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My point was not that it was the first case with male and female victims. I know that there were many of them.

My point is this:

-The show, as we already know, will show multiple victims getting killed (or show us multiple bodies).

-However- and this was more prevalent in later seasons than in S1, which had escaped my mind- typically at the end of episodes there's one victim the team saves from the UnSub from getting killed.

-In episodes where the victims were both genders, almost always that last victim the team saves is a woman

-“Rabid”, however, is the first time since “A Real Rain” (I should amend my other post) where the last victim the team saves is a male.

I had a feeling I was misunderstanding you, Daniel. I have been sick, plus my husband fell down our front stairs and ruptured his quadriceps tendon and will have surgery on Monday to repair it, so things have been nutty at our house. I've been functioning with half a brain. But I have to add:



The Instincts

Faceless, Nameless

The Fight

Big Sea

Into the Woods



as episodes where males were saved at the end. There could be more. I don't know the episodes of the later seasons as well as the earlier ones.

I don't know if this link is suitable for this bullpen section, so feel free to place it elsewhere if there is a better location.

While googling about a movie I was watching I started jumping from one thing to another, and I accidentally stumbled on one article about a serial killer. Then I tracked the home site and after exploring it for a while I found this section about serial killers.

I must said I was surprised by the statistics figures, and the profiles of the serial killers are really interesting as well.


  • Love 2

I also think the serial killers timeline is pretty interesting. Reading about the evolution of those killers is very revealing.

If only the CM writers would read just a bunch of those researches I bet they would write something more believable than the stories they throw us nowadays...

I'm with you MCatry. I can't believe with all the killings that happen every day the writers can't come up with better scripts than what we get most of the time from CM.

Edited by SSAHotchner
  • Love 1

Watched Nameless, Faceless again last night on A&E, then tuned in for a few for Haunted. What was with that, "I'm a blinker" line from Reid, anyway?

He stared down a revolver while a psycho played Russian Roulette, he purposely boarded a train full of hostages unarmed to basically do a magic trick, he faced a delusional UnSub who was wearing a bomb, he talked down a teenager with an assault rifle without a weapon or vest, he opened an old case that could've implicated his own father, he let Anthrax do it's thang while searching for clues about it, he took a bullet meant for someone else just one ep prior -- and that's what I can recall just up to season 5...

Wish they could go back and redo that scene so he wouldn't have said that.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 7


Watched Nameless, Faceless again last night on A&E, then tuned in for a few for Haunted. What was with that, "I'm a blinker" line from Reid, anyway?

He stared down a revolver while a psycho played Russian Roulette, he purposely boarded a train full of hostages unarmed to basically do a magic trick, he faced a delusional UnSub who was wearing a bomb, he talked down a teenager with an assault rifle without a weapon or vest, he opened an old case that could've implicated his own father, he let Anthrax do it's thang while searching for clues about it, he took a bullet meant for someone else just one ep prior -- and that's what I can recall just up to season 5...

Wish they could go back and redo that scene so he wouldn't have said that.


Your post made me think, Droogie.  In the end, I came down on the other side of it.  I think characters like Hotch (whom he was referencing in that 'I'm a blinker' conversation) are meant to be people who don't acknowledge their own fears, even to themselves, let alone to anyone else.  So Hotch is careful never to let it show on the outside (and maybe not on the inside, either). 


But Reid has the reactions that most of us would have.  He experiences the fear.  He does blink.  And then he gathers himself and stands up to the evil anyway.  To me, that's true courage. 

  • Love 8

I'm sure Harry Bring is a nice man.And I do realize that he probably doesn't have any say as to screen time/focus for each character.But one can't help but get irritated when he makes such ludicrous statements such as...... The cast members all get equal screen time......Garcia is the only one with any noticeable down screen time. I don't know maybe he is just dutifully spouting the so called talking points in defense of his boss Erica Messer.

  • Love 2

Yeah, it's kinda sad when he engages the Twitterverse in defense of things over which he has no control in the first place. Maybe on the page it seems equally divided and gets parsed in JJ's favor (or Reid's detriment) on the cutting room floor, but it definitely gets changed. 


We as fans probably shouldn't challenge him on this subject; he's obviously going to toe the corporate line, and getting him upset doesn't serve much purpose.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 4

yeah, but there is an element of one of my sister's peeves "someone is wrong on the internet!" LOL. She likes to let people know when they are wrong. I know he means well and that he is probably towing the party line, but I admit that I don't like it when people make false statements (even when they don't know they are false). And from what we have observed, the screentime is not even close to equal. But, confronting him about it won't make things change since he isn't involved in the decisions for that part. I think he's more on the technical end involving locations and production.


If he were a writer,he'd probably claim that screentime may not be equal per episode but will balance out across the season-- which is not true, but I think at least one of them has pulled that. I think I've also seen claims that Reid was used a lot in earlier seasons and therefore he doesn't need to be used a lot now. But its not just Reid, Hotch hasn't been getting his fair share either.

  • Love 3


If he were a writer,he'd probably claim that screentime may not be equal per episode but will balance out across the season-- which is not true, but I think at least one of them has pulled that. think I've also seen claims that Reid was used a lot in earlier seasons and therefore he doesn't need to be used a lot now. But its not just Reid, Hotch hasn't been getting his fair share either.

But... But...(!). The show was also wildly successful with legions of fans who loved (and still love) the character! That just makes no sense. Reid and Hotch are such compelling characters. A new viewer would really have no idea how great they are.

  • Love 6


Yeah, it's kinda sad when he engages the Twitterverse in defense of things over which he has no control in the first place. Maybe on the page it seems equally divided and gets parsed in JJ's favor (or Reid's detriment) on the cutting room floor, but it definitely gets changed.


We as fans probably shouldn't challenge him on this subject; he's obviously going to toe the corporate line, and getting him upset doesn't serve much purpose.


I saw those tweets and thought that he sounded unusually peeved (because he was being hounded over something he doesn't control, and is probably tired of hearing about) or defensive (which so often means the nail has been hit on the proverbial head).  But I agree with Normasm.  It serves no purpose to nag at him.  He is one of the few from the show who communicates pretty freely, often, and nicely, with the fans.  He doesn't have to do it at all. 


In the end, I don't know that the fans will have a whole lot of impact about anything to do with the show at this point, no matter whom they approach, nor what they say.  Those running it, and writing it, are satisfied with their product, even if some of us are not.  By the numbers, they've still got a hit show, which will continue to pay their bills.  And, given that it is in season ten, its run may already have exceeded their expectations.  If they feel they're looking at the waning season or two of the show, they would have no economic pressure to respond to fans' wishes. 


Of course, that doesn't mean they couldn't do it just because it was the right thing to do.

  • Love 5

Most of the writers generally seem to react defensively when receiving constructive criticism. Granted, they get some non-constructive stuff that probably hurts their feelings and gets them agitated in the first place. After that they probably find it hard to listen to legitimate concerns. Its easier for them to dismiss it as a minority. I think one of the writers commented that the fans made her need therapy (I think it was Janine). And I remember they said that the writers themselves didn't read the feedback but they had an assistant who read things and reported back to them. So, its possible that the messenger is softening the blow, or only delivering positive things. This may contribute to the feeling the writers have that its only a minority. They can look at the sycophants on Facebook and think that is the majority.


I do wish things would change, but I do think its too late in the game for that.

  • Love 4

But... But...(!). The show was also wildly successful with legions of fans who loved (and still love) the character! That just makes no sense. Reid and Hotch are such compelling characters. A new viewer would really have no idea how great they are.


On a different website not to be named, there was a fan who actually asked if JJ outranked everyone else on the team.   I kid you not. 


I miss Reid, and I miss Hotch too.  It's a damned shame that such major characters (and fan favorites) are no longer part of the show in any meaningful sense.

  • Love 5

On a different website not to be named, there was a fan who actually asked if JJ outranked everyone else on the team.   I kid you not. 


I miss Reid, and I miss Hotch too.  It's a damned shame that such major characters (and fan favorites) are no longer part of the show in any meaningful sense.

Indeed one certainly couldn't blame anyone who was new to the show thinking that the Mary Sue outranked everyone else on the team. BTW I happen to know which website you are talking about, but I won't name it either. I did like the responses she received for her question.

  • Love 4

Was this fan being serious or sarcastic in asking that question? I mean, did she think it was a good thing that she thought JJ was the boss, or did she find it a problem? Clearly this fan hasn't seen any of the early seasons. :) :) :) 

I do believe she was serious. She seemed to be a bit confused about the whole thing. She had always assumed that JJ was ranked as the #4 member of the team.But at times it seemed like she outranked everyone on the team including Hotch.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 2

Yeah...that pretty much sums up everything. Hotch is the boss and yet we have viewers who think the second most junior profiler on the team is the boss. That just highlights how out of whack the screen distribution is, and how out of balance the screen quality is. This never would have happened in the early seasons, because the chain of command was very evident back then. 

  • Love 7

Yeah...that pretty much sums up everything. Hotch is the boss and yet we have viewers who think the second most junior profiler on the team is the boss. That just highlights how out of whack the screen distribution is, and how out of balance the screen quality is. This never would have happened in the early seasons, because the chain of command was very evident back then. 

True indeed unfortunately. Also if one didn't know any better one could easily be led to believe that she was the profiler with the most experience. I know that if I had been brand new to the show, I probably would have thought that Reid was a rookie when it came to the profiling and that JJ was the senior profiler.

  • Love 3

On a different website not to be named, there was a fan who actually asked if JJ outranked everyone else on the team.   I kid you not. 


I miss Reid, and I miss Hotch too.  It's a damned shame that such major characters (and fan favorites) are no longer part of the show in any meaningful sense.

Oh, I just cannot let this go -- would someone please oh please PM me the web address?!

  • Love 2

But... But...(!). The show was also wildly successful with legions of fans who loved (and still love) the character! That just makes no sense. Reid and Hotch are such compelling characters. A new viewer would really have no idea how great they are.


I have a friend who has just recently gotten into the show, and she has expressed surprise at how much different Hotch was when the show first started. She doesn't seem to be as fond of Reid as I am, and she can't stand Gideon, but she said that she'd like to see the return of "fun, funny Hotch" of the early days.

  • Love 5

I have a friend who has just recently gotten into the show, and she has expressed surprise at how much different Hotch was when the show first started. She doesn't seem to be as fond of Reid as I am, and she can't stand Gideon, but she said that she'd like to see the return of "fun, funny Hotch" of the early days.

Yeah. That was probably one of show's most glaring changes. I mean, I understand that after the divorce and death of Haley he'd be depressed, but that shouldn't mean that he should become a robot. Not sure who gave him that advice.

  • Love 5

So here is a question. If indeed JLH's pregnancy means she will not be returning next season, should there be one, does anyone feel that CBS will finally come to their senses and stop trying to fill that spot. I mean it is about time they get a damn clue. Twice now they have tried to fill this spot with another actress and neither one has really clicked with CM's audience.


I myself have nothing against either one of those actresses. After fully expecting not to like Blake I found myself getting to like her quite a bit,mostly because of the decent way she treated Reid. Likewise I find the Kate character way more tolerable than the Mary Sue.


But the fact is whether it's fair or not, and imho many in the CM fandom unfairly held it against both these actresses for not being Paget Brewster,their characters just didn't really click with the fan base.

  • Love 2

I just have to shake my head at the stupidity of some of the fans who continue to bitch about any actress that isn't Paget. It's like they can't accept the fact that she voluntarily left the show well over two years ago. They just can't let it go, even though Jeanne and Jennifer have been perfectly fine as replacements. I also think part of it falls onto the writers' and Erica's shoulders. In both cases, Jeanne and Jennifer got a pretty decent introductory episode, but they didn't follow it up with interesting characterization. I REALLY don't think there was much enthusiasm for Jeanne's hiring and it showed in her becoming wallpaper. We see the same thing happening with Jennifer. But maybe the bigger problem is that there is very little characterization for half the cast these days. Since the focus is more on the unsub and what they are up to, there simply isn't much more time to spend on the rest of the cast. I think a good chunk of longtime fans have been holding on to the earlier characterizations and imagining that when we watch the show. If we were just coming to the show without seeing earlier seasons, would much of the cast resonate with the audience? Of course from what we have seen, some people seem to think JJ is the boss, so that tells us what we need to know about how some of the cast is written these days. 

  • Love 6

Each time someone left in the series, especially early on (Elle, Gideon), there was a sense of breathing room. I think the team worked better in transition. When Emily came on, there'd been a bit of space, and the addition felt organic. Rossi felt natural, too. When JJ left, there was a couple-three episodes where it felt natural and good, too.

When they took Emily away, all the false angst didn't serve the show. Her and JJ's return was pretty thudding, to me, and when Emily left again, I have no idea why they replaced her. I ended up really liking Blake, and I have no particular dislike of Kate, but I just think they should leave it at 6. If JLH stays and Morgan leaves, I hope they leave it at that, but if JLH a and Shemar leave, they will have to replace with a female. This is all assuming that there is a season 11.

  • Love 4

I somehow doubt, unless Jennifer Love Hewitt's baby was entirely unexpected, that Hewitt is leaving the show. You had to think that when CBS signed her, CBS asked her to commit for a couple of years, not just one, because Hewitt isn't the kind of actress you trot out for just one year, and whatever delay this pregnancy will bring, CBS will work it into the show. Based on estimates, it would seem that Hewitt would return just in time for November sweeps, which would be perfect timing.

Could CBS change their minds? Perhaps, especially since the ratings haven't improved since last season, but I can't see an about face happen so abruptly. The show has signed a bona fide star, that's someone you milk for as much as you can before you give up on them. Surely CBS would have a word with Erica Messer first and talk to her about using the character more before CBS would think of pulling the plug.

Plus, it already seems like the big storyline this season will involve Kate Callahan. She's had her big introductory episode, we've seen her niece, we've seen her grieve over her sister and we've seen her niece and her friend trade selfies with another “boy”. I mean, Callahan has had more to do in half a year than Alex Blake had in two years. It would make no sense to dump her now.

You'd think they would want to keep and use JLH since she is considered a "bonafide star" but Jeanne was considered a very reputable star (maybe with an older audience) and they gave her an expertise that had not been used in years (and was shared with Reid) and then barely used her. They kept her for 2 years, but then CBS wanted a new toy. I think that JLH might stay on for another season unless there are complications with the pregnancy. If there ends up being a season 12, I could see her taking a break for awhile. If Shemar actually leaves at the end of season 10, then they would only need to fill one spot. They could insert an ethnic female to check both quota boxes. Who knows, maybe they'd have a hearing impaired ethnic female just to tick 3 PC boxes. Maybe the female could be an army veteran too (which I actually would find interesting).


If Callahan does stay on, I still can't help but hope that they bring in Tyne Daly as her mother/grandmother. Wouldn't have to be in a big scene, only a brief thing. Maybe she's been travelling through Europe and pops in to visit. :P (Ok, I just really like Tyne Daly).


About the forum that shall not be named, is it a forum for CM or for fans of a certain actor?  The misconception about JJ reminded me of one time on the IMDB when someone was arguing about why Reid wasn't in the field (I think season 6 or 7) and the person said that Reid wasn't actually an FBI agent so of course he wasn't in the field. I was like "Wha--?" and had to explain that he *is* an agent. But that's how screwed up the writing was-- that someone thought he wasn't even an agent. I've seen other people say he's not one of the main characters on the show and that's why they don't use him more.. /facepalm



About the forum that shall not be named, is it a forum for CM or for fans of a certain actor?  The misconception about JJ reminded me of one time on the IMDB when someone was arguing about why Reid wasn't in the field (I think season 6 or 7) and the person said that Reid wasn't actually an FBI agent so of course he wasn't in the field. I was like "Wha--?" and had to explain that he *is* an agent. But that's how screwed up the writing was-- that someone thought he wasn't even an agent. I've seen other people say he's not one of the main characters on the show and that's why they don't use him more.. /facepalm

LOL Actually you have just named it. Now they got another thread on there asking which of the characters are the weakest links. And somebody named Rossi as their first choice and Reid as their second.Got to say it pissed me off royally,but I shouldn't be all that surprised what with the way poor Reid is written nowadays.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 2

You'd think they would want to keep and use JLH since she is considered a "bonafide star" but Jeanne was considered a very reputable star (maybe with an older audience) and they gave her an expertise that had not been used in years (and was shared with Reid) and then barely used her. They kept her for 2 years, but then CBS wanted a new toy.

Nothing against Jeanne Tripplehorn, but I don't think she can compare to the star power of Jennifer Love Hewitt. Before CM, the only thing Tripplehorn ever got known for was getting her butt squeezed by Kevin Costner in Waterworld and having an intense sex scene with Michael Douglas in Basic Instinct. Hewitt, at least, had The Client List and The Ghost Whisperer in recent memory, and Hewitt's age has the benefit of being on the right side of 40 (Hewitt is 35), whereas Tripplehorn is “Hollywood aging” at 51. Then you have Hewitt being the #1 reader's choice by Maxim Magazine in 2009 and TV Guide called her “TV's sexiest woman” in 2008.

I'm just not sure how you can compare the two, and by adding someone who is younger and meant to be “learning the ropes” it can only be a sign that the commitment is for the long haul, isn't it?

I so disagree with everything you said about JT, except for the inescapable fact that she's on the wrong side of 40. JT may not be as young and had as many TV creds, but she was on Big Love to acclaim. Granted that's a bit more cerebral and less bosomy than The Client List, but i'd put JT's acting chops up against JLH's any day. JLH doesn't have the movie creds at all that I know of.


Most importantly, and the thing I really enjoyed about her being on a show I watched all the time (even though she was ill-used most of the time), was that she wasn't "Hollywood aging," by any stretch. There is every one of those 51 years in that beautiful face, and she doesn't seem to shrink from it at all, just like she didn't shrink from the scars on her face (which I've been fascinated by since she was in her 20s in the Firm in the '80s).


She's a much better actress, IMO.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 6

Yes to everything Normasm said about JT eschewing 'Hollywood aging' and showing us what a real woman looks and acts like.  I appreciated that she brought that to my screen, even if I found her character hard to get to know.


Regarding the comparison:  Neither actress holds any star power for me.  I remember JT in The Firm, where the plot was more important than the acting.  I remember JLH from way back in Party of Five, where she did 'fine'.  I never watched The Ghost Whisperer, both because I didn't care for the premise of the show, and because it effectively bumped Joan of Arcadia (which I thought was richly conceived and worthy of a longer run, and which offered Joe Mantegna a meatier role---he's good as a dad) off the air.  So I can only judge each of them on how they've been on CM.


JT---finally showed her ability at the end.  That it didn't project earlier is a puzzle.  Was she unhappy, and holding back?  Was she struggling to find a way to inhabit an essentially unwritten character?  I don't know.


JLH---I really feel like she's barely been on.  I've liked what I've seen of her character, because I think 'Kate' has brought some much needed lightness to the show.  (Even Garcia takes herself too seriously these days, and most of the attempts at comedy are leadenly heavy handed).  But I don't think what I've seen from JLH so far has required much in the way of acting.  So I'm reserving judgment until she's given something to work with.  It sounds like that might be coming later in the season.

  • Love 3

I so disagree with everything you said about JT, except for the inescapable fact that she's on the wrong side of 40. JT may not be as young and had as many TV creds, but she was on Big Love to acclaim. Granted that's a bit more cerebral and less bosomy than The Client List, but i'd put JT's acting chops up against JLH's any day. JLH doesn't have the movie creds at all that I know of.

Most importantly, and the thing I really enjoyed about her being on a show I watched all the time (even though she was ill-used most of the time), was that she wasn't "Hollywood aging," by any stretch. There is every one of those 51 years in that beautiful face, and she doesn't seem to shrink from it at all, just like she didn't shrink from the scars on her face (which I've been fascinated by since she was in her 20s in the Firm in the '80s).

She's a much better actress, IMO.

I won't comment on the acting, because that's subjective. I'll also state that I also think she's beautiful and not just for her age (though I think if we're talking the 50+ crowd I take Julianne Moore, but that's another topic).

What I did mean is that, rightly or wrongly, Tripplehorn being 51 is going to affect her chances of getting roles. It's possible someone could take a flyer on her and give her another starring gig but I somehow doubt it- Hollywood likes them young.

As far as the two actress' profiles are- I followed neither's career, and I'd never heard of Tripplehorn before her time on CM but Hewitt had long been on my radar. I may have only seen one or two episodes of The Ghost Whisperer and Party of Five and never saw her movie career (the I Know What You Did Last Summer series, Can't Hardly Wait) or The Client List, but I knew who she was and knew she was a star. Maybe my own TV/movie habits mean I've got a different perspective on who's the bigger star, but to me, based on what I knew, Hewitt has bigger star power.

What I think it ultimately comes back to is age. Since Hollywood tends to like them young, injecting youth and "fresh faces" into the show has to be a move to keep the show going, which is why the news of Hewitt's pregnancy won't spell the end of Callahan. Hewitt and CBS likely knew of her baby-making plans and worked them into her role in the show, I'd be fairly certain.

I've also got the faint hope that maybe Hewitt's hire for the "young and fresher look" means the show is positioning the series so that Reid might one day take centre stage. I think it's about time for that by now.

  • Love 1

Daniel, I guess we are talking from 2 different perspectives, me from acting chops and you from "star power," which is also very subjective. 


As for JLH's role on CM surviving her pregnancy, I think that will have less to do with her age and more to do with (I hate to say it, but it's a Hollywood fact) her weight gain. That, and if she has trouble keeping up what must be a brutal pace even when one is wallflowered, might present problems. She's much older than AJ was when she had her pregnancy written into the show, and, when JLH came on CM, she hadn't really lost the baby weight from her first pregnancy. Again, this is horribly superficial, but there it is in Hollywood.

P.S. - I don't want MGG to be saddled with a second rate version of what CM used to be, even if he is the lead. I don't see that happening at all.

  • Love 1

Nothing against Jeanne Tripplehorn, but I don't think she can compare to the star power of Jennifer Love Hewitt. Before CM, the only thing Tripplehorn ever got known for was getting her butt squeezed by Kevin Costner in Waterworld and having an intense sex scene with Michael Douglas in Basic Instinct. Hewitt, at least, had The Client List and The Ghost Whisperer in recent memory, and Hewitt's age has the benefit of being on the right side of 40 (Hewitt is 35), whereas Tripplehorn is “Hollywood aging” at 51. Then you have Hewitt being the #1 reader's choice by Maxim Magazine in 2009 and TV Guide called her “TV's sexiest woman” in 2008.

I'm just not sure how you can compare the two, and by adding someone who is younger and meant to be “learning the ropes” it can only be a sign that the commitment is for the long haul, isn't it?




As much I think JLH has been okay as Kate Callahan thus far, 'okay' is as far as I'm willing to go. I suppose it's something that her character has been given something to do, which might be the reason she's been okay, and I'll get to that in a second. Her movie work, which is mostly centered around teen audiences (Can't Hardly Wait, I Know What You Did Last Summer and its sequel) was, IMO, mediocre at best, which could have more to do with me not caring for that genre. I like horror movies, but in limited doses. The Ghost Whisperer ended in 2010, and although she worked after that, she didn't really get a permanent gig until CM. I tried to watch The Client List, then had to give it up because I couldn't endure how bad I thought it was. Maybe that's not her fault, but she didn't do much to elevate the ridiculous material.


Maybe Tripplehorn hasn't had as much star-making success as she could have, and maybe her two "stand-out" parts are best known because the movies were, at least in the case of Waterworld, unfairly panned. I can't really speak to that because I'm not part of the industry. As it relates to the show, I did some Google-Fu, and at a ballpark estimate, Erica Messer is forty-one years old. I couldn't actually find a birth date listed anywhere, and you can make of that what you would like, but she graduated from Salisbury University in '95, the same year Waterworld came out, so presuming that she went to college at 17 or 18, she'd be in her very early forties now. I don't know about Hollywood in general, but if 41-year-old Erica thought 50-year-old Jeanne was 'an olds', it's just another reason to think she's a bad showrunner, possibly with issues I don't want to know about.


Ironically, True Genius just ended on ION, and listening to Reid worry to Prentiss that he hasn't accomplished enough at the ripe old age of thirty is an odd counterpoint as I post this. And at the shallow end of the pool, I think Jeanne is a gorgeous woman, and in some ways she's more beautiful now than she was when she was younger. Of course I'm partial, because I'm still crushing on Helen Mirren, who is old enough to be my mother, so here's some salt to take with everything I just said. :-)

  • Love 2

Consider this too: with Tripplehorn, you've got a cast that's dominated by the 49+ crowd (Tripplehorn, Thomas Gibson and Joe Mantegna). With Hewitt, you've got a cast dominated by characters who are Messer's age and younger (Shemar Moore is 43, Matthew Gray Gubler is almost 35, Hewitt is 35 and AJ Cook is 37). Somehow I think that may have been a factor as to why Messer didn't like Tripplehorn and is doing more with Hewitt, which might make sense. Messer just might have been more comfortable writing characters that could, presumably, share her own experiences, instead of "older" characters who have experiences Messer might not know about. It probably points to another failing of her as a showrunner, but I can at least understand if she wanted to play more to her strengths.

  • Love 1

Just reading Twitter (I follow all the CM folks) and AJ posted a couple of screenshots of her in a locker room of sorts and the comments were mind-blowing -- like "OMG, I am already sobbing." Like, who are these people?

Sadly they seem to be the ones that this so called show runner and these so called writers appear to be aiming the show towards,thus the constant focus on JJ whom they absolutely love and adore.

  • Love 4

If they were really going after the overheated Twitter reaction, you would think they would feature Reid more. They would like drown the Internet in their panty pudding if they did that. I really do think Matthew/Reid has more devoted social media fans than AJ/JJ.

If you're going by numbers, then definitely. MGG has nearly 1M Twitter Followers, and maybe 350K on Instagram. AJC has not a fraction of that.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 2

Here is the data, valid for Today, since this is when I accessed it.


Gubler. 957.6 k

Hewitt. 885.4 k

Moore. 608.8 k

Mantegna. 447.6 k

Vagnsness. 435.1 k

Cook. 376.0 k


Moore. 771 k

Gubler. 414 k

Vangness 201 k

Cook. 118 k

Hewitt. 104 k

Latest activity in twitter

Gubler: posted a picture of a fan's tatoo and a promo for his movie (suburban gothic)

Moore: he posted his own picture on his own Instagram, and a picture of a sunset.

Mantegna: he posted the forever people promo video at the cbs page and something weird (@Cali4niaDreams olive oil(?))

Hewitt: two pictures of herself belonging to a CM episode in which apparently there is a fight in a jail.

Cook: she posted the promo for the forever people and a picture of herself in the same episode.

Vagnsness: some non-sense. Literally, she wrote "will continue to swamp twitter land soonish must go make things! Let's make things!"

Finally, here are the results for the latest 'like-catchers' posted in the official CBS criminal minds facebook page. These are pictures with a small text basically telling you to like them.


Reid. 123.745 likes

Morgan. 107.020 likes

Garcia. 78.188 likes

JJ. 40.079 likes

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Those figures say it all don't they? But why don't they realise the fan favourite that MGG is?

On a side note, Shemar is the selfie king - he only ever posts selfies, usually in his car that all look the same, or else he's promoting his Baby Girl line. He also seems to have a PA who posts things for him. On the other hand,  Matthew's posts are mad and eclectic and a joy and very rarely even mention CM!

Edited by Old Dog
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On the other hand,  Matthew's posts are mad and eclectic and a joy and very rarely even mention CM!


You mean like this, Old Dog?




More seriously, regarding the upthread stuff about Tripplehorn's age, if it was just older women the show no longer writes for, it would be one thing, but it isn't. As McCatry said in the post above mine, Hotch hasn't had a real storyline of his own in ages, and the last thing Rossi got was some random chick showing up and saying she was his daughter. Even if I wasn't already annoyed with people suddenly having children I hadn't heard about before (hi, Alex!) Stalker!Girl appearing out of the woodwork and then vanishing again would have aggravated me. More than that, Matthew is actually two years younger than A.J., and yet Reid seems to be becoming invisible before our very eyes for all the focus he's gotten. Morgan is borderline, as Shemar is in his mid-forties. If he leaves after this season, who will get Morgan's share of the screen time if the show continues?

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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