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You Know You're Obsessed With Criminal Minds When...

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when you become irrationally annoyed that your new non-CM fanfic picked up over three hundred hits and twenty kudos in less than two days, while the CM-centric stuff you worked really hard on has yet to do so well right out of the gate.

Well, you know I love your CM-related fan fiction. Every story deserves an infinite amount of kudos.


"Bunchy Stuff"-a new song for Spencer, Hold My Earrings.


You know you're obsessed with CM when you try a new pot roast recipe in your slow cooker (it was delicious) and you wonder if Spencer likes pot roast.


Heck, I'd like to make the whole BAU team a home cooked meal. Is that so wrong?

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Are you kidding, with as much twitching as we Reid fans would be doing, it'd have to be a dance track! With a xylophone solo!

And a Soul Train-like dance line.


I bet this song would sound like something Parliament-Funkadelic would do!

Edited by Bookish Jen
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Yay, I finally made it here! hi droogie! *loves* ......


qwerty, what episode, please, is the hipbone shot from? I don't recognize it offhand, but I'm a screencapper and a photoshopper and i have an idea O:-)



and on topic: when you're obsessed with Criminal minds (in my case, specifically with Spencer Reid and/or Matthew Gray Gubler)


1. sage is not allowed in the house. anywhere.


2. mismatched socks is the norm, and you wonder why it took you so long to come to this conclusion.


3. excitement abounds when the grocery store flyer arrives and there's a picture in it of something called OMGs.....and when you get to the grocery store, OMGs turn out to be some kind of candy and have nothing to do with Matthew Gray Gubler >:-(  


shout out and thanks to droogie for directing me here!



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Hi, Reidfan!


You know you're obsessed when you watch Arrow and wish that Felicity would mention her hacker friend at the FBI named "Penny" (or something like that). Or when you realize that Arrow halfway ripped of the "Black Queen" storyline from CM but did a better job of it.


And I really want to see Reid explaining Nanda Parbet and the League of Assassins to the rest of the team.


And really, when this show ends, I hope some of the CM cast move over to Arrow and The Flash.

Edited by zannej
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You know you're obsessed when you see the star of Arrow doing an interview and he mentions the time he missed a speech from Bill Clinton because he was in the bathroom at the urinal next to Mandy Patinkin and you start thinking about Gideon having been dipped in the Lazarus Pit.

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when you're randomly looking up actors on IMDB and find out that Sebastian Roche use to be married to Vera Farmiga, and your first thought is, "Huh. Clyde Easter's got good taste."

And then you remember that they were on the short-lived TV show 'Roar' together----which I watched because it starred Heath Ledger.

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Y'know those infamous photos that were "leaked" and had to be removed? Of course you do; I saved them, personally. Did anyone actually not? 


wait..... WHAT?!!! what pictures?!  *cries a little*

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wait..... WHAT?!!! what pictures?!  *cries a little*

Oh, honey! You didn't see the spread in The Coveteur? You can still look at the website for the legit article and there are lots of accompanying photos that are very nice.

But there were outtakes to the photo shoot that inadvertently made their way online, that apparently weren't supposed to. Either the magazine or MGG (or both) were supposedly quite unhappy that these photos were disseminated, and everyone who posted them to Instagram, Tumblr, etc., received personal messages asking them to please remove them.

Many of us had the good fortune to see them before they were removed.

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oh.... *those* photos.... LOL.... uh, yeah. I still have them. ALL of them. and since I don't post them ON the Internet anywhere, i didn't 1. get asked by anybody to take them down and 2. still play with them O:-).


and it was nice of him to answer, visually, that age old question 'boxers' or 'briefs'......



am I bad?

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I thought of more signs I'm obsessed......


-when you change the family computer password, and your husband asks "Who's Spencer?"


-chess is now considered cool.


-you're watching Criminal Minds and don't acknowledge that your phone is ringing because the ringtone is the theme song and you're watching the show so.....


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oh, qwerty! Danke!! Danke very much!  geez, I shoulda known that. Mucho Reid in that episode and I'm sure I've seen it (more than once!) .


Well it's a crappy, rainy day here today. No chance for nice outdoorsy things. So, gee, maybe I'll fire up the external memory drive and screencap this one. And play with it. I'll play nicely. Although it drives me nuts that I can make huuuuuuuuge extreme closeups of things on my computer, and save them that way (hipbone will be an 14x24 by the time I'm done tonight, a weird but nice partner to the 14 x24 of his eyes, showing contact lenses) but when I save and upload them to somewhere, it's back to a max of 3x4 :-( . why does the internet do this to us?


Also, along the same lines, how does someone share jpgs or pdfs with this group anyway? I'm not familiar with the format here :-( In Facebook, you just upload the stuff to the groups 'photos' or 'files' section. I've done hundreds of photo edits of OhMyGoodGod (that'd be Matthew/Reid) and would love to share some of those with anyone interested.


I have a photobucket and an imgur account (I think). But I don't have somewhere to upload fanfiction too, not a fanfiction.net member or the one someone recommended here, archive of our own. And anyway, I wouldn't begin to know how to break the stupid thing up into small enough pieces to post. In the past, fanfiction I've always just sent in txt form by email to anyone interested. (That was the Star Trek world, years ago)


I have to say, I'm really loving this forum so far, everyone is so welcoming. And tolerant. Iffen ya know what I mean. Thank you all for your welcomes <3



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I think my CM obsession is finally fading.

I have the latest episode available to watch it any time, and I haven't feel the urge, desire, (nor even the proper amount of boredom) to even open it.

Of course, negative reviews from people I respect for their level of analysis isn't helping neither...

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more signs I'm MGG/Reid obsessed....


--long hair on a guy is suddenly okay, if not downright wonderful, after some forty years of saying eeeeuuuuuwwwwww!!!


--when you go to your ebay page, and enter in the 'search' the letter 'M' and it immediately fills out 'Matthew Gray Gubler' because it knows.


--it's suddenly okay, after all, that Las Vegas is wanting an NHL franchise after years of me bitching about 'places where there's no ice and snow occurring naturally wanting hockey teams', and worse, considering paying the crazy cost of NHL Game Center in order to be able to watch said games.


--google maps and what I'm searching for on it. Not good....

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is it bad that I break out laughing every time I read/hear or think of 'bunchy stuff' now? OMG, I got the stink eye from the spousal unit cause I was reiding the forum and came across that .......

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...when you join Tumblr despite being way (way, way, WAY!) too old for it primarily to look at CM-related gifs and the highlight of your morning is stumbling on a few great pictures of Reid and Elle :) 


when you immediately want to see these pictures for inspiration towards your next fanfic. ;-)

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when you get Grey Gardens from the library and endure Drew Barrymore's shitty Boston/New York/God only knows what accent for two hours so you can watch Jeanne Tripplehorn play Jackie Onassis for ten minutes.

Have you ever seen the original Grey Gardens documentary? You have to see it; it is fascinating and Big Edie and Little Edie were total characters, yet sad at the same time. I often find myself quoting Little Edie, "This is the best look for the day" when I get dressed in the morning. And when my apartment gets messy and cluttered and I don't have time to do a thorough clean-up I joke, "My apartment has approached 'Grey Gardens' territory."


On-topic: Your with your RE class wrapping Xmas gifts that were requested by guests at a local homeless shelter. You're wrapping a particularly lovely fringed scarf that would look quite fetching on Dr. Spencer Reid. Part of the scarf was a lovely shade of plum and the other half was the color of caramel with a hint of olive green that totally matched Spencer's (well, okay, Matthew's) hazel eyes.

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when you randomly catch Bellamy Young on an old episode of Law & Order, and it makes you wonder when she got her teeth fixed, because your first thought is, "I never noticed that Beth had a huge overbite before."[/mean]

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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we did a backup then a restore and a secondary backup to iCloud. Or we tried to. Apparently the folder I wanted to backup exceeded the amount of storage space on the iCloud. Hubby asked me to do a folder select on the computer, and not bother with anything I could just put on the external harddrive for storage. I put the folder called OMGG on the external. And the iCloud had no problem with the entire rest of my computer's contents. Hubby says 'wtf is on this folder? 6.6 GB of whatever the eff OMGG stands for!" (6.6 GB is more than everything else on the computer combined, except the operating applications)


I just laughed.

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is it obsessive to want to pvr the high def channel airing of Conflicted and Amplification tomorrow, just so that I can make the son to the high def video -to- my- computer transfer so I can do high def screencaptures from these episodes? Is it? Is it?

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When you're reading that childhood favourite 'The Gashlycrumb Tinies' and you think - who's the unsub who is killing all these alphabetical children in such interesting ways? This would make an excellent Criminal Minds episode.

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You know you're obsessed with Criminal Minds when you put this shout-out to your Derek/Shemar loving friend via social media:

"I just thought of us as an alternative BAU-Bad Accessories Unit. I can be a Reid/Hotch hybrid because of course, it takes one petite woman to do the work of two tall men. You can be the Derek. But instead of diffusing bombs, you diffuse bad footwear. I can imagine you saying, "'We must rid the world of Crocs!'"

Edited by Bookish Jen
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