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Season Four General Discussion

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2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

People has an article that has me wondering - are they owned by the same company as Disco?  Because they're reporting both Ami's issues and Matt's accident as real life, in the bush, caught as it happens danger.

They even, with no irony at all included the below quote in the article (bolding mine); "aformentioned events" refers to Ami's health and Matt's accident when it's common knowledge that Matt's accident most definitely was not in real time or even at Browntown.  

""The show reveals that season 7, which premieres Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET on Discovery, will continue to document the aforementioned events as they “continue to play out in real time.”""


Either People needs the extra articles or somebody is getting paid big bucks to try and convince folks that this show is all real all the time.

I have to remind myself that yellow journalism is nothing new... but it does seem that more of the mainstream journalism have abandoned the traditional role of the fourth estate - or maybe I'm just more cynical now. Heck, when I think of trusted news anchors,  I think Cronkite, Huntley, Brinkley, and earlier, Murrow... I don't think of any of today's entertainers who read the news off teleprompters.

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ahh, a good snarky flashback.   



was flipping channels and heard "crab"  when passing over a ABP rerun.   could it be the lost-pot episode?    it was!   :)


experienced crabbers-bush men lose their crab pot. 

experienced crabbers-bush men   don't tie off their boat, so it floats away.    I figure production alerted them to the issue, before it was too far gone and unrecoverable.

experienced crabbers-bush men take a boat out at dusk, with no flashlight or lantern.   there *was* a flashlight in camp, because one of the family was using a flashlight to look for them.

oh, yeah.   go out without a proper shirt or jacket.     you can see the rescuers wearing foul weather coats, and even a sock cap (to stay warm).     but you-know-who is found in the boat, in the dark, in the rain, in just a tank-top.


and someone broke the chainsaw!     next day, it was miraculously "fixed".     

simple chainsaw tool, check.    chain put back on track, check.   adjust tension, check.        disaster averted, check.

Edited by clod
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