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S13.E10: The Next Generation: Top 6 Perform + Elimination

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I swear I am not trying to quote anything. The new-ish boards and I do not get along. At all. Little things like this are pissing me off.

That said...well, tonight, that feels about right. And by "about right" I mean that it's about time to dump one of the best dancers, who for reasons utterly inexplicable to me, must not have connected to the audience because she is more mature and sophisticated (??). So, yeah. About right. Pissed off SYTYCD feeling? Check.

I'm surprised, and I will admit this, by how much I care about these kids. Except JT. He's a darling little boy, but FFS -- every single dance has been the same exact theme. Mr. Bojangles almost make me yack. Every other dancer there is arguably as talented as the others. But JT is SUCH a little boy among tweens.

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.....and I'm officially out. I tried to tough it out for the entire season assuming this will be the last vestige of SYTYCD we'll ever have. But when JT is portrayed as the greatest thing since Fred Astaire, and Ruby (the single most talented dancer left) gets kicked to the curb....I just can't anymore.

Also.....way to run the bus over Emma for next week's elimination, Nigel. Pair her up with JT who is by the miles the weakest kid left for any type of partner dance and then crush the dance. Then give her a standing ovation, along with a subsequently harshly (at least in this show's universe) critique for the tap duet with Gaby. Makes perfect sense.

If DWTS still exists in some form by 2021......welcome to cast Ruby!

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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The most important thing I need to address: Cat, what happened this week? Between the French braids and that severe green velvet dress, I was at a loss. I think if she had worn one or the other, it wouldn't have looked so bad but the two of them together somehow made the sum greater than its parts in awfulness.

You know what I didn't miss during the two week hiatus? That stupid spinning camera which was back with a vengeance this week!

I started cracking up as soon as the opening number started. Years ago, my sister was forced to do a modern dance and it featured the same stupid running in place that we saw at the beginning of this Travis Wall piece. It looked as dumb then as it does now.

I want to high five Luther Brown for continuing to give absolutely no fucks about Nigel's need for every dance to Have a Story. I love that every once of his rehearsal packages begins with him saying, "There's no story. It's just dancing." I really enjoyed the choreography and I do think that Kida is showing more personality, but I still see the gap between him and Fikshun. It's not just that Fikshun performs with more personality, but in the smooth sections he is smoother and in the sharp sections he is sharper. Kida isn't bad, but this is really where the age, experience, and maturity between the contestants and the all stars shows. I had to laugh when Jason said "hands off to you" to Kida and Fikshun. I love you, Cat, but please don't ambush teenagers on tv about their crushes.

Tate and Katherine's contemporary was good. I usually get tired of Mandy Moore about halfway through the season, but I really appreciate that, unlike Travis, Mia, and Sonya, she keeps the flailing to a minimum. I can see how this must have been a really enjoyable piece to dance because of the connections. Tate and Katherine are one of the very few pairings this season where I don't feel like I'm watching a child dance with an adult (and no, I'm not here for kids like JT who are good for their age but still dance like kids). What I love about watching Tate and Katherine together is that they make the choreography look so seamless and effortless. Every moment flows from one to another and it never looks like they're struggling with the movement.

JT and Emma doing a romantic contemporary piece together? Ugh. Seriously, Travis, you know how old these kids are so maybe lay off the romance and all the lifts. This was a dance where Emma was really hampered by this season's format. If she'd been able to do this dance with a male all star (but a young looking one like Kent), that would have improved matters greatly. But since she was stuck doing this routine with JT, my attention kept being drawn to the immature quality of JT's movement.  I feel bad for bringing it up every week, but he hasn't improved or matured at all this season. I know he's the youngest and the smallest so the gap between him and say, Tate or Ruby, is immense in every way, but it's so distracting to me because all of his performances have the air of a dance recital due to the way he holds his hands and arms and the way he moves in the choreography. During the opening number, when he ran up and started making people hold hands, it detracted from the entire piece because suddenly there was a little kid acting like a little kid. Hilarious that Nigel was the only judge who had any negative comments. He's been JT's cheerleader all season so I was surprised that he said anything bad. While I am fine with Paula pointing out that Emma needs to be aware of sickling her feet (and I had the same bad habit so I sympathize) but if she's going to make comments like that, then how can she not mention any of the many things that JT should be working on?

Hahaha, OF COURSE Ruby and Paul had to wear spats for their Mark Ballas jive! This was a great example of how to do a fun dance with a younger contestant and an all star without falling on the older sibling story. This was age appropriate and entertaining.  I totally loved this performance. Even though Mark has annoyed me over the years on DWTS, he did a good job with this. It may help that he has had a couple of younger partners on DWTS in recent seasons.

I must not have been paying attention when Cat introduced the girls' quartet because I spent the entire time asking myself, "Who is Abby? There's an all star this year named Abby? What season was she a contestant? Why don't I remember anyone named Abby?" It wasn't until after the routing was over and Cat said their names again that I realized she had said GABBY, not ABBY. Ha!

Kida and Tate's paso doble was not great for me. They knew the steps but they didn't have the style down. If I hadn't watched the rehearsal package, I never would have guessed that it was a paso doble.

Ruby and Tahani's Broadway was good but not great. Given how bubbly both of them are, I thought this would be a good fit for them but it was just okay. I'm not sure how much of this was due to the choreography versus the execution. Heh, I may be biased because I hated that version of "Stand By Me."

I feel like I should give credit to the male all stars for that hip hop routine since most of them aren't hip hop dancers. High five to Paul, Marko, Jonathan, and Robert for hanging with Comfort and Fikshun.

No, Jason, JT did not pull back his dance ability to make himself appear more juvenile. That's just how JT actually dances.

Man, Comfort was not kidding when she said that 90% of the dance had the bats. That is a long time to be dancing with a prop. It's particularly difficult with a prop like a bt because if you don't hold them at the exact same angle, it's really noticeable. Nigel, please STFU. No, the Dodgers did not win because of this dance. Stop saying stupid shit like that. Gawd, and blathering about how this show is comparable to the Olympics? Ugh. He's like that doddering old uncle who thinks that being topical is the same thing as being relevant.

I am ridiculously disappointed that Ruby was eliminated. She and Tate should have been the last two standing. It is a fucking travesty that JT is still there and Ruby is going home. It was very sweet to see Cat tell the audience that they weren't cheering loudly enough for her.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I think if she had worn one or the other, it wouldn't have looked so bad but the two of them together somehow made the sum greater than its parts in awfulness.

I nearly always like how Cat fancies up and dresses herself, but I have to agree with this comment.  Even her makeup was too garish.

I think Cat was telling the audience to cheer for Ruby because she had to waste time.  They didn't do a bottom two, presumably because they didn't have enough time and then they had too much time so Cat filled.

I had opposite reactions to Paul and Ruby's jive which I found boring and ffed through whereas Tahani and Ruby's broadway kept me hooked.  Although I have to admit that I spent a lot of time pondering the costume choices in that one.  Ruby had a full skirt that twisted with her, making her look a lot older than Tahani who had a much more childish semi-full skirt that had its own ideas when spun.  I don't know what machinations I am pondering here, but I did ponder.

Also, ElectricBoogaloo, I totally agree with this comment:


I feel like I should give credit to the male all stars for that hip hop routine since most of them aren't hip hop dancers. High five to Paul, Marko, Jonathan, and Robert for hanging with Comfort and Fikshun.

I was amazed at how well they kept up (and in fact, the only mistake I saw was Fikshun's).  That was a really wonderfully designed piece and Comfort was boss as usual (I suspect her presence was because Luther wants to choreo for her, but it made her absence from the Moore piece a little uncomfortable for me).  I love Luther Brown's ideas and movement, although I was a bit put off by the repetition of the granddad move (from Fikshun and Twitch's piece) in Fikshun and Kida's piece -- I think it's too iconic for repetition, but apparently Luther does not agree with me.

I really don't like Kida much, but I sure appreciate his media savvy and he really does put serious effort into stuff outside his genre.  Still, mostly not very impressed by the paso.

I really  hope these people don't ruin JT's life with all this blether.  The kid is a really good dancer for his age and maturity and body, but unless he has a soul of gold or incredibly clever parents, he's going to have some tough times with the lack of adulation after this experience.

This week's show was tedious torture. 

JT's flaws really showed in his number with Emma in particular.  Without Robert there to steer the performance JT really lags and the flaws show.  I thought it was quite unfair to give Emma such a direct and specific technique critique and not speak to JT's.  Kind of misleading about the "fault" of the subpar performance IMO. 

Did not understand the lack of critique of Tahani's poor technique this week either.  She's charming, but struggles quite a bit.  Still getting a very quiet and reserved low energy from Comfort.  Unusual for her.  Her dancing still crushes it, but girl seems frustrated or something.  Good thoughts all is well in her world.  I miss the magic her energy brings to the whole show.

Did Nigel not say a previous JT/Robert routine made him think of Shirley Temple with Bill "Bojangles" Robinson?  I don't think it was about Gabby and Emma tapping if I'm remembering correctly.

20 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


I want to high five Luther Brown for continuing to give absolutely no fucks about Nigel's need for every dance to Have a Story. I love that every once of his rehearsal packages begins with him saying, "There's no story. It's just dancing."

This was my favorite part as well. No every dance needs a story!

20 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I normally never post in a dance forum but I'm always lurking. I cannot believe I fell asleep halfway through this episode and will have to go back and view what I missed (which apparently was quite a bit). Disappointed in seeing Ruby eliminated would be an understatement to say the least. I did not know I was becoming a fan until she was in the bottom either the last performance episode or the one prior. 

JT represents that one contestant every season that out stays better dancers (or singers depending what show one is watching) because of his cuteness or awe factor. I only prefer when he dances with Robert and it's not a matter of I can't wait to see that again or I hope that is performed again during the finale. Eh, he's cute and endearing but that's all I can add as for as his performances go.

Kida is rather cold at times and of course I felt from the beginning he should have been paired with Joshua because they had similar dance styles. Producers are going to do what they see fit to do chemistry be damned.

I cannot take a ride on the Tate train no matter how much this show wants me and other viewers to do. Yeah I get it show, she's the favorite to win, but it doesn't mean I have to like it or go along with it. I just accept it as I have other seasons where a favorite of mine didn't win or receive the better dance pieces, choreographers, critiques, etc. When Tate and Katherine are dancing, I am more drawn to what Katherine is doing rather than her partner. For some odd reason with Tate every performance looks the same (almost like the above OP that said the same about JT). I don't feel that she's growing as a dancer. Is it because they're choreographing to what she does (Melanie 2.0) in every piece or has she plateaued for me as a viewer? I've been half checked out since the top 20 when it became apparent that she was the show/producers' fave to win. I'm still watching at this point because I like to completely watch a show till the end (my enjoyment be damned). Who knows? There may just be one performance between Tate and Katherine that I will fully enjoy so that her eventual win won't be a total bummer for me. 

Also, I didn't truly enjoy Gabby's skills during her season because I was busy pulling for the girl/woman who came in second. This is bad when I can't even remember her name. I am immensely enjoying her now, but is it because of her almost equally matched mini me, the choreography, the fact there isn't anyone competing that I enjoy more, or I was blinded by another style during her season that I preferred? 

yourpointis, I agree with a lot of what you said.  I didn't fall asleep on Monday but I did fall asleep during the last show.  So I couldn't comment on that one.  It's sad because SYTYCD used to be my favorite show and now I'm just sticking it out.  There's really not that much to watch during the summer anyway.

I'm disappointed that Ruby is gone but not surprised since she was in the bottom before.  One good thing about this season was that we were getting good ballroom dances but not anymore since all three ballroom kids are gone.  No matter what the judges say, Kida and Tate weren't that great in the paso.  But since I do think that those two are favored, they weren't going to give criticism.

I also only like JT with Robert.  He can't do other styles well and even if he does do contemporary with another contestant, he dances like a kid.  There really isn't anything wrong with that since he is good for his age.  However, there really is a difference between his technique and somebody like Tate.

Now, that I said that about Tate's technique, I'm bored with Kathryn and Tate.  They seem to only get contemporary and the choreographers seem to really only want to focus on Tate's flexibility especially her legs.  At least, JT and Robert have done contemporary, jazz, and Broadway.  So why don't they mix it up for Kathryn and Tate?

ElectricBoogaloo, I was also distracted when the four girl All-Stars performed.  It wasn't for the same reason as you.  When they first came on, I was thinking, "Are there only four women All-Stars?"  So I was naming off the guys in my head to see if I could come up with six of them.  When I could only come up with five, then it took me awhile to realize that I was missing Comfort.  By this time, the dance was almost over.  I was also impressed that the male All-Stars did so well in the hip-hop routine especially the ones where hip-hop is not their specialty.  I didn't even know that somebody like Jonathan could do hip-hop.  At least, I've seen the others do hip-hop during their seasons.  Maybe, Jonathan did too but I only remember his contemporary dance with Karla.

Nick Young is like ballroom dancer Ryan.  I'm saying that because when Ryan is an All-Star, Nigel doesn't even address or thank him.  On Monday, Nick got a chance to choreograph but they didn't even mention that he was on SYTYCD Season 8.   

4 hours ago, realdancemom said:

  I didn't even know that somebody like Jonathan could do hip-hop.  At least, I've seen the others do hip-hop during their seasons.  Maybe, Jonathan did too but I only remember his contemporary dance with Karla.  

It's funny that you said this because I think I'm one of the few that actually remembers Jonathan's arc on his season, short as it was.  Jonathan got eliminated after a badly performed hip hip number and Karla was spared an additional week.  So during the number all I was thinking was that I was impressed by how much he has improved as a dancer since his original SYTYCD season and good for him having the last laugh so to speak--in the sense that he has to be one of the only super early eliminations to get continually invited back to the show to choreograph and perform.

15 hours ago, spanana said:

It's funny that you said this because I think I'm one of the few that actually remembers Jonathan's arc on his season, short as it was.  Jonathan got eliminated after a badly performed hip hip number and Karla was spared an additional week.  So during the number all I was thinking was that I was impressed by how much he has improved as a dancer since his original SYTYCD season and good for him having the last laugh so to speak--in the sense that he has to be one of the only super early eliminations to get continually invited back to the show to choreograph and perform.

I had to go to youtube to find their hip-hop.  Oh, that was bad.  I think Karla would have done o.k. with a different partner.  Jonathan improved in hip-hop a lot.  Nigel took some grumpy pills that day too.  Kat said something about it.  She's always funny.

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