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Okay, so the joke was hammered to death, even within the episode (and was so popular online that there were a few people on TWoP who would run screaming at its being deployed), but, as Oz says in Anne…"There's a reason it's a classic".



(hmm, Tara doesn't seem particularly brain-sucked compared to everyone else here;  I guess Glory made them all a level playing field?)







Although my favorite part is still Xander's final "He's subletting from her??"

Speaking of Xander, earlier in the season:



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3 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Okay, so the joke was hammered to death, even within the episode (and was so popular online that there were a few people on TWoP who would run screaming at its being deployed), but, as Oz says in Anne…"There's a reason it's a classic".



(hmm, Tara doesn't seem particularly brain-sucked compared to everyone else here;  I guess Glory made them all a level playing field?)







Although my favorite part is still Xander's final "He's subletting from her??"

Speaking of Xander, earlier in the season:



Certainly the writers of Dr Who thought so. 

8 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

Ah Willow and CC in the closet together, such an opportunity! 

Still doesn't excuse Buffy leaving them there for hours, though.  If you want Willow to get over that pesky heterosexuality hang-up, Buffy, you're going to have to do it yourself.  (And yes, I know Halloween is coming up soon, but even so.)


"Buffy, if you want Willow, you're going to have to speak up, girl!"

"No, no speaking up! That only leads to sweaty palms…and then I can't hold the stakes properly…"

Edited by Halting Hex
On ‎03‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 9:48 AM, lembergwatcher said:

But they did. Unfortunately. Or it was some bleached perv's job...

No they didn't, if anything they gave Willow a gift too in her beloved Dawnie. I like the way in Tabula Rusa not only do Dawn and Joan feel their instant sisterly bond but Willow is instantly her favourite Aunt.  





(yes, yes, they missed the "Groping in a broom closet isn't dating" line, I know.  They're bad screencappers, bad! Anyway…)

I love my Xillow moments and my Jenny/Giles, but if I have to be honest, this is the pairing that felt most like a real relationship.  Plus  CC…oh, Charisma, I adore you.

Now if I could only figure out why the word "shee" is scrawled across the inside of Cordelia's locker door.  This is Surprise, so it's before BB&B, so this can't be about her insult of Harmony, or anything like that.  Odd.

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Let's back up a bit with Xordelia, shall we?


And yeah, they missed Xander's "Mañana" here.  Perhaps they didn't know how to do the accent over the "n"?

And hey, there's an "UNBELIEVABLY FUN & REALLY COOL RALLY!" on the schedule, to judge by the poster in the b/g.  The organizing committee may lack vocabulary skills, but they seem to be doing okay on the enthusiasm front, at least.






Love how Cordy seems ticked off that Xander's forgetting (minimizing?) this part of the gig.  Not to mention that she's carrying around an issue of allure along with her textbooks.



Okay, so Cordelia also would enjoy having minions, but that still doesn't make Buffy's later comparison of her to Glory valid, IMO;  I'm pretty sure that leprous hobbits would be a big "no" in CC's book.  Or, technically, a big "ew!"

Edited by Halting Hex

In The Dark Age, Willow was play acting Giles to become him and play that senior research role. The tea. The “Any fool could see it’s Etruscan.” Why it’s “Get the hell out of my library.” It’s hilarious especially after Buffy complimented Willow on the extraordinary details of her Anywhere But Here game. Willow pretends to be Giles in the ep’s plot, also down to the details. 

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And she defended Giles by hypothesizing that he sometimes got "restless", where Buffy and Xander were cracking jokes about "his diapers were tweed" and such.  Sometimes her protectiveness of Giles borders on naiveté ("But…tea, right?"), but it's always sweet.

(See also her look of bemused disappointment when Xander wins the 10-minutes-or-less "I must consult my books" bet in When She Was Bad; I can just imagine her and Xander debating whether there was more to Giles than just The Watcher. [Not that she's wrong, but sometimes the Books must be consulted, after all.]  And we see in the "Trout…is a fish" scene the Scooby dynamic at work:  Giles looks to protect Buffy, Willow looks to protect Giles, and Xander looks to protect Willow.  Aw, on several levels.)

Note also that Xander describes himself as "restless" at the start of WSWB, not long before Willow and Xander nearly kiss.  Is part of Willow's adoration of Jenny/Giles a projection of her feelings about her and Xander's future?  Wow, now I really hate Angel. 

(Who saves Jenny's life in both the episodes I'm discussing.  But even so.)

And, speaking of The Dark Age:







Ohhh, would you look at that??

I'd caught Willow's reaction to this line before (it's a bit harder to notice at normal speed, with the camera quickly cutting to Giles, than it is in freeze-frame, obviously), but I hadn't noticed that Nick also has Xander pulling a face. 

I guess Willow and Xander both see you, Buffy!  They love you…but they see you, too.  Even if they leave it to Giles to actually say it…


Feel free, G-Man, feel free.  (Even if you end up being the one with the iss-yews this episode.)

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Well, given how much crap Xillow had taken for their "impending-death exception" smoochies, I doubt the audience would have been much more accepting of "impending-apocalypse exception" sex.  And Xander, whipping boy raised by mongrels and set on a sacrificial stone that he be, would probably have taken the brunt of fandom's ire, since Willow would have been trying to be loyal to the old Pez-Wolf, but Xander would have "seduced" her.  After Dan Webber had made Xillow pay the price for their "sins" in his Lovers Walk script, I'm really not sure things would have gone so well if he'd revisited the issue in his "parody" script later on in the year.

And it's not as though Xander's attraction to Faith came out of left field; Cordelia had called him out on it, ten episodes ago.   So I don't mind his being "steered around the curves", no matter how roughly it may have worked out for him in the future.

Meanwhile, in the other sequence, Willow lets Buffy know it's either her or Cordelia…and Buffy immediately chooses Willow.  Oh, Slayer, where did it all go wrong?  Sigh.

Really, Buffy?   It's been almost three years since Willow came out of the closet and you're still describing it as "experimenting"? Screw you.  I mean, I guess I'm glad Buffy didn't describe Willow's sexuality as "a phase", but still.

Unless those quasi-homophobic "Dirty Little Secret" reaction looks from Buffy and Willow are because they think Robin means they've been "experimenting" together, but even so, it wouldn't be any of Robin's business, would it?  Grr.

Meanwhile, back in happier times:




On 12/25/2018 at 2:45 PM, Halting Hex said:

Dan Webber

That's "Vebber", of course.  And as the "v" and the "w" are nowhere near each other on the keyboard, this must be Auto-correct being wayyyy over-enthusiastic.  Sheesh.

"Vebber I'm right…or Vebber I'm wrong…I gotta be me! I gotta be me!  (Spelled with a V!, Yes, spelled with a V!)"

Er, carry on.


And yet CC is the one who ends up (allegedly) dying (if you believe easily-faked phone calls to easily-fooled vampires, that is), while Demon #1, Demon #2 and Demon-Spawn all live happily ever after.  Screw them all and the series they rode in on.  

I really hate Not Fade Away so much.  Angel's "kill five humans, save five demons" so-called "triumph" makes me want to puke.

But that's for a thread I don't visit.  In part because of exactly that…

Edited by Halting Hex
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