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X-Men - General Discussion

David T. Cole

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I'm reaaaalllllly hoping I won't end up "talking" to m'self here.


From "Sentinels Part II":


Cyclops: "I don't apologize for making command decisions."


Wolverine: "Tell Cyclops I made him a convertible." to Jean.


Wolverine: "I go, where I want to go."


Rogue: "Sorry. Not this time, Sugar." And drains enough of his power to knock him out.


Cyclops: "You know that lunatic?" to Wolverine about Sabertooth in "Enter Magneto."

Wolverine: "Yeah."

Cylcops: "They'll kill him!" (or something like that!)

Wolverine: "Good."


Hey, going off from memory rewatching it last night!


There was a rumor that Kevin Bacon was supposed to be Sinister when they were casting First Class. He would have been good as Sinister. 


I remember geeking out when they showed a brief Psylocke cameo in the Mojovision episode. They finally had her on the show later on, and she had a cool encounter with Warren.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Indeed. They did have that cool moment when their powers cancelled each other out, though. I appreciated that.


I really hated when they changed the animators at the end of the series. Everyone looked all wonky and the storylines started to suck, too.


Yeah, both getting in each other's faces, something like "Next time," "bring it on!"


Yeah, I LOATHED what they did to the animation style in the last 8 episodes. Yes, I counted. They "smoothed" out everything so the "characterization" was no longer visible. I think they called it "stylized" or some nonsense. And Chris Potter wasn't voicing Gambit anymore.  I'll never understand when they ended the show, why Xavier had to "die" and only Lelandra's universe's medicine could keep him alive. Boo! I say!


Oh, shit! I managed to block out Chris Potter being gone. Forgot all about that horrible mess. They changed Storm's voice at some point as well, but it wasn't nearly as jarring. Also, I think Magneto's voice got changed toward the end, because I was obsessed with that particular voice (the original one). Oh, and Apocalypse's voice change was a fail, too.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Jeebus, are you saying you didn't like Chris Potter's Gambit, or...? Because I really, really didn't like the new guy.


Sigh...I am SO enjoying watching my 'toons again. Ended last night with their version of Days of Future Past!  And it's confirmed: Bishop is a moronic ass. He's like a kid with no impulse control. Why am I here? I can't remember! Oh yeah! The X-men! Hears the word assassin, and "That's it! The X-Men are the Assasins! I have to kill them to save the futuuuuuuure!"


Dumb ass.


I love what Wolverine says when Xavier probes Bishop's mind and sees his older self: "At least I still have all my hair."


Jeebus, are you saying you didn't like Chris Potter's Gambit, or...? Because I really, really didn't like the new guy.


Noooooooo! No, I was living for Chris Potter's voice! To this day, I can't read a comic and not hear him voicing Gambit. He was everything! His Cajun accent was a little wonky, but that didn't even matter. The replacement guy was terrible!


Damn, I wish my VCR worked. I have every episode on tape and can't watch. I might YouTube some eps.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Oh, phew! Sometimes, it's difficult to tell!


I don't know if you have a dvd player or not, but I got all five seasons for like $30 I think, it was, last fall. So I watch at my leisure, with no frickin' commercial breaks!  And I too love all the actors in this series.  I recognized Natalie Disher, as the doctor/love interest in Forever Knight, and Chris Potter; but all the others were unknown to me. I remember, that ET (the show, when it was good at the time) interviewed the actress who voiced Storm. The ones who voiced Jubilee, Cyc, Wolverine, I believe were Canadian. Hearing Jubilee say "I'm soooorry" in "Till Death Do Us Part" convinced me, heh. Just like the guy who voiced Bobby. You could tell he was Canadian. It's the "sooooorrys", they're very...distinct, heh.


And it's clear to me know upon my second rewatch on the dvds, that must have shown the episodes out of order. Because in "Days of Future Past" when Bishop claims one of the X-Men is the one who is the assassin, and when Cyclops says it could never be Jean, she says, of course it could. She has had her dark places or has he forgotten. Which I think is alluding to The Dark Phoenix, except that those episodes haven't been SHOWN yet!

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It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't in the right order. There was a cable station a few years ago playing the episodes --I forget which one-- and they played every episode except for the Days of Future Past ones. I always thought that was strange, and they played all of the eps more than once, too. All except for DoFP. 


I prefer the animation style on this show to pretty much every superhero cartoon out there right now, including the much beloved Batman:TAS from 92. The characters looked like people, and they didn't have sharp angles all over the place. I can't stand that look.

I hate when they don't play all the episodes! Though I have to admit, the last time I saw this show on cable, I believe it was either HUB, or maybe even the Cartoon Network, I can't recall. It aired at the obscene hour of 3:00 a.m. Or it might have been toon Disney. Yeah, I think it was Toon Disney, because Gargoyles aired right after it.


I prefer the animation style on this show to pretty much every superhero cartoon out there right now, including the much beloved Batman:TAS from 92. The characters looked like people, and they didn't have sharp angles all over the place. I can't stand that look.


I hear ya. I didn't care for how boxy Bruce looked, though I did love the way Bats looked.  Also, there were some parts, where those characters were so rich and looked like oil paintings, which I loved.  And just like with this show, the final season, which was paired up with S:TAS, it became so stylized, whatever 'look' the first three seasons had was gone. it was like they were botoxed or airbrushed. Cheap bastards.


Now, I won't blame y'all for me dreaming about Jackman AND Wolverine (the toon version) last night, or the crazy ass movieesque plot, but it might have something to do with me posting her and in the X-Men movies thread, heh. Plus, I love it when I dream about Jackman. Or Bale. Or Hiddleston...

I hear ya. I didn't care for how boxy Bruce looked, though I did love the way Bats looked.  Also, there were some parts, where those characters were so rich and looked like oil paintings, which I loved.  And just like with this show, the final season, which was paired up with S:TAS, it became so stylized, whatever 'look' the first three seasons had was gone. it was like they were botoxed or airbrushed. Cheap bastards.


Now, I won't blame y'all for me dreaming about Jackman AND Wolverine (the toon version) last night, or the crazy ass movieesque plot, but it might have something to do with me posting her and in the X-Men movies thread, heh. Plus, I love it when I dream about Jackman. Or Bale. Or Hiddleston...


I have to confess that I barely watched Batman:TAS. I was so turned off by it visually, that I only ended up seeing a handful of episodes in passing. Like, I can remember doing homework while it was on in the background or something. From what I gather, it was actually a very good toon. Hot damn, what's your dream secret? I hardly ever dream about hot celebrities. I'm jealous.

I have to confess that I barely watched Batman:TAS. I was so turned off by it visually, that I only ended up seeing a handful of episodes in passing. Like, I can remember doing homework while it was on in the background or something. From what I gather, it was actually a very good toon. Hot damn, what's your dream secret? I hardly ever dream about hot celebrities. I'm jealous.


Oh, I was the opposite. Despite Bruce's boxy look, I loved the animation--it was so noire, and if nothing else, the actors they got to voice the characters. Just perfect.


I dunno. I find if a certain actor is on the brain, he'll visit me in dreams, heh.  And now I'm thoroughly confused with respect to this show and the movies.  In this show, Xavier calls Magneto, "Magnus." Is that is real name, and the movies made up Erik?

I loved X-Men growing up and have seasons 1-4 on DVD and realized that Jean Grey is kind of a klutz. When the X-Men was battling Apocalypse and The Four Horsemen in "Come the Apocalypse" and Jean trips over Wolverine's leg and then in "Mojovision" she trips over a power cord causing Mojo & Spiral to kidnap her.


I do love "Obsession" when Rogue and Apocalypse try to take on Apocalypse by themselves. Beast getting all teary eyed over a computer was a bit much though.


I think they made kind of a goof with Rogue's past cause in "A Rogue's Tale" Rogue was taken in by Mystique and taught how to use her powers before joining the X-Men and learning this while being around Blob, Pyro, and Avalanche. Yet in "The Cure" when Pyro introduces himself to her and she fights with him and Avalanche they all act like they never met or seen each other before.


Another goof is that when Rogue is walking through the hospital she passes by Ms. Marvel's room and when Mystique shapeshifts into her, Rogue breaks through the elevator doors and flies up a couple of floors to enter Ms. Marvel's room. How did Ms. Marvel get transported up their so fast, was there a mutant doctor up in there.


Another goof was when Rogue was having hallucinations of Ms. Marvel she went outside to get some air where Wolverine was chopping wood. She sees Ms. Marvel again and flies back in the house to look for Jean but sees hallucinations again and exits the house again by flying up and breaking through floors where Wolverine is in his room when he was just outside chopping wood. They really weren't paying attention when they were making "A Rogue's Tale".


All episodes that were Storm focused were relatively boring which sucked because Storm is a badass character. I did like "Captive Hearts" when Storm is dealing with her claustrophobia, it really wasn't a Storm focused episode though. Storm worked great as a supporting character in the series, not a main character where episodes could center around her.

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Rogue giving Cyclops mouth to mouth: "Come on pretty boy, make a girl feel welcomed."


Juggernaut about Jubilee: "What's she gonna do? Hit me with her diaper?"


Archangel: I'll follow him to the end of the earth, through perdition's fire, until he breathes blood and rolls over, split, broken, finished!


Mr. Sinister to Rogue: "So beautiful, yet so strong."

Wolverine: "Well I always thought I was kind of cute. Nice of you to mention it."


Rogue: You know what happens when I touch somebody. You wanna end up in the hospital?!

Gambit: Maybe it's worth it, no.


Gambit: Gambit says you play fair or you don't play at all.

Gorgeous George: Come to Gorgeous, pretty boy.

Gambit: Gambit likes to play hard to get.

Archangel: I'll follow him to the end of the earth, through perdition's fire, until he breathes blood and rolls over, split, broken, finished!


Archangel was freaking nuts, but I loved him. Great line.


One that makes me laugh, and I can't remember it exactly, but It's when Charles is working on Sabertooth's mind. He says something along the lines of: "I have yet to penetrate the recesses of his mind." And Wolverine's response is gold:


I dunno. I find if a certain actor is on the brain, he'll visit me in dreams, heh.  And now I'm thoroughly confused with respect to this show and the movies.  In this show, Xavier calls Magneto, "Magnus." Is that is real name, and the movies made up Erik?


Consider yourself lucky. His name is confusing even to me, and I've been a comic reader since early childhood. When I was reading, his given name was Erik Lehnsherr. Magnus was a nickname that Charles sometimes called him, I have no idea why. Then, to confuse shit some more, I picked up a comic the other day, and Magneto said his birth name is actually Max Eisenhardt. **sighs** I just call him Erik. I hate it when a writer comes along and decides to make major life changing retcons like changing someone's damned name to Max. 


I do love "Obsession" when Rogue and Apocalypse try to take on Apocalypse by themselves. Beast getting all teary eyed over a computer was a bit much though.


You just reminded me that I used to ship cartoon Rogue and Angel. They had an interesting relationship, however brief.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes

I do love Rogue though and the cartoon series made me love Rogue and why she's my favorite X-Men character when I started reading the comics after watching the show. I do hate that the comics killed her though but I digress. Cartoon made Rogue a force to be reckoned with in "The Starjammers" when the team battled the Imperial Guards Rogue took on beat Gladiator, Smasher, Hussar, Titan, & Warstar. In "Fate of the Phoenix" when they battled the Imperial Guards again she eliminated Starbolt and had a good battle with Gladiator. I pretty much enjoyed episodes that Rogue was in.


I also found it funny how Gambit would want to risk his life just to get some from Rogue. I know that Gambit was made to be the one not trustworthy of the team but Rogue was too for a time found to be untrustworthy when she joined the X-Men.


Another episode I loved was "The Sanctuary" that was a good one and "Proteus" was another good one because Wolverine couldn't bring himself to fight Proteus after Proteus used his powers on him and we all know Wolverine never backs down from a fight.


I do have a question in the episode 'Til Death Do Us Part pt. 2" Mr. Sinister had a suction type thing that he used on Cyclops. Did he use that thing on Cyclops' penis to take that seed like thing out of him?

And when you think about it even the video game plot of X-Men Legends and X-Men Legends II had better plot than The Last Stand. I'm really not a fan of the films because they really make me upset. I guess cause I followed the comics and the animated series so closely. My friend doesn't understand she never read the comics or seen the cartoon so she sees nothing wrong with the films. It's hard to try and explain it to someone who doesn't follow the comics.

I didn't read the comics, but I did watch the cartoons, so while I liked the first one okay, I still had issues with it--Rogue, Scott, Bobby, Aurora, Jean...all so very miscast and horrible; don't get me started on how Sabertooth was just a snarling beast who couldn't talk.


I just fucking love this series; the animation, the layered storytelling, even if some episodes were out of order and some storylines dropped. And the voice actors were great. Except for Chris Potter, I think they were all Canadian. Wait, no. urm, I don't think Allison Sealy, who voiced Rogue, was Canadian. Or, was she?


Oh, shit! I managed to block out Chris Potter being gone. Forgot all about that horrible mess. They changed Storm's voice at some point as well, but it wasn't nearly as jarring. Also, I think Magneto's voice got changed toward the end, because I was obsessed with that particular voice (the original one). Oh, and Apocalypse's voice change was a fail, too.


How many times was Storms's voice changed?  IIRC, I thought the pilot (NIght of the Sentinels?) had one actress and the remainder of the series was another.  I could be mistaken though.


I'm afraid to rewatch it, I think I'll think it's lame or corny…As much as I love the series…and I have rewatched a few episodes over the years, part of me would rather remember it the way I remember it than try rewatching and falling "out of love" with it so to say…it might also be that the last few episodes I did see were from that awful last season…

Edited by CyberJawa1986
I'm afraid to rewatch it, I think I'll think it's lame or corny…As much as I love the series…and I have rewatched a few episodes over the years, part of me would rather remember it the way I remember it than try rewatching and falling "out of love" with it so to say…it might also be that the last few episodes I did see were from that awful last season…


I've started rewatching the show, and I think it's held up incredibly well.  I appreciate many of the mature themes now more than I did as a young teen.  And it truly feels like an ensemble, which I suppose is the benefit of several seasons on TV.  Then again, it felt that way from the beginning.  I'm early in season 2, and it's not the Wolverine, Professor X, or Magneto show.  They've explored Wolverine's past, and the Xavier/Magneto friendship, but neither of those things are central to the show - it's just a way to flush out characters and their motivations.  I'd completely forgotten that the US President is a woman on the show!


The only thing that particularly bothers me is an aspect of characterization for Storm and Jean.  Not sure how they're written in the comics, but given how powerful they are, the show loves to "deplete" them, especially Jean.  At least Rogue is spared from that (so far).  But I've yet to see Cyclops or Gambit or Wolverine faint from overexertion/use of their powers.  It weakens their characters, particularly because they're women.  Matter of fact, I can't think of any male mutant featured thus far shown as weakened by use of their powers.  


There are some story inconsistencies, but all things considered, the series is solid on the narrative so far. Better than the films for sure.

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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They do that alot with Storm and Jean which was irritating seeing as those two are omega level mutants. I do understand that for the tv show they have to maybe dwindle down their powers some. I won't spoil it for you but they do have a powerful male mutant be a little exhausted for exertion of his powers.


Maybe someone can explain something to me. In the Reunion part 2 episode when the X-Men lose all their powers because of Mr. Sinister's machine, Wolverine loses his healing factor yet when he extracts his adamantium claws he doesn't scream out in pain. Wouldn't it hurt a whole lot more since the healing is gone temporarily?

Maybe someone can explain something to me. In the Reunion part 2 episode when the X-Men lose all their powers because of Mr. Sinister's machine, Wolverine loses his healing factor yet when he extracts his adamantium claws he doesn't scream out in pain. Wouldn't it hurt a whole lot more since the healing is gone temporarily?


Probably. They were either trying to make him look extra badass, or they just plain forgot.

I just watched that episode, and Wolverine seemed to be in a little pain when the claws protracted.  I also thought his heightened sense of smell was part of his mutation, but that still worked just fine.  His ability to heal quickly was neutralized for a hot second, which should have debilitated him a lot more.  Once he teamed up with Savage Land Tarzan, it was forgotten.  I suppose one can argue that adrenaline kicked in, which helped with the pain.  Mostly though, it just seemed that Wolverine was meant to be extra badass in the episode.   


One of my favorite battles in the series is the X-Men vs Imperial Guards in "Fate of the Phoenix" but I was bothered that Storm was the first one taken out along with Gambit. Storm is just a little too powerful to be one of the first taken out, if anything I think Beast and maybe Gambit would be taken out first. I did like Rogue and Gladiator's little battle which Rogue would have probably won if she absorbed Gladiator's powers making her even more stronger.


I also loved when the X-Men tried to take on the Dark Phoenix and they got their asses handed to them. I wonder why Rogue was unable to absorb some of Phoenix/Jean Grey's powers when she touched her? I think some mutants are immune to Rogue's powers like Magneto and I think Colossus is too.


Usually when it comes to battles Gambit or Storm are taken out of action relatively early. When Apocalypse was trying to start a virus and battled X-Men & Cable, Apocalypse takes out Gambit and Storm in one blow. In the final battle against the Imperial Guards Storm and Gambit are the first two taken out. When the X-Men take on Apocalypse & The Four Horsemen in "Come the Apocalypse" War blasts Gambit and he's no longer in action. When they take on the Morlocks in "Captive Hearts", Gambit is taken out when he's touched by Plague/Pestilence.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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I also loved when the X-Men tried to take on the Dark Phoenix and they got their asses handed to them. I wonder why Rogue was unable to absorb some of Phoenix/Jean Grey's powers when she touched her? I think some mutants are immune to Rogue's powers like Magneto and I think Colossus is too.


I'm not 100% sure, but I would think Phoenix would be too powerful for her to absorb. She's not even part of the team yet in the comics during The Phoenix Saga. If Colossus is immune it must be a fairly recent thing. I've only been loosely following the books this past decade or so. She's absorbed him in the past, though. 




Here too.


Phoenix/Jean Grey: You wish me to return to the nothingness of space! You wish me to give up the body! Never!


Phoenix/Jean Grey: Why do you care about this body?

Cyclops: I love her.

Phoenix/Jean Grey: Love? I do not understand. Your answer is unacceptable!


Gambit: I can see that you saved Gambit cher, and not Wolverine. Must be my way with women.

Rogue: Don't flatter yourself, swamp boy.


Blob eating ice cream and Storm flies behind him.

Blob: No, you can't have any. [Hurls ice cream at Storm]


Rogue: You're as fast as a swamp bug on a hot skillet, let's see if you are as nimble.


Rogue: Keep your sticky fingers to yourself, you walkin' tar pit.


Gambit [to Rogue]: Maybe you should lay off the fried chicken.


Magneto: Better that we die on our feet than lives on our knees.


Wolverine [about Gambit]: The man doesn't break a sweat against Apocalypse or Magneto. So, what nails him? A pine tree.


Apocalypse: I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken!


Apocalypse: I am as far beyond mutants as they are above you. I am eternal!


Apocalypse: Spare me your petty judgments. They spring from a brain too meager to comprehend MY reality. Now, taste the power... of Apocalypse!


Cortez: Yes, these human loving scoundrels, have dared to attack their leader!


Cortez: That is treason and I pronounce sentence. We shall jettison them, into the cold blackness of space.

Edited by ShadowSixx

Evolution was okay in my book, I'll look into that thread, but I wasn't thrilled with Goth Rogue either, although, I will say I, I think they did make her a bit more resourceful with her abilities without having the flight and strength and we did get to see her rely on her own physical capabilities in hand-to-hand situations over Rogue Smash…


…but nothing will ever beat TAS Rogue.


…as far as the X-Toons go…I couldn't get into Wolverine & The X-Men…still need to check out the anime too…

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I hated that it was Wolverine-centric (and I'm a Wolvie fan), but there were aspects that I thought were OK. Didn't it end with, like, an Age of Apocalypse cliffhanger?

Yep, it ended with an AOA cliffhanger…but I was already checked out of the series by then, as awesome as that might have been, I don't think I could have continued the show.

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