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Supernatural Fanfiction

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I have to add, Mick and I are having a blast reading fanfic! Picture a Biker with long blond hair and a beard, six two and 230 lbs, eating this stuff up!


He told me today, "You mention this to any of my Bros, I'll kill you."


I honestly think he meant it.


Oh, and catrox14 , he said to tell you the (Jim) Beam's on him!

We will never tell, it's a secret I don't share with my friends anyway.  Does this mean I'm living a secret life???

Mick Lady, has Mick seen his shoutout yet? If not, could you please show it to him for me?  ; )


Oh he saw it! Mick was actually embarrassed! I really have to get him to post.

We will never tell, it's a secret I don't share with my friends anyway.  Does this mean I'm living a secret life???


Yeah. I think we all have a secret life!  But I have several Supernatural T-shirts, so maybe not so much. I get a ton of comments from complete strangers on my "You're good, but I'm Crowley" shirt. I'm always surprised by the cross section of people that love this show!

Oh Mick. That's so Dean of you! Next thing you know, you'll be telling us, you like Taylor Swift ...


:) Your secret is safe with us.....

 Hee! He never listened to her until he saw The Hillywood Show. He's having a hard enough time resigning himself to how much he loves Fanfic! He had some friends stop by today, real 1%ers, and it took all I had not to shout out the window to him "7kstar has another chapter up!"


He'd kill me...


Remind me to tell you all sometime how I got him addicted to The Gilmore Girls. I'm serious, and Mick loves Kirk!

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Oh he saw it! Mick was actually embarrassed! I really have to get him to post.


Oh, please tell him I didn't mean to embarrass him. Since you had posted that you guys read my fanfiction together, I just figured I would also include him in the chapter dedication along with you... but I can edit it, and take him out if he'd like... that's the nice thing about fanfiction.net. Even really old stories can be edited.


So tell him to just give me the word and I'll take it out.


I'm serious, and Mick loves Kirk!


Well that's because Kirk is awesome.   ; )   (He's like the Butters of Gilmore Girls.)

Edited by AwesomO4000

Thanks Guys! I like him.


Oh AwesomO4000, please don't take it out! He was just very flattered! Mick thinks you guys are so cool!


Yes, that's his "Baby", he built it himself  The name is Bucephalus, after Alexander the Great's war horse.



I like the name, but I like the name he had for the Harley he had before this one better. He named her "Mother Abagail", after the Stephen King character from The Strand. Now that was cool!


And Butters? That's his favorite kid from South Park! He even breaks out into "Ohh Baby Please Don't Go" once in a while...

Edited by Mick Lady
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Okay this one is tied to an older story - also a challenge word.  This one is suppose to be humor.  You need to read Melt first I think for it to make sense.


Melt & Double Trouble


I've never been to a convention.  Don't know if it will continue...Reviews usually inspire the muse...but at this point this is all I've got.


ETA:  Hope the link works now.

Edited by 7kstar
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Guys, it's a sickness. Tell me to stop.

I couldn't keep this one short, either.

H is for Haunted:



Loved it! But did you have to add the "Aging Lab"? I love dogs, and have a few Labs. Rip my heart out why don't you?


Seriously though, nicely done. The Fanfic coming out of this place is amazing!

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Okay, I suck (TM Buffy). I'm just getting around to B... and I totally blew the 500 word limit, like doubled it this time. As I said, I suck. ; )


The Big Brother

I don't care if you go over 500.  If you want to create a monster you can't finish that is up to you.


I was just trying to keep it short enough so people could feel they could play if they only have a little bit of time to give to creating their work. 


I have a monster that still isn't done 7 years later.  I think I'm stronger at starting a story than finishing it.  I'm trying to change...but my energy to write keeps running off.  Shame on Dean and Sam...hiding my muse like that.  :)

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I have a monster that still isn't done 7 years later.  I think I'm stronger at starting a story than finishing it.  I'm trying to change...but my energy to write keeps running off.  Shame on Dean and Sam...hiding my muse like that.  :)


Oh, I can so relate to all of that - monsters that take years to finish, and strong beginnings that become a struggle. With me, I often have the end - sometimes I write that soon after the beginning - it's the middle I get bogged down in, and then somehow getting from the beginning to that end I've already written... I lose track of how it was I was supposed to get there in the first place.


And my muse? What a fickle thing she is. All these tempting little scenes, but then she doesn't want to give me that inspiration on how to transition them... she just wants the "good stuff." Greedy little minx.

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Oh, I can so relate to all of that - monsters that take years to finish, and strong beginnings that become a struggle. With me, I often have the end - sometimes I write that soon after the beginning - it's the middle I get bogged down in, and then somehow getting from the beginning to that end I've already written... I lose track of how it was I was supposed to get there in the first place.


And my muse? What a fickle thing she is. All these tempting little scenes, but then she doesn't want to give me that inspiration on how to transition them... she just wants the "good stuff." Greedy little minx.

Add to that, I always have the scenes written in my head but then I start to write them down and they leave.


Plus I was always compared to others growing up, so I see the fics with so many reviews and then I get down thinking they were right, I must not be any good or people would review.  Then I dust myself off again and try to write for just me, but I must admit I'm a spoiled brat and I want those reviews, damn it.  :)

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Massive party going on here. I started to post ...Awesome, SueB ,Omegamom, 7star and Crowley walks into a bar....


And Mick reading over my shoulder said, "No! Awesome, SueB ,Omegamom and, 7star walk into a bar to find catrox14 and Crowley rippin it up on Karaoke!


I'm not responsible! I'm very drunk and leaving to get back to the party. Happy Forth dudes!!!!

  • Love 4

Massive party going on here. I started to post ...Awesome, SueB ,Omegamom, 7star and Crowley walks into a bar....


And Mick reading over my shoulder said, "No! Awesome, SueB ,Omegamom and, 7star walk into a bar to find catrox14 and Crowley rippin it up on Karaoke!


I'm not responsible! I'm very drunk and leaving to get back to the party. Happy Forth dudes!!!!

After having one too many, 7kstar pulls Demon Dean on to the stage and even allows him to pick the song.  Somewhere along the line the stage gets crowded with Catrox14 trying to upstage us.  However, Demon Dean has had enough and shoved everyone on to the floor as he doesn't like to share the spotlight.


Catrox14 and I don't mind, we wind up staring at his arms...right?


Happy 4th of July!

Edited by 7kstar
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Just staring at his arms??? There are other things I'd like to stare at. ;-)

Hubby was ecstatic that we've had enough rain that he felt safe shooting off a few fireworks left over from our huge stash we transported when we moved from Alaska. Unfortunately, before he got too far, the uptight neighbor from "across the street" cruised by, so Rick chickened out. Now we are expecting a sternly-worded note to hit the neighborhood email list.


We had a blast on the fourth in Alaska, the only problem was that it wasn't dark enough...New Year's Eve was better.

Happy Fourth of July, all!

::Omegamom goes back to lasciviously watching all the handsome guys, and grabs a couple to dance with::

And Awesom boos Demon Dean, because he's singing "I'm Too Sexy" again and not doing it right. I mean come on, Demon Dean, if you're going to do that song, you at least have to rip your shirt when you sing the "I'm too sexy for my shirt" line. Pfft everybody knows that. Awesom tries to appeal to Crowley to do something about that, but Crowley disses her, because her drink is even more girly than his. She sits and stews, daydreaming of various ways to get back at Crowley. Maybe she'll get really tipsy and sing "Oh, Danny Boy" at Karaoke to make him cry unless SueB talks her out of it.

  • Love 3

So, a friend of mine hung out with me this weekend. She doesn't know squat about SPN and I asked her to  read my little thing I wrote about demon!Dean. She said she thought it was good and it made her want to know what was coming next. Then we watched 5 episodes of the first seasons.  She didn't hate it so that was good know!


Not sure if she'll watch more but she thinks the boys are pretty hot. LOL

Edited by catrox14
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That's me, too, 7kstar. My hubby doesn't like scary stuff, so a lot of the earlier stuff wouldn't work for him. The daughter is into more standard soapy stuff, with teen stars--Pretty Little Liars, for instance--and Grey's Anatomy. She sniffs every time I bring up Supernatural.

I do have one Internet friend who might be interested in my fanfic, though...

Now wait just a minute here.   I would NEVER be caught dead, alive or undead with Crowley. I would stab that fucker in his face in two seconds. 


I would never let Demon!Dean push me anywhere but onto a comfortable or uncomfortable place and he conveniently lands on top of me...


I don't know catrox14, I've always seen you as a bit more...cunning. Charlie like if you will!  Crowley wouldn't stand a chance!


Why do I fear for Dean, Demon!Dean or not, if you get your hands on him? Honestly, the fantasy life I have for all you guys! Sometime I'll give you all the rundown on how Mick sees you all! He's profiled you all!

Rules for you writers! (Org. post on another Forum I read, by Tallpine.)


1. Avoid alliteration. Always.
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3. Avoid clichés like the plague. (They're old hat.)
4. Employ the vernacular.
5. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
6. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
7. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.
8. Contractions aren't necessary.
9. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
10. One should never generalize.
11. Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
12. Comparisons are as bad as clichés.
13. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous.
14. Profanity sucks.
15. Be more or less specific.
16. Understatement is always best.
17. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
18. One-word sentences? Eliminate.
19. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
20. The passive voice is to be avoided.
21. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
22. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
23.Who needs rhetorical questions?

I try to avoid passive voice and show not tell.  But sometimes no matter how I try to rephrase it the preposition winds up at the end of the sentence. 


And don't forget those silly little things called transitions...sigh...no wonder it takes forever to finish a story.  :)


All right, Mick Lady perhaps it time for you to venture into writing.  lol

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