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 No you are not wrong. The Profilers are suppose to be the main focus,but this season with the exception of Messer's other 2 favorites JJ and Morgan,Garcia seems to be getting more focus than them.She was even given a centric episode around the time we normally get a Reid episode.And there is a very good chance Reid may not even get a centric episode this season. And the one story line he got this season he had to share with her.I'd say next to JJ she is probably the character I've gotten sick of the most this season.

Edited by missmycat

Yeah before the threat was to a recurring character, with variable levels of popularity. This time it is happening to a main character, and one of the most popular to boot. And just based on the amount of time I think Matthew worked on episode 24, I don't even think we get some dream sequences like we did with Hotch and Elle when their lives were at risk. I fear the other plotlines will factor in more. :(

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They are trying to make us think that it could be either Reid OR Morgan. Showing Morgan in the hospital gown and Matthew giving a fan his bloody neck bandage... it's working because here we are speculating and assuming... which is what we do, right?


It is my firm opinion that they will NOT kill Spencer. The uproar would disintegrate CBS, the state of California, and half the Western states would fall into the ocean from the seismic disturbance of fangirls crashing to the the floor while screaming in grief. Shemar is already signed for ten.


Confident both boys are ultimately safe. Still afraid the PTB have used their injuries to marginalize them in the finale, especially Spencer.  

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We know that Morgan only takes a bullet graze to the arm. Factor in the more behind the scenes photos we have with Morgan, and Shemar working more days on the finale than Matthew did I believe, there is no worry that the person clinging to life is Morgan. Shemar was doing more tactical scenes during the filming, so I presume he will be released from the hospital and ready to kick some more ass. CBS may want to create suspense with their ambiguous press release, but those of us who follow the cast and crew on social media, plus not only checking Twitter @mentions for fan pictures, knows who really is in danger for the finale. But I really fear we will get absolutely minimal Reid for this one, and what little we see of him, he will be unconscious in a hospital bed.

  • Love 2

We know that Morgan only takes a bullet graze to the arm...


But I really fear we will get absolutely minimal Reid for this one, and what little we see of him, he will be unconscious in a hospital bed.


Launching a thousand fics.


Are we sure Morgan only gets grazed, though? He's been through that before and didn't get admitted to the hospital. 


I do agree that Matthew's light duty during the finale speaks to him being the most radically injured, but what a tired trope to trot out. "Ooh, contract is up so will we kill him?" Everyone knows they wouldn't dare. Besides, though I can't quote any source, I can say that I am confident Matthew has already signed for ten.

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Shemar posted pictures of his injuries, and it was only a graze in the arm. I didn't see evidence of any other injuries. Even the hospital scene really only showed a bandaged arm and nothing else. But even though it was just a graze, it didn't look like a minor flesh wound either, so I can see Morgan being admitted to the hospital overnight for observation. But I really don't think Morgan is injured enough to be clinging to life. Plus I believe there were behind the scenes photos of Morgan doing more tactical action, so he will probably be released.

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I like Blake, too, although they rarely give her anything significant to do. But I wouldn't be sad if she were gone, unlike when Prentiss left. I don't know what to think about the finale, but I've learned my lesson and will not look forward to it or any other episode anymore. They'd be fools to kill off Reid, but part of me wishes MGG would get a really fantastic role in another show or film and just walk. He clearly is unappreciated there.

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I'm at the point where I'm not going to sit and fret over the fate of any of the main characters anymore. Quite frankly, if they are stupid enough to kill off Reid then I will just stop watching and I won't watch anything on CBS (well, CM was the ONLY thing I watched on CBS anyway). I doubt they would actually kill him off, but these writers and CBS are known to make some really stupid decisions.


As much as I think they need a smaller profiling team, CBS has a quota for how many women they have on the show so if they were to take away Blake/Jeanne, then they would feel the need to replace her with another female.


As much as I love Joe, I think that Rossi leaving would make more sense because he has already surpassed mandatory retirement age for a covered position (covered meaning that he carries a weapon). They could possibly get around that by having him retire and then be hired back as a consultant who does not go into the field and carry a firearm or he can win an EEO complaint lawsuit and get to keep his job for longer (I actually know someone who had witnesses to higher ups discriminating against him for his age and being verbally abusive so he filed a lawsuit and won. They had to give him a high level job despite the fact that he was over mandatory retirement age by the time the lawsuit was resolved). Joe is a sweetheart and Rossi is a good character, but they hardly ever use him. Other than a few veteran stories and some funny one-liners, there isn't much they do with him and I don't think that Rossi's departure would hurt the dynamic.


Well the obvious speculation is that due to Alex's "sad secret" ( since Erica's interview points in that direction), Alex decides to leave the BAU, and this photo is offering a hint or jumping the gun. Or it means that someone screwed up and photoshopped Alex out, because they don't like her character. :)

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 1

Plausible reasons, yes. Though I do find it hard to grok that they would let someone so careless be in charge of their twitter. That's a major thing for CM. 


I do wonder if they are just fucking with us, because like you said, it does look like someone is jumping the gun. Maybe that's what they want us to think. All attempts to get clarification have gone unanswered. 



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Erica's interview also says to me that once again Reid will pretty much be a non factor even though Harry seemed to imply on his twitter something entirely different. I guess we will just have to wait and see.


This woman seems totally oblivious to the drawing power of a compelling well written cliff hanger carried over until the  next season. WTF did she not learn anything  from EB. I understand why they couldn't do one last season but the circumstances are totally different this time around.

Edited by missmycat

Well, RN was still under contract. While AJ's contract was done and she was supposed to negotiate a renewal which CBS decided not to. PB on the other hand, her episodes were cut and they used the clause on her contract that she was allowed to try a pilot and then if her pilot was not picked up, she must return on the show. CBS had no intention of bringing PB back but was forced to do so because of fana reaction.


This little tidbit comes from TVGuide online. 


Which "two agents will go down" on Criminal Minds- Jim

It will definitely be two of the regular cast members(read: not Cruz) both victims suffer gunshot wounds in the first half of the two part season finale Wednesday.

And while one team member's wound is only a temporary setback, the other is potentially fatal. The good news: You won't have to wait all summer to find out his or her fate. 

Edited by missmycat

"Sigh"  It's crap such as this here among other things( such as leaving him out of JJ and Will's official wedding picture) which makes me feel as a Reid fan he isn't all that important to the people running this show. Ok maybe I am making a big deal out of nothing, but to me this speaks volume. 




Edited by missmycat

Yeah AJ expected to renew but when her contract ended after season 5, that means she wss no longer with the show. CBS has the decision to renegotiate or not.

The word 'fired" is a more headline grabbing than "decided not to renew". PB was fired because she was still under contract. But CBS put a spin to it by saying her contract allowed her to film a pilot.


Yeah, but if AJ's contract was up at the end of season five, her people would have started contract negotiations towards the end of the season. They would not have waited until a month after the season finale aired, and nearly two months after the hiatus started to do so. I mean in every instance we have heard of contract negotiations, they started while they were still filming. In some instances, they extend into the summer when the negotiations are protracted, but they would not wait so long to start negotiating. AJ and Paget were let go in mid June 2010. So if AJ's contract was truly up, CBS would have had to have made the decision to pull the plug on any further contract negotiations with AJ and let her go instead of renewing her contract.

CBS gave Paget an amended contract that essentially gave her only 18 episodes and the pilot option, with the hidden clause that if her pilot was not picked up, CBS could force her back to work for the remainder of her contract. CBS seemed to realize the error of their ways (and the intensity of the fan outrage), because in December 2010 they offered Paget her full contract back, but she elected to stay with her amended contract with the pilot option.

Edited by ForeverAlone

AJ's contract was up. I remember reading that. But the decision not to renew was decided before the season was over, I would assume. Normally negotiations start before the season end and announcement is made after contracts are signed


For some reason, CBS tend to prolong contract negotiations with CM cast but they seem to renew contracts of NCIS very early on or even before the season is over. The whole cast of NCIS were all renewed for next season. They don't drag it.


The article said her contract option was not picked up, not that her contract was not renewed. Which as the article says, is just another way of saying AJ was fired. Failure to renew a contract and not picking up a contract option are two different actions. As we have seen, when an actor's contract ends, they renegotiate a new one, unless the actor wants to leave, like Paget did at the end of season seven. But just because you have a signed contract, it doesn't mean your job is safe. When an actor signs a multi year contract, within each contract is a contract option which the network has to pick up every year. Typically speaking, it is expected and nearly automatic for an actor's option to be picked up when they are under contract. But just because you are under contract, that doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job the next season, because the network can let you go at any time. That is exactly what happened to Rachel, and the same thing happened to AJ. AJ and Rachel left their seasons fully expecting to return the following season, and in both cases, they found out via the media they were fired. Both were blindsided.

NCIS may have renewed contracts early this year, but it hasn't always been smooth sailing. In 2010, most of the actors didn't renew their contracts until mid to late June. And last year, contract negotiations with Cote de Pablo utterly broke down, and she broke them off and elected not to return two weeks before production started, which as you can imagine, threw a wrench into planned storylines.

Edited by ForeverAlone

Yeah because NCIS actors can demand more money and CBS are willing to give.

Cote decided not to renew and I don't think it was because of money but because she was tired. She didn't want to do the same thing over and over again. I remember Nina Tassler said "They offered her a lot of money."

The money part is probably the dilema for Cote. If she can give it all up and leave the show.

I remember the actor who played Ducky being very upset because Cote waited two weeks before filming to decide not to return.

Yes I do know that the studio or network can fire an actor anytime they choose to even if they are under contract. But an actor cannot get out of their contract even if they wanted to unless they talk to the network and pleaded with them to release them.

In the X Files David Duchovny was so tired of the long hours that he decided to only make few appearances in season 8 but demanded a lot of money. While Gillian Anderson stayed and honored her contract. DD then only appeared in the series finale in season 9.

On NCIS Sasha Alexander was in a 5 year contract but after 2 seasons she wanted to leave and concentrate on her perdonal life and wanted to start a family. Luckily, CBS released her.

Yeah CBS could have sued Mandy but it was probably to their advantage to let him go. From what I read about him in the past, he is a drama queen.

It bothered me that he did not show up for work.

Sasha informed them when season. 2 started on "NCIS". Talked to CBS.

As for Lola, I don't know what her deal was. I just read that she missed NY and her hubby.

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