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Late to the party/ watching on Netflix.

I was 21 and naïve in 1994, and all I thought of Clark at the time was "that lady is kicking butt! Look at her go, asking questions". I never questioned her appearance, but I didn't grow up in a culture where people cared much about hair, makeup, and wardrobe. Today in real life I've seen my share of workplace misogyny, both overt and covert. This also makes me today pretty close to the age she was during the trial. Boy, what a wakeup call. I don't know if that radio poll really happened ("Marcia Clark: babe or bitch?") but OMG that's terrible. 

Hey, Gil Garcetti: Instead of offering fashion advice, why don't you arrange for Clark to have some assistance so she doesn't have to buy her own tampons and be first chair in the biggest trial ever? Just a little help might have gone a long way. She was working her tail off for your office.

(Shallow note: I'm sad to see what Clark's done to her face in present day, but that's because I just don't think overdoing the botox/fillers help ANYONE.)

+1 in the Sterling-K.-Brown-As-Darden-is-Hawt Camp. Hello! I had those awful round 90s glasses, and he makes them look SO good.

I'm impressed with the casting and acting. Even Schwimmer is growing on me. 

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On 2/20/2017 at 0:30 PM, purplemonkey said:

Late to the party/ watching on Netflix.

I was 21 and naïve in 1994, and all I thought of Clark at the time was "that lady is kicking butt! Look at her go, asking questions". I never questioned her appearance, but I didn't grow up in a culture where people cared much about hair, makeup, and wardrobe. Today in real life I've seen my share of workplace misogyny, both overt and covert. This also makes me today pretty close to the age she was during the trial. Boy, what a wakeup call. I don't know if that radio poll really happened ("Marcia Clark: babe or bitch?") but OMG that's terrible. 

Hey, Gil Garcetti: Instead of offering fashion advice, why don't you arrange for Clark to have some assistance so she doesn't have to buy her own tampons and be first chair in the biggest trial ever? Just a little help might have gone a long way. She was working her tail off for your office.

(Shallow note: I'm sad to see what Clark's done to her face in present day, but that's because I just don't think overdoing the botox/fillers help ANYONE.)

+1 in the Sterling-K.-Brown-As-Darden-is-Hawt Camp. Hello! I had those awful round 90s glasses, and he makes them look SO good.

I'm impressed with the casting and acting. Even Schwimmer is growing on me. 

I'm also just watched this on netflix. I had to laugh at the moment when the woman in the focus group called Marcia a bitch. I secretly thought the same of her (er, the character of Marcia, not the real person), the comments on her appearance were ridiculous. No man would have been treated that way. She really got a lot of unfair criticism, and like she said, she wasn't a public person. She was used to doing her job and not worrying about how the public perceives her. 

I was 23 when this happened but didn't follow the trial. I remember watching the bronco chase like everyone else but that was it. The day the verdict was announced, someone at work told me. The whites were shocked. Blacks and Latinos were not. 

Was John Travolta wearing makeup to look like Shapiro because he looks so different. I thought all the actors did a good job, even for the characters that I didn't like. Every time I saw Shapiro I kept staring at him trying to figure out what was different with Travolta, it was distracting. 

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On 4/28/2016 at 8:29 AM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

When that awful checkout guy made the joke about the tampons, I loudly said to the TV "May I speak with your manager, please?" because that's exactly what I would have said in that situation. Get the jerk fired.  <snip>

I just had to reply to this part, ha.

The manager wouldn't have cared back then.  I had one guy who always did stuff like that in San Francisco.

I remember needing tampons and my boyfriend pulled into that store (one that was open late at night) and I didn't want to go in.  He finally asked me why, and I told him the guys in there embarrassed me every time.  He went in and got them for me himself.  If I didn't love him before that (I did) I certainly loved him after.

No remarks made to him BTW.

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On 3/8/2016 at 8:21 PM, Gillian Rosh said:

The list of punchables was LONG in this ep. From Johnnie Cochran mocking Marcia's childcare issues in open court to Garcetti offering to hook Marcia up some image consultants to that awful drug store clerk who really deserved to be smacked in the head with that box of tampons, I lost count of how many assholes I wanted to reach through the TV and straight up strangle.

Yes, this was the most punch inducing episode so far because Marcia was being picked on for having the nerve to be an attorney and a woman. First of all, it's so much easier for men to dress for court - shirt, tie, suit. They can have the same boring haircut for decades. Women, on the other hand, are put under so much more scrutiny for their appearance, even when their appearance has NOTHING to do with their actual jobs. Marcia wasn't a model. She was a lawyer. She was doing her job. But she was still being criticized on tv and in tabloids/magazines for her hair and her clothes. Not everyone has Alicia Florrick's budget for Armani, Escada, Valentino, Alexander McQueen, and Gucci. The jabs about her "babysitter problem" and buying tampons were ridiculously out of line. Gordon is a piece of shit for holding a press conference to say that he watched the kids for ONE WHOLE NIGHT. And her previous husband is a piece of shit for selling that photo of her. Gawd. Regardless of anything else, she didn't deserve any of that.

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On January 16, 2018 at 9:56 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Yes, this was the most punch inducing episode so far because Marcia was being picked on for having the nerve to be an attorney and a woman. First of all, it's so much easier for men to dress for court - shirt, tie, suit. They can have the same boring haircut for decades. Women, on the other hand, are put under so much more scrutiny for their appearance, even when their appearance has NOTHING to do with their actual jobs. Marcia wasn't a model. She was a lawyer. She was doing her job. But she was still being criticized on tv and in tabloids/magazines for her hair and her clothes. Not everyone has Alicia Florrick's budget for Armani, Escada, Valentino, Alexander McQueen, and Gucci. The jabs about her "babysitter problem" and buying tampons were ridiculously out of line. Gordon is a piece of shit for holding a press conference to say that he watched the kids for ONE WHOLE NIGHT. And her previous husband is a piece of shit for selling that photo of her. Gawd. Regardless of anything else, she didn't deserve any of that.

It was actually her first ex's mother in law. What a [REDACTED]. And the tampon incident was true, unbelievably enough.

To this day, I think it's unfair that a lot of people laid the blame for the acquittal at her feet. Yes, she made some mistakes, but the LAPD's fuckups, racism, and coddling of OJ before the murder is not on her. Neither was the jury's ambivulance towards the actual victims.

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