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Eastenders (BBC) - General Discussion

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Yeah, I was spoiled on Kyle's true identity AGES ago, so it wasn't at all a surprise. Which is kind of a shame, because it would've been a great moment if it was actually a shock. :)


I am glad we're moving on with the story finally. As Decider says, now we won't have any more of Martin yelling at Kyle to go away while Stacy cringes behind him. Although I feel like we now are counting down to the scene where Martin walks in on Kyle in the bathroom or something... :-/


The show has been so boring for so long that I was stunned when they finally pulled the trigger on the Claudette stuff. But then they wrapped it up in like, two episodes! I don't understand why they didn't have her lurk around the Square for longer and torment everyone. Hell, even Donna changed her opinion like, three times in one episode! I got whiplash! 


They need to tell stories at a proper pace. Don't rush them, and don't drag them out too long. Although since I am not privy to a lot of the UK gossip rags, I don't know if maybe there was behind the scenes stuff that prompted the Claudette storyline wrap-up. But at least I can avoid major spoilers (except for the Kyle one!).

Yeah, spoilers were out for that back when the actor was cast for the role.  I kind of wish I hadn't been spoiled for the reveal but at least we won't have any more scenes of Kyle turning up at the absolute worst times and Martin yelling at him to go away.

I was spoiled too . And I felt really sorry for him , I mean he's showing up in the worst possible moment . Stacey is full on psychotic and calling him the devil . 

Oh my God, I don't think anyone on the EE staff has ever run in their lives. I seem to recall they had a race last year that was a joke, but I don't remember how long it was. I feel like it was a marathon that Kush was supposed to run, but I don't really remember it except that it was ridiculous and they just ran around the square and through the park and that was basically it.


But I have personally run a half marathon, and let me tell you, it was NOTHING like that. There were THOUSANDS of people. We ran half the length of Manhattan. And when it was over, I was not really in the mood to hang out in a pub drinking and noshing. :D


They really should just stick to 5K fun runs or something if they're not going to make the effort to be realistic! :)

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Oh, Jay, you stupid stupid idiot.  It does explain all those milkshakes.


Nice of Kat and Alfie those millionaires to stop paying the rent and not let Stacy know.


Kat and Alfie did let them know. They expressly said they,d only pay rent for one year. Plus, Kat and Alfie only won a singlular 1 million. Great for them, but not exactly flush for life.

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This show is making my blood pressure boil.

It was obnoxious when people were acting stupid just to drive storyline, which I ALWAYS hate in soaps. But now I'm just hella pissed that Jay had his entire life screwed up by that stupid little girl. And there's nothing he can do about it. Now everyone's judging him, and it's making me so angry. I guess I should be grateful that I'm actually emotionally involved in an EE storyline for the first time in ages, but still... Poor Jay.

At least people are still acting stupid. I feel like instead of the Pride of Walford, they should give awards for stupidest idiot. My nominees are Phil, Denise and Tina. (Mass dropped out of the running when he actually came to his senses.)

Honorable mention to Johnny, who wouldn't have been so dismissive of Sonya's friend if he'd seen him in his gladiator costume at the race! ;)


But now I'm just hella pissed that Jay had his entire life screwed up by that stupid little girl.

Yeah, the Jay storyline is also pissing me off.  Statuary rape of course is an important issue but this is not the storyline and way to point that out. Yes, Jay was stupid and yes, he should have made sure of her age but as soon as he knew, he stopped seeing her.  And, I'm not sure but I don't think he ever had sex with her so if he didn't, he did nothing wrong....legally.  (I think - going by US laws which I know but I'm sure there is an age of consent in the UK).

There was the scene when Pat died with Simon at her grave after the credits.  Can't recall if there was one before that off the top of my head.

I was a little underwhelmed by the whole episode given all the leadup to it but I would be lying if I said that I didn't get watery at the eyes a few times, mostly during the Pat/Peggy scenes and the scene of Peggy getting her slap on so she could go out in grand diva style.  

It was nice to see that Ross Kemp and Letitia Dean still have the same chemistry.  That whole setup conversation between the bruvvas for Ross Kemp's return this summer with Grant declaring war on Phil was a bit much.  I could have done without the whole stolen toilet caper and all.

Nitpick: Shirley has met Grant before, so I was confused as to why there would be a line of her asking who he was.

I wasn't always a fan of Peggy Mitchell but Barbara Windsor was a true asset to the show.  She will be missed.

(The preview for what is coming up with the Beales makes me hope that this whole Bobby situation will finally be put to rest.)

Almost all caught up - only two more episodes to go. 

I really hate the blackmail storyline.  I can't imagine why they thought it would be a good storyline for people to watch.  The Sylvie one is also not fun - I know the purpose of the show is that no one is happy but they seem to be going overboard a bit lately.

Back in PBS land, Max just moved to the Square  - its a different actress playing Lauren but its the same actress playing Abi and she's so little!  Same face though. 


Regarding the spoiler.

All of the stories that I am reading about this are saying that the Mitchells are told that Ben is dead, which makes me wonder if it won't be Paul that dies and he is somehow mistaken for Ben.  The "leaking" of this spoiler and the news that Jonny Labey (the actor playing Paul) is leaving the show also makes me a little suspect.  But then again, what would be the point of introducing Paul's mother if the character was going to be killed off?  I guess we shall soon find out.

Edited by Decider

Well, that was the most depressing 30 minutes ever.  Why can't anything good happen to Les and Pam?  And, I'm guessing we get the scene where they get to tell Paul's mother soon. 

I really wish we could get a scene where Les tells the square about Christine and nobody cares (and are supportive as opposed to stupid Billy). 

I watched a few of the late November episodes last night...and jeez, at this point, die already Phil.   Heh, though on Iplayer he looks more tan than yellow. With Peggy gone, if they kill Phil, who will be head of the Mitchells?  Ben is too young.  Though, hopefully that male stripper is gay so Ben can start dating again.

I'm sad Kyle left (or is leaving - the episode I watched yesterday had him accept the job). I liked having him on.  They really are cleaning house though.  They got rid of characters I like and still are keeping Babe.

Speaking of the evil one, I hated that they said that she used that blackmail money for Ollie.  It made is seem noble when it wasn't.


Sean O'Connor has quit (or been fired) as EastEnders executive producer.

LINK: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/2017/06/26/fans-celebrate-eastenders-boss-sean-oconnor-quits-show/


Fans of BBC One soap EastEnders have been celebrating following the news that producer Sean O'Connor has quit the show.

O'Connor, who had only been in the role for a year, left on Thursday amid disappointing ratings (EastEnders fell behind both Coronation Street and Emmerdale during O'Connor's tenure) and claims of unrest among the cast. One of his most controversial decisions was to kill off popular characters Ronnie and Roxy Mitchell, and he has been criticised for creating boring, over-extended storylines. 

The 49-year-old edited The Archers until 2013 and had, in a previous stint, worked on EastEnders as director, producer and story producer.

Also: not sure what the point was of bringing Dean Gaffney back as Robbie for him to be so insufferable.  Hope he got paid really well.

Edited by Decider

It took all weekend but I'm mostly caught up - just a few days behind.

Question for Brits - is Danny Dyer that popular in England.  Because since Mick returned, he is just so annoying.  Shirley should have made him actually fire her.  Team Shirley!  

And, wow the Taylors.  Its like someone remembered the Millers and thought - lets bring them back but a bit more annoying.  

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