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I think I'm caught up. Last episode I watched was the one with Razer. As a fan of Green Lantern: The Animated Series, I wasn't expecting any sort of follow-up. It was a damn good series, marred by poor ratings stemming from how underwhelming the movie was. I'm a happy guy. Razer is now a weird Blue/Red Lantern mix complete with both rings and a mixed emblem? Awesome. Metron can eat a dick for manipulating him.

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42 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I think I'm caught up. Last episode I watched was the one with Razer. As a fan of Green Lantern: The Animated Series, I wasn't expecting any sort of follow-up. It was a damn good series, marred by poor ratings stemming from how underwhelming the movie was. I'm a happy guy. Razer is now a weird Blue/Red Lantern mix complete with both rings and a mixed emblem? Awesome. Metron can eat a dick for manipulating him.

This arc has been the best of the season. Finally feels like YJ again and less of a part time PowerPoint. 


New Genesis arc continues, with Zod Jr. and his buddies (Mantis and Male'f'ctor, or whatever he's called) screwing with time and space to grab the Phantom Zone Projector from Metron's home. The snotty New God gets served a few times before whipping out the Kryptonite to surprise Zod Jr. But then Mantis goes back a day and gets the Projector. I think it's easier to watch than describe.

Superboy's adventures in the Phantom Zone continue, as he meets Zod's group. There's a song included, and that's amusing. . . . more than Orion getting annoyed by everyone t the conference going off on tangents. And that's before Kilowog's ring told everyone it basically took care of a bodily function.

If you heard a thunderous sound, it was Beast Boy emotionally cratering. He's going to have an uphill battle to repair all the bridges he blurred, but he honestly looks like he has hit rock bottom.

Epilogue: Forager reads Shakespeare to Lady Forager.

Oh, and I got two sketches this weekend based off YJ at a NJ con. Here's the new look Razer by Kayla Catanzaro . . .


. . . and the YJ Kaldur by Shea Zubair.


Edited by Lantern7
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I'm caught up. Great that some of team have figured out Supeboy might still be alive. Sadly, he's more or less a zombie in the Phantom Zone, believing he killed Superman. Also, one of the measures taken is freeing Klarion from the Tower of Fate. He's about as grateful as you'd expect. Also, he doesn't know what a bus is. Teekl 2.0 had to correct him.

Oh, and Lady Forager got Tomar-Re's Green Lantern ring after he got killed. Yay?

Nice touch . . . Bart trying to get the jump on Lor-Zod, and we get the head turn we saw from Superman in Justice League.

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We are finally caught up.  I always loved Klarion, and his use of words.  He has always been my favorite villain in the YJ series.  I am curious if/when Conner comes back will he be like Phantom Girl.  Her hand was badly burned when she phased back.

Hoping Brion finally comes to his senses about how he is being led.  He appears to be finally putting the puzzle pieces together.  

Beast Boy and his new friend were precious.  I am so happy to finally be moving on from that plot.

Violet starting college, and maybe find a new love.  Interesting.  

I always love seeing the original JL characters.


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On 5/20/2022 at 2:09 AM, Bessiesue said:

I am curious if/when Conner comes back will he be like Phantom Girl.  Her hand was badly burned when she phased back.

I'd expect him to be in the exact same condition that he was in when he entered - they've already said that a person's physical body is effectively frozen when they go in.  Too bad Razer probably won't be around to heal him when he gets out.

And now that Connor has been reset to his original factory settings they're probably going to regret not bringing in M'Gann. If anyone can get him to remember everything it would be her.

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Orin: Welcome to the Watchtower, M’gnn.

Jefferson: How are you holding up?

M’gnn: I’m still in pain. I miss Conner, and I’ll always miss him. I am feeling a little better, and the nightmares have been less frequent. So . . . why did you call me here?

Orin: We got this box from New Genesis.

Jefferson: They say someone stuck a boy in there.

Daniel: (telepathically) Hi, y’all!

M’gnn: I’m out. No fucking way.

Jefferson: But-!

M’gnn: Fuck no, and fuck you. What part of “I’m having less nightmares” didn’t you assholes understand?!?

Lots of well-intended moves went sideways. The strike force that went to the Phantom Zone underestimated the prisoners, Conner is still stuck in default mode, and Lor-Zod manipulates another batch of heroes (including hoarse-voiced Phantom Girl and Green Lantern Forager) into making a portal. The good news for the good guys: they set up on a planet with a red sun, so anyone that bailed out wouldn’t be super powered. Bad news: Superboy gets out, and his wounds immediately open up.

Another bit of nastiness: Lor-Zod getting information on Oa about the box he had . . . and the GL that to,d him was the son of the Green Lantern that got killed on New Genesis. Damn.

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How many episodes are left? I just caught the latest one. Holy crap. What a cliffhanger. I know we didn’t need the Eye of Ekron bonding to Ursa. Team Zod was already powerful enough, so why bring in a relic from the 31st Century?

I’m thinking Nightwing was playing possum and he’s not dead. Stopping one’s heart is basically the third week of training with Batman.

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On 6/9/2022 at 3:16 PM, cambridgeguy said:

I bet Lor-Zod wishes he hadn't loaded that Martian bomb with kryptonite.

Morgan Freeman: “The last thing that went through Lor-Zod’s head — other than that Kryptonite — was that maybe screwing with a New God’s stash might not have been smart.”

I’m calling it: Mary and Kara won’t be the last two new Furies. “And here we have the Princess of Tamaran and the daughter of Trigon.” I mean, if you bring in Danny Chase, you might as well bring in two of the biggest Titans out there.

Anyone else think that Comner’s Conner's scars would be permanent? Nope . . . guy has to look good for his wedding.

Edited by Lantern7
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The YJ finale....Was it a bad episode? No. But the battle....annoyed and bored me.

You mean to me that we have ALL these heroes and they all show up at the end? Everything was to convenient and im tired of Miss M being able to take down anyone. It's played out by now.

The group manages to send most to the phantom zone but they ultimately get bested by the villains again? Hated that reveal.

If we get another season i hope that SuperMartian take a back seat as a couple as they've dominated it since s1 with plenty of relationship drama.

The end reveal was great. Hopefully if we get a s5 it doesn't play out like i think it will.

1 minute ago, ruby24 said:

This was the worst season by far.

I can't believe they didn't even bring up whether DIck and Barbara are still together?? After focusing on them last season and not one mention? Wtf?

I think its better than S3 but why only 1 couple gets a semi well rounded story compared to everyone else? well..

1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

I think its better than S3 but why only 1 couple gets a semi well rounded story compared to everyone else? well..

Well, I don't like these other couples but they at least brought up and mentioned Halo and Geoforce and Beast Boy and Perdita. The stuff from last season, for closure or whatever.

It's like they...forgot they put Barbara and Dick together last season? 

On 6/9/2022 at 10:23 PM, Primal Slayer said:

The end reveal was great. Hopefully if we get a s5 it doesn't play out like i think it will.

Yeah, going towards Heroes in Crisis makes me wary in general. Now . . . Darkseid playing off the Superman: The Dark Side miniseries with Kara in Kal's place? Better. Here's hoping we won't have to wait too long . . . and that Ace Vane continues to make fun videos with YJ footage.

I went to a small comic show last Saturday, and I wound up using a YJ reference. Here is Metron by Armando Ramirez.


Edited by Lantern7
4 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

So I haven’t watched any of season 4 yet.   A couple of questions….I’m assuming Wally’s still dead?   Was there any follow-up on the Jason Todd tease from S3?  And how about the ring tease from the end of the season? Did it turn out to have anything to do with Legion of Superheroes, as was speculated?

One of those plays a MAJOR role in this season. The other 2....not much happens on those fronts. If you want to know which...let me know.

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4 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Ah ok.  I figured that was probably it.   Thanks! Disappointed there was nothing more about Jason.  I’ve kinda given up hope on Wally. 😢

Has there been any talk of a S5 renewal, or was that it?

Nope. We still dont know if its renewed or canceled. Greg says S4 has had the best ratings yet so.....we'll see. 

  • Thanks 1

While we're waiting on news on whether they would be an S5, Ace Vane collected his "Quarantine" bits based off the show. Great if you need a laugh . . . or if you want to remember the bad days of the pandemic.

Snapper Carr revealing hard truths to his students is still a highlight for me. Ditto with Halo and Forager critiquing their new classmates' fashions and Marvin using the phrase "makin' macaroni noises"

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