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On June 22, 2016 at 3:52 AM, biakbiak said:

I seriously hate that this is going to be one and done. I loved the travel and there was a lot of stupid dramq.

This show had so much potential, Bravo seemed to intentionally sink it. I wonder why.

 I will say I'm happy to never see Michelle and Heather on my screen again. The scenes of them confiding in each other or telling their sob stories didn't make them any more likeable or make me feel any empathy toward them. It's obvious to me that M did the show to publicly get back at Brandi G and her ex husband (she was doing interviews at the start of the season). She is so unpleasant and unattractive. There was a brief discussion on the first page of this thread, about how maybe her reaction to Jeff/Jetta had racist undertones. She went after pretty much everyone, she's just a nasty bitch.

Heather and her uncultured, lazy princess attitude can go back to Vegas and stay there.

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Yes, Brandi Glanville Vegas married Michelle's ex husband, Darrin something, for a hot minute. That's what Michelle was referring to when she was talking about "betrayal" and "mean girls" in earlier episodes. She was giving interviews at the start of the season.

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I swear this show had so much promise in theory but them ppearing to mostly chose experiences for the travelers was always ridiculous. Jetta was beyond patient with the hair shit. Heather your weave looked like shit from jump so suck it.

I hope the fight between Amy and Heather was staged because if not Rachel, the guide, holding flowers when everyone else separated it was bullshit.

But for reals with all the drama in the last ep seemed like the producers trying to crank up the drama.

Edited by biakbiak
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It had promise, and I actually enjoyed the show.  I loved, loved, loved all the travel porn!  Pretty amazing.

I don't know what Bravo's problem was, but if they were sad they had low ratings, they should have promoted it and given it a regular time slot in prime time, and they should never have shown some of it and then took months off before showing the rest.  They did a crappy job with it; makes me think whoever was responsible for greenlighting the show was no longer at Bravo by the time it made it on air, so Bravo chose more repeats of crappy Housewives of Wherever Nobody Cares to air.

Edited by izabella
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They did have blurbs at the end...I don't remember them all:

Jay is back in LA with his boo and going strong

Michelle is back home with her true love, her son.  She and Heather are still friends and, apparently, travel all over...where there is a hotel pool.

Heather broke up with fiance #13 and is on to fiance #14

Amy broke up with her boyfriend

Georgia boys already visited Jay in LA; Michael is planning on opening a mission? somewhere in Africa

Misty (or Jenna, I mix up the twins names) and Jared have seen each other a few time since being back and it's unclear whether they are a "thing" or not

Jared is settling down....with the new plane he just bought

Can't remember what the other twin is doing, nor Jetta and her husband.

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9 hours ago, izabella said:

They did have blurbs at the end...I don't remember them all:

Jay is back in LA with his boo and going strong

Michelle is back home with her true love, her son.  She and Heather are still friends and, apparently, travel all over...where there is a hotel pool.

Heather broke up with fiance #13 and is on to fiance #14

Amy broke up with her boyfriend

Georgia boys already visited Jay in LA; Michael is planning on opening a mission? somewhere in Africa

Misty (or Jenna, I mix up the twins names) and Jared have seen each other a few time since being back and it's unclear whether they are a "thing" or not

Jared is settling down....with the new plane he just bought

Can't remember what the other twin is doing, nor Jetta and her husband.

Jetta started a website about travel lifestyle ("Jettasetting" or something)

Jeff (the husband? i think that's his name) has become more adventurous 

Jenna is bicoastal and spends more time with her sister, Misty. She designed jewelry inspired by her shopping adventures in Japan.

That fight was so stupid. I can't tell if it was staged or not but who the hell needs to watch that crap? I'd rather watch a show about travel and these amazing experiences instead of stupid drama.

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Heather is ugly, in more ways than one. How is she on fiancé #13 or 14? There is nothing redeeming about her. She reminds me of the witch from Snow White.

I know Misty through mutual friends (we all went to the same college together) and as far as I know, she and Jared are definitely not together, on or off. 

Edited by MattDuffysCat
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In the last few episodes, why were the men's activities so sexually focused❓

Why weren't the women offered the opportunity to participate in the martial arts activity ? (My query is not an indictment against the study of Geisha 'culture'.)

Gee❗ How I would have loved AND APPRECIATED that Tour !

Holey Moley❗  Some of those people are such ignorant, unappreciative, stagnant arseholes.

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Never mind my first question ABOVE⬆--apparently, TPTB sought and procured a like activity for the women. Beyond my earlier question and latter statement referencing sexually tinged activities, I am noncommittal.  ?

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To me, I thought that the Tokyo outings were lame, honestly. I guess those cafes (the owls, the maid or whatever is) are a novelty and part of the culture but they seemed lame. If I just spent time in Africa and Thailand seeing amazing, exotic animals then why would indoor owls be interesting? The maid cafe offended me as a woman to watch, and karate? Meh. Maybe if they were in a competition arena or something instead of a dojo that resembles one down the street from me I would've been more interested.

Overall, the gender divided activities in Japan seemed stupid and unnecessary. I'd be really annoyed if I were the married couple. They made this huge deal about Tokyo being the trip to top them all but I didn't see it live up to that on the show (nothing against Tokyo, I put the blame on whoever made decisions about activities).

also- the panda costume was stupid & so is Jared.

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Just finished binge-watching this, and I think this was a great travel show. I got to see things that I don't normally see. I especialy enjoyed seeing how people reacted to what they were encountering. Plus, we got to spend time at some locations, which is much more that we get on the Amazing Race, where everything is so rushed.

I also found the travellers mostly ok, and far from the usual drama, which was to me a breath of fresh air, but apparently doesn't fit with the Bravo line-up. This show could be a good fit for one of the Geographic channels, couldn't it?

The drama seems very manufactured to me, most people involved were happy to move past it, but the show kind of forced them to revisit. I am happy that Michelle and Heather found a (seemingly) real connection, which as I recall started when Michelle laughingty referred to her as high maintenance, diva, or some such, and Heather laughed it off. In real life, often this is how long lasting friendhips start. So fake or not, this was a good thing for me.

That being said, I feel bad for the twins, who missed the opportunity to reconnect because of a potential love interest/guy that will obviously only be a footnote in their life. It's a good reminder though of the guy drama we can all invest time into at the cost of neglecting our long lasting real friends, the ones that will be there for us whatever what. I've done it to to some extend, not proud of it. [Personal thing: my mom remarried 6 years ago, was totally in love, yadda, yadda, now it's turned sour and she has neglected her girlfriends for so long that they all moved on to other things - so,] people, never be the kind that forget their friends when they have a new special person in their life, ok? The special person will at some stage stop being special, and you'll feel like a fool and lonely for neglecting your own true friends or twin sister - if yu do it on TV it gets you even more fool points).

I also feel bad for Brandon, who was the only one with a vision of what people could gain from the trip, and who was obviously so disappointed that he didn't have the eager group he wished he would have had. He has so much to offer in terms of unusual experiences, having lived in bothThailand and Japan (and who knows in which other countries) that I sure hope National Geographic grabs him up.

Otherwise, nice to see the couple recoupling, the brothers getting out of their comfort zone and mostly embracing the various experiences, Jay being awesome and Sanbdhurt gorgeous all along.

I wish this had ben renewed, I would totallty watch it.                

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