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You Know You're Obsessed With Criminal Minds When...

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You can still be thin and unhealthy though. It's possible that Reid is unhealthy/malnourished. His character was malnourished enough for his headaches to be cured by supplements. 

In conclusion: Reid likely stays thin because he doesn't overeat consistently. Overeating consistently causes weight gain. 


Way back in The Instincts, Diana commented on how thin Spencer was, and before that in The Fisher King (I think), she said something to the effect of that his thinness was a product of him drinking so much coffee.


According to Google and IMDB, Matthew is 6'1''. He was 24 when the show first started airing, so I suppose he could have grown another inch or two over the last ten years. But as Droogie says, unless he really starts hitting the weights now, he's always going to be thin but basically healthy-looking.


And qwerty, I was the one who posted the pic of MGG in the bear coat, which he bought from the Gorey estate at auction. That can still be found online through a Google search if you're interested in seeing it.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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There definitely have been times in the show where Matthew, going through his esophageal problems or something else, has looked unhealthily thin. I love where he is now, but wish he would maybe do a leetle muscle development in his arms and chest. He probably won't until CM is over, because it is un-Reid-like. And it doesn't sound like Matthew anyway, unless he wants to be a boxer when he grows up (God no).

Edited by normasm
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Matthew said he grew an inch and a half taller when he was 28. Posted on his Myspace that he thought someone had been playing a practical joke on him by hemming all of his pants higher. He didn't like what it did to his legs because it made them longer. I think he said one of his uncles or grandfathers grew taller after the age of 22, so it might be a weird hereditary thing. I wonder if the growth had any effect on his knees and contributed to his knee injury in 2009.

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I'm petite and small-boned so any extra weight I gain immediately shows up. But when I lose even a small amount of weight, let's say between 5-7 pounds it also shows up. I've lost some weight in the past few months by implementing more movement throughout the day-taking the stairs at work, adding more walking into my day-to-day life, and just using an hour of TV time to lift small weights, march in place and do some stretching exercises. I also try to eat smaller portions, indulge only on week-ends and eat healthier foods. I haven't gotten on the scale (I don't own one), but my clothes are looser. The straight-legged knit trousers I'm wearing are baggier in the thighs and slipping a bit at the waist. I'll never be beanpole thin like Matthew; it's just not my body type. And I like having some curves!


So funny Matthew grew even after he got into his twenties. My feet grew after I got into my twenties. Too bad I couldn't have gained some inches in height. Being a shrimp can be so damn incovenient, especially when I'm trying to reach something from a high shelf at the grocery store. Luckily, I can always find a gentlemanly talk drink of water to help me in that department.

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I'm short too-as in some petite clothing is too long and I have to get it hemmed! :) I have a auto-immune disease and the meds really screw up weight and whatnot....anyways...


I thought of a "You know you're obsessed with CM..." : When you not only think of managers and customers as Unsubs in your head-but pick specific unsubs that the show has shown for each "unsub" 

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I'm only 5'5" but I remember being in a store with a very high shelf and I wanted something from the top one and couldn't reach it. I was hopping up and down trying to get enough air to reach it and a tall guy stopped and asked me which item I wanted. I told him and he pulled it off the shelf, went to hand it to me, and then pulled it out of my reach and dangled it above my head for a second. He laughed and then apologized. He was all "That was so mean of me. I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it." but I thought it was hilarious so it didn't bother me.


I don't know if I've ever compared real life people to specific unsubs, but I have thought in terms of things the team have said about people-- narcissistic personality disorder and so forth-- when dealing with people.

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I'm only 5'5" but I remember being in a store with a very high shelf and I wanted something from the top one and couldn't reach it. I was hopping up and down trying to get enough air to reach it and a tall guy stopped and asked me which item I wanted. I told him and he pulled it off the shelf, went to hand it to me, and then pulled it out of my reach and dangled it above my head for a second. He laughed and then apologized. He was all "That was so mean of me. I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it." but I thought it was hilarious so it didn't bother me.


I don't know if I've ever compared real life people to specific unsubs, but I have thought in terms of things the team have said about people-- narcissistic personality disorder and so forth-- when dealing with people.

Ah, I try to "diagnose" them too. :)

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I forgot to mention that I also have been known to go to the mop/broom aisle and to grab one to use as a hook to pull light items that won't break off of shelves or to pull sodas forward from the back when they get stuck back where I can't reach them.


And you know you're obsessed with CM when you make South Park versions of the characters.



I need to update Prentiss and maybe Elle with better hair. I updated JJ to match season 10 promo pics. Probably need to change Reid's hair again. Might need to add more gray to Rossi's hair and fix his eyes.

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If you don't mind me asking, which one? I have Hashimotos.

I don't mind at all! I have rheumatoid arthritis. There is a movement (in the U.S. and abroad) to have RA renamed "rheumatoid disease," because people think it's just like osteoarthritis. I'm all for the name change! I hope you are doing well.

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when you're casually reading the online CBS schedule to find out when and if they're going to re-air Nelson's Sparrow and Mr. Scratch, and see that the show Extant also has an episode called Zugzwang, which promptly makes you close the window because of reasons.


Does anyone know if CBS will be re-airing those eps, btw?

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When you go to the dollar store and see some of those personalized Coke bottles. One of them says 'Emily' and one says 'Lauren', and they're side by side. Then you come here to share (after spending a good five minutes snort-laughing in the damn dollar store), because you know no one else would get it.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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When you go to the dollar store and see some of those personalized Coke bottles. One of them says 'Emily' and one says 'Lauren', and they're side by side. Then you come here to share (after spending a good five minutes snort-laughing in the damn dollar store), because you know no one else would get it.

:::hangs head:::

Coke is my guilty pleasure, I allow myself one a day and my main criterion is it has to be the name of a CM character, or their real-life counterparts.

So far, I've had a Coke with Aaron, Emily, Derek, Spencer, Jennifer, Erin, David, Jason, Jack, Henry, Thomas, Matthew, Joseph, Thomas, Will and Kirsten (yes, I've kept track and yes, I need a life).

Edited by Droogie
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Haha -- no. I thought about saving the labels, but then I realized how weird it already is that I pick them based upon the name -- but a girl needs a hobby.

I should've said a guilty pleasure.

Anyway, I'm annoyed that I've yet to find my own name. I even googled and apparently it's not out there. My name is hardly unheard of. One of my nursing supervisors found her name, and she has the weirdest most unusual name I've ever heard.

Edited by Droogie
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When you see a commercial for Dr. Phil and have to explain to your mother that the bearded guy who just walked off is Nicholas Brendan-- Garcia's boyfriend on Criminal Minds.

He'll always be Xander to me :P

I don't think I'd be able to watch that episode of Dr Phil - it's too sad to see how he is ending up. I'm not sure how long the segment will last though, given that he left in the middle of it.

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He'll always be Xander to me :P

I don't think I'd be able to watch that episode of Dr Phil - it's too sad to see how he is ending up. I'm not sure how long the segment will last though, given that he left in the middle of it.


Every time I see another article about an arrest or a public drunkenness incident, it makes me so sad. He's entering Glenn Quinn territory, and I wonder where it went wrong for him.

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Every time I see another article about an arrest or a public drunkenness incident, it makes me so sad. He's entering Glenn Quinn territory, and I wonder where it went wrong for him.

I'm no expert on his life or anything, but I get the impression he's always had a bit of a tough time - he was molested as a kid, he had a stutter that made it hard for him to fit in, long history of depression, etc.

It's really sad though. Hopefully he doesn't end up the same way as Glenn Quinn, and so many others.

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Just encountered someone on Facebook who I'm sure has a personality disorder. She became obsessed with me when she couldn't win an argument with me and every time someone tried to get the conversation back on track, she derailed it by going on about me. I couldn't help but imagine how the team would profile her.

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I hope you can block her somehow. Stay safe, girl.

Oh, she's one of those "all mouth" types. I posted screenshots over on my forum in the facebook fails thread. She just got angrier and angrier and the more angry she got the worse her spelling and grammar got. But I could just picture the various team members reacting to that conversation. It was very funny to me.

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You should probably just ignore/block/stop replying. It's funny to you but she's probably got some serious mental health problems that shouldn't be encouraged. 

Oh, I stopped replying to her and people were trying to continue the debate (involving something political) and even after I had not said anything for hours, she brought me up again and kept trying to make it all about me and how much she hated me all over. I was sitting there laughing my ass off about it. I'm probably not going to reply to her anymore, but it was amusing while it lasted.

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...when someone links you to the trailer for a movie called Grandma, and further investigation reveals that Lily Tomlin will be playing a character named Elle Reid. Which cinches your decision to see it.


It takes so little to make me happy.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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In all seriousness it's embarrassing how many times I've watched this. Someone write a crack fic where the BAU hunts down Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf.

Glad you liked it. I had to watch it several times after spending 3.5 hours at the AT&T website trying to upgrade my phone before I gave up and I was ready to go all unsub on some people. This helped calm me down.

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...when someone links you to the trailer for a movie called Grandma, and further investigation reveals that Lily Tomlin will be playing a character named Elle Reid. Which cinches your decision to see it.


It takes so little to make me happy.

I saw this movie last week-end and it was so good! I highly recommend it.


On-topic: You're on an FB page devoted to introverts and you just have to mention Dr. Spencer Reid from "Criminal Minds" is your favorite introverted character.

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I recently started watching Arrow (which sometimes has some of the directors from CM- Rob Hardy and Larry Teng). I couldn't help but notice that Felicity reminds me a lot of Garcia (but a better more mature version of her) in her mannerisms, voice, and babbling. They even had an origin story for her in season 3 that reminded me a LOT of the Black Queen episode. (She had a goth look before and her ex-boyfriend came back to do evil).


secnarf, that is a sad story about the boy stabbing his sister. I sort of worry that something like that might happen with my friend's stepson. Kid is now 6 years old and was just diagnosed with Aspergers-- but I don't think he was born with it. His mother neglects him and abuses him. She was neglected, abused, and raped as a child and married a guy who was abusive. For the first few years of the kid's life, the "mother" put him in a jumpseat with some food and drink and sit him in front of the TV from 7am to noon every single day. She didn't interact with him. When he was in kindergarten he was wetting the bed and she spanked him for it. A housemate said that every school day he would hear her screaming at the kid and hitting him because he moved slower than she wanted when getting dressed. I once observed the kid struggling to climb into my SUV and instead of helping him, she screamed at him to hurry up. She took a nap right before the kid was getting home from school and didn't get up to let him into the yard and when my friend got off work an hour later, he saw the child standing outside in the rain crying. Anytime the kid tries to speak to his mother she yells at him and tells him he's "stupid" and a "fucking retarded". She once texted my friend when he was over at my house to complain that she broke her hairbrush "beating (the kid's) ass". She also broke her glasses while hitting him. Recently when the kid was learning to count to 20, the bitch got so mad at the kid for not being able to do it that she slapped him across the face so hard he fell down and hit his head on the floor. She then screamed at him that it was his fault that he hit his head. I called DCFS but they blew me off and said that unless I personally witnessed it and the child had visible injuries, they coudln't do anything about it. Corporal punishment is allowed in schools here and there is a liability immunity law in place to protect teachers/principals from prosecution and lawsuits even if they cause grievous harm to the children. It's considered a person's "God-given right" to "beat" their kids. Anyway, kid tried to choke some kittens, hits cats/dogs (although his mother does too), gets into fights at school all the time, and doesn't get along with his 3-year-old half-sister. One minute he can be a very sweet and loving kid and the next he's having a full on tantrum and starts breaking things or hitting things-- which he totally gets from his mother. Just this weekend, the mother was having a tantrum and was pounding on my friend's desk. He told her to stop because she was going to break it. She didn't, so he used his left hand (which is weak because he broke his arm and wrist on that side) to grab her arm to stop her. She turned and bit him and accused him of trying to strangle her (his hand was nowhere near her throat). She does that crap-- hits, kicks, bites, and screams at my friend in front of the children. He wants her to leave but nobody can understand why he doesn't just kick her worthless ass to the curb. She's an unsub and I'm worried that her kids will become unsubs. I just hope the kid never gets access to a kitchen knife when he's older. He will probably hate women-- or at least his mother and possibly sister. It really is like watching the beginnings of a CM episode in slow motion.

Edited by zannej
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When you have an actual folder on your desktop called 'Criminal Minds' which can lead be navigated like this.

Criminal Minds > Screenshots > Characters > Spencer Reid > Reid's hipbone.jpg

Criminal Minds > Screenshots > Things > Reid's coffee mug, season 1.jpg

Criminal Minds > Screenshots > Places >  Reid's apartment > Reid's pretty window.jpg


... could I see the hipbone??

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when you finish watching 100 for the umpteenth time, then turn on the radio just as they're starting to play Natalie Merchant's Beloved Wife. And can't make yourself turn it off even though it puts a lump the size of a golf ball in your throat.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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You know you're obsessed when you start profiling the psycho ex-fans of an actor on CM and compare them to the psycho unsub in the last episode ('Til Death Do Us Part) and see a lot of similarities and wonder if any of them would become homicidal.

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Oops, I didn't notice you could tell I paused my DVD for that. 

I take the strangest Reid screenshots, I also have a screenshot of every time he pervs although some of it might not be intentional and could just be the angle. 

EDIT: I upload my photos to imgur and I just tried to use the editing tool to brighten it and then I clicked save and now you all see the brightened photo. Oops. What I originally linked is this 


Keels over dead

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Oh dear. What an unfortunate illusion? Fabric bunching up? That is an illusion, right? I'm an ignorant lesbian I have no idea what I'm looking at.

I don't think it's an illusion.

Well, if it is, it's not unfortunate. ;-)

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