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7 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

These are all really valid reasons for her actions but my concern is that it won't look that way. We can reason and explain away all of their behaviors but we need to actually see on screen whether that's why she hasn't told Oliver she's moved on. Unless they give Felicity an actual POV, which they never do, we'll forever be left to guess and that's not fair because the female always gets slated compared to the male.

I mean, Oliver's actions are the reason O/F broke up in the first place and yet he's very likely going to look like the injured party. He already does after the baby mama stuff. As soon as the negative reviews came in after 408, they literally had every character sympathize with him in 415 and left Felicity out in the cold. 

I trust nothing.

I get that. I have the same concern. I'm just saying that I can understand why she may not tell Oliver and I'm going to wait until the next episode before I decide if it's valid or not. We have already been told there is little of the BF and their relationship in the premiere so there is no reason to look for it tonight.

I don't trust the writers to fully dive into Felicity with this arc, but I do acknowledge that they can get it right. I loved 4x11. They have their moments. 

I'm keeping my expectations realistic. Am I cautiously optimistic? Yes. Am I preparing myself for disappointment? Yep. 

I don't enjoy thinking the worst right now. 

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I really think this Felicity's BF thing will be done for after 2 episodes, no sings of it lasting, whenever they talk about Felicity they just mention him in passing. 

The pretty sure the dude has not filmed since 502. 

Will he come back later on in the season, possibly, maybe he never comes back at all. The dude deems to be in LA and anywhere else but Van rocking a full hideous beard that would not make it past CW auditioning tape. 

So I have no idea how it ends, Felicity ends it because her breakdown starts due to havenrock, she entrenches herself into the bunker more, or this is all due to Barry and his stupid flashpoint mistake. 


They may not be talking about Olicity, but they are not talking about anything, I really think last season's avalanche of spoilers really hurt them, and they want to keep it on lick down. 

All we are getting is the same thing repeated at SDCC phrased differently, we might have to accept the Arrow writers are clamping  down on talking about important stuff. 

If this BF makes it past episode 2 and is the one that helps her through her breakdown then ill be worried. Until then I see Felicity breaking down around episode 3-5 as stated by Emily, and Oliver in some way, its no conciedence Felicity's breakdown matches with the "Olicity" episode and Wendy said that Felicity going through havenrock self examination will better help her understand Oliver in that IMDB interview. 


I may be wrong and these writers are beyond stupid and decide to drag Olicity through the mud to the point where it becomes unrecognizable, but with what Marc said to Jbuffnangle, the way the episodes are lining up, with what emily said that "its going to be hard for felicity working with Oliver and being in love with him" 


Olicity is not over, Olicity playing a big part of the show is not over Greg Berlanti demands romance on his shows, what might be over after last seasons spoiler mess is that the writers and cast will speak less and say less. Notice the completely lack of BTS shots from anyone? We have had unprecedented BTS access as fans, we basically predicted and got spoiled on every major event last season. 

What I think happened is that Arrow needed to stall Olicity, its why season 4 ended the way it did, its why they are started the season apart. 

these writers can be horrible, some of the stuff they write makes no sense, but they will in my opinion ALWAYS write olicity, Oliver and Felicity will always circle each other and I think they wont dare have Ray 2.0 that is my belief. 

Hope im right. 

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44 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

My problem with that being a new love interest for Oliver was how quickly MG & BFS (I think) took to Twitter to say calm down.  They don't usually respond like that. I guess time will tell.

Probably because they still want everyone to watch and a lot of people were freaking out and threatening to stop watching after those sides. It was a bit of a low point, haha.

I'm sorry but even though they said those Tina sides were fake, that whole scene reads like Oliver training a new canary to me. IDK. It's possible it might only last a few episodes but I still think it's happening. Best of luck to the casting people in finding someone who doesn't make SA look constipated/NOTP face. LMAO.

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I have a hard time with this logic. 

They are teasing 5x05 because they want to keep Olicity fans watching. They are keeping it ambiguous because they want to keep Olicity fans watching. They are responding to Olicity/Felicity fans on twitter because they want to keep Olicity fans watching. BUT they are clearly getting a new Black Canary so Oliver can sex her up because of all those fans they haven't acknowledged. They know that BC/GA is a deal breaker for a lot of Olicity fans, they have syndication, what is the point of bothering to keep Olicity fans on the line? We want Olicity viewership but after this specific episode we don't care so whatever...?

Sigh. Half way thru typing this I realized it's an agree to disagree argument. But I typed this out so I'm posting it anyway.

Edited by Chaser
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No one said it was logical tbh. And no one said that they won't dangle O/F after 505 or there won't be any O/F at all. I'm sure they'll still have their moments. In fact, I still think Olicity will be together again eventually. I just happen to think it's not on the table this season. Happy to be proven wrong and I mean that genuinely.

But definitely, agree to disagree.

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13 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

No one said it was logical tbh. And no one said that they won't dangle O/F after 505 or there won't be any O/F at all. I'm sure they'll still have their moments. In fact, I still think Olicity will be together again eventually. I just happen to think it's not on the table this season. Happy to be proven wrong and I mean that genuinely.

But definitely, agree to disagree.

I dont think they can ignore Olicity for a full season. They might not be all wrapped up and be together but no kisses, no mistakes, so drama and declarations, yeah I think it would be nearly impossible for them to make it through a whole season with without Olicity being together in some important romantic way. 

Looking at it this way if Arrow follows its method of depressing beginning  and positive ending and vice versa thing Olicity should be good. 

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I actually love how Felicity and Oliver are working together in that new clip.  Can they stay like that?  Doubt it

"What does a guy need to do to get a little love?"  Yay, Anarky is the new Count.

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Of all the hardships a person had to face, none is more aweful than the simple act of waiting- or whatever the original quote says. 

Anticipation is the worst. 

Well. Mark me down as skeptical on the whole legacy thing. Hate the idea of ~noobs~, hate that Felicity has moved on so quickly (and to be fair, thanks writers!), hate that baby Connor picture and the fact that, perhaps, baby Sara is gone, I also very much hate and blame Barry and the golden Flash show for everything.

as far as laurel goes, it's business as usual, I don't care either way. 

So yeah. Expectations are way lowered. Why I am even still watching this show? I need alcohol, hangover medicine, and a huge dose of faith. 

Edited by RussianRoulette
I feel like this should go in a bitterness thread (afterwards of course!). Is there a membership? With like rewards or something? I might hang in there for a while.
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9 minutes ago, ARLES said:

I dont think they can ignore Olicity for a full season. They might not be all wrapped up and be together but no kisses, no mistakes, so drama and declarations, yeah I think it would be nearly impossible for them to make it through a whole season with without Olicity being together in some important romantic way. 

Looking at it this way if Arrow follows its method of depressing beginning  and positive ending and vice versa thing Olicity should be good. 

I'm telling you Feb Sweeps. Maybe they'll do an Olicity scene in MSF they've done one in 209, 309 and 409 so i wouldn't be shocked to get an important Olicity scene in 509 (especially if Antonio Negret is direcring) and then reunion sometime during Feb Sweeps.

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22 minutes ago, ARLES said:

I dont think they can ignore Olicity for a full season. They might not be all wrapped up and be together but no kisses, no mistakes, so drama and declarations, yeah I think it would be nearly impossible for them to make it through a whole season with without Olicity being together in some important romantic way. 

Looking at it this way if Arrow follows its method of depressing beginning  and positive ending and vice versa thing Olicity should be good. 

But I'm not saying they're going to ignore them? I never said there would be zero O/F moments or that they're done forever. They'll probably have some 'moments' in 509 and other sweeps episodes. But I'm also saying new love interests doesn't surprise me because they're trying to stall them for a while.

Anyway, I think I'll stop there because I'm getting repetitive! :)

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I know this is a minority opinion but I think I would prefer they not continue with Olicity and let Oliver and Felicity awesomely work together as partners in crime-fighting than go the route they have been and appear to be going.  I don't think I have it in me for yet another season of OTT relationship drama.  I know TPTB think it's enthralling but in reality, it's exhausting.  The ship just isn't that critical when it comes right down to it.  I'd rather get back to the S2 OTA dynamic and avoid having to watch the writers stumble through writing romance because I get major secondhand embarrassment at their incompetence. 

I still don't understand why we need 10,000 new comic book characters either.  One the biggest problems with S4 was there were too damn many people in the fight scenes.  For them to have Laurel's big reveal be the promise there will be more Canaries...just no.  This is not Arrow and Canary.  This is Arrow.  Can we please just have the Green Arrow and a couple of sidekicks?  

I'm kind of neutral on the Diggle kid drama mostly because it is just a kid with very little visibility on the show.  I don't think it's a comment on gender in Hollywood because it's not even really a speaking role.  Had they chosen to replace Thea with Theo then I'd be pissed.

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4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

But I'm not saying they're going to ignore them? I never said there would be zero O/F moments or that they're done forever. Like @Morrigan2575 just said, they'll probably have some 'moments' in 509 and other sweeps episodes. But I'm also saying new love interests doesn't surprise me because they're trying to stall them for a while.

Anyway, I think I'll stop there because I'm getting repetitive! :)

Dont look at me, I'm not saying some moments or teases I'm saying flatout Olicity will be back together by Feb Sweeps 

I'm saying 505 will have a positive Olicity momentum, that 509 will have an Olicity moment that will set them up for reunion and that by 513-515 they will be back together. 


I know this is a minority opinion but I think I would prefer they not continue with Olicity and let Oliver and Felicity awesomely work together as partners in crime-fighting than go the route they have been and appear to be going

I have no problem with that, romance has always been secondary or even tertiary for me. I hate stupid angst so I'm fine with Olicity being S2 (without the 206 shit). However, i don't think for a minute that's where the show is going.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Maximum drama:  509 wedding is Felicity & Malone, but Malone is killed by either Tobias Church or Prometheus right after the ceremony. -> Spurs Felicity to do whatever big thing she does in the back half of S5.

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

Dont look at me, I'm not saying some moments or teases I'm saying flatout Olicity will be back together by Feb Sweeps 

I'm saying 505 will have a positive Olicity momentum, that 509 will have an Olicity moment that will set them up for reunion and that by 513-515 they will be back together. 

I referred to you because you mentioned sweeps, not about anything else. But okay. I'll delete if it's that big of a problem.

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I referred to you because you mentioned sweeps, not about anything else. But okay. I'll delete if it's that big of a problem.

I'm not asking you to delete anything.  You said you don't think Olicity will be together this season. I don't agree with that at all, my position has always been the exact opposite of that. I've said from the end of S4 that S5 would be the reverse of every other season. The temp LI would be in play in 5A and that Olicity would be back together by Feb Sweeps. 

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11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

RE: Wedding. 

Don't get my hopes up! I wanted it in the 100th episode but the universe hates me. 

6 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Maximum drama:  509 wedding is Felicity & Malone, but Malone is killed by either Tobias Church or Prometheus right after the ceremony. -> Spurs Felicity to do whatever big thing she does in the back half of S5.

Stop putting horrible ideas in the universe!! TPTB have enough of their own. :p

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

What are mob weddings like? Is Oliver going to have to take out a bride or groom or something?



jk jk 




They have to have a mob wedding this season. You can't do the mob and not have some big family affair. 

2 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Don't get my hopes up! I wanted it in the 100th episode but the universe hates me. 

Seriously. I wanted it so bad. I actually wanted it in the crossover. Everyone gets invited to the wedding, it goes to hell, CROSSOVER, ends with Olicity surrounded by friends and family getting married by a justice of the peace or something. 

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I was trying to do a kinda reverse psychology type of thing where if you put it out there, it won't happen.

Oct. 7 is supposed to be the last day of shooting 508 and the first day of shooting 509.

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I like EK and Curtis, but I wish they had sent someone else to do the press. 

1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Goodfellas: Arrow edition 

Oliver is going to the mattresses. 

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How many S2 parallels can the EPs come up with...

Obvious Big Bad:  Brother Blood,  Tobias Church
Secret Big Bad:  Slade Wilson, Prometheus

And now possibly flashback love interest showing up in present day to hook up with Oliver again?

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WM calling Tommy 'Tom' is weird. I couldn't figure out who she was talking about at first.

The problem with giving Felicity a BF, is that is what people ask about instead of her storyline.

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From one of Wendy's interviews re: Oliver/Felicity:


And, at this point in the evolution of their relationship, we happen to be writing away from the romance, but you can never rule that out completely.

I can totally read the "because the network told us to" implied there.

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1 minute ago, dtissagirl said:

From one of Wendy's interviews re: Oliver/Felicity:

I can totally read the "because the network told us to" implied there.

"because the network told us to"....wait for sweeps.

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8 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

From one of Wendy's interviews re: Oliver/Felicity:

I can totally read the "because the network told us to" implied there.


6 minutes ago, Chaser said:

"because the network told us to"....wait for sweeps.

Stall, stall, stall...until Sweeps.

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Oh! Good lord! Is there enough alcohol in the world? 

I don't understand that. But you know, it'S my fault too, I imagined the whole relationship as a coach Taylor and Tammi Taylor thing. I was clearly wrong.

Edited by RussianRoulette
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When Felicity has a new love interest, what kind of man can measure up to Ray and Oliver?
That’s a really good question. I think we wanted to have a guy, straight shooter, honorable, kind of man of the people and someone that is completely different than Ray and Oliver. He’s not a superhero, doesn’t have any aspirations to be a superhero but in his own way, he is a hero. He loves her.

LOL, kay. 

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Yup. And the easiest way to deal with keeping the main 'ship apart is to throw Temporary Love Interests as them. I mean, it's kinda insulting to our intelligence that temp LIs whose only narrative function is cockblocking are the default setting, but it's not like this is anything new in network TV. AND temp LIs work better on binge-watches, which these folks know as well. And the buckets of moneys Netflix are throwing at the CW obviously drive plot as much as anything else.

I still have no interest in watching either O or F have relationships with randos, but I can't say I don't understand exactly why they're doing it.

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So basically they have the chemistry and the love but they don't want them to be together. Therefore the audience has to endure pointless love interests. And I mean, I don't mind a new female in the mix but don't they have enough characters to service at the moment. It feels as thought there are currently 19034  new people in the mix. Kidding just a little. 

So, the cop loves Felicity. It is awesome that the audience got to experience that to be on board with it. 

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SA's answer about BC made me laugh. We are going to give her a legacy because she's BC and comes with one apparently and then get back to what the show actually does well cause she's dead and now we can.

WM's answer makes me laugh too. It's such a troll. He is a great guy and he loves her and we haven't seen him on set since 3x01/3x02. 

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I think Decretive Mayo may be the season's Poppy. I didn't hashtag because you have to be able to distinguish. 

There's #Poppy. The original.

#Mr.Poppy. Married to the original.

and Poppy. Temp LI that will be a bigger deal in theory then actuality, much like the original.

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Amell: Well, we find out something very interesting about Black Canary and that character and the idea of Black Canary in our premiere. And then it feels -- again, this term has been used too much -- but it feels like we are as a show focusing on the things that we do well.

Which is not the Black Canary.

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Is she ready for a relationship?
That’s an excellent question as well. I think she’s trying to figure that out. I think that Oliver is a tough act to follow. I think Oliver quite possibly in her mind at the end of season four might still be the love of her life, but I think she feels that she owes it to herself to figure out whether that’s true or not.

This WM comment actually gave me hope.

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It's funny. They are writing away from it but Oliver totally loves Felicity and wants to get back together and Felicity thinks Oliver is the love of her life. Oh and watch 5x05 because it's an Olicity episode. Oh and that one director, he totally may be coming back for 5x09. But but Felicity has a BF who isn't a superhero but he super loves her and sure you we didn't lay any ground work for a relationship but you should totally take this seriously.


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Maybe at this point the producers should just stop talking about the show because every time they do, I'd like to shake my head. I am prepared that the season might be a rough one but them talking about it makes it so much worse.

Also, it is so petty but I am not sure I'd feel to bad if the ratings turned out bad for the premiere after all this wonderful promotion.

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