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I FEAR They're Too Dumb to Survive

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Most of the idiocracy has already been posted, but <SNIP>....

I'm sad to say that everything wrong with TWD is amplified in FEAR. <SNIP>...I have MUCH more respect for a show like Z Nation that doesn't take itself too seriously <SNIP>


Tell us how you really feel! I get it man, I think you're pretty much spot on. Not only is this show boring AF but people are acting like utter fools. Just time after time characters go from one dumb thing to the next, very rarely behaving like real, normal human beings would in these situations. We are social animals who love to tell each other stories, everyone we see should be gabbing non-stop about the crazy shit they are seeing! Even if it was JUST a riot, people would just be carrying on and on about it but when you add the fact that people are actually attacking one another and biting faces, throats, arms, whatever, man that would be the weirdest thing and you just know people would not. stop. talking about it! UGH, if this show doesnt pick up the freeking pace and start having people act like normal human beings, Im out too.

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I'm undecided if Madison made a good decision when she snuck out, particularly about cutting the fence.  At first, I thought it would be dumb to pierce the perimeter unless I was sure I was never going back in.  Now the whole neighborhood is at risk.  On the other hand, just relying on an occupying military force for information is suicide.


Speaking of occupying military forces...  If the commander of said force showed signs of being an unaccountable megalomaniac, I would not let my wife or daughters out of the house.

  • Love 2

I'm undecided if Madison made a good decision when she snuck out, particularly about cutting the fence.  At first, I thought it would be dumb to pierce the perimeter unless I was sure I was never going back in.  Now the whole neighborhood is at risk.  On the other hand, just relying on an occupying military force for information is suicide.


Speaking of occupying military forces...  If the commander of said force showed signs of being an unaccountable megalomaniac, I would not let my wife or daughters out of the house.


I was thankfully wrong about the conclusion of that Ofelia-army dude makeout scene.  I kept thinking it was a sure bet that he'd force himself on her after she rebuffed his trying to get her bra off/go further.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Me too. I really hope the show surprises us and either she successfully manipulates him, or they genuinely like each other and that turns out to be helpful, or it just drops away plot wise.

Travis is a nice guy, but his trusting nature is scary. I hope Daniel Salazar sticks around. While he seems excessive cynical we're starting to learn why and at least his guard is up.

This episode Madison is obsessed with repainting. She said something like 'Travis found more paint in the garage ... it's still bleeding through'. What the fuck, didn't they clean the splattered brains off the wall before painting? Did they just leave it all there and start brushing the paint over the top of it? What, are they going for a more textured finish on that wall? Don't these dumb asses even know how to paint?



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I only added the bit in ()'s so someone wouldn't needlessly point out that that there were technically dead people seen in E4.  Call me paranoid. :-)

Frankly, headshot or not, I was hoping at least one or two might stir up a bit when little Ms. Maddie is on her walkabout - if only to (a) demonstrate this particular incarnation of the Jolly Green Giant can't shoot any better than they can patrol, and (b) see if the need for a fresh pair of unpissed-in pants might crack the face of Stone Mountain Maddie.

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Frankly, headshot or not, I was hoping at least one or two might stir up a bit when little Ms. Maddie is on her walkabout - if only to (a) demonstrate this particular incarnation of the Jolly Green Giant can't shoot any better than they can patrol, and (b) see if the need for a fresh pair of unpissed-in pants might crack the face of Stone Mountain Maddie.


I honestly, for a split second, expected the dead woman near where Madison was hiding under the car, to start moving.  Cliche as hell, but at least it would have added something to all of it.  At least would have provided a possibly decent reason for Madison leaving the perfectly good firearm laying on the road.


And for that matter, speaking of potential plotholes... why wouldn't the marauding military not pick up dropped firearms, both for an extra weapon and/or ammo, where they could be used as 'last case' scenarios where the normal weapons' ammo runs dry or locks up? 

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I honestly, for a split second, expected the dead woman near where Madison was hiding under the car, to start moving.  Cliche as hell, but at least it would have added something to all of it.  At least would have provided a possibly decent reason for Madison leaving the perfectly good firearm laying on the road.


Exact same page on, we are. [/YODA]

And for that matter, speaking of potential plotholes... why wouldn't the marauding military not pick up dropped firearms, both for an extra weapon and/or ammo, where they could be used as 'last case' scenarios where the normal weapons' ammo runs dry or locks up?


  • The military thinks they have everything "under control"; they're nowhere near consideration of a "last resort".
  • A found weapon is a dangerous weapon. If you have no idea about how frequently or how well the weapon has been cleaned and/or maintenanced, it has potential to be just as dangerous as any walker.
  • From a grunt-in-the-field aspect, that's just more weight in your pack to tote around.
  • Love 4

I can understand Travis being a little like Hershel was early on, assuming these people are just sick. Nick's dealer is pushing it but it could have been a combination of drugs and their imagination keeping him going even after he should have been dead. But when you see most of someone's face get blown off at close range by a shotgun but they still get up and come after you, that's way beyond 'sick'. 


Madison seems to be having a marginally easier time with the concept (at least as much as one can) because unlike Travis she has actually had an up close and personal encounter, though I don't quite understand why she didn't gather her boyfriend and kids and say "Art tried to eat me and I had to crush his skull with a fire extinguisher to stop him." 


The one saving grace to having all the dumb people in one place is it's usually easier to get rid of them that way.

  • Love 2

Not really sure where to post my question. This looked like a good topic.

Okay, without having to torture myself by re-watching the previous season, I have some questions about who is still surviving in this universe. 


Sarah and Wendell?

Althea and pilot girlfriend?


and last but not least...Skidmark?

I know some went to the tower with Victor but??

Thanks in advance.

On 6/29/2023 at 12:46 PM, margol29 said:

Not really sure where to post my question. This looked like a good topic.

Okay, without having to torture myself by re-watching the previous season, I have some questions about who is still surviving in this universe. 


Sarah and Wendell?

Althea and pilot girlfriend?


and last but not least...Skidmark?

I know some went to the tower with Victor but??

Thanks in advance.

Alicia is supposedly dead. Charlie was supposedly near death with radiation poisoning. 

I remember them finding Wendell wheelchair somewhere but I can't remember what happened to him or Sarah. For some reason I think pilot girlfriend is dead. All I remember is Althea chasing symbols, but I think she's still alive.

I know I'm old, but I just can't remember how some of these stories played out.

On 6/30/2023 at 12:16 PM, Iguessnot said:

Alicia is supposedly dead. Charlie was supposedly near death with radiation poisoning. 

I remember them finding Wendell wheelchair somewhere but I can't remember what happened to him or Sarah. For some reason I think pilot girlfriend is dead. All I remember is Althea chasing symbols, but I think she's still alive.

I know I'm old, but I just can't remember how some of these stories played out.

Thank you. I just can't remember all the different story lines when they break up the group.


Having had to pay for AMC+ to watch the, worth every penny, fantastic Dead City, I realised I could now catch up with Fear, so I've got most of season 6, all of 7 and half of 8 to enjoy at my leisure, i'm sure it will be a televisual delight 😋

I can't imagine how envious you all are that I've got this amazing experience to enjoy for the very first time 😁

Edited by OoohMaggie
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