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4 hours ago, AyChihuahua said:

KC was IMO genuinely terrible in the role. She was particularly bad at action scenes, and she had the anti-chem thing, but she was so rigid and brittle and just awful from the very beginning. From the few clips I've seen JH seems competent to me, which in this case is a huge improvement.

She is only good in playing the bitchy villain. 

4 hours ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I think JH is likeable and charming in real life, and has definite charisma.  I don't see the chemistry with Stephen, but that is really not her fault--he's not giving anyone much to work off lately.  

I agree. I just think he doesnt try at all anymore unless he thinks a scene is worth trying(wich is rare).

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:


7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I am really surprised people think that way. And it's usually people speaking for Emily, since she was always direct in saying. She is not going anywhere. 

Personally i dont think Arrow will go beyond a short s7. So EBR will stay till the end. 

I think even if they wanted to go full on GA and BC romance they wouldn't push Felicity off the show unless EBR wants to go (or contract renewals break down).  


Its funny to me because i honestly didnt see that in regard to the new BC. I saw them trying to integrate her into the team as fast as possible. And they giving her certain things like they are checking off points on a list. 

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7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Its funny to me because i honestly didnt see that in regard to the new BC. I saw them trying to integrate her into the team as fast as possible. And they giving her certain things like they are checking off points on a list. 

I'm talking worst case, not that I'm seeing that as the current plan.  Just saying even if they went there, that wouldn't be any reason to get rid of her character.  Yes, Curtis could be used as a replacement but then so could a simple line about Diggle having been trained on Felicity's programs.  I just don't see an upside to them getting rid of Felicity so I don't think they would unless like I said, contract renewal doesn't happen for some reason.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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I think, right now, since we have so little to go on with Dinah Drake so far; that mostly we are projecting our worst fears. I think over the next few eps we will have a better idea or her, and where Olicity will stand post skeevy reporter.

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3 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

I just find it hilarious since i would imagine EBR being the one who has gotten the most bonuses and a pay upgrade, unlike other actors. 

Pay upgrade, perks upgrade, still getting 2nd highest screen time behind Oliver (by 28 minutes over Wild Dog). EBR isn't going anywhere and neither is Olicity (IMO)

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8 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

All I see for sure is JH being super sultry in her scenes with pretty much everyone. Smolder City 24/7 with that one.  It's tough to get a read on what's supposed to be going on when she looks like she wants to jump everyone's bones, haha. 

Thirsty. She probably thinks if she smoulders at everybody eventually the writers will have to give her a love interest whether it be man, woman, dog, park bench...

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The best so far for me was her scene with Diggle where she kept biting her lower lip, LOL. I was kinda confused because that's how you speak to someone you are becoming friends with about random stuff? I've been doing it wrong my whole life.

This year I don't understand what I'm supposed to think about the characters' feelings. Tinah seems into everyone, Oliver looks dead inside but he supposedly has genuine feelings for the reporter and she is supposed to care about him as well but the actress plays her as eager to get informations out of him.

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26 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I honestly don't know where people get this idea that actors want out of their contracts for ~creative reasons~ [like being unhappy with storylines. WHAT]. It's a secure job that pays pretty well in an insanely competitive market. Like, take a look at KC, she obviously wasn't happy with most of the things they gave her to do on the show, and yet all she wanted to was to stick around. THAT IS THE NORM.

I think it's just mostly projection... 

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1 hour ago, dtissagirl said:

I honestly don't know where people get this idea that actors want out of their contracts for ~creative reasons~ [like being unhappy with storylines. WHAT]. It's a secure job that pays pretty well in an insanely competitive market. Like, take a look at KC, she obviously wasn't happy with most of the things they gave her to do on the show, and yet all she wanted to was to stick around. THAT IS THE NORM.

Emily is essentially a lead on a long running DC TV show and Felicity Smoak is pretty much the most popular and well known character on DCTV. She has been involved in all the other shows and still gets recognition that most of the lead actors on these shows dont. And here is the kicker Emily gets to work where she lives, she isn't far away from home and isn't missing her family. So can anyone exactly tell me why Emily would want to let go of this. KC who is essentially a more well known actress didn't even want to let go of a job when basically everything was snatched from her,even came back just so her character can be punched from the women that replaced her. 

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

What's the upside to getting rid of her otherwise?  They don't have to write to Olicity if they don't want to and Felicity still has her fans so she's not a liability.    

I am NOT saying they will do this, but if they did they'd save her salary in a show that is almost definitely going to get a large budget cut, and remove a far-superior chem that will always by comparison make any other Oliver romantic relationship look pathetic.

Re EBR's contract, ppl have stated, here, that EBR said during last year's European cons that she had been nervous about signing to show for six years, bc committing to ANYTHING for six years is a big commitment. The context was apparently that she was referring back to her original signing starting with S2. However, I have also been told that she "re-signed" last year, which would only make sense with the six-year contract if they terminated the original contract and signed a new one with significantly different terms. I have personally never seen any direct evidence of any of this.

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I don't think anyone knows the intricate details of these contracts, like how many times has Stephen's contract been brought up and no one seemed to have a definite answer for how long  he was signed on until he had to make a statement. I am pretty certain that Emily and David have the same contract as Stephen, I truly believe those three are here until the end. 

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4 hours ago, LadyChaos said:

I think, right now, since we have so little to go on with Dinah Drake so far; that mostly we are projecting our worst fears. I think over the next few eps we will have a better idea or her, and where Olicity will stand post skeevy reporter.

THIS.  The show has been making so many strange moves that,  as has been said, the logic is Neptonian.  And because we can't chart the path, we're worried.

1 hour ago, Cleanqueen said:

Emily is essentially a lead on a long running DC TV show and Felicity Smoak is pretty much the most popular and well known character on DCTV. She has been involved in all the other shows and still gets recognition that most of the lead actors on these shows dont. And here is the kicker Emily gets to work where she lives, she isn't far away from home and isn't missing her family. So can anyone exactly tell me why Emily would want to let go of this. KC who is essentially a more well known actress didn't even want to let go of a job when basically everything was snatched from her,even came back just so her character can be punched from the women that replaced her. 

This is the human logic.  The show gets very little media buzz that isn't from the writers of regular weekly reviews but the character get that most of it is Felicity Smoak.  From taking 15th place on the Hollywood Reporter list of Best Female Characters, beating out such iconic characters as Lorelei Gilmore, Annie Hall, Xena, Scarlet O'Hara and Lucy Ricardo(!) to Olicity winning MTV Ship of the Year two years in a row, she's acknowledged externally as being one of the best things about the show.

Look at the sales figures from the comic book thread.  There are maybe 30,000 people buying the comic book a year after a reboot.  They'd be fools to ruin or get rid of Felicity for those sales.

I also don't see why EBR would leave of her own volition.  She's got a very popular character on a decently-running TV show that gets her the kind of exposure most actresses her age only dream of, her character gets praised and referenced all over the place (and appears to have set the new style for female IT nerds) and she's 25 so even if the show runs for 3 more years she'll still be young enough to get good parts,  Meanwhile her role on the show is a fabulous training ground.

Going by the past 3 episodes and what tomorrow's appears to be, they're slotting Dinah into the co-fighter role on the show as quickly as possible, ticking off all the points instead of letting them bubble up slowly through the rest of the season.  I expect Dinah will be a lieutenant on the team very soon but if the show has a leading lady, it's still going to be Felicity.

Edited by statsgirl
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I could see her leaving if she got the chance to work on a bigger project like I could say for everyone else on the show. I also doubt she cares as much as the fans do about the SL her character got this year. She could be disappointed or prefer different material or be content with what she got and I wouldn't view those as reasons to leave or stay. I can see work environment, pay, perks and getting along with catmates and people that work on the show as reasons to stay or leave.

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3 hours ago, dtissagirl said:

I honestly don't know where people get this idea that actors want out of their contracts for ~creative reasons~ [like being unhappy with storylines. WHAT]. It's a secure job that pays pretty well in an insanely competitive market. Like, take a look at KC, she obviously wasn't happy with most of the things they gave her to do on the show, and yet all she wanted to was to stick around. THAT IS THE NORM.

I guess it depends on what an actor is looking for. A steady paycheck or to try new things? There have been cases of actors who wanted out of their contracts to pursue a career on the big screen, for example. A young actor that works on cw might want to try and book some quality roles after some time instead of spending years on the same role. Because a 25 year old  C list actor has bigger chances to book some quality role than a 35 year old C list actor. For young actors there is still time to experiment with new stuff until they end up doing something steady. Its also that most young actors dont have families so maybe there isnt the pressure of providing for the family. Then again the actor may want to just have a job. There are reasons why an actor would want out of a contract and its not because they are simply unhappy with the material they are getting but more with their ambitions,and how much they are willing to "sacrifice" in order to be something more(B list ,A list etc). Its about the type of actor. 

KC is a 30 year old actress who has spent a great ammount of time doing minor(or bigger) roles in cw tv shows and some horror films. She either didnt manage to book something better for her when she had the chance or she never cared to do something better. She has always been a recycled cw actor,i didnt expect her to want out of her arrow contract,at all.

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If i remember correctly Emily said at the con in England during hiatus that she would love more focused story on Felicity but that she realizes that Oliver/Green Arrow is the lead of the show and the stories would evolve around him. I don't think any of this is new to Emily. She just take it as it is. And she has always repeated that she wants to play Felicity as long as she is allowed to. And it would be hard for her to say goodbye to Felicity. 

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2 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I am just surprised nobody is saying that David Ramsey is not happy with his role this season. Its always Emily. 

David Ramsey is 45 years old and has a kid. He is also second billed or something. Id say its much more expected from a young actor like Emily,who is 5th billed (?), to easily drop a show after contract is up . It has happened with other shows and their actors. Its also that Emily has said in an interview that she would love to do new things. I havent seen David ever say that. Which is expected based on his age.

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3 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

David Ramsey is 45 years old and has a kid. He is also second billed or something. Id say its much more expected from a young actor like Emily,who is 5th billed (?), to easily drop a show after contract is up . It has happened with other shows and their actors. Its also that Emily has said in an interview that she would love to do new things. I havent seen David ever say that. Which is expected based on his age.

But billing doesn't always say the whole story. If Emily got other perks and pay upgrade, why would she care about billing. I wouldnt be surprised if Emily has a higher pay check than David. 

David has a son who lives in LA, from what i can gather. Its probably hard to spend so much time away from your family. 

Edited by Velocity23
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8 minutes ago, wonderwall said:



We hate it so she must hate it also. Also OMG Emily isn't posting  a lot of stuff or talking about the show, it must mean she hates it and wants to leave soon. I've also seen some folks asking Marc or her friends to tell Emily to basically quit her job. This is what that sort of mentality leads to. You have no right to speak on behalf of someone and their livelihood if they havent uttered a beep about it. 

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3 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

But billing doesn't always say the whole story. If Emily got other perks and pay upgrade, why would she care about billing. I wouldnt be surprised if Emily has a higher pay check than David. 

David has a son who lives in LA, from what i can gather. Its probably hard to spend so much time away from your family. 

I dont know where his family lives while he is filming but i think just the fact that he chose to become a regular in the first place shows he needed the steady paycheck. Its cw after all.

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15 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

I guess it depends on what an actor is looking for. A steady paycheck or to try new things? There have been cases of actors who wanted out of their contracts to pursue a career on the big screen, for example. A young actor that works on cw might want to try and book some quality roles after some time instead of spending years on the same role.

But EBR is already booking quality roles without having to quit Arrow? Brooklin got Oscar noms and everything? And she seems to like indie projects too, and she seems to have the right friends to do those projects with, also during hiatus because said friends also have regular gigs on TV, like Aisha Tyler. I figure she's going in the right direction without having to quit a steady pay job and a RILLY GOOD relationship with Warner Bros. Because THAT is the most important thing here -- to cultivate a good relationship with the studio. Everything else falls behind that one.

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I dont think anyone on the cast is gonna refuse a steady paycheck. Not even Emily. It gives them exposure and connections. IMO they getting the show to 150 episode and then they gonna wrap up. I can see them getting 12-16 episode in s7. 

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Just now, dtissagirl said:

But EBR is already booking quality roles without having to quit Arrow? Brooklin got Oscar noms and everything? And she seems to like indie projects too, and she seems to have the right friends to do those projects with, also during hiatus because said friends also have regular gigs on TV, like Aisha Tyler. I figure she's going in the right direction without having to quit a steady pay job and a RILLY GOOD relationship with Warner Bros. Because THAT is the most important thing here -- to cultivate a good relationship with the studio. Everything else falls behind that one.

Yes thats my point. Maybe she ,as an actress,wants bigger roles. The quality but very small role on Brooklin shows she is looking for roles. We dont know if she wants to book bigger roles and we know that being a regualr on a 23 episode show doesnt allow much time to do that. Im just saying,its not something strange to see nowadays with young actors in shows that go on for many years. 

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9 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

David Ramsey is 45 years old and has a kid. He is also second billed or something. Id say its much more expected from a young actor like Emily,who is 5th billed (?), to easily drop a show after contract is up . It has happened with other shows and their actors. Its also that Emily has said in an interview that she would love to do new things. I havent seen David ever say that. Which is expected based on his age.

He's also a POC and the sad truth is that in 2017 he still has less opportunity than a white man does.  IIRC, he did have the lead in hiw own show but it barely lasted a season.

5 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

But EBR is already booking quality roles without having to quit Arrow? Brooklin got Oscar noms and everything? And she seems to like indie projects too, and she seems to have the right friends to do those projects with, also during hiatus because said friends also have regular gigs on TV, like Aisha Tyler. I figure she's going in the right direction without having to quit a steady pay job and a RILLY GOOD relationship with Warner Bros. Because THAT is the most important thing here -- to cultivate a good relationship with the studio. Everything else falls behind that one.

She's got the best of both worlds on Arrow -- a prominent role with a steady paycheck and the time to work on interesting projects like Sidekick and things for her friends.  Many A list female actors say that the good roles these days are found on TV, not in the movies.

Besides, aiming for a career in mainstream movies can be risky.  Look SA and TMNT.

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1 minute ago, theOAfc said:

Yes thats my point. Maybe she ,as an actress,wants bigger roles. The quality but very small role on Brooklin shows she is looking for roles. We dont know if she wants to book bigger roles and we know that being a regualr on a 23 episode show doesnt allow much time to do that. Im just saying,its not something strange to see nowadays with young actors in shows that go on for many years. 

What we see lately is what happened to Dylan O'Brien and Chris Pratt -- they booked immense movie franchises, AND THEY STILL HAD TO GO BACK AND FINISH THEIR TV CONTRACTS. And those tv productions will bend over backwards to schedule an actor with a ginormous movie gig, because they know that having an actor ~making it big~ in Hollywood makes the show looks good.

IF EBR gets a ginormous movie role during Arrow, I bet Berlanti Prod will bend over backwards to keep her around the same way.

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Yeah but my point here is that Emily might not return when her contract is up,not that she will not finish it. I dont know when her contract is up and whether or not Arrow will do 7 full seasons or even more. Anyone but Stephen can leave by the time the show is over,more posibilities that an actress like Emily,that has only a few booked roles but gained quickly some popularity,will easily move on when contract is up . Thats my point here.


EDIT: i realise my initial reply was about an actor wanting  out of a contract and i agree, i dont think EMily would want out unless she books something huge. My point in a reply to another poster was regarding her not returning when contract is up(rumoured after season 6). 

Edited by theOAfc
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Or she might re-up her contract. Or they finish the show while Emily is still on contract. Emily is a Vancouver native. There are a bunch of TV productions filming there. I just don't see Emily going on this path because some fans project she dislike this season. And want her to do other type of roles. Claiming she deserves better. 

Edited by Velocity23
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8 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Or she might re-up her contract. Or they finish the show while Emily is still on contract. Emily is a Vancouver native. There are a bunch of TV productions filming there. I just don't see Emily going on this path because some fans project she dislike this season. And want her to do other type of roles. Claiming she deserves better. 

Again,assuming a young actor wont renew contract on a show that has been on for many years isnt projecting anything. Its something that has happened in other shows too. The show can go on without her. She is not the lead.

Edited by theOAfc
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She is the female lead. And what examples? Another issue would be the location. And Vancouver is a prime location, close to LA.

Nina Dobrev is not a good example because she always said she will do 6 seasons. There were also filming in Atlanta. And there was the whole drama with her ex, where he put her and her character down in interviews all time. And yet she still returned for the final season of the show.  While having a new project with XXX: The return of Xander Cage. And i would assume WB learned some lessons, knowing how important some actors are to their show. 

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19 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

My point in a reply to another poster was regarding her not returning when contract is up(rumoured after season 6). 

The rumor I've seen is her contract ends at the end of S7, same as SA's. So her re-uping her contract or not becomes a lot less important than will there be a show then or not.

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7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

She is the female lead. And what examples? Another issue would be the location. And Vancouver is a prime location, close to LA.

Nina Dobrev is not a good example because she always said she will do 6 seasons. There were also filming in Atlanta. And there was the whole drama with her ex, where he put her and her character down in interviews all time. And yet she still returned for the final season of the show.  While having a new project with XXX: The return of Xander Cage. And i would assume WB learned some lessons, knowing how important some actors are to their show. 

Emily is not the official female lead. She was just treated 2 years in a row as one,by the show's writing. Noone related to the show or network ever referred to her as one but fans and certain articles. I dont know what EMily feels about location and i dont think analysing whether or not she has a house in Van or LA or both is gonna explain why she would decide to renew or not renew. My point was from the start that i dont think its strange that a young actor would not renew contract in a show that lasts plenty of seasons,especially if the actor is not an official lead. I also dont follow the VD stuff at all.

Edited by theOAfc
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She became the female lead after s3. If she is treated as the female lead in every other aspect, i dont think it really matters. There is no need for declarations. Because the show will always be focused on Oliver Queen/SA. She is getting the screentime, her storyline, hey paycheck and gets to spend free time however she wants. 

Actually i always felt Emily would stick with the show till the end. Because it was her first big role. 

Edited by Velocity23
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Just now, Velocity23 said:

She became the female lead after s3. If she is treated as the female lead in every other aspect, i dont think it really matters. There is no need for declarations. Because the show will always be focused on Oliver Queen/SA. She is getting the screentime, her storyline, hey paycheck and gets to spend free time however she wants. 

By that thinking KC was also the female lead because she was treated as one for 1,5 seasons. She would also appear second in credits after stephen i think. There is no female lead and its pretty obvious that the show can easily put a female character in the back and bring the focus on a new one. It happened with Emily and Katie unless you really think Emily was the female lead in the first two seasons of arrow.

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9 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:



As far as i remember KC was the female lead and even announced as such. 

The fact of the matter is there is a female lead. And as of right now EBR has that role. 

So help me understand here. You are saying that the female lead role changes just like that. I assume then,if by any chance ,another female character gets more focus and screentime than Felicity next season,then she will cease to be the female lead(just like how you claim Emily became the female lead in season 3). Because that's what you suggest. Which means implying that Emily cant leave the show or that the show cant go on without her because she is the female lead is not really an argument to make. Especially if the show can easily replace her with a new female lead much like how it replaced Katie as one. Correct?

Edited by theOAfc
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I think what they mean with female lead is Emily is getting more screentime. 

Willa might be billed before her but EBR is still female lead because Willa is hardly seen.

Also I've seen a couple of outlets call Emily female lead. EW and Entertainment Tonight also are a few.

I firmly believe it also has to do with fans. That's what a show needs to succeed. If most fans think EBR is female lead then who is to say otherwise?

KC was still on the show in season 3 and 4 but who got way more screentime? Emily. Plus even then news outlets and reviewers were calling EBR the female lead and KC was still there lol

Edited by EmilyBettFan
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Sigh, we've gone off on another Felicity/Emily-only tangent. These need to be taken on over to her character thread. If there isn't a spoiler in it, it doesn't belong here.


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1 minute ago, LadyChaos said:

Should we be getting any spoilers today? Since it's the day before arrow? 



Not so subtle topic change.....

Dialogue tease maybe. Sneak peeks seem to be relegated to day of. Unless Yonkou decides to reveal more

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4 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Dialogue tease maybe. Sneak peeks seem to be relegated to day of. Unless Yonkou decides to reveal more

As much as I appreciate the teases... I don't trust them because the dialogue they post about always seem much worse when they post it than when it is on screen... *sigh*

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4 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

As much as I appreciate the teases... I don't trust them because the dialogue they post about always seem much worse when they post it than when it is on screen... *sigh*

I'm used to The Walking Dead where the entire episodes get spoiled every week. If I had my way, I'd get weekly summaries spoiling the whole episode that way I could decide to watch or not ?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm used to The Walking Dead where the entire episodes get spoiled every week.

Like if that person teased good things and bad - I wouldn't mind. But they selectively tease things that they know would rile up the fandom and it just pisses me off. Fandom is annoying as is lmao

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