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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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Busy morning. Went to the hardware store and PriceSmart, leaving baby Mo at home in his hutch. (Gotta stop calling him 'baby Mo' because he'll be three feet tall and 115 lbs and I'll still be calling him 'baby.' I called Buddy 'baby' right up to the day he died.)

Returning home, I scooped up Mo and took him down to the Book-tent in the supermarket parking lot, where the ladies went gaa-gaa over him, and each had to have a cuddle. Then the customers all wanted a cuddle as well, and I suggested they ask for a $1 donation per cuddle. (I was just joking, but I'm not sure that's such a bad idea! I'd certainly pay a buck to cuddle a puppy if I didn't have one of my own. And they might get an occasional adoption, too.) Came away with 6 paperback books and 9 CDs, for a total of $29. One of the books is a Ken Follet that is over 2" thick. When I'm done with the books, they will probably get donated back to the tent.

Unfortunately, none of the ladies wanted to be photographed, but they took some of him with me, and I might get copies later if I'm lucky.

From the Book-tent, it was time to meet Tante Kristi!  (Pronounced "Tan-Tee", this is patois common in Trinidad, meaning "auntie", obviously.) We quite reasonably had to wait until the patients before us were served, but in the mean time everyone waiting gushed over him as as well. And then:


I have been instructed to bring him to visit every time I come. I go every two weeks for a weigh-in! He sat on the table playing with Dr. Kristi while I got on the scale. (Same as last time.)

Then he had to go back home and into his hutch again, so I could go back to the supermarket to get a few items, as I didn't want to leave him in the car while I shopped any more than at the hardware store or PriceSmart. It was OK with Bud, because I could leave the windows open and he'd be fine for 15 minutes, especially if I park under a tree. But to leave the window open with this pocketful of sweetness is to invite a dog-napping! Something I am particularly cautious about since Bud was dog-napped as a puppy, and it's only because he was such a bad-behaved little hellion that the dog-nappers brought him back!

Finally home for lunch. And despite my giving Mo half of my chicken breast, he barked and howled and chirped and yowled the entire time! I tried to record a sample of this, but each time the camera came out, so did the good behaviour and the angelic smile.

I'm thinking about taking a nap this afternoon, but the guy who was supposed to come discuss some business with me yesterday morning, never showed. This means he can be expected to turn up at any moment, and the way my luck works, he will show up the moment I drift off to sleep.



  • Love 4

Now, I've described Mo's behaviour when ever food enters his head, and you have not believe me, assuming I was being hyperbolic for effect.

Here is a video taken, of the boy expressing his dissatisfaction at the time it was taking me to open the can containing his dinner and transfer the contents into his bowl. I did pause to take the video clip, but he was going on like this from before I'd even opened the can!

Now, when I go into the kitchen to cook my own dinner, this racket starts immediately, and continues unabated all the time the food is cooking, and all the time I am eating it. It only stops for two things:

  1. For the length of time it takes him to gulp down any portion of the food I give him (seconds at most)
  2. When the empty plate is placed on the floor for his inspection, so he can be sure there is nothing more to come.

I  had this racket to deal with all through lunch, which is why he got half of my chicken, one little morsel at a time.

Buddy also liked to investigate the plate when I was finished. I'd often leave a little tit-bit or two on it for him. But Mo has usually eaten a significant portion of my dinner before the plate is empty, so I don't usually leave anything behind. (I'm not giving him bones yet, so they are binned before the plate goes down.)

I made a post earlier (or thought I did, but it seems to have vanished, so maybe not) with a photo showing a ramp I made to allow him to get into the bed without help. It's removable, because I don't want him to play in the bed without supervision. The photo also showed a Coke bottle Mo found and is playing with as a new toy. I have not had a Coke in at least three years, so the bottle must have been stashed by the bottle-collector extraordinaire years ago. Where could he have stashed it, that it escaped my notice for so long, and yet Mo found it in a few days? Enquiring minds want to know!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Netfoot said:

Here is a video taken, of the boy expressing his dissatisfaction at the time it was taking me to open the can containing his dinner and transfer the contents into his bowl.

I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh because this is behavior that will only get worse if not corrected but he is so.damn.cute and oh my gawd the drama!! he was giving you that I did laugh. 

He is too much 💓

2 hours ago, raven said:

I know I shouldn't laugh because this is behavior that will only get worse if not corrected...

I'm glad you're laughing, because it makes me laugh, for sure! I'll bet you didn't believe my tales of woe until I had video! What's that saying? If it isn't on YouTube it didn't happen?

But as you say, this has to be corrected. Only, I have no idea how. Never had this to deal with before!

I'm not comfortable with spanking him, because I don't want to break his spirit. I want him to have some gumption. So the only thing I can to think of, is to ignore the behaviour (and him) and hope he learns that the tactic doesn't work. Trouble with this is: I like to give my boys a chip or a bit of cheese or a piece of chicken, if that's what I'm eating. I just don't want him loudly demanding I give him all of it!

By the way, the drama was repeated when I made myself a couple cheese & tomato sarnies for my dinner. Fortunately, I had made and eaten the first while he was playing with a squeaky toy in the bedroom, so thankfully, I only had him to deal with for one sandwich!

And now, a glass of milk at bedtime, and the drama is back.


  • LOL 1
20 hours ago, Netfoot said:

I'm not comfortable with spanking him, because I don't want to break his spirit. I want him to have some gumption. So the only thing I can to think of, is to ignore the behaviour (and him) and hope he learns that the tactic doesn't work. Trouble with this is: I like to give my boys a chip or a bit of cheese or a piece of chicken, if that's what I'm eating. I just don't want him loudly demanding I give him all of it!

You're on the right track with ignoring him and not spanking, which will only make him afraid of you - I don't believe in hitting anyone except other adults who are annoying me - J/K!!  Maybe. 

Right now he knows that if he hollers, he will get what he wants.   What worked for me when I had a puppy was separating him from me when he behaved badly.  Do not put him in his crate for punishment - that should be a save haven for him that he can use when he's tired, just needs some alone time or it's bed time.    Use a barrier/gate to keep him out of your space when you're eating or whatever.  As soon as he quiets down - which make take some time at first - praise him and reward him with a treat or petting or letting him hang out with you.  As soon as he exhibits less than desirable behavior, put him back in the time out space.  Positive reinforcement for good behavior will get his attention. 

Same with the biting - when he nips you, scold him, remove him from the area and give him something appropriate to chew on.   Puppies are very energetic (as you know) so take him out in the car, for walks, the yard, playing so he gets tired.  That will help.

Gating him away from me taught my puppy VERY quickly.  All personalities are different, you may have a stubborn one but behavior now that is semi-tolerable because he's small will be a lot less attractive when he's bigger. 

He won't be any less cute though!

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, raven said:

Puppies are very energetic (as you know)...

Yes, I know!

But I like your ideas and will start to use them to try and bring him under control. A friend also suggested a water-pistol, to squirt him when he is misbehaving. Gotta give that some thought. I've enough alcohol squirters around here that I could easily retask one, but I need to think about that.

That video was taken this afternoon when the guys had packed up for the evening and were sitting around having one for the road. Mo was just oblivious to the world and enjoying grass! He spent the afternoon wandering far and wide - but always under the watchful eye of one of his uncles, if not myself. 

30 minutes ago, raven said:

Do not put him in his crate for punishment - that should be a save haven for him that he can use when he's tired, just needs some alone time or it's bed time.

No, I was surprised that he likes his little hutch, and after a cuddle at night he takes himself off to bed in it for the night. I don't want to do anything that turns him off of it. The only part he doesn't like is when I have to leave him at home, I put him in it and I can hear the howling as I drive away in the car! Unfortunately, the hutch has to go back eventually, but not before he's grown up a bit and is house-trained. When that time comes I can build him his own sanctuary where he can retire to for some peace and quiet and even to sleep, if he doesn't want to sleep with me.

One advantage of him running around like a wild thing up at out airstrip, is that he comes home tuckered right out. Just now, he's asleep at my feet with his butt on the pillow and his head on the tiles!



  • Love 3

Mo is sitting here with me, listening with great interest to Billy Idol's Cyberpunk album. (Buddy wasn't really into music, but Dotty liked Pink Floyd, esp. 'Dogs' off the Animals album.)

I found a secret stash of bottles which obviously was a remnant of Bud's treasure hoard. It contained 39 bottles and 4 milk cartons plus a lot of dust and miscellaneous junk. Located under the long bookshelf in the passage (where the light is poor, day or night), it was the presumed source of Mo's recent Coke bottle find, so counting that makes 40 more bottles in Buddy's collection.

And the game continues because earlier, I found Mo playing with a half-gallon milk jug! And I'm buying milk in one litre cartons these days, ever since being told yonks ago that I drink too much milk. So, now to find where that came from!

Mr. Fuzzy-feet goes to the doctor tomorrow for his second vaccination. I'll ask if he is putting on weight!

  • Love 3

Poor baby!

I took him for his vaccination #2, and while there I asked a few questions. He isn't ready for another flea treatment for at least two more weeks, so he will just have to suffer. His bodyweight has increased from 5.3 lbs to 8.32 lbs, an increase of 57%! He was given a tiny de-worming pill, which has to be broken in half, and he is to take half now and half in two weeks. His 3rd and final vaccination will be on 3rd December. Next...

I mentioned that he was constipated one day, and how I'd fed him olive oil with his regular food to help that. Also, how he'd been butt-surfing ever since. Google told me this might be a symptom of something nasty, so the vet asked me to return to the waiting room while she took him into a different part of the clinic to be checked out. A minute later, I heard a very familiar voice raised to excruciating high pitch, expressing a great deal of anguish and general displeasure. Then the vet brought him back out to me and told me the story. One of his two anal glands was blocked, and this causes irritation that leads to the butt-surfing. The only solution: squeeze until the blockage is expelled. 

Poor baby!

While in with the vet, she told me she had already seen one of his siblings that morning. Stands to reason, they would all have had their first shots on the same day, so naturally, their second shots were due on the same day.

Waiting for him to have his butt seen to, I noticed a young couple with a brown puppy, whose turn was next. As soon as Mo was brought out, the guy said "Wait! He's got a ridge too!" Turns out the brown puppy (Cooper; at least twice the size of Mo) was another of his siblings! So, I imagine the remaining six will be trooping through there today as well!

Bud Mo (I did it again) is now eating a piece of pig-tail, baked in a sticky sauce. He yowled and hollered the entire time I was eating. Even though I had some nice, fatty skin on the side of my plate I'd have happily given him I ignored the racket. I'm out to teach him that making such a ruckus is not a working strategy. 

After the meal, he got the skin (which he inhaled in a single breath) and now, he is eating the pig-tail I bought for him. Which he has now removed from his bowl in order to eat it off the tiles. Presumably because it makes a bigger mess. I'm watching him carefully, so when he gets down to the bone, I can take it from him. (I have cotton wool for my ears.)

  • Love 1

We took a nap. Actually, I was reading. He was eating.

He ate my hands. He ate my feet. He ate my arm. He tried for the soft stuff, but fortunately I was too quick for him. He ate my book. He ate my phone. He ate three toys. He ate his small milk bowl. Then, much to my relief, he wandered off. In three minutes, he was back with this thing:


It's part of a chain-link fence. Where he got it I have absolutely no idea! This is not a hand-me-down from Buddy. I had to take it away, because I could hear his pearly-whites going <crunch! crunch!> as he chewed on it! He wasn't pleased, so he started eating various body-parts again.....

When you have a puppy, you obviously think he is the cutest puppy in the world. The ugliest of children are beautiful in the eyes of their parents. But when you go places and other people tell you how cute he is, you have to wonder if maybe...

Last night and this morning he chose to sleep with me on the bed rather than retire to his hutch. It was rather sweet! While I read I let him sleep beside me, and put him in his hutch when I was ready to sleep. 8.32 lbs and still small enough to hurt if I rolled over in my sleep.

He's run off again. I am agog to see what the next couple of minutes will bring.....


Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 1

From the bedroom, came the sound of excited growling and barking. I went to investigate.


This is what we call an "onion bag" probably because onions are brought from the field in these, 50 lbs. at a time. They are usually a bright orange or red. This one is obviously fairly old, because the fibers are weaker and easily broken. And because the colour is clearly faded.

Last time I had anything to do with one of these, I was a teenager being paid a penny (that's 2¢ in this part of the world) a pound, to bag onions. That's a buck a bag. My friend Andy and I bagged 12 bags each, so we would have some coin to impress the the girls over the coming three day weekend. We did so well, the farm manager increased our wage to 3¢ per pound (Eighteen bucks! Each!) and begged us to come back again soon. So we made out like bandits! But the girls didn't want anything to so with us, because despite bathing in industrial detergent, bleach and kerosene, nothing would get rid of the strong onion smell until well after the weekend.

Anyway, the question remains. WTF did Molasses get hold of one of these?!?? I can assure you, I didn't have one, and neither did Buddy, nor Dotty before him. So, that little puppy pictured above has obviously got magical abilities.

And the next question to be answered: How long is it going to take me to sweep this mess up? Because there are fragments of this onion bag all over the house, from the front door, across the house and up the passage, and all over the bedroom floor. And because Mo attacks brooms with unbridled ferocity, and hurls himself into the middle of what ever you are sweeping up, scattering it far and wide. 



Edited by Netfoot
  • Love 2

Dunno what caused it. Maybe it was the half-tablet of worm medicine he had yesterday. But last night, Mo was completely insufferable!

He would not sleep. Wide awake and making a ruckus the entire might. Only increasing in volume and pitch when the light went off. To stop the noise I had to let him out of his crate, whereupon the biting started. It was like having a swim with a school of piranha fish. And me on 7½mg of rat poison a day! Finally got to sleep at 4:30 and up by 5:45 to take him out for his morning constitutional. Then back to bed, where he decided that the only place to snooze was directly on top my head. It was like I was wearing a tea cozy for a hat! But by then, I honestly didn't care. 

On the way to the club this afternoon he behaved like a berattle, until finally settling down on my right thigh. This placed him inches from the window, which had to be closed to forestall his untimely self-defenestration. We baked, the whole way there!

He was a big hit with the guys as usual, and had plenty of fun. Everything is new to him. His first encounter with a lizard was amusing to watch. The only part of the afternoon he didn't like was when he had to go on the leash. Fortunately this was only necessary during engine startups, takeoffs, etc, since he doesn't recognize the potential danger. So most of the time he was free to explore and (favourite activity) crash back and forth through the protective grass strip. 

And so to bed, for 15 minutes of piranha play, before crashing out in his cage. My hands and forearms feel like they had a nettle bath again.

Took a nice photo of him this afternoon, but now it has completely vanished from my phone. Or did I pick up someone else's phone by mistake and take the shot with that?

Time for lights out.

  • Love 1

Heidi, who returned to the island yesterday, called me in a panic, this evening. Seems she got a missed call from Dr. Smith. He was the surgeon who did my thymectomy, two plus years ago. She was convinced that I was at death's door and he was calling to tell her to come and say farewell before my departure. No, the guy prolly butt-dialled. But the motto is, clear out your phone book from time to time. If she had, she wouldn't have known who had called, and wouldn't have worried. And if he had, the butt-dial wouldn't have taken place at all!

Mo is fine, getting bigger and stronger before my very eyes. The biting has reached epic proportions, and he is too strong to restrain. When I try to hold him he struggles so violently, I fear for hurting him if I hold him hard enough. 

Despite the constant biting, he can be absolutely delightful, curling up on my pillow or maybe just in my armpit. Cuddly, snuggly, very sweet. He's almost able to get into the bed by himself, so I am about to lose my only sanctuary.

He hasn't made a mess in the house today. (Or maybe he has and I haven't found it yet?) So hopefully, progress.

He's gone off to bed, now. A sleepy boy. He and me both!

Well, the new, green collar fits his neck like a barrel-hoop, but it doesn't fall off every minute.


Here he is chewing my hand to buggery. He's been biting and scratching at my hands and forearms, feet and toes, face, chest and tummy for the last 20 minutes, and I've had the devil's own time getting even this poor snap! But you can sorta get an idea how the collar fits.

He moves too fast for the auto-focus, and by time the shutter fires, he's long gone. I had to lock him in his crate just to get a few minutes respite from the fangs, and to be able to post this without him knocking the phone out of my hands. 

My forearms look like they've been shot repeatedly by a small shotgun, and they feel like it too.

Okay, I'll post this, then let him out of gaol.

  • Love 1

I know you think I'm exaggerating about Mo's biting. So, the back of my right forearm:


and the other side of the same arm:


The little nicks and cuts you see are where he sank his fangs in, then rrripped them out again! Where he just bit and released, the punctures are too small to see. Esp. with this crappy camera!

I have these all over, from my face, neck and scalp, to my feet and toes. Admittedly, the right arm is the worst because being right-handed, that's what goes in to save the other parts when he goes on the attack.

And I'll leave you with a final thought: When I go to take a pee, he can jump just high enough to be a real hazard...

He's got chew-toys aplenty but he prefers to chew on me! Since my last post, he's ripped the right arm three more times, opened two old wounds on the left as well as making a new one over ½" long, and also chomped my lower lip (which really hurt, and continues to bleed).

Trouble is, he's a very sweet cuddler, which you want to enjoy. After a 3:30 p&p excursion last night, he snuggled most wonderfully for the next several hours. But mid-cuddle, he just might stretch out his neck and sink his teeth into your nipple. A grip that requires two hands to break, if you want to actually keep the nipple...


Taking inspiration from the article, I tried a new approach to the biting. I allow the play-bites, but as soon as they start getting painful, I give a loud cry, and bundle him into his crate. There he stays until he starts to complain (rarely longer than a minute). Then, I let him out again. 

We played all last night before bed, and he got sent to Coventry a couple dozen times.

At 2:45 he demanded a trip to the garden, and after that, he lay in bed with me, playing (including play biting, but not painfully) and snoozing, until it was time for us to get up.

I got up, expecting him to follow me out of the bedroom, but he stayed in bed playing with his toys for another 1½ hours. When ever I went to see what he was up to, we'd play for a while, but only gentle biting. 

Back in bed now, for an afternoon read/nap, and the bite-play is getting rougher, so I've been putting him back in his crate when ever he starts to go too far. 

Too early to tell for sure, but this feels like it might actually work! But I gotta go now. A guy is here with a skip. Spring-cleaning resumes tomorrow...

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Spunkygal said:

Look at that innocent face! I think you’ve been telling tales about him! The collar looks great! 

Forgot to mention that if the rascal still has fleas, a friend of mine used diatomaceous earth to treat his dog. It’s supposedly safer than toxic flea powders and dips. Please note: I’ve never used it and am not promoting it. Just passing this along. Here’s info on it. 


As always, research it first and make sure the product is safe for pets. But my friend raved about it and only had to use it a couple of times. Just a light dusting! 

Don't let that 'innocent face' fool you. It conceals a heart that is less than pure!


The collar is OK. I made one mistake in it's construction, but nothing significant. It is however, like a hoola-hoop around his neck. But I think he will grow into it quick enough.

The fleas are still bothering him, and I can't apply a new treatment for another week to ten days. I will do investigate the diatomaceous earth (but goodness knows where I might find some). I don't like to use flea treatments unless absolutely necessary. I treat fleas (and ticks) when they appear and stop when they're gone. A non-toxic option would be welcome.

Skip-man couldn't understand why I wanted the skip far enough in that I could close the gate. But when I explained about Mo, he was with me 100%. He just got a new puppy yesterday!

  • Love 1

You might find it in a hardware or home improvement store or a garden center. I think he got his at Home Depot. But I can easily imagine that garden centers would carry it. Yes, he’ll fill out that collar in no time! Might want to get a temporary tag made until you eventually invest in his big boy collar!

gosh, I sound so bossy today!

Edited by Spunkygal
  • Love 2

Paid a couple guys to help, and we spent five+ hours cleaning up the garage/workshop. The skip is almost completely full, and there are 6 or 7 full 50 gallon garbage bags as well. There is a mass of stuff to put away, but now I have better access to my saws, I can maybe even build a storage unit for some of it!

Only, a sheet of form-ply has gone up from $56.95 to $121.00 which has forced me to join the LGB community! I have to look at what I've got "in stock" and decide what I can make with that.

Molasses took charge early, barking commands at everyone, and sitting on the steps keeping an eye on all the action, with occasional trips down to check on the quality of our work and get underfoot. He ate ice from the cooler, and took some honey roasted cashews as well. He was occasionally picked up and given a cuddle by who ever was walking past him, and had to be shooed away occasionally when he was getting dangerously close to the action.

There is very little room left in the skip, so I have tomorrow morning to toss in anything else that I want to dispose of. This afternoon I am simply not able, and tomorrow afternoon (weather willing), I am taking Mo to the club. There would be more room in the skip, except the guy from next door kept repeatedly throwing his crap over the fence into the skip when ever he felt we weren't looking. If it wasn't for his stuff, the bags of trash could have gone into the skip, but the Sanitation Services come on Monday, so they get to take them away instead. (Why do neighbors always assume that if you rent a skip, it's a chance for them to dispose of some junk?) Eventually, I sneaked up on the fence, and when he peeped over to check the coast was clear, he found me right there. I looked him in the eye, and asked "Why you peeping?" He was so flustered he dropped the crap he was holding on his side of the fence, hopped in his car and skedaddled. We all had a good laugh!

When we were done, we went over to his side of the fence and grabbed up his junk he had dropped, and slung it on top of the skip for him. You have to help out your neighbors when you can, even if they are assholes.

Now, the skip guy isn't coming until Monday morning, which is when Sanitation Services also comes. I hope he comes first, because my van is parked outside in the sun and rain until the skip is moved. Once the skip goes, the van can come back into the garage.

Unfortunately, I still have a rusty old fridge I can't get rid off. Skip-guy warned me about putting it in the skip because they have to be disposed of at a different site, and there is an other charge. Regular Sanitation Service won't take it away either. However! When you buy a fridge there used to be a $150 "disposal fee" built into the price (and maybe there still is). So, I should be able to call up SS and arrange for a special truck to come and take it away for me, and since I paid for disposal when I bought it, the service should be free! (Because government would never figure out a way to charge you for something, and then find a way to charge you again!)

I could have saved 6¼% on the skip fee if I'd had him come  tomorrow (Sunday) instead of Monday. But I wasn't sure if we would get it all done in one day. That's also why I chipped in and helped. I could have sat back and let the guys do all the work, but that didn't feel right. As it was, they did the brunt of the heavy lifting... But that doesn't mean I ain't knackered!

I'm sitting here in desperate need of a thorough wash, but can't move because my back and my knees are killing me! I'm also hungry because I haven't eaten for the day, but there is no way I'm standing in that kitchen right now to cook anything. Dinner tonight is probably pasta which can essentially cook itself - even though Tuesday is a weigh-day. I could have crackers, which (unusually) I have in the house, but I have neither cheese, ham, or anything else to put on them. So probably not.

The Job Supervisor is now asleep at on my feet, and I am sitting here watching rubbishy TV, trying to work myself up to attempting to rise from this chair and stagger as far as the shower.


  • Love 2

Went up to the club (which I needed after the toil yesterday, and because it was beastly hot this afternoon in town). Lots of fun had by everyone, and Mo went bananas as usual, running everywhere and poking his nose into everything.

The guys are being very careful to keep that nosie out of a spinning propeller, and I am very grateful for that. Everyone looks out for him. Unka Rudy even brought two cooked chicken hearts in a plastic bag. (And as I stood there with the bag in my hand, someone jumped up, snatched the bottom of the bag with his teeth, and ran off with the chicken hearts, bag bottom and all. I'll probably see that particular bit of plastic tomorrow morning during the early p&p stroll with the torchlight.)

I took a buncha photos of Mo, which I think might have been not-too-bad, despite my rubbish phone. And then, on the way home, my phone crapped the bed. It's been stuck at the Android boot-up screen for the last 4 hours. I can't get it to boot up, and I can't get it to power off. And of course, you can't take the battery out of your phone any more, so there is no way for me to turn it off.

So, no photos to post, no alarm to remind me to get up in the morning, or to take my medicine, no music in bed, no WhatsApp, TXT messages, or anything... I just hope if I take it to someone tomorrow, they can take it apart, disconnect the battery briefly, and revitalize the phone. Otherwise I have to find the cheepest phone in the island and buy it.

But! One of the guys took a few photos of Mo today and sent them to me. So, for your viewing pleasure, Mo, resting on the tummy of some fat guy, after running around like a mad thing, for half the afternoon:


More mad-thing running around was to follow, but this was just a rest break at about the halfway point.

Now, I have to go off to bed early, because I have no alarm to wake me in the morning, but I still have to be up early enough to juggle a van, a skip, seven bags of trash, the SS men and their truck, and Skip-guy with his truck.

Before trying to get my phone mended.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4

Well, after 16 hours, my cell phone decided it didn't like being a brick, and came back to life. (But how long before it changes it's mind again?) This is a good thing, because I can't really afford to buy a new phone right now.

Which I would have already done, if Skip-guy had come for the skip as promised. I called: "He's not out today," which is Bajan for "He got too drunk over the weekend to work Monday," so the skip will remain until tomorrow. I cried and told a tale of my poor TownAce out in the rain for the last three nights, and the woman said "I'll see what I can do," which is Bajan for "Shut up and get off my phone!"

Anyway, the advantage is I got some photos back from yesterday and I'll send you some now. (Because this is Monday and you need pictures of Mo to cheer you up. Right?)

This is Mo eating a bone. You can't see it, but it's there. Dunno where he got it from.


It looks like it might be a remnant of some Bajan souse. But I don't recall souse being served up at the club in ages! Maybe it was hidden by Buddy some time in the past? Mo isn't really allowed bones just yet, but I didn't make a fuss about it.

This one is him and that fat guy again:


I think he is actually asleep here. Note barrel-hoop collar.

And finally, a nice photo of him with Unka Raf:


I think Raf had some plantain chips, which is why Mo was so attentive. He really is a foodaholic. He will eat anything! Did I tell you about the cabbage? No?

I was chopping a cabbage the other day to add to a stirfry, and Mo was harassing me for some of what ever it was I had. Thinking to shut him up, I gave him the woody heart of the cabbage that I'd just cut out. He ate it all up! I can just picture Bud's or Dot's face if I'd given them cabbage to eat. Far less the heart of the cabbage...

Edited by Netfoot
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Cell phone still working, thank goodness. 

Skip-guy mk.2 came around midday and took the skip away, so the TownAce of awesomeness rests under cover tonight. 

Did a little rearranging after the skip left, but mostly vegged out in front the computer watching movies and catching up on a few TV episodes. (So few shows really appeal these days.)

Molasses is in a completely manic mood tonight. He had been chomping on me relentlessly for the last hour, going for my lands hands mostly, but also feet, face, 'nads, etc. He attacked his own bedding, then he attacked mine. I finally had to sling him into his hutch just for some peace! And when I think how sweet and cuddly he was last night and this morning...

Uh-oh! He just started kecking away, and I thought he was going to ralph, but he swallowed it back down again. Well, he will eat everything he can find to chew on. Including the bars of his hutch, and the bedding therein.

Weigh-day tomorrow. No idea what to expect. Meal-prep has been somewhat haphazard. We'll see.

Edited by Netfoot
16 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Weigh-day tomorrow. No idea what to expect. Meal-prep has been somewhat haphazard. We'll see.

Hope it's good news and maybe the doc should check all your Love Bites from Mo.

Has Heidi had a chance to meet Molasses yet?

Enjoyed your post about the Skip which I discovered is British terminology for what we call in the U.S., a trash bin or dumpster.  Is the Skip that you have located on land where you live?  Was there only one Skip, or was the Skip area piled up with bags and others things for the waste management company to pick up?  

I am shocked to realize I just assumed everyone would know what I meant by a skip! Also shocked to think I took not a single photo of the skip, empty nor full, nor any before or after shots of the garage/workshop. So, stock photo:


This is a skip. Most have one low end and one high, sometimes two low ends, sometime both ends are high. The one I rented had two high ends. They generally do not have a cover or lid of any sort. I believe Dumpsters generally do! They are transported by a special truck that is equipped to pick a skip up and load it onto it's own back.

Skip-guy arrived at the house and positioned the skip right in my driveway. Halfway into the actual garage, actually. I wanted it as close as possible to the massive pile of junk that was in the garage/workshop. Obviously, I had to park the TownAce down the road a bit so this could happen. This all occurred on Friday afternoon.

Saturday, we piled it full of crap for 5+ hours, and Sunday I doddered around in the morning stuffing in just one more thing, and then just one more thing... Monday, Skip-guy Mk.2 came and hauled it away, and the TownAce could return to the garage.

Skip service companies usually won't handle anything unless it's in the skip. The regular Sanitation Services usually won't handle anything much beyond household rubbish and occasional bits of junk. Wisely, as it turned out, I bagged what could go with Sanitation Services. I figured if we had room in the skip at the end, I could chuck the bags in at the top. As it turned out we didn't have room. But Sanitation Services came around that Monday morning, and as I heard them coming 15 minutes before they arrived, I was able to take the bags out to the front gate, where they were taken away with the regular trash. I didn't even see them go; I was in bed having a snuggle with Mr. Mo!

Skips are mostly used in the commercial sphere, but if you're building or renovating, or just manage to collect a huge pile of crap over a period of time, they can be very useful. You can also get a "Small Skip" or a "Big Skip". I got the regular size which was more than enough for my purpose, and I only filled it to the top. Some people pile the crap up 3-4' higher than the top of the skip, and they have to use a net to prevent it falling out as it's being taken away. I think this is not cricket, but it happens all the time. Fortunately not required in this case, despite the sneeking little fart from next door...

  • Love 2

Phoooh! What a day.

Started early, with a visit to Dr. Kristi for a weigh-in. (Two lbs. up, dammit.) She insisted I bring Mo to visit, and he made other patients wait 15 minutes while she played with him. But they didn't mind because they all played with him too.

Then, it was off to the vet to see if we could get to the bottom of the scratching, because I have yet to see a flea! Not surprising; he doesn't have fleas or any other sort of mites or parasites. So he got a shot, is not to wear a collar until Sunday, and has to take medicine twice a day for the next week. And, I'm to spray some Off (mosquito repellant) on a paper towel and wipe him with it before bed. He got weighed too, and is now right on 10 lbs. Even Dr. Kristi said he has the legs of a Great Dane. And she would know, seeing as how she keeps Harlequins.

Mo went home at this point, and was incarcerated in his crate, poor baby.

Right about this time my phone gave up the ghost again, and I left it at the shop to see if it could be revived, and shot off to the National Insurance Service.

Applied for early pension yonks ago, and heard nothing since. Yesterday being my birthday I was motivated to find out what was the hold-up. It took hours of CV19 approved queueing outside in the rain followed by some outrageous flirting to get to the bottom of the problem. The part of the form filled in by the bank had an error. Four month delay, since they didn't know how to contact me, to tell me the form had an error... The same form that had two phone numbers, an email and a street address? Yes, that form.

Anyway, had to go get the form corrected at the bank, return it to NIS, and then the van was low on fuel, so a gas station, then groceries and pharmacy, but couldn't remember what drugs I needed because: no phone.

So then back to the cell phone place to discover that the phone is a total brick. So, no choice but to buy the cheapest phone that doesn't run Android-GO which I won't tolerate. (Settled for a Samsung built under license in South America, somewhere) that only set me back $500!! Could have got one that was $5 cheaper, but the one I got was a later model.

And finally home to rescue Mo from the crate and eat breakfast (first meal of the day) at 4:00PM.

The only positive up-side to this day (apart from (hopefully) getting pension from Monday) is that the new phone just might have a slightly better camera. I mean, it certainly couldn't be any worse... Tomorrow, we'll try it and see!

Now to figure out why the new phone has this £££ symbol prominently on the keyboard, but hides the $$$ key three keystrokes deep.....


  • Love 1

You buried the lead story in all of this! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, NETFOOT, 🎉🎈🎂

Did your vet recommend using Off on Mo? I have read that dogs are sensitive to DEET and the product could cause neurological problems like seizures and also vomiting, especially if he licks himself. Please read the label and do research. I know that there are pet-friendly mosquito sprays if that’s the pest he’s having problems with. I did a google search and found many statements to not use it on pets. Yes, I’m being bossy again, but I just am wary of using people products on a pet, especially one as small as Mo. 

5 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

Did your vet recommend using Off on Mo?

Yes, she did. I was surprised. She told me not to spray him directly, but to spray a little on a paper towel and wipe him down with it. It's the last thing I would have thought to do, and I made sure I understood. 

He also got a shot of antibiotics (but she did say he's so small she could only give him a very tiny dose) and I have to give him 1mg Histal (¼ tab) and 50mg of clavaseptin every 12 hours.

I don't like giving medicine of any kind to my boys, but I have to have faith in their doctors, as I do with my own doctor.

Speaking of which, chatted with Dr. K. yesterday (while she cuddled my Mo) about athletes foot, and she had some very interesting things to say about vaccines. Things I dare not mention, for fear of being thrown off the forum and targeted by FBI sniper team. Prolly get a one-week suspension just for using the word "Vaccine". Ooops! Two weeks...

So, remember the $500 phone I bought yesterday? Comes with a one year guarantee. The only thing that can void that guarantee is if the phone shows signs of abuse. Specifically, scrapes or scratches to the corners.

So, this afternoon, as I get out of the car to go to the pharmacy, Mo slaps the phone out of my hand, where it bounced off the tarmac and ended up 10 feet away. With one corner well scraped/scratched.

Guarantee voided in less than 24 hours, by cute little rapscallion!

Edited by Netfoot

Molasses is a very sweet snuggler. Sometimes I let him out of his crate and he cuddles delightfully. Buddy was a sweet, loving boy, but he preferred to cuddle up against your back. Mo is all about wriggling in between your arms and sticking his head on your shoulder. It in your armpit. Unfortunately...

Progress on the biting has been slow, and on the house-training even slower. 

But what concerns me most is the itching, which despite 4½ days of treatment, hasn't improved much, if at all.

He is still a darling, though. 


He likes to crawl onto my pillow. Bud would put his head on the pillow beside you. Mo sometimes takes the upper portion of the pillow for himself. Here he is, snoozing, on my face. Sometimes he sits on my face. 


Sometimes he eats my face!

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😁 I go there every two weeks, so all she had to do is put in an appearance! (I don't see her each time; the staff can usually work the scale and record the result. Even if I'm having a blood draw - every 3rd visit - she doesn't always deal with me herself. I frequently just see her acrsss across the clinic and wave a greeting.)

Besides, he is a cute AF puppy right now, but when he grows up, the swan may grow into an ugly duckling! He will always be my Mohican baby with the fuzzy physiog and white toesies, but maybe everyone else will feel differently. Although Dr. K. is likely to retain her affection for her God-puppy, the other patients might not be so keen to tolerate a 10 minute delay while the staff play with a grown up boy!

Hewad He was a devil when it came to getting him in the car this afternoon, scooting off when ever I made to pick him up, and circling around to stand just out of reach. When I finally caught him and we set off, he fell asleep on my right arm, then moved onto my right shoulder to sleep. Moving him into the back seat resulted in howls and yowls all the remainder of the way to the club.

Once we arrived, he imperiously demanded I lift him out of the car. I had to lay a trail of cashews to lead him from the back seat, out to the door and down, before he would jump out on his own.

Once out, he teleported into the clubhouse (nothing else explains the speed) whereupon he gave unka Rudy and unka Raf a serious tongue-lashing for reasons unknown.

Then, Mo behaved like an absolute monster for the remainder of the day, and all we were doing was thing to keep him out of a propeller. On the leash he fought like a swordfish on the line, held in my arms he wriggled and twisted like an eel, and when ever ejected from the pits area, he would be back inside before you were! He actually jumped on the wing of unka Rudy's Spacewalker!

I've tried to be gentle with Mo, because I like a boy with spirit, but his own safety is at stake. He must be taught to stay away from a spinning propeller that could literally cut him in half! More severe punishments than a stern voice may be required.

Not that he has been endangered at any time so far. Everyone is very careful to make sure he is "in custody" before starting a motor, and also to check when landing that he is not wandering around where he shouldn't be. But he/we can't rely on everyone else continuing to look out for him constantly, and never forget!

Anyway, it was a very pleasant afternoon, with eight aircraft on the field.


And it ended with an absolutely glorious sunset which I couldn't photograph, because after persuing Mo for 5 minutes to get him in the car, I wasn't putting him down to get a snapshot. Perhaps I will get a copy of something decent from one of the others, but don't count on it. Most people seem to think that the best way to capture a magnificent panorama like that... is to use portrait mode. ☹️ I call it the Instagram mentality.

Here's hoping the pension comes through tomorrow as promised. I'm tired of running around like a blue-arsed fly over this. Don't they know we old people aren't able to do much any more?


Edited by Netfoot
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12 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Even in portrait mode, those are stunning photos.

True. But the sunset was at least three times wider than those images show. Even landscape wouldn't do it justice!

This new phone has "panorama" but I do not know if it's any good. (Yesterday was the ideal chance to find out!) Panorama used to work very well on my Pixel phone, but on this cheap SASamsung, who knows?

Puppy-Mo slept next to me last night for several hours most cuddly and sweet. Then he went for my delicate parts, and I only just escaped major injury! Locked his little butt in the hutch, and he yodelled for 20 minutes before finally going off to sleep. He's so sweet most of the the me and the rest of the time he's a rotter 

He's yodelling now, to be lifted into bed to help me read. I will in a minute, but I'll give him a chance to get up by himself (it won't be long now) and I'll get this post sent before he tries to eat the phone.

No sign of the pension yet...

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