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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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8 minutes ago, ByTor said:

One positive thing in the world:  A weird thing I really love is when it's morning & the sun is out, but you can still see a bit of the moon.  I have no idea what I like so much about it, but I find that sight oddly comforting.

One positive thing about myself: I like the color of my eyes.  They're a very light blue & I think it's cool that if natural light is hitting me the right way they look almost white.

This is fun!  Anybody else want to play? :)

Ok, I'm going out extra early to see that again.  Get a pic!  And your eyes sound lovely.  And since we're in DCC land, that's what I find so striking about my girl Kelsey and the contrast against her dark hair.

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18 minutes ago, VintageJ said:

No problem. I think one of the best sounds is the sound of a baby talking to him or herself in the crib early in the morning, their little conversation ?. So I challenge you; one positive thing in the world you love and one about yourself.  I love my eyebrows. They are thick.  Even when thin brows were in, I kept them thick. My hair grew too fast anyway so I would always have to pluck a day or two later anyway.  It's my natural self and how God meant for me to be; his best vision for ME, not anyone else.  So I accept and love it.


6 minutes ago, ByTor said:

One positive thing in the world:  A weird thing I really love is when it's morning & the sun is out, but you can still see a bit of the moon.  I have no idea what I like so much about it, but I find that sight oddly comforting.

One positive thing about myself: I like the color of my eyes.  They're a very light blue & I think it's cool that if natural light is hitting me the right way they look almost white.

This is fun!  Anybody else want to play? :)

Hmmm! OK I'm in!!

Let's see, one positive thing in the world I love: Driving home after work and listening to music and unwinding. My drive route is not a freeway, but a really pretty country highway, and I get to see critters and the sun going down and the beautiful trees showing their spring colors, and knowing I have my family at home. It just makes me grateful. One thing I like about me: I like that I have been consistent with my daily goals and expectations for myself. I'm proud that I have stayed the course and challenged my old thoughts that don't work anymore, and that I'm open enough to accept the happiness that's come to me.

That IS nice!! NEXT!

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6 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:


Hmmm! OK I'm in!!

Let's see, one positive thing in the world I love: Driving home after work and listening to music and unwinding. My drive route is not a freeway, but a really pretty country highway, and I get to see critters and the sun going down and the beautiful trees showing their spring colors, and knowing I have my family at home. It just makes me grateful. One thing I like about me: I like that I have been consistent with my daily goals and expectations for myself. I'm proud that I have stayed the course and challenged my old thoughts that don't work anymore, and that I'm open enough to accept the happiness that's come to me.

That IS nice!! NEXT!

Yes!  I love driving, listening to my music and catching the scenery of trees in their spring and fall colors or filled with snow.  That's Maryland for you. And I am striving to be considered with my daily goals.  Or weekly or even hourly. ?

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1 minute ago, VintageJ said:

Yes!  I love driving, listening to my music and catching the scenery of trees in their spring and fall colors or filled with snow.  That's Maryland for you. And I am striving to be considered with my daily goals.  Or weekly or even hourly. ?

HAHA, well, let's be real, upthread I DID just call an in-law "filthy", soooo....clearly I'm not at the Deepak Chopra level just yet LOL! But you know, today I'll do better and downgrade that statement from "filthy" to merely, unclean. HA!!!

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On another note, I was watching Dr Phil (not proud), and it was about these people being catfished by Nigerian scammers. These people have sent their overseas "lovers" (whom they've never met) THOUSANDS of dollars! I mean, can you even fathom doing that? I don't judge these people, clearly they're super lonely, but my god, wouldn't common sense step in at some point? Let's see, I've pawned my grandma's wedding ring and my bank account is drained, and I've never met this person....might something be amiss? I'd hairy eyeball that mess and run in the other direction with a quickness. Well, I'd speed walk. I don't run.

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29 minutes ago, VintageJ said:

Ok, I'm going out extra early to see that again.  Get a pic!  And your eyes sound lovely.  And since we're in DCC land, that's what I find so striking about my girl Kelsey and the contrast against her dark hair.

awwww thanks for the compliment :)

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@ByTor for the record I think you're pretty great and I enjoy your posts so much. That sounds *so cheesy* but just wanted to let you know. ?

3 hours ago, ByTor said:

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about!  I am horrible with focusing on the negative.  Thanks for this :)

And yes, I am the same way. So far in life have not found an effective way to stop doing it, but maybe one day.

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2 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

@ByTor for the record I think you're pretty great and I enjoy your posts so much. That sounds *so cheesy* but just wanted to let you know. ?

awwww...sniff...love ya, @Oranaiche...for so many reasons :)

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19 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

It's my dirty sailor's mouth, right?

Uhm. DUH!

Seriously. @LaurenBrook. Pfft. Talk about a sailor mouth. And NEGATIVE much!?!? Does she EVER say anything supportive or uplifting?


FEEL THE LOVE, people! Don't fight the warm fuzzies. Your powers are useless against them!

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Just now, QuiteCalM said:

Seriously. @LaurenBrook. Pfft. Talk about a sailor mouth. And NEGATIVE much!?!? Does she EVER say anything supportive or uplifting?

Right?  And she always talks about how unattractive the DCCs are! :)

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4 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Right?  And she always talks about how unattractive the DCCs are! :)

Silver tongued shrew, that one!!

2 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:


You are going to be the hot dog in the bun of our group hug.

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Just now, QuiteCalM said:

Silver tongued shrew, that one!!

You are going to be the hot dog in the bun of our group hug.

Great! I adore being touched! I practically reflex punch every masseuse who ever gets their hands on me.

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Just now, Oranaiche said:

Great! I adore being touched! I practically reflex punch every masseuse who ever gets their hands on me.

Oh REEEEEALLY!!?? Hmm, someone needs a big, loooong hug. No, better yet, you need to be re-birthed. We'll replicate a birth canal with sleeping bags and pillows and re-introduce you to the world. Anyone got any strawberry jam? You know, for effect?

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3 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:

Oh REEEEEALLY!!?? Hmm, someone needs a big, loooong hug. No, better yet, you need to be re-birthed. We'll replicate a birth canal with sleeping bags and pillows and re-introduce you to the world. Anyone got any strawberry jam? You know, for effect?

Wow, I don't think we can be friends anymore. I'm breaking out in hives.

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13 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

Wow, I don't think we can be friends anymore. I'm breaking out in hives.

That's SO funny! I did not know this about you!! I'm such a hugger. I promise, if we should ever meet, that I will do a SUPER quick, like, FLASH hug. And then never again. I have to just hug you for a sec though, because, I HAVE to!! PLEASE!

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4 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:

That's SO funny! I did not know this about you!! I'm such a hugger. I promise, if we should ever meet, that I will do a SUPER quick, like, FLASH hug. And then never again. I have to just hug you for a sec though, because, I HAVE to!! PLEASE!

I'm ok with it with certain people. Total strangers? Stay the fuck away from me, weirdo! So yes, obviously you can hug me. I will ~*~TRY~*~ not to karate chop you in the throat or anything. ?

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5 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

I'm ok with it with certain people. Total strangers? Stay the fuck away from me, weirdo! So yes, obviously you can hug me. I will ~*~TRY~*~ not to karate chop you in the throat or anything. ?

OK I'll wear a turtleneck to hide the damage!

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Aww this is nice ?

One thing I love about the world is being out on the moors, high up on a hill, looking out at the scenery.

One thing I love about myself is also my eyes. They're  grey/ blue with long lashes and I've been told before they're mesmerising.

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LOL!! darn yinz all to heck!! ;)  Funny thing about cursing - I really don't do it and am not tempted to UNLESS i want to use a certain phrase like..."no shit, sherlock!"  "no crap, sherlock" does NOT have the same ring to it, nomsayin?!

Also, just stepping in to say GOOOO PENS!!!!!!!!!!! back to back Stanley Cups is next to impossible but if anyone can, PIttsburgh can!!! woot woot!! 

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2 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

LOL!! darn yinz all to heck!! ;)  Funny thing about cursing - I really don't do it and am not tempted to UNLESS i want to use a certain phrase like..."no shit, sherlock!"  "no crap, sherlock" does NOT have the same ring to it, nomsayin?!

Also, just stepping in to say GOOOO PENS!!!!!!!!!!! back to back Stanley Cups is next to impossible but if anyone can, PIttsburgh can!!! woot woot!! 


(Seriously though you're great.)

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I'm not a hockey fan, but go predators! That's carrie underwood's husband's team and I adore her so I'm rooting for them lol

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10 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

I'm not a hockey fan, but go predators! That's carrie underwood's husband's team and I adore her so I'm rooting for them lol

if pens hadn't made it i would def have been cheering for Predators too :)  Nashville is just a great city in general!! 

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3 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

I'm not a hockey fan, but go predators! That's carrie underwood's husband's team and I adore her so I'm rooting for them lol

I'm not a fan either though being from StL I do follow the Blues to some extent. Preds helped raise money for people here after the flooding so I'm all for them

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1 minute ago, QuiteCalM said:

@twinkietwin94 I have a question for you that I brought over from the other thread. Do they even teach kids cursive anymore, or is it a dead language lol?

It depends on the district. My son learned it in third grade and his district recently shifted that down to second grade. In my district I don't know I think it almost depends on schools and as we're going 1:1 now from 5th-12th grades I see it disappearing even more, though I encourage it and require when my kids write a letter that they sign in cursive which has meant some of them have to relearn how to do so. Honestly though when given the choice I don't know that I remember any of my 120 kids this year writing their journals in cursive. I think they were all print. I prefer cursive bc for me it's faster. I quit writing in it in middle school when it wasn't required anymore and had to reteach myself in college bc as an education major we actually had a "Writing on the Board" exam. Yeah I think I got a C... probably as good as that was gonna be LOL

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45 minutes ago, twinkietwin94 said:

It depends on the district. My son learned it in third grade and his district recently shifted that down to second grade. In my district I don't know I think it almost depends on schools and as we're going 1:1 now from 5th-12th grades I see it disappearing even more, though I encourage it and require when my kids write a letter that they sign in cursive which has meant some of them have to relearn how to do so. Honestly though when given the choice I don't know that I remember any of my 120 kids this year writing their journals in cursive. I think they were all print. I prefer cursive bc for me it's faster. I quit writing in it in middle school when it wasn't required anymore and had to reteach myself in college bc as an education major we actually had a "Writing on the Board" exam. Yeah I think I got a C... probably as good as that was gonna be LOL

Hahaha thanks for the information! I see cursive less and less and everything is so computer based now that I just wondered if it had completely gone away yet or not so much. The old biddy in me finds it sad, but then again I can see how it may be less practical to focus on it too much. 

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I can't even write in cursive anymore. A former coworker and I used to play a game where we would give each other a sentence and we would have to write it in cursive. Mine always came out looking like a blind four-year-old wrote it. Cursive stopped being required when I was in seventh or eighth grade, so yeah. It's not like riding a bike!

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27 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

I can't even write in cursive anymore. A former coworker and I used to play a game where we would give each other a sentence and we would have to write it in cursive. Mine always came out looking like a blind four-year-old wrote it. Cursive stopped being required when I was in seventh or eighth grade, so yeah. It's not like riding a bike!

Yeah reteaching myself in college was tougher than I expected.  It does seem to have gone by the wayside with all the technology now. The one consistent argument I see to keep teaching it is so that people will still be able to read our historical documents in their original forms.

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33 minutes ago, twinkietwin94 said:

Yeah reteaching myself in college was tougher than I expected.  It does seem to have gone by the wayside with all the technology now. The one consistent argument I see to keep teaching it is so that people will still be able to read our historical documents in their original forms.

True, I never would have thought of that! I have no problem reading cursive, I just can't write it worth a damn. But yes, I would imagine that kids who haven't been caught cursive at all wouldn't be able to read it.

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If you're my age, you recognize these types of books from your childhood. There's a twitter and Instagram account called "paperback paradise" wherein they take said book covers and replace the titles with hilarious shit. I highly recommend. 

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13 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:

If you're my age, you recognize these types of books from your childhood. There's a twitter and Instagram account called "paperback paradise" wherein they take said book covers and replace the titles with hilarious shit. I highly recommend. 

OMG I think I may have just laughed so hard I peed a little!  I loved SVH and Nancy Drew, I'm so following this account now!

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1 hour ago, QuiteCalM said:

If you're my age, you recognize these types of books from your childhood. There's a twitter and Instagram account called "paperback paradise" wherein they take said book covers and replace the titles with hilarious shit. I highly recommend. 

Oh my god, I am DYING. I used to live for these books.


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23 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:

@Oranaiche and @twinkietwin94 somehow I knew you'd both be into it. My favorite is "we just flew into some poor fucker's shower". When you see it, you'll know it. 

Seriously I see a ridiculous amount of my summer break being spent looking through these. And I'm so passing them on to my best friends. Hmm as an English teacher think I can count looking at these as professional development??? ;) 


OK and I gotta ask bc I can't figure it out in my head how do you pronounce your screen name @Oranaiche

Edited by twinkietwin94
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27 minutes ago, twinkietwin94 said:

Seriously I see a ridiculous amount of my summer break being spent looking through these. And I'm so passing them on to my best friends. Hmm as an English teacher think I can count looking at these as professional development??? ;) 


OK and I gotta ask bc I can't figure it out in my head how do you pronounce your screen name @Oranaiche

Haha, it is pronounced "o-ran-eeshee." It's Gaelic for singer, which is my true profession although I sell jewelry during the day. ? I use the same name for a couple games I play and my game buddies just call me Oran! ?

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1 hour ago, Oranaiche said:

Haha, it is pronounced "o-ran-eeshee." It's Gaelic for singer, which is my true profession although I sell jewelry during the day. ? I use the same name for a couple games I play and my game buddies just call me Oran! ?

Thanks! Ok now I can pronounce it right in my head. I hate mispronouncing names. It throws my students off every year when I ask them to introduce themselves rather than just take attendance the first day but mispronouncing names makes me feel so dumb, and some kids I just don't want to even try and guess.


Showed that instagram to hubby he didn't get it, I started laughing again so hard I snorted several times. LOL

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3 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

Haha, it is pronounced "o-ran-eeshee." It's Gaelic for singer, which is my true profession although I sell jewelry during the day. ? I use the same name for a couple games I play and my game buddies just call me Oran! ?

I just wanna give you a big ol hug.

1 hour ago, twinkietwin94 said:

Thanks! Ok now I can pronounce it right in my head. I hate mispronouncing names. It throws my students off every year when I ask them to introduce themselves rather than just take attendance the first day but mispronouncing names makes me feel so dumb, and some kids I just don't want to even try and guess.


Showed that instagram to hubby he didn't get it, I started laughing again so hard I snorted several times. LOL

HAHA!! I was going to try to show this to the basic ass bitches I work with but I know no one would get it.

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4 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

although I sell jewelry during the day.

Do you make your own or work at a store or...?  Very curious!  Link to your own stuff if you do, please. I ❤️ jewelry.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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1 hour ago, QuiteCalM said:

I just wanna give you a big ol hug.

HAHA!! I was going to try to show this to the basic ass bitches I work with but I know no one would get it.

1. You're the worst. (Pertaining to the part about the hug. [Except I'm only joking, you're actually the best, give me all the hugs, but just check that I'm still breathing after.])

2. Never mind about checking for my breathing. I officially can't. TOOT TOOT TOOT!

55 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Do you make your own or work at a store or...?  Very curious!  Link to your own stuff if you do, please. I ❤️ jewelry.

I work in a jewelry store. :) I don't make my own stuff. Not that artistically inclined, heh.

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i LOVE paperback paradise!! there are so many amazing ones on their twitter account too (i think it's called the same thing on twitter...) 

Takes me back to the days years ago, spending hours on the Dairi Burger site, reading her recaps of 80s books and laughing so hard i had to step away and actually take a break.  Please tell me someone else here loved that site?! 

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4 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

i LOVE paperback paradise!! there are so many amazing ones on their twitter account too (i think it's called the same thing on twitter...) 

Takes me back to the days years ago, spending hours on the Dairi Burger site, reading her recaps of 80s books and laughing so hard i had to step away and actually take a break.  Please tell me someone else here loved that site?! 

OMG! Never heard of it! Totally heading there now! 

Eta: I've cleared my calendar for the next month so I can dedicate my life to reading this website. It is hysterical!! 

Edited by QuiteCalM
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2 hours ago, QuiteCalM said:

OMG! Never heard of it! Totally heading there now! 

Eta: I've cleared my calendar for the next month so I can dedicate my life to reading this website. It is hysterical!! 

is it not the most amazing thing ever?! PLEASEEEEE please please read her recaps of the Caitlin series.  I had never heard of that one but i honestly was crying reading them i was laughing so hard.  

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