dolphincorn March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 I love the name of the thread! Did anyone notice that Arlie has a small black mark centered on the crown of his head? It sort of looks like a port for a small voltage electrical adapter, but I could be mistaken. Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 I'm waiting for tonight's episode to see if they show ... ... Sabrina go full-on deranged beyotch complaining about Ika's behavior. Hoping that they edit Sabrina's tirade with what actually happened vs. what Sabrina claims happened.And apparently BBCAN would not concur with what Sabrina was saying, so she comes off looking like the lying bully that she is. Sidebar: First post on Score !!! 1 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver March 28, 2014 Share March 28, 2014 Ika won the ball challenge and was given the BBCAN equivalent of Sophie's Choice -- letters from home for everyone or $5K. I'm so glad she blasted all the alliances in the house while she deliberated -- because Kenny and Andrew's true colors really revealed themselves when they were outed as the master manipulators they are. There was no way these people would have kept Ika just for the gift of letters from home, and she correctly predicted exactly what Andrew would have done if she had picked the letters from home (because he is an asshole, and that's exactly how he thinks).I wonder if Sabrina's breakdown (shown on the live feeds, but not shown on the regular show or side show) occurred after the results of the ball challenge. That would explain the extra level of anger exhibited by Sabrina for no apparent reason. Link to comment
bagatelle March 28, 2014 Share March 28, 2014 Sabrina is a lot more erratic than what they show on Slice. I thought they were being very kind to her on tonight's show, meaning, we didn't see half of her nuttiness. Link to comment
Fex March 28, 2014 Share March 28, 2014 So glad Ika took the money. I don't think for a second those letters would have saved her. The episode felt incomplete and had a clunky edit, for me. There was no aftermath to the Letter Incident! And, for the first time, I enjoyed the after show. I liked the ranting segments (which made me cringe the other weeks) where Gary and Peter told us who to vote for. Funny! Link to comment
dolphincorn March 28, 2014 Author Share March 28, 2014 (edited) I went to the BBC Facebook page last night just to get a sense of who is going up, and Canada seems to be pushing a Sabrina/Andrew/Kenny combo. Sabrina would have been there for sure because she's coming off way worse on the feeds, but Andrew and Kenny did it to themselves by being such crybabies during Ikagate. Bwah ha ha! ETA: There's a poll on one of the recap sites, and Sabrina, Andrew and Kenny share almost 88% of the votes. This is going to be the best episode ever! Edited March 28, 2014 by dolphincorn Link to comment
LakeGal March 28, 2014 Share March 28, 2014 I expect it will be Sabrina and Andrew on the block. I dislike Kenny so much I hope he somehow ends up there too. Maybe if the veto is used Kenny will get his turn. 1 Link to comment
xfuse March 28, 2014 Share March 28, 2014 I can understand everyone getting emotional about the letters. They have been there for over a month and a little taste of home will do that to anyone. Ika, IMO went mean on them with everything she said. She knew there was a chance of them listening in but still she had a dig at almost everyone and she seemed to take great pleasure in insulting some of them. I know I would have called her a few choice words after the door opened up and she was smiling after destroying my letter. I did notice that after she was voted out she only hugged certain people and Kenny was one of them. Link to comment
bagatelle March 28, 2014 Share March 28, 2014 I was surprised some thought Ika should forfeit the money just to give the people who hated her a letter from home telling them, as Peter said, how the dog is doing. I'm glad she walked away with that small cheque. It's too bad we're left with Rachelle, who I really want to like, but she brings nothing to the show. Neda is close behind in that sense. The casting people should be fired for finding us such boring house-guests. Ika could at least carry on a conversation and she had lots of personality too. Link to comment
dolphincorn March 29, 2014 Author Share March 29, 2014 (edited) It's too bad that as a forty-something man I was represented by Paul this season, and as an Edmontonian I'm represented by Rachelle, Heather and Adel. Kill me now . . . Edited March 29, 2014 by dolphincorn Link to comment
xfuse March 29, 2014 Share March 29, 2014 Ika could at least carry on a conversation and she had lots of personality too. But she is such a mean girl and I can really do without seeing mean girls on my tv. While I think that the hampsters were hoping that she would take the letters I don't think they really expected her or anyone too. They certainly weren't expecting the 'kick in the teeth' that she gave them as she shredded them. Link to comment
yeahsowhat March 29, 2014 Share March 29, 2014 I have to say that I'm glad Ika did the talking aloud thing. She outed what was going on (and was pretty much on the money with what she said), plus she took the money instead of taking the letters which would not have helped her stay at all. I think that she sort of talked herself into a bit of a tizzy and that's why she took so much glee as she shredded certain letters. She didn't say bad stuff about all of them. But, boy, have we got some boring hamsters in there. Plus a couple of guys that clearly shouldn't have gone off their 'roids cold turkey like that! Happy to find a new home here at!! Link to comment
bagatelle March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 The feeds will be down all weekend, so we won't find out who is nominated until Sunday night and I wasn't planning on watching the Slice show. But now I may have to check in. Did anyone read or hear a post eviction Ika interview? I'd love to know if she knew Kenny was really gay, because I do think that anyone with gaydar might sense it. Link to comment
yeahsowhat March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 Did anyone read or hear a post eviction Ika interview? I'd love to know if she knew Kenny was really gay, because I do think that anyone with gaydar might sense it. I have been wondering the same thing. I don't think anyone has said anything so far - maybe he's hiding it well, or maybe most people in the house haven't known enough gay people to know that they don't all act like Gary! I'm not sure why he isn't saying anything about it. When you are in close proximity with people, it's a hard thing to keep a big secret. There is a lot of your life you either have to keep silent about or outright make stuff up! The other hamsters must sense that he's keeping a secret. Link to comment
xfuse March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) I'd love to know if she knew Kenny was really gay, She had no clue. I listened to a radio interview she did and she was shocked when they told her. There was alot of 'really, are you serious, he's gay'. The dj even told her to ask the person she was with because she really didn't seem to believe it. There is a lot of your life you either have to keep silent about or outright make stuff up! He dated girls before and if he doesn't have a boyfriend than I don't think so. This seems like something that kinda new in his life. Allision didn't know and she knows him so he can talk all about the old times without a thing coming out. Except for the crying he's very controlled and his mind seems to be firmly on the game. Edited March 30, 2014 by xfuse Link to comment
peachmangosteen March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) Kenny has made many comments that seem like he's trying to get people to pick up on it. I don't know why he does that and no one has picked up on it at all. It's pretty hilarious and the only thing I find entertaining about Kenny. Edited March 30, 2014 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
liqidclark March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) I think Kenny's planning on revealing his sexuality in his final two speech, if he makes it that far. That's a pretty strong argument for having "played the game" by deceiving others, and it's a harmless sort of deceit. I don't think it's enough to win the game, though -- and I don't think he'd have a harder time in there if he had been open from the start. The fact that he's dated women would be enough to get the ladies to crush on him, I'd think. The guys all seem really okay with the homoeroticism, too, so I doubt they'd shy away. Edited March 30, 2014 by Liqidclark Link to comment
dolphincorn March 31, 2014 Author Share March 31, 2014 I really don't have a favorite yet. Does anyone else feel the same way? Link to comment
bagatelle March 31, 2014 Share March 31, 2014 I don't like this new twist of Canada voting. First, it makes the people nominated feel horrible, which isn't necessary. Second, it may get rid of the stronger personalities and then we are left with sweet, but dumb and dull, Heather and boring, little girl, Rachelle. It's also causing Adel to feel indestructible and I hate a huge ego in a houseguest. Link to comment
xfuse March 31, 2014 Share March 31, 2014 I don't like the twist either same as I didn't like someone in the jury house going back in last year. If you have a closed game with no outside influence than you shouldn't let someone from outside decide who goes up. We get to see private moments that certain houseguests don't want to share with everyone else. Those moments influence who we like and don't like. It less becomes a game of strategy and more becomes a game of who is popular. Link to comment
Art Vandelay March 31, 2014 Share March 31, 2014 I really don't have a favorite yet. Does anyone else feel the same way? My list of favourites is short (to non-existant) and my list of HGs I dislike is long. I think Sabrina was the only person in Canada that didn't think it was a sure thing that she'd be nominated. Didn't hear as much trash talk for her this week about how she controls everything and has all the power. Link to comment
dolphincorn April 1, 2014 Author Share April 1, 2014 (edited) It's also causing Adel to feel indestructible and I hate a huge ego in a houseguest. I can't find anything to like about Adel. The love he's getting on the show's Facebook page has me wondering what people want in a favorite contestant? Is it an underdog whom no one wants to be around? There's got to be something about him that makes people only want to work with him as a last resort. Edited April 1, 2014 by dolphincorn Link to comment
liqidclark April 1, 2014 Share April 1, 2014 (edited) What I like about Adel is just his overall disposition. He doesn't seem to get caught up in the emotions of the game, and generally has a positive attitude. He's not just any underdog, he's a likable underdog. As far as Canada liking him, I think it's because he sort of plays himself up as a mascot for the country and says/does things that seem patriotic. I think the general public is just very influenced by flattery. He also has a nice, big (cheesy) smile and a decent lean body, if we want to be shallow. I think the reason people in the house haven't totally accepted him is because he was lumped in with the "uncool" kids from the start. But then again, sticking by Paul during his shenannigans helped make Adel seem loyal and trustworthy. Those are two qualities that are hard to come by in BB, and that also probably boost his popularity with viewers. Edited April 1, 2014 by Liqidclark Link to comment
xfuse April 1, 2014 Share April 1, 2014 The love he's getting on the show's Facebook page has me wondering what people want in a favorite contestant? Is it an underdog whom no one wants to be around? I think that has got to be it. Everyone always cheers the underdog and hates the group in power even when neither group have done much to deserve the reaction. I don't really like him. I have him in the same group as Arlie who is playing up a character in the house. I think both of them are fake. Don't think I need it but just in case. Yesterday he was arguing with Sabrina and neither one would give it up. She even walked away but he still got the last word in which made her come back and start again. But then again, sticking by Paul during his shenannigans helped make Adel seem loyal and trustworthy. He's a glopper. He just glops on to a person and stays with them until they are no longer there. Kyle, Paul, Ika and now Heather. 1 Link to comment
bagatelle April 1, 2014 Share April 1, 2014 At some point, the House-guests will be angry that Adel deceived them about his special power. He keeps it hidden from them, as far I can tell. Link to comment
xfuse April 2, 2014 Share April 2, 2014 I like the hamsters more this year than last. While there are people who little groups of people I think they get along better in a group. If possible could the post in Small Talk be moved. Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 3, 2014 Share April 3, 2014 I love Heather. I've gone back and forth on Adel/Neda/Jon. They're all really bad players, but sometimes I enjoy their personalities. I'm mostly meh on everyone else. I dislike Kenny and Sarah. Adel is playing this secret power thing so hilariously badly. It will backfire on him spectacularly. He still brings it up all the time and he should've tried to let it die down this week. Although, I'm thinking the new special veto will be exactly what he's claimed his is and that TPTB will make him the one who finds it. Link to comment
bagatelle April 3, 2014 Share April 3, 2014 I love Heather. I've gone back and forth on Adel/Neda/Jon. They're all really bad players, but sometimes I enjoy their personalities. I'm mostly meh on everyone else. I dislike Kenny and Sarah. Adel is playing this secret power thing so hilariously badly. It will backfire on him spectacularly. He still brings it up all the time and he should've tried to let it die down this week. Although, I'm thinking the new special veto will be exactly what he's claimed his is and that TPTB will make him the one who finds it. If that happens, then TPTB really are pulling strings to keep him in the game. I find him more and more annoying. He's just so smug… as would anyone be who thinks Canada loves them. Link to comment
xfuse April 3, 2014 Share April 3, 2014 I find him more and more annoying. He's just so smug… as would anyone be who thinks Canada loves them. I would figure anyone who has watched any version of BB or just about any reality show then they would know that the public's love is fleeting and that it can turn on you pretty quick. It's best to be humble when you win any kind of public vote. Link to comment
bagatelle April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 Did anyone watch the Slice show yesterday? I said somewhere before, that having Canada vote causes unnecessary pain for whoever is nominated. To think that a whole country hates you is kind of cruel. I’m not a huge fan of Andrew, but seeing him cry did not give me any pleasure. 1 Link to comment
radishcake April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 Thanks @xfuse! I was heading over here to start a general discussion thread but you beat me to it. :D Link to comment
liqidclark April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 I said somewhere before, that having Canada vote causes unnecessary pain for whoever is nominated. To think that a whole country hates you is kind of cruel. I’m not a huge fan of Andrew, but seeing him cry did not give me any pleasure. Yeah, sucks for Andrew for sure. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he is a know-it-all and he just wears you down with his stories and trivia about everything. It's a really good example of how being isolated in there warps things to extremes. So now, the least-good houseguest is the WORST HOUSEGUEST. Hopefully Andrew realizes that it's exaggerated. Link to comment
dolphincorn April 4, 2014 Author Share April 4, 2014 I'm getting quite annoyed with how much Canada seems to hate the First Five. At least they're playing hard. I'm not a fan of floaters, and if I'm going to root for an underdog, it's not going to be a dummy like Adel or Heather. They make me ashamed to be from Edmonton. Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 I don't think Heather is a dummy. At all. Adel, for sure. Jon, yes. Heather knows a lot. And no one suspects she's any kind of threat. Link to comment
xfuse April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 (edited) I don't have a problem with Heather, yet. As for if she is smart I think I will decide by who she puts up. I don’t think it’s smart of her if she puts up who Jon, Adel or Sabrina want. Her best bet is to put up Sabrina, Ro or even Neda. I don't like Adel and I'm ok with Jon. Darn, forgot about spoilers. Edited April 4, 2014 by xfuse Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 Sabrina and Neda would be fun as noms, as it would drive Sabrina even battier. Link to comment
bagatelle April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 I can barely tolerate Heather's helium/little girl voice, so I find myself tuning her out. I don't know which is worse -- Heather's voice or Sabrina's, but I'm leaning towards Heather. I m also revolted by some of the houseguest's feet. Jon and Arlie in particular. If you are a man and have unattractive feet and insist on showcasing them, applying dark nail polish to the toes is not a good idea. Link to comment
LakeGal April 5, 2014 Share April 5, 2014 They obviously don't like Rachelle behind the scenes. On AfterDark they left the camera on Rachelle as she dug in her nose pulled it out and examined it and then ate it. Meanwhile Sabrina and Allison are talking in the bathroom but the camera stayed on Rachelle. Maybe she needs to borrow Andrew's shirt about picking her nose. Link to comment
dolphincorn April 11, 2014 Author Share April 11, 2014 I'm really beginning to hate this season. I was ready to cut Neda some slack until last night's episode where her and Arlie jockeyed for second-place in the HOH competition. Between her "no blood on my hands" strategy and throwing out the Have-Not's food, she's the sort of player I hate the most. Adel is completely useless and I can't look at his horse teeth for another minute. Jon is playing a little harder than the others, but luck and producer interference have got him deeper in the game than actual strategy. He's also the grossest guy in the house. I can practically smell him through the TV screen. Heather is okay, but you have to wonder what got her on the wrong side of everyone. I suspect that she's really vapid (she works next door to me and she's exactly the same in real life, so there you go). Arlie is the worst sort of reality TV contestant; another Prime Time 99 Alex Stein. So I'm with Allison by default. If the First Five hadn't have been so arrogant, she would have been recruited along with Rachelle to be #6 and #7 in a powerhouse alliance. Sabrina and Andrew had the right idea to bring them in, but no one bothered to stroke their egos and make them feel like they were part of the group. So I guess Kenny got what he deserved. I'm a little more upset about Sarah, though, because I actually thought that she was good at the game. If it wasn't for Arlie's showboating (which is going to be his demise), she'd still be in the house. Link to comment
LakeGal April 11, 2014 Share April 11, 2014 Sarah threw away her game to protect Kenny. She was obsessed with him and made it known he was her #1. Kenny was a big target and she got knocked out because they couldn't take him out. She had been sitting pretty and she threw it all away for him. I hope Neda is on slop this week. I would like to see none of the condiments returned and have her suffer for her own actions. It would be funny. I am looking forward to watching the Sloppy Seconds have to turn on each other. 1 Link to comment
bagatelle April 11, 2014 Share April 11, 2014 So the mature ones left the house and we are left with penis infected Jon, pool peeing Rachelle and lighting his farts on fire, Adele. I still can't get the image out of my head -- Adele lying flat on his back with his legs spread and in the air, farting and lighting away. I'm visually offended by Arlie and Adel's half-bald mohawks, and Arlie's half shaved chest and ugly toe nails, painted brown. Kenny was so nice looking, it was a please to watch him… not the rest of them though. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 I think Kenny et al. showed some real immature behavior, too. More in their words than their actions though. I think Neda is the best player in the game. Hands down. But I like Heather more. I'd like them to be F2. Allison is very disappointing, IMO. She initially sold herself as a big fan, a feed watcher, a gamer, and she has flopped so hard. She has basically had immunity the entire game and all she's done is give Andrew a hand job. She should've been trying to make some bonds. At least Kenny was actually the head of the power alliance, Allison was the lowest rung on the ladder and she got complacent anyway. Plus, she loves The Sheyld (or whatever moronic way they spelled it) and for that alone I can't fully like her. Sabrina's brand of crazy and delusion is very entertaining to me and she really was a very influential player in the early weeks. I never really cared either way about Adel, but he is terrible. He's gotten so arrogant and he has some views that I do not agree with. I liked Jon, but I'm over him. He's not a good player, he's gross, and the thing with Neda has turned pretty creepy. Arlie is the kind of player I hate and his voice is like nails on the chalkboard, but I weirdly don't hate him. The DE should've been my dream, my two most hated going, but it was super anticlimactic and boring, Plus, I miss having them around to hate on. Link to comment
dolphincorn April 12, 2014 Author Share April 12, 2014 Allison is very disappointing, IMO. She initially sold herself as a big fan, a feed watcher, a gamer, and she has flopped so hard. She has basically had immunity the entire game and all she's done is give Andrew a hand job. She should've been trying to make some bonds. At least Kenny was actually the head of the power alliance, Allison was the lowest rung on the ladder and she got complacent anyway. Plus, she loves The Sheyld (or whatever moronic way they spelled it) and for that alone I can't fully like her. I can't hate Allison. Her best play was to align with the power, which she did in a quiet way by showmancing Andrew. Then when she saw the tide beginning to turn with Canada throwing all the favors to the other side of the house, she took advantage of the situation. What kills me is that no one saw Allison as a number to strengthen their alliance when she showed up in the house. It was a bad play on everyone else's part, and I can't fault her for not forcing the issue. Now she's sitting pretty with that special Veto in hand and the perception that she's with Arlie. He has final-three deals with everyone and is going to be exposed any minute now. Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 (edited) What kills me is that no one saw Allison as a number to strengthen their alliance when she showed up in the house. You're so right about that. The girls played Allison's arrival so badly. However, I don't believe there was a chance in hell she would've joined up with them because she was so enamored with Andrew immediately. but they didn't even try. And Allison didn't try either. I go back and forth on Allison. She does so many things I find so annoying (calling herself a guy's girl, liking the Sheyld, liking Andrew and Kenny), but she's still my third fave HG. Edited April 12, 2014 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
dolphincorn April 13, 2014 Author Share April 13, 2014 She's likes the Shyld? Well, now I have no favorite . . . Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 13, 2014 Share April 13, 2014 LOL I was wondering how you were liking her so much when she's a Shyld fan! Also, did they seriously spell it 'Shyld?' What a couple of dumbasses. Allison actually used to wear a Shyld shirt all the time. It was so embarrassing. She hasn't worn it in awhile though. 1 Link to comment
dolphincorn April 14, 2014 Author Share April 14, 2014 I saw the shirt on tonight's episode and it is spelled "Sheyld." Someone on the show's Facebook fan page said that it belonged to Andrew. I suppose that the worst part of this season is that there are still eight people in the house and I wouldn't want to have sex with any of them. Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 (edited) I saw the shirt on tonight's episode and it is spelled "Sheyld." Someone on the show's Facebook fan page said that it belonged to Andrew. I suppose that the worst part of this season is that there are still eight people in the house and I wouldn't want to have sex with any of them. I guess it's possible it's Andrew's shirt, but it doesn't look like it'd fit him in the least and I don't recall seeing it at all before Allison got there. LOL! I certainly wouldn't want to have sex with any of the remaining guys. Or any of the booted guys. Rough season! Edited April 14, 2014 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
dolphincorn April 14, 2014 Author Share April 14, 2014 I'd do Kenny if he A: shaved his beard, B: stopped shaving his body and C: apologized to Ika. Link to comment
dolphincorn April 17, 2014 Author Share April 17, 2014 That was the best Veto ceremony in BB history. I've been watching the feeds the whole time, but seeing the reactions of the house guests was pure gold. 1 Link to comment
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