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S02:E02:Milan 2015.11.7

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The Returned have been hiding out for months in the Domaine, a zone rendered inaccessible by the flooding; they are still holding Julie, Victor, Camille & Claire, who have more or less gotten used to their life as refugees.


As in season 1 it looks like each episode will concentrate on a particular character and this one introduces Milan who has returned and we discover is the father of Serge and Toni.


The episode begins with a flashback to 35 years ago and we see Pierre as a young man.  He is chosen by Milan to visit Audrey who Mr. Costa wants to go away; she is killed by Pierre and his cohort.  This is a different perspective to her killing than given by Pierre in Season 1.


The story flashes to Audjourd'hui (Today) and is told by Audrey to Julie with Mrs. Costa, Sabrinet, standing outside smoking on the balcony.  It's then when we learn that Victor's real name is Louis.


The story shifts to Serge who is returning home from hunting where he discovers Milan and has a look of terror on his face.


Simon and Lucy meet a barge with more returnees.  Lucy asks Simon to go to the hospital and find out about the birth of Adele's child.


Adele is in the hospital having given birth to her son, but she doesn't want to see him and she asks the doctor to be discharged to go home.


Chloe meets with Simon and tells him about the birth of her brother.  Simon asks her to go to the hospital to see the child.


The new inspector is getting info on what happened to the dam.  He is told that water came from saturated layers under the town, but no one knows why they swelled so much or so quickly.  While he is at the dam he sees Audrey Sabatini's parents who have arrived to find out that she has returned.  They say nothing to the authorities about what they know about the others that have returned.


Lena finds out from her boyfriend that Toni remembers nothing.


Camille tries to talk with Audrey in their house, but she doesn't respond.  Camille and her mother discuss Audrey and their situation with the Returned which is they are absolute prisoners in their home.


Julie is with Audrey and Victor and we discover that Victor is afraid of his mother.  Julie talks with Sabrinet about Audrey and finds out that she was not her friend but her husband's.


Toni returns to the Lake Pub where Lena visits him and he realizes he is dead.  Pierre arrives with two of his cohorts, Camille's friends and persuade him to return with them to the Helping Hand where he will be safe.  Just as he arrives at the Helping Hand and is spirited away below the Sabatini's arrive. 


Serge and his father go hunting while the soldiers are looking for the missing girl (Audrey) who escaped in episode 1.  Audrey who is still in her room at Camille's and is looking out the window sees Esteban, another bus victim and rushes outside to greet him.  Camille follows.  Esteban wants to leave, but is stopped by the Horde.  Camille's mother who has also gone outside to follow them is taunted by the Horde.  Camille tries to explain to Audrey and Esteban that they are dead, but they don't believe her.  She takes a bottle to her throat to try to kill herself to prove that she's dead.  That's when a stranger, a young man arrives to stop her and tells them he has something to show them.


Lena goes to see her father, the bearded recluse in his home.  She discovers his wall of the Returned where he has displayed photos and info on all the Returned.  He tells Lena that he is searching for a pattern which will tell him when Camille and her mother will return.


The stranger takes Camille, Audrey and Esteban to the place where their bus fell and they see the town's memorial.  (I found it strange that many of the mementos left there had not decayed very much.


Camille's mother is lying bruised in a field when another stranger appears.


We see someone driving along the dam road and we discover it's the new inspector who stops along the road and enters a cave which leads to a deep chasm.


Back to the hospital where Adele is still there.  Her baby is not doing well as his heartbeat is not normal.  The doctor wants her to see the baby and give him a name if he doesn't survive, but Adele refuses.


Audrey is giving Victor a haircut when she discovers his drawings getting furious telling him that he knows he is not supposed to draw.  Victor looks scared to death of his mom.


Chloe arrives at the hospital to find that her baby brother may die.


Simon returns to Lucy who looks awful and she tells him that Milan has returned who we see returning home with Serge to find Lena asleep in the cabin.


Camille, Esteban and Audrey return home to find Camille's battered mother.


Back to the hospital where Adele decides to see her baby.  She reaches in the incubator and touches him and restores his heartbeat (Creepy!)


Julie and Victor are talking and we learn that his father didn't die and he is alive.  During Adele's scenes in the hospital she got up and saw an old man in a room.  We discover that man is Mr. Lewanski and he is Victor/Louis' father.


Final scene is the soldiers who are still looking for the girl in the woods.  The dogs go crazy and lead them to a man high up in a tree who is tied as if crucified, but the question is who is he?  I looked at it numerous times and I have no idea.  I'm presuming it's Milan but then it could be the stranger who saved Camille's mother earlier. 


I liked this episode as it added more layers of mystery to the characters we already know and introduced people that were mentioned or seen in season one.  Looking forward to episode 3! 


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Dbklmt, I had to seek out a recap of the episode since I was a little lost. You covered it all pretty well but according to what I read the bodies tied to the trees were the police officers who disappeared the night of the flood when the Returned came to Helping Hands.

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Dbklmt, I had to seek out a recap of the episode since I was a little lost. You covered it all pretty well but according to what I read the bodies tied to the trees were the police officers who disappeared the night of the flood when the Returned came to Helping Hands.

That makes sense as they were mentioned in the first episode and even more fitting that they were found by the soldiers.  Wonder if the one tied to the tree is Adele's husband?  Hopefully he's dead and will NOT be a returnee.

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I'm a little confused as I didn't rewatch season 1 recently, but did they ever determine what was the cause of the injuries appearing on some of the Returned, and on Lena? ( I know some reason was suggested by the US version but dont' remember that being the case with the French) Are they still having injuries? It hasn't been mentioned this season at all.

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I'm a little confused as I didn't rewatch season 1 recently, but did they ever determine what was the cause of the injuries appearing on some of the Returned, and on Lena? ( I know some reason was suggested by the US version but dont' remember that being the case with the French) Are they still having injuries? It hasn't been mentioned this season at all.

No, they never determined what was causing the injuries and so far in the new season as you said there has been no mention of any this season.

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Thank you for the recap, dbklmt.  It explained some things I was confused by.  


Where is the memorial/bus crash location? Is it where the "returned" people live or is it in the town with the living people?   I need a map! So is the town of the returned people located under water (in the flooded area)?  I know they have to go via water to visit either place.  


Yep, I'm going to have to re-watch it-probably more than once!  

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dbklmt wrote:


"The story flashes to Audjourd'hui (Today) and is told by Audrey to Julie with Mrs. Costa, Sabrinet, standing outside smoking on the balcony.  It's then when we learn that Victor's real name is Louis."  and "Julie is with Audrey and Victor and we discover that Victor is afraid of his mother.  Julie talks with Sabrinet about Audrey and finds out that she was not her friend but her husband's." and  "Audrey is giving Victor a haircut when she discovers his drawings getting furious telling him that he knows he is not supposed to draw.  Victor looks scared to death of his mom."


I was really confused by this, because Audrey is the young girl who died on the bus with Camille.  I don't think Victor/Louis's mother is named Audrey, too.  I don't think her character has a name...  does she? I tried to find it, but on IMDB she was only called "Mère de Victor."

Edited by Bcharmer
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Thank you for the recap, dbklmt.  It explained some things I was confused by.  


Where is the memorial/bus crash location? Is it where the "returned" people live or is it in the town with the living people?   I need a map! So is the town of the returned people located under water (in the flooded area)?  I know they have to go via water to visit either place.  


Yep, I'm going to have to re-watch it-probably more than once!  


I would presume that the memorial is near the town where the "Returned" people live since when Esteban tried to leave the Horde stopped him.  As for whether their town is located under water I have no idea.  It's just one of the many new questions that hopefully will be answered sooner than later.

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dbklmt wrote:


"The story flashes to Audjourd'hui (Today) and is told by Audrey to Julie with Mrs. Costa, Sabrinet, standing outside smoking on the balcony.  It's then when we learn that Victor's real name is Louis."  and "Julie is with Audrey and Victor and we discover that Victor is afraid of his mother.  Julie talks with Sabrinet about Audrey and finds out that she was not her friend but her husband's." and  "Audrey is giving Victor a haircut when she discovers his drawings getting furious telling him that he knows he is not supposed to draw.  Victor looks scared to death of his mom."


I was really confused by this, because Audrey is the young girl who died on the bus with Camille.  I don't think Victor/Louis's mother is named Audrey, too.  I don't think her character has a name...  does she? I tried to find it, but on IMDB she was only called "Mère de Victor."

While I really appreciated the recap, I was confused also with Victor's mother being called Audrey.  And I think they are introducing too many new characters too quickly.  Except for the new dam expert (and maybe Victor's mother, who didn't seem at all creepy in season one) I really don't care about these other new characters, the classmates of Camille.  I wish they would address some things from season one, like what happened to the wounds. Maybe things will start making more sense when they stop introducing more people,.

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The friendship/bond between Victor and Julie was one of my favorite parts of season 1, so I was pleased when she came to his defense.  But I suspect his mother isn't a bad mother, she was just trying to protect him from whatever motivated the attack on their home that resulted in her death.  


I didn't understand why Lena was so upset with her father.  Considering they're living in a town in which people are returning from the dead, I felt it makes some sense that Jerome would try to figure out why that's happening.  


How long do we have to wait for Sandrine and Audrey to reunite!?!?!?!  :D

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I watched the first season on Netflix, and I'm watching season 2 on the Sundance channel. The nudity is blurred out in these new eps, which surprised me. I don't watch much on Sundance since my cable company doesn't offer it in HD, but I figured they'd allow nudity as long as the show had a disclaimer about being for "mature audiences" or whatever.


It makes me wonder what else they're editing out, but I think that's been addressed in another thread.

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How long do we have to wait for Sandrine and Audrey to reunite!?!?!?!  :D



Audrey is the recently returned classmate of Camille, right?  Would Sandrine be her mother?


Interesting twist that Victor/Louis's father is still alive and in the same hospital as Adele.


I can't recall, what happened to Julie's cop girlfriend?

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Audrey is the recently returned classmate of Camille, right?  Would Sandrine be her mother?


Interesting twist that Victor/Louis's father is still alive and in the same hospital as Adele.


I can't recall, what happened to Julie's cop girlfriend?

Sandrine is Audrey's mother, and when they were reunited in the last episode I saw (Madame Costa), Sandrine alerted Pierre and his group and they took Audrey away to be locked up at the Helping Hand.  


Laure (Julie's girlfriend) was among the cops who went missing at the end of season one.  They were all found dead later, except for one who was still missing.  The missing cop is probably either Laure or Thomas (Adele's boyfriend).

Edited by SierraMist
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Sandrine is Audrey's mother, and when they were reunited in the last episode I saw (Madame Costa),



Thanks!  I'm only on episode 2, (that's why I posted in this thread), I was just asking to get the names straight, I know Audrey's dad is Yan.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Thanks!  I'm only on episode 2, (that's why I posted in this thread), I was just asking to get the names straight, I know Audrey's dad is Yan.

Oh, I'm so sorry.   I'll be more careful from now one.  I'm so anxious for every new episode I figured everyone posting was caught up.  Sorry.

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