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Supernatural Survival Game

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I totally forgot to vote yesterday. Oh well



Hammer of the Gods --

Dark Side of the Moon ++

The End ++


31 - The End
31 - Dark Side of the Moon
23 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - Changing Channels
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
21 - Point of No Return
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
17- Hammer of the Gods

17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
11 - Sympathy for the Devil
09 - 99 Problems
09 - Free to Be You and Me
09 - Swan Song

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Link to comment

Point of No Return ++

Sympathy for the Devil --

The Curious Case of Dean Winchester --


31 - The End

31 - Dark Side of the Moon

23 - Good God, Y'All

23 - The Song Remains the Same

23 - Changing Channels

23 - Point of No Return

21 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Two Minutes to Midnight

19 - Sam, Interrupted

17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

17 - Hammer of the Gods

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - Abandon All Hope

13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - Sympathy for the Devil

09 - 99 Problems

09 - Free to Be You and Me

09 - Swan Song

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Link to comment

Two great minds, RandomMe; )


++ Point of No Return

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

-- Sympathy For the Devil


31 - The End
31 - Dark Side of the Moon

25 - Point of No Return

23 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - Changing Channels
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - 99 Problems
09 - Free to Be You and Me
09 - Swan Song

07 - Sympathy for the Devil


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

++ Point of No Return

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

++ Two Minutes to Midnight


31 - The End
31 - Dark Side of the Moon

27 - Point of No Return

23 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - Changing Channels
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope

13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - 99 Problems
09 - Free to Be You and Me
09 - Swan Song

07 - Sympathy for the Devil


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

-- Point of No Return

++ Good God, Y'All
++ Changing Channels


31 - The End
31 - Dark Side of the Moon

25 - Changing Channels

25 - Good God, Y'All

25 - Point of No Return
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope

13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - 99 Problems
09 - Free to Be You and Me
09 - Swan Song

07 - Sympathy for the Devil


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

Dark Side of the Moon ++

Changing Channels ++

Sympathy for the Devil --


33 - Dark Side of the Moon

31 - The End

27 - Changing Channels
25 - Good God, Y'All
25 - Point of No Return
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - 99 Problems
09 - Free to Be You and Me
09 - Swan Song
05 - Sympathy for the Devil

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

Good God, Y'All ++

Point of No Return ++

Free to Be You and Me --


33 - Dark Side of the Moon

31 - The End

27 - Changing Channels

27 - Good God, Y'All

27 - Point of No Return

23 - The Song Remains the Same

21 - The Real Ghostbusters

21 - Two Minutes to Midnight

19 - Sam, Interrupted

17 - Hammer of the Gods

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - Abandon All Hope

13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - 99 Problems

09 - Swan Song

07 - Free to Be You and Me

05 - Sympathy for the Devil

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Link to comment

The Real Ghostbusters --

Point of No Return ++

I Believe the Children are our Future --

33 - Dark Side of the Moon

31 - The End

29 - Point of No Return

27 - Changing Channels

27 - Good God, Y'All

23 - The Song Remains the Same

21 - Two Minutes to Midnight

19 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Sam, Interrupted

17 - Hammer of the Gods

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - Abandon All Hope

13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - 99 Problems

09 - Swan Song

07 - Free to Be You and Me

05 - Sympathy for the Devil

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Link to comment

-- Good God, Y'All

-- The End

++ The Real Ghostbusters


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
29 - The End
29 - Point of No Return
27 - Changing Channels
25 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - 99 Problems
09 - Swan Song
07 - Free to Be You and Me
05 - Sympathy for the Devil


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

++The End

-- The Song Remains the Same

-- Hammer of the Gods


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - The End
29 - Point of No Return
27 - Changing Channels
25 - Good God, Y'All
21 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope

15 - Hammer of the Gods
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - 99 Problems
09 - Swan Song
07 - Free to Be You and Me
05 - Sympathy for the Devil


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

++Changing Channels

++ The Song Remains the Same

-- Two Minutes to Midnight


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - The End
29 - Point of No Return
29 - Changing Channels
25 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope

15 - Hammer of the Gods
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - 99 Problems
09 - Swan Song
07 - Free to Be You and Me
05 - Sympathy for the Devil


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

-- Swan Song
-- Free to Be You and Me
-- Sympathy for the Devil


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - The End
29 - Point of No Return
29 - Changing Channels
25 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope

15 - Hammer of the Gods
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - 99 Problems
07 - Swan Song
05 - Free to Be You and Me
03 - Sympathy for the Devil


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

Hammer of the Gods ++

The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ++

Sympathy for the Devil --


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - The End
29 - Point of No Return
29 - Changing Channels
25 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
17 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - 99 Problems
07 - Swan Song
05 - Free to Be You and Me
01 - Sympathy for the Devil

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

On the East Coast for a night!


Point of No Return ++

Two Minutes to Midnight ++

Swan Song ++


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - The End
31 - Point of No Return
29 - Changing Channels
25 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
17 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - 99 Problems
09 - Swan Song
05 - Free to Be You and Me
01 - Sympathy for the Devil

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Link to comment

On the East Coast for a night!



Point of No Return ++

The End ++

Good God, Y'All ++


33 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - The End

33 - Point of No Return

29 - Changing Channels

27 - Good God, Y'All

23 - The Song Remains the Same

21 - The Real Ghostbusters

21 - Two Minutes to Midnight

19 - Sam, Interrupted

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - Abandon All Hope

17 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - 99 Problems

09 - Swan Song

05 - Free to Be You and Me

01 - Sympathy for the Devil

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Link to comment

Okay, I'll kill it, but I don't have the time this time to give it a proper eulogy. And it wasn't one of my favorites anyway. So many more in season 5 I liked better...


- Sympathy For the Devil

++ Swan Song

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester



33 - Dark Side of the Moon
33 - The End
33 - Point of No Return
29 - Changing Channels
27 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
17 - Hammer of the Gods
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

11 - Swan Song
09 - 99 Problems
05 - Free to Be You and Me

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Link to comment

Sorry, I can't eulogize it, I barely stay conscious when watching it. Blah, Blah, Blah.


-- Swan Song
-- 99 Problems
-- Free to Be You and Me


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
33 - The End
33 - Point of No Return
29 - Changing Channels
27 - Good God, Y'All
23 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
17 - Hammer of the Gods
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - Swan Song
07 - 99 Problems
03 - Free to Be You and Me

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Link to comment

-- Two Minutes to Midnight
++ The Song Remains the Same

++ Changing Channels


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
33 - The End
33 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
27 - Good God, Y'All
25 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
17 - Hammer of the Gods
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

09 - Swan Song
07 - 99 Problems
03 - Free to Be You and Me


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil


Sympathy for the Devil does have a fun scene with Dean and Zach, just when you think that Zach will win, in comes Cas to the rescue.  We don't know how he's alive until it turns out God must have brought him back. 


 ETA:  Found out the answer: Bobby is stabbed as he overcomes the demon control and saves Dean.  I did enjoy Dean telling Sam now he really felt at the end and because I have someone in my family I can't trust, I could relate.  I also forgave her but I'm now on the lookout, because she just can't be trusted.  The issues are different but I could see why Dean needed time to forgive, it always takes time if you feel betrayed by someone you love.  I liked moments, but it wasn't on must save list.  I did think it was one of the weakest starts but I wonder if several others would have been really weak if Kim Manners hadn't been there.  I guess that's the best I can do for a sendoff, anyone else have anything else to add?


Although I don't like Swan Song, there is another one I want to go out about the same time so Swan Song got a pass this round.  :)

Edited by 7kstar
Link to comment

I know I'm fighting a losing battle, but....  *shrug*


The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ++

Hammer of the Gods ++

99 Problems --


33 - Dark Side of the Moon
33 - The End
33 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
27 - Good God, Y'All
25 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Hammer of the Gods 

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
09 - Swan Song
05 - 99 Problems
03 - Free to Be You and Me

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil

Link to comment

Good God, Y'All ++

Swan Song --

Free to Be You and Me --


33 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - The End

33 - Point of No Return

31 - Changing Channels

29 - Good God, Y'All

25 - The Song Remains the Same

21 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Two Minutes to Midnight

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Hammer of the Gods 

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - Abandon All Hope

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

07 - Swan Song

05 - 99 Problems

01 - Free to Be You and Me

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Link to comment

++The End
--Hammer of the Gods

--Swan Song


35 - The End

33 - Dark Side of the Moon
33 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
25 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - Abandon All Hope
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
05 - Swan Song
05 - 99 Problems
01 - Free to Be You and Me


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil

Link to comment

Left coasting...


Well it's time for Free To Be You and Me to go the way of all things.  I personally found it a worthy effort.  The montage (as mentioned a few pages ago) is pretty great.  Misha Collins as the terrified Angel in a Den of Iniquity was hilarious.  His whole 'terror face' was endearing. Dean has some AWESOME one-liners in this episode (Bert and Ernie are gay, if you want something you lie...because that's how you become President...etc..).  But for me the highlight was Sam seeing Jess again.  I never mourned Jess in the first episode because she had such a quick fridging and then the series starts.  But in this episode, for me, it was how Jared SOLD the relationship. Everything about his demeanor with her just HURTS. I never felt how much he loved her until this episode.  So... it has to go...because..it has to go. But it's a memorable episode for me.


++ Abandon All Hope
-- Free to Be You and Me

++ Swan Song


35 - The End

33 - Dark Side of the Moon
33 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
25 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
07 - Swan Song
05 - 99 Problems


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil

Free to Be You and Me

Edited by SueB
Link to comment

-- Point of No Return
-- Swan Song
-- 99 Problems


35 - The End

33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
25 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
05 - Swan Song
03 - 99 Problems

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil

Free to Be You and Me

Link to comment

Hammer of the Gods ++

The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ++

99 Problems --


35 - The End
33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
25 - The Song Remains the Same
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
19 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
05 - Swan Song
01 - 99 Problems

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me

Link to comment

Lovely tribute for "Free to Be..." SueB, and I agree. The scenes between Sam and his dream Jess were very well done and made me feel for Sam and his loss of Jessica. And Lucifer cruelly turning the knife by telling Sam that it was his fault Jess died just played into all of Sam's fears and insecurities about himself. Whatever confidence he got that maybe he could fight and be a better person after he resisted that blood certainly got a ding there, but I can also see where it might get him fired up, too, and wanting to prove Lucifer wrong. Okay back to the matter at hand...


Well, I'll kill it since there's only one other episode I'd likely eliminate before it anyway and that one doesn't appear to be going anywhere anytime soon, so I guess "99 Problems" has got to go, but I will give it a bit of a send off first. This episode does have problems for sure, but I'll focus on the good for me, and that was Paul. For some reason, I loved that character. I loved his willingness to take a stand, loved that he refused to pray to a God he didn't believe in and vowed that he'd stay honest even if that meant he would be damned for it, and loved that even though he didn't believe what the other townspeople did, he was often the first to step up to help them, because they were his neighbors and friends. I liked his talk with Sam and was glad that Sam had Paul to talk to at a time when he was starting to wonder about where Dean's head was at in terms of the angels and the plan. Bummer that he had to get shot, but I enjoyed him while he was there. I also enjoyed Castiel in this one, because drunk Castiel was amusing to me. "And Sam, of course, is an abomination." Tell us how you really feel, Cas. ; ) .


- 99 Problems

++ Swan Song

++ The Real Ghostbusters


35 - The End
33 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
25 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Two Minutes to Midnight
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
19 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
07 - Swan Song


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me

99 Problems

Edited by AwesomO4000
Link to comment

-- Two Minutes to Midnight

++ Dark Side of the Moon

++ The Song Remains the Same


35 - The End
35 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
19 - Hammer of the Gods

17 - Two Minutes to Midnight
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
07 - Swan Song


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me

99 Problems

Link to comment

-- Swan Song

-- I Believe the Children Are Our Future

++ Point of No Return


35 - The End

35 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - Point of No Return

31 - Changing Channels

29 - Good God, Y'All

27 - The Song Remains the Same

23 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope

19 - Hammer of the Gods

17 - Two Minutes to Midnight

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

09 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

05 - Swan Song


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Free to Be You and Me

99 Problems

Link to comment

++Swan Song
-- I Believe the Children Are Our Future
-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ... with apologies....I've given it a pass for a few days because I know there is love out there...but Chad Everett just did not feel like Dean to me.

35 - The End
35 - Dark Side of the Moon
33 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
19 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - Two Minutes to Midnight
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
07 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
07 - Swan Song

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

Link to comment

-- Point of No Return

-- Two Minutes to Midnight
-- Swan Song


35 - The End
35 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
19 - Hammer of the Gods
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

15 - Two Minutes to Midnight
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
07 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
05 - Swan Song


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

Link to comment

Hammer of the Gods ++

The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ++

Swan Song --


35 - The End
35 - Dark Side of the Moon
31 - Point of No Return
31 - Changing Channels
29 - Good God, Y'All
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters

21 - Hammer of the Gods 

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

15 - Two Minutes to Midnight

07 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
03 - Swan Song

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

Link to comment

++ Changing Channels

++ Swan Song

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


35 - The End
35 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - Changing Channels
31 - Point of No Return
29 - Good God, Y'All
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters

21 - Hammer of the Gods

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

15 - Two Minutes to Midnight

07 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
05 - Swan Song


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

Link to comment

++ Hammer of the Gods

-- Two Minutes to Midnight

++ The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


35 - The End
35 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - Changing Channels
31 - Point of No Return
29 - Good God, Y'All
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters

23 - Hammer of the Gods

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two Minutes to Midnight

07 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
05 - Swan Song


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

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++ Swan Song

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

-- I Believe The Children Are Our Future


35 - The End
35 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - Changing Channels
31 - Point of No Return
29 - Good God, Y'All
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters

23 - Hammer of the Gods

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two Minutes to Midnight

07 - Swan Song

05 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

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++ The End

++ Two Minutes to Midnight

++ Dark Side of the Moon

37 - The End

37 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - Changing Channels

31 - Point of No Return

29 - Good God, Y'All

27 - The Song Remains the Same

23 - The Real Ghostbusters

23 - Hammer of the Gods

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

15 - Two Mintes to MMidnigh

07 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

05 - Swan Song

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Free to Be You and Me

99 Problems

Edited by catrox14
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I think I've got the numbers correct now from all of the recent posts...

++ Point of No Return

++ Good God, Y'All

-- I Believe The Children Are Our Future


37 - The End

37 - Dark Side of the Moon

33 - Changing Channels

33 - Point of No Return

31 - Good God, Y'All

27 - The Song Remains the Same

23 - The Real Ghostbusters

23 - Hammer of the Gods

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

15 - Two Minutes to Midnight

07 - Swan Song

03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Free to Be You and Me

99 Problems

Link to comment

++ Changing Channels
-- Point of No Return
++ Good God, Y'All



37 - The End
37 - Dark Side of the Moon
35 - Changing Channels

33 - Good God, Y'All
31 - Point of No Return
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters
23 - Hammer of the Gods
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
15 - Two Minutes to Midnight
07 - Swan Song
03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

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The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ++

Changing Channels ++

Two Minutes to Midnight --


37 - The End
37 - Dark Side of the Moon
37 - Changing Channels
33 - Good God, Y'All
31 - Point of No Return
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters
23 - Hammer of the Gods
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two Minutes to Midnight
07 - Swan Song
03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I choose my favorite episodes of the season and up vote those only.  Everything else is fair game for down votes.  


Despite enjoying Dean's scene with Death (and the musical moment), Two Minutes to Midnight is not one of my season faves.

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I really like TMtM. Problem is save for one or two left here - I like most of the episodes left and am going to have a hard time downvoting  most of them. This is going to be hard.


++ Two Minutes to Midnight

-- Good God, Y'All

-- The Curious Case...



37 - The End
37 - Dark Side of the Moon
37 - Changing Channels
31 - Good God, Y'All
31 - Point of No Return
27 - The Song Remains the Same
23 - The Real Ghostbusters
23 - Hammer of the Gods
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
15 - Two Minutes to Midnight
07 - Swan Song
03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

Link to comment


Despite enjoying Dean's scene with Death (and the musical moment), Two Minutes to Midnight is not one of my season faves.

There are moments I like such as Death, but Adam, Pestilence isn't one of them.  Plus it sets up the mess of swan song and well for that alone, sorry not going to help it along.  


-- Two Minutes to Midnight

-- Hammer of the Gods

++ The Curious Case...


37 - The End

37 - Dark Side of the Moon

37 - Changing Channels

31 - Good God, Y'All

31 - Point of No Return

27 - The Song Remains the Same

25 - Hammer of the Gods

23 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two Minutes to Midnight

07 - Swan Song

03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Free to Be You and Me

99 Problems

Edited by 7kstar
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But it's not TMtM's fault that Swan Song was crap :(.  If anything we should really blame Point of No Return


:: small voice :: But I like "Swan Song" and "Point of No Return." I actually liked "Swan Song" better than "Lucifer Rising." :: Ducks rotten tomatoes ::


I'm doing my best for TMtM, but we seem to be outnumbered by the "Curious Case..." supporters.

  • Love 1
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++ Two Minutes to Midnight -- Death's introduction is one of my top 10 Supernatural moments

-- The Real Ghostbusters

-- The Curious Case...


37 - The End
37 - Dark Side of the Moon
37 - Changing Channels
31 - Good God, Y'All
31 - Point of No Return
27 - The Song Remains the Same

25 - Hammer of the Gods
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
15 - Two Minutes to Midnight
07 - Swan Song
03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

Link to comment

++ Point of No Return (Sorry, I'm not blaming this ep for Swan Song's crapfest -- IMO that's on the writers' trajectory change at the S6 renewal. If anything, PoNR is also a victim, rather than a perpetrator.)

++ Good God, Y'All

-- I Believe the Children Are Our Future


37 - The End

37 - Dark Side of the Moon

37 - Changing Channels

33 - Good God, Y'All

33 - Point of No Return

27 - The Song Remains the Same

25 - Hammer of the Gods

21 - The Real Ghostbusters

19 - Sam, Interrupted

19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - My Bloody Valentine

17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

15 - Two Minutes to Midnight

07 - Swan Song

01 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

Fallen Idols

Swap Meat

The Devil You Know

Sympathy for the Devil

Free to Be You and Me

99 Problems

Link to comment

The reason I blame PoNR for Swan Song is that PoNR is the reintroduction of Adam. If they had left Adam dead, they wouldn't have had the out of using him as Michael's Vessel, which rendered Dean's Michael Vessel arc meaningless. Why yes, I am bitter!


++The End

++Dark Side of the Moon

++Two Minutes to Midnight


39 - The End
39 - Dark Side of the Moon
37 - Changing Channels
33 - Good God, Y'All
33 - Point of No Return
27 - The Song Remains the Same
25 - Hammer of the Gods
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - Two Minutes to Midnight
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
07 - Swan Song
01 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

Edited by catrox14
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The reason I blame PoNR for Swan Song is that PoNR is the reintroduction of Adam. If they had left Adam dead, they wouldn't have had the out of using him as Michael's Vessel, which rendered Dean's Michael Vessel arc meaningless. Why yes, I am bitter!

I completely agree, but since (IIRC) Adam was not originally the plan for that episode (the title "Point of No Return" was supposed to indicate something entirely different) and the plans got changed when they realized that the show was not ending with only 5 seasons, the injustice was inflicted on it first to allow for what was to come. I guess I love PoNR as much for what it was supposed to be as for what is ended up being.

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I never blame different episode for another episode's failure. Personally, I just don't care for much of anything after 99 Problems. I think the episodes start getting very disjointed and are kind of a mess. There are moments of almost pure gold in all of them, but as overall episodes, I find them lacking. I love Death's introduction in Two Minutes To Midnight and I love me some Death in general, but a couple of good scenes does not a complete and/or good episode make, IMO. When stacked up against The End, Changing Channels, Good God Y'All and a couple of others the choosing gets a whole lot easier for me.


++ Changing Channels
++ Good God, Y'All
-- Point of No Return


39 - The End
39 - Dark Side of the Moon
39 - Changing Channels
35 - Good God, Y'All
31 - Point of No Return
27 - The Song Remains the Same
25 - Hammer of the Gods
21 - The Real Ghostbusters
19 - Sam, Interrupted
19 - Abandon All Hope

17 - Two Minutes to Midnight
17 - My Bloody Valentine
17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
07 - Swan Song
01 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael
Fallen Idols
Swap Meat
The Devil You Know
Sympathy for the Devil
Free to Be You and Me
99 Problems

  • Love 1
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