best I can come up with is he got whammied by some artifact that screwed his hair up and they can't figure out which one it is is, so they can unwhammy him.  Because no one would voluntarily have that haircut for more than 5 minutes.   I would shave my head bald before being seen in public with that hairstyle.

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Just this season.   Best I can come up with is he got whammied by some artifact that screwed his hair up and they can't figure out which one it is is, so they can unwhammy him.  Because no one would voluntarily have that haircut for more than 5 minutes.   I would shave my head bald before being seen in public with that hairstyle.

It's not quite a soupbowl/Moe Howard cut, because it's not just straight guy-bangs in the front, but it's disgustingly close to that.  It's like some animal sat down on his head, actually, and bonded to his skull.

Edited by Kromm
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Supposedly it's a hairpiece, though why he would choose one that looks like that I have no idea.

I don't think anyone's given any official (or even outside of this board) attribution for that.  There was just a poster who believes this was a response to a receding hairline.


Recent pics of him from the past month or two show fairly normal non-stupid looking hair, so if it WAS a piece it certainly didn't last and was replaced IRL by a much better one.  Or... it never was a hairpiece.  Maybe there's some other explanation, like him having to shave his head for some role that isn't showing in IMDB, and instead of a hairpiece maybe that awful thing was an outright total wig.


EDIT -  Mystery solved, if Eddie isn't lying.


For some reason a google search for "eddie mcclintock hair piece" led to an interview on the UK version of the SyFy site.  In it there's this:


Syfy: Here’s a frivolous, trivial question. Eddie, we noticed your hair is different later this season, whose decision was it?

Eddie: It’s just such a pain putting that Dippity-Do in my hair (to spike it). But it all stems from when I did this arc on the TV show ‘Bones’ – my hair was kind of long and they wanted to cut it and I said; “Sure, go ahead and cut it.” So then on my Twitter at least once or twice a week to this day - this is six years later - people are like, “Hey I just saw you on Bones. Great job. What was up with the hair?” So my wife said: “You know, the whole spiky thing - just let it go. Just let it grow out.” And so it’s just something different. It was a lot less high maintenance to try and just let it grow out and be natural. I’ve already had people on my Twitter (@EddieMcClintock) start going, “I’m not sure if I like Eddie’s new hair in the previews.” And I’m just like, “Don’t start. Do not. No wisecracks about my hair!”

Edited by Kromm
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Nice! So in other words, he decided to go low maintenance. I'm not sure if that works for the Pete character or not.  Doesn't really matter now, but at least the mystery is solved.

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In order for me to spike my hair, I have to thin it first. Maybe his hair has the same problem (too thick and heavy in its natural state to hold a spike)

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