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Dr. Tara Lewis (Aisha Tyler)


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It is quite sad about Ms. Tyler. I wish her well. One of my possibly ex-friends separated last year after many years of marriage.

If there's truth in the story he ended their marriage because she could't conceive, I feel that is so heartless. Sorry, I'm old school and a Christian and I believe in honoring your vows "for better, for worse." I don't believe in staying with an abuser and I am not sure I could stay with an adulterer although I would probably be able to forgive him. But I wouldn't leave my husband if he were sterile, or had a serious illness or lost his job. We've had so many struggles in our marriage. We've been married for 32 years and our marriage is better than ever, probably because we made it through those tough times. But as for Aisha, we don't know, nor are we entitled to know, their whole story. I'm just sorry that a marriage that has lasted so long has come to an end. 

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If there's truth in the story he ended their marriage because she could't conceive, I feel that is so heartless. Sorry, I'm old school and a Christian and I believe in honoring your vows "for better, for worse." I don't believe in staying with an abuser and I am not sure I could stay with an adulterer although I would probably be able to forgive him. But I wouldn't leave my husband if he were sterile, or had a serious illness or lost his job. We've had so many struggles in our marriage. We've been married for 32 years and our marriage is better than ever, probably because we made it through those tough times. But as for Aisha, we don't know, nor are we entitled to know, their whole story. I'm just sorry that a marriage that has lasted so long has come to an end. 

Yes, it is heartless. It seems as if he's valuing Aisha for the state of her reproductive organs, not her heart, mind and soul. I wish Ms. Tyler nothing but joy and happiness. I've always found her just lovely, and very talented with a tireless work ethic.

And much kudos to you and Mr. SSAHotchner on making it to over 30 years. It's good to know there are couples who handle trouble and strife with dignity, grace and a lot of love for each other. Hugs!!!!!

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There is a lot of venom running through my veins right now...

This interview is a waste of time, she doesn't say anything about the mood in the set (maybe she couldn't say). Fans, Hotch's fans at least, we already know we are going to miss him. And she isn't telling anything about the next episodes either. Why they are even posting this?


P.S.: don't get me wrong, I don't mind if they are sad or happy. They may be sad for the situation and happy for the "new enviroment" or they just don't care. But the interview is useless, it makes me feel like a fool and that makes me angry.

Edited by smoker
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I read this some hours ago and I thought it was really a waste of "ink and paper" (even if it wasn't really on paper!!)

She doesn't say anything we didn't already know (of course we are going to miss Hotch, andnot only his fans, CM fans in general) and she doesn't say a word about how the cast and the crew are feeling about it, as the title suggests (misleading is the correct word here? I'm not sure) 

Absolutely useless!!

Of course !! I didn't mean it was her fault, the title of the article is obviously not chosen by her. 

And if she doesn't reveal any more "secrets", it's because she is not allowed to. 

(I'm having problems signing in, and I can't quote the previous post, I hope this appears where I meant it to, or it won't make any sense...)

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I thought she handled herself well, the title was not hers, as misleading as it is. I'm sure no one can speak about anything to do with the incident. No one. She gave a shout out to the fans missing Thomas, but she tried to spin it as positive as possible without lying, unlike some other people we know. Plus, she flat out said there's a solution to the Hotch character, but she was sworn to secrecy. I admire that. It's kinda, boom, can't say nuthin' else, dude! I like the way AT handles herself.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 5
46 minutes ago, normasm said:

I thought she handled herself well, the title was not hers, as misleading as it is. I'm sure no one can speak about anything to do with the incident. No one. She gave a shout out to the fans missing Thomas, but she tried to spin it as positive as possible without lying, unlike some other people we know. Plus, she flat out said there's a solution to the Hotch character, but she was sworn to secrecy. I admire that. It's kinda, boom, can't say nuthin' else, dude! I like the way AT handles herself.

yes, you make me remember someone who lies about everything realted to this show ;)

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, normasm said:

I thought she handled herself well, the title was not hers, as misleading as it is. I'm sure no one can speak about anything to do with the incident. No one. She gave a shout out to the fans missing Thomas, but she tried to spin it as positive as possible without lying, unlike some other people we know. Plus, she flat out said there's a solution to the Hotch character, but she was sworn to secrecy. I admire that. It's kinda, boom, can't say nuthin' else, dude! I like the way AT handles herself.

 So did I. But did anyone pick up even the slightest bit of panic on the part of the actress. I am asking because that was the claim a couple of people were making else where. However that is something I don't seem to be picking up myself, than again maybe I am missing something.

The people who are saying they sense panic in Aisha's comments typically are ones who are gleefully hoping for the show to be canceled. So they want them all to feel and display panic because they know the end is near. The commenters are simply projecting their own hopes for the demise of the show into Aisha's comments. 

  • Love 8

I didn't sense a single sign of panic in AT, one thing is she had to do a nonsense interview and another to say she isn't ready to deal with the media, and she is a real pro.

Nevertheless, about the gleefully hoping thing, I have an intense fantasy where CM is cancelled the sooner the better. Why? because I spent a lot of energy wishing it was renewed and now I feel free to focus that energy in other thoughts. That's have nothing to do with my personal perception of CM related interviews and statements.

I understand all of CM fans don't care about the same things. It's ok. I didn't care when PB or SM were gone either. I didn't miss them. But the time when I was a fan of CM as a show is far gone, I watch out of habit and to get my Hotchner fix, so, knowing that, I think, everybody can understand my point.

Anyway, there is an undeniable reality, the show doesn't have much time left, not because of SM or TG, but the lack of quality and ability to entertain. Numbers are lower every season, even for the few good/decent episodes... Do you think ocasional viewers wanna come back after an episode like Outlaw or Inner beauty? Bringing PB isn't going to change that. I am not saying the show isn't going to keep it this season, and who knows? Maybe even gets renewed for a 13th.

Vanishing Hotchner could be a blessing in disguise. I could buy some time to that writers so anemic of talent.

It's clear to me while Productors don't have a better project, where they could redirect the money, and the show's worthwhile, CM will survive.

Edited by smoker
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Because a full order for a 12th, and talk of a 13th season and beyond just screams "cancellation".

I get that some want the show to end, that really isn't our call though, is it? The best way to make your feelings known is to just stop watching. Personally, I'm in no hurry to send off Dr. Reid to a character graveyard. I'll watch til he's old and gray, in whatever iteration he embodies.

  • Love 5

The show is honestly wearing me out, television-wise.  It wouldn't break my heart to see it go, except that it would deprive me of my fairly consistent weekly dose of one Dr. Spencer Reid, even though that is sadly minimal.  I do however want to see it through a S12 and be picked up for S13.  Although I despair over the loss of Hotch, it would be a tiny comfort (albeit cold) to see it survive without him.  Because reasons.  Some of you know what they are.  Apparently I hold a grudge.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

The people who are saying they sense panic in Aisha's comments typically are ones who are gleefully hoping for the show to be canceled. So they want them all to feel and display panic because they know the end is near.The commenters are simply projecting their own hopes for the demise of the show into Aisha's comments. 

True indeed. And these people are the biggest reason I am hoping the show will survive. The other reason I am just not ready to see the character of Reid to come to an end just yet. It is one thing to say you are no longer going to watch because your favorite character will no longer be a part of the show. I get that I really do. And I see nothing at all wrong with it. I'd have the exact same attitude if it was my favorite. It is these ones who are advocating for the end of the show that I have a problem with. I get that they are pissed because they feel their favorite got a raw deal. And maybe he did, but is that the fault of the rest of the cast and crew.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, MMC said:

True indeed. And these people are the biggest reason I am hoping the show will survive. The other reason I am just not ready to see the character of Reid to come to an end just yet. It is one thing to say you are no longer going to watch because your favorite character will no longer be a part of the show. I get that I really do. And I see nothing at all wrong with it. I'd have the exact same attitude if it was my favorite. It is these ones who are advocating for the end of the show that I have a problem with. I get that they are pissed because they feel their favorite got a raw deal. And maybe he did, but is that the fault of the rest of the cast and crew.

THIS!!! this , this, THIS! ditto and ditto. I can't express any better this is EXACTLY how I feel.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Franky said:

Because a full order for a 12th, and talk of a 13th season and beyond just screams "cancellation".


7 hours ago, ReidFan said:

I think the show can survive the loss of Hotch.  It survived Morgan leaving and he has the most profile on the net of all of them.  And the highest Q score. I think as long as they recast the departing ones with good and empathetic characters it should be okay.  I'm looking at it positively.  


55 minutes ago, MMC said:

True indeed. And these people are the biggest reason I am hoping the show will survive. The other reason I am just not ready to see the character of Reid to come to an end just yet. It is one thing to say you are no longer going to watch because your favorite character will no longer be a part of the show. I get that I really do. And I see nothing at all wrong with it. I'd have the exact same attitude if it was my favorite. It is these ones who are advocating for the end of the show that I have a problem with. I get that they are pissed because they feel their favorite got a raw deal. And maybe he did, but is that the fault of the rest of the cast and crew.

Not true. 

In the end your arguments are not so different from mine. Your favourite character is still there and you want your fix. Well, my fav character is going to disapear by an extremely harmful  storyline. Aside of that. I said:

"there is an undeniable reality, the show doesn't have much time left, not because of SM or TG, but the lack of quality and ability to entertain. Numbers are lower every season, even for the few good/decent episodes... Do you think ocasional viewers wanna come back after an episode like Outlaw or Inner beauty? Bringing PB isn't going to change that. I am not saying the show isn't going to keep it this season, and who knows? Maybe even gets renewed for a 13th."

So, I don't think there will be a "cancellation", even if I wish it.

That implies the show can survive any loss, even if that makes me sad.

Getting pissed off by an opposite opinion is normal, but if you are not ready to see the character you love disapear neither do I.

  • Love 1

Maybe directing your ire towards Thomas Gibson would be helpful, as his actions are the reason we won't be seeing your favorite character in any but the first two episodes. 

You claim it's an 'undeniable reality' that the show doesn't have much time left. I don't feel that any of us can possibly know that for certain, as we never even expected to get this far. The show definitely has its detractors, but what is undeniable is that it still has the ability to entertain. 

Whoops! Forgot this is the Aisha thread. Sorry for misposting!

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, smoker said:



Not true. 

In the end your arguments are not so different from mine. Your favourite character is still there and you want your fix. Well, my fav character is going to disapear by an extremely harmful  storyline. Aside of that. I said:

"there is an undeniable reality, the show doesn't have much time left, not because of SM or TG, but the lack of quality and ability to entertain. Numbers are lower every season, even for the few good/decent episodes... Do you think ocasional viewers wanna come back after an episode like Outlaw or Inner beauty? Bringing PB isn't going to change that. I am not saying the show isn't going to keep it this season, and who knows? Maybe even gets renewed for a 13th."

So, I don't think there will be a "cancellation", even if I wish it.

That implies the show can survive any loss, even if that makes me sad.

Getting pissed off by an opposite opinion is normal, but if you are not ready to see the character you love disapear neither do I.

You are not telling me a thing I haven't already thought about myself. This show was once must see tv for me. Today I semi watch it at best. And it's only because of Reid I even watch it that much. Because as your rightly pointed out the quality of the show just isn't what it use to be. And yes my favorite is still there, although he has been barely used these past few seasons. I am sorry your favorite is gone. I am going to miss him too. But as Franky did point out it is partly due to his own actions. That doesn't mean I am happy they fired him. I wish they had not. As for his story line I think you may be jumping the gun a bit since we really have nothing but speculation at this point as to exactly how they plan to write him out. One would hope they'd not be stupid enough to kill him off.

  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, Franky said:

Maybe directing your ire towards Thomas Gibson would be helpful, as his actions are the reason we won't be seeing your favorite character in any but the first two episodes. 

You claim it's an 'undeniable reality' that the show doesn't have much time left. I don't feel that any of us can possibly know that for certain, as we never even expected to get this far. The show definitely has its detractors, but what is undeniable is that it still has the ability to entertain. 

Whoops! Forgot this is the Aisha thread. Sorry for misposting!

I would do it, but TG doesn't have a say in Hotchner future. I'd be happy if he was promoted or retired.

You are right, I cant see the future, that would be awesome ;D

But the number of viewers was low last season, maybe it gets better, we'll see.

40 minutes ago, MMC said:

You are not telling me a thing I haven't already thought about myself. This show was once must see tv for me. Today I semi watch it at best. And it's only because of Reid I even watch it that much. Because as your rightly pointed out the quality of the show just isn't what it use to be. And yes my favorite is still there, although he has been barely used these past few seasons. I am sorry your favorite is gone. I am going to miss him too. But as Franky did point out it is partly due to his own actions. That doesn't mean I am happy they fired him. I wish they had not. As for his story line I think you may be jumping the gun a bit since we really have nothing but speculation at this point as to exactly how they plan to write him out. One would hope they'd not be stupid enough to kill him off.

That's the thing, Hotch did nothing. I talk about the character. I care about the character's future. I am whining for Hotch not because of TG.

They could retire him or something like that... I dont want him dead or worse.

p.s.: I am not happy about the firing either but that's another matter.

Edited by smoker
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, MMC said:

True indeed. And these people are the biggest reason I am hoping the show will survive. The other reason I am just not ready to see the character of Reid to come to an end just yet. It is one thing to say you are no longer going to watch because your favorite character will no longer be a part of the show. I get that I really do. And I see nothing at all wrong with it. I'd have the exact same attitude if it was my favorite. It is these ones who are advocating for the end of the show that I have a problem with. I get that they are pissed because they feel their favorite got a raw deal. And maybe he did, but is that the fault of the rest of the cast and crew.

I disagree. Some of us saying we'd rather the show would end are not saying that because of Hotch or any other character. Hotch is far from my favourite - I don't dislike him, I certainly like him better than Morgan or Garcia (and Tara, because I always forget about her), but that's about it. And it's not even the disruption from him leaving without being able to film an exit, either. I just feel like the show is getting old and stale and would prefer for it to end on its own terms rather than be cancelled after a few more increasingly boring seasons.

And I don't think the exit storyline will be ideal but that isn't the writers' faults. I wish people would stop blaming them for the situation. They're left with bad options and they may very well pick the worst bad option instead of the best bad option, but they're all bad options.


Since I just realized what thread this is, I hope that whatever storyline they choose gives Tara a chance to be relevant. I've said this so many times, but she's like a non-entity to me. I don't dislike her (usually), but I totally forget the character exists until I am actively reminded. It's kind of unfortunate. I don't know if this is just me or if others feel this way also.

43 minutes ago, secnarf said:

I disagree. Some of us saying we'd rather the show would end are not saying that because of Hotch or any other character. Hotch is far from my favourite - I don't dislike him, I certainly like him better than Morgan or Garcia (and Tara, because I always forget about her), but that's about it. And it's not even the disruption from him leaving without being able to film an exit, either. I just feel like the show is getting old and stale and would prefer for it to end on its own terms rather than be cancelled after a few more increasingly boring seasons.

And I don't think the exit storyline will be ideal but that isn't the writers' faults. I wish people would stop blaming them for the situation. They're left with bad options and they may very well pick the worst bad option instead of the best bad option, but they're all bad options.


Since I just realized what thread this is, I hope that whatever storyline they choose gives Tara a chance to be relevant. I've said this so many times, but she's like a non-entity to me. I don't dislike her (usually), but I totally forget the character exists until I am actively reminded. It's kind of unfortunate. I don't know if this is just me or if others feel this way also.

But I wasn't referring to you and other like you. But those people I was referencing do exists, because I've seen them. As far as wanting the show to end, you can end it anytime for yourself by choosing to no longer watch. I have chosen to not watch it much as I use to. Because I found myself not enjoying it anywhere near as much as I use too. But at the same time I don't actively advocate for it's cancellation. Because I realize there are still people who enjoy watching it. Now that doesn't mean I am being in denial about the status of the show. Yes I hope it survives. But I also realize this could very well be its last season.

3 hours ago, secnarf said:

Since I just realized what thread this is, I hope that whatever storyline they choose gives Tara a chance to be relevant. I've said this so many times, but she's like a non-entity to me. I don't dislike her (usually), but I totally forget the character exists until I am actively reminded. It's kind of unfortunate. I don't know if this is just me or if others feel this way also.

Seeing Aisha in "The Storm" makes me think there's far more she could bring to the table for Tara Lewis than the show seems to give her. So I too am hoping Lewis can get something meaningful- since I believe Aisha Tyler could knock it out of the park.

I like Aisha, but nothing about Lewis has really interested me. I think the recent/current writers have a hard time introducing a new team member. I liked Prentiss. I liked Rossi. I liked Jordan Todd, even though she was a temporary replacement. But once they started with Seaver, it was downhill. They brought in a character that long time viewers were savvy enough to know would never in a million years be a part of the BAU, and it was even worse because they also announced they were getting rid of two characters that a lot of viewers loved at the same time.

When Prentiss left the 2nd time, I was not at all optimistic about Jeanne Tripplehorn. I had only seen her in a few films and I wasn't wowed by her in them. They tried in her first episode to prove her worth by having her figure some stuff out and giving her linguistic skills, which we all knew Reid already had. Then they backed off and hardly gave her anything to do. It took a while for her to grow on me, and I began to appreciate that she wanted her character to be different from any of the other female agents that had been there before. So while I appreciated her laid back ways and I loved her support and encouragement of Reid and that she seemed to be the only one around who was capable of treating him as an adult, her laid back personality and the lack of material the writers were giving her made her feel boring to a lot of viewers. But I was sad when she left. I admire her for sticking it out amidst the fan criticism and the lack of good writing for her character. She never once bad mouthed the show or anyone involved and they certainly didn't treat her well. Not the cast, but the writers, show runner, producers, etc. 

I gave JLH the benefit of the doubt, especially since so many folks on various forums seemed destined to hate her before we even got a chance to meet the character. I did not dislike her character. I did not care for the niece, but that's another story. I didn't blame her for leaving either, even if she hadn't been pregnant, because she got a lot of hateful comments. Who needs that? 

So, along comes Tara Lewis and they give her a slightly different background and some helpful skills, but again in her first episode they try to make her too perfect. Then the whole thing with the boyfriend who is unhappy about her work situation is just so trite. The horrible wig she sported for the first half of the season was really off-putting. Again, it takes some work to make Aisha Tyler look bad. Can't she be smart, qualified AND beautiful? She can have pretty hair and features and still dress business like and be efficient on the job...unlike Garcia who dresses like a combination teenager/hooker. Anyway, maybe my frustration at the poor writing for most of the season again just kept me from really warming up to the Lewis character. I felt her line delivery was sometimes unnatural. She didn't deliver the lines like a person who really knew what she was talking about would have. But I didn't dislike her. I'm just ambivalent. And I'm ambivalent about them bringing her back this season. Had she not returned, I wouldn't have been at all upset. 

I thought even before the whole Thomas Gibson/Virgil Williams event that this would be the last season for CM. I hope that the cast gets some decent material this season and that Aisha feels good about her choice to come back. 

  • Love 6

Have any of you watched the movie Aisha directed and starred in (sort of)....It's called 'Axis'.  I saw it accidentially the other evening and its quite interesting actually.  I won't spoil it for any of you but there are a few of the CM cast, past and present involved with 3 playing a really big role in the story. Its an odd story but one I think you will want to see to the end complete with a nice little twist. Good job Aisha. 

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