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The super seekrit scene involves Regina, Snow, Charming, Arthur, Grumpy and Robin, some cool fog, running, yelling and Snow shouting "What are you doing?"

EDIT: Robin is being attacked by magic, maybe someone wants to take his heart? because Regina screams "no! take mine!" and then the cast holds hands and seems to absorb magic.

Edited by Serena

Casting call for episode four: (spoilers for other shows at the link)


I require information on Once Upon a Time‘s Camelot crowd! –Meredith
This casting notice would seem to apply: For Season 5’s fourth episode, Once is guest-casting the role of a medieval manservant who is devoted to his employer but harbors a deep resentment… that may lead him to do very bad things.

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Who has the dagger ? (Spoilers for other shows on the link)

Do you know who possesses the Dark Swan’s dagger on Once Upon a Time — Rachel

As of this very moment, it’s TBD. “That is a discussion [and] that is absolutely addressed immediately,” Ginnifer Goodwin says, noting that it’s probably not a great idea for the Charmings to be the one to take it. “I don’t know that I would trust us with it,” she adds. However, whoever does end up with the dagger will learn that it’s not so easy to call upon the Dark Swan. “There’s also some caveats in how and when you can control the Dark One through the dagger,” Josh Dallas says. “Somethings can be possible and somethings are impossible.”

Edited by RadioGirl27

More detailed description (and some speculation) of the scene (and video on the link):


Not much to see here. But what we decided is that Charming is in the midst of making a speech to newly arrived Camelot people under the watchful eye of Arthur. David holds up a silver cup to the crowd and proclaims that this chalice will reveal to him who among them is… [something we couldn’t hear–leaning toward Merlin though] just as he says this, a guy in a red cloak flees from the rear of the crowd, jumping up on a horse and riding away. Charming and Arthur tear after him, jumping in David’s truck to continue the chase.

From EW:


What’s going on with Rumple when Once Upon a Time returns? — Marisa
At Comic-Con, Robert Carlyle insisted upon making a very clear distinction about his character: “Rumple’s not in a coma. Gold’s in a coma,” later following up with, “Gold’s got a white heart, Rumple doesn’t. It’s a different thing.” It seemed like a passing comment at the time, but now I have a feeling it’s going to be very important in the new season.


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Tidbit about the Jolly Roger from somebody who was visiting the real ship:


I talked to the crew on the Lady Washington about OUAT filming. Was told that they were scheduled to film in September but it got cancelled. I am guessing that the show decided to go CGI/studio route instead. Either way it looks like the Jolly will be back in 5A.
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