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French Version vs. US Version: Compare And Contrast

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After the first US episode, there are a couple of big differences from the French version.


First, the butterfly -- there's no indication in the US version that in addition to people coming back from the dead that animals are also coming back from the dead.  Because that's kind of a big deal.


The old man that committed suicide off the dam -- the US version completely dropped the part in the French version where Mr. Costa (called Mr. Goddard in the US version) tied up his wife that had come back from the dead and burned the house down around her BEFORE jumping off the dam.


In the US version, Lena has to be at least 21 to be drinking in a bar which would make Camille only 17 when she died -- and Camille looks way too young to be 17. Compared to the French version where Lena was approx. 18 (which is the drinking age in bars in France) which put Camille at 14.


Lastly, the musical score -- the US version sounds too much like the score from 'The Leftovers', too many strings whereas the French version was much more electronic.



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The biggest difference to me was the character of Julie.  In the French, she wears baggy clothes, her posture looks like she is hiding, no makeup, no hair style - the violation and horror she endured has left major psychological scars.  The new Julie is a successful doctor, friendly to her neighbors and quite confident.  That was a problem for me.  


Also, Lena.  Lena was just a big problem for me. Gone is the gorgeous, slightly arrogant 19 year old who is scarred by the death of her twin.  In her place we have a typical teen, breathy voice, trying too hard to fit in - I felt she was miscast.  The actress who played Camille did a nice job, though we lose that French teen way of looking at the characters and the camera as if we all were just slightly stupid.  

And then Lucy - in the French version we have the sunny and sweet mysterious bartender who does some side psychic sex business. In this one we have a prostitute who also bartends and needs money because of a mean ex.  No mystery at all, then we see her assaulted (is that too strong a word?) by Jack who is angry that he's grieved for Camille but now she back.  Did he own the Lake Pub in the original?


If I hadn't seen and loved the original, I may have liked this more.  I loved the eerie, quaint atmosphere of the French town - this town seemed like a rich resort town instead.  I missed the butterflies.  I liked the confusion of not knowing exactly what the timing was from Camille's death to her return.  I liked the issues of the dam being introduced right from the beginning.  The American version seems to think I need anvils dropped on my head to explain what's going on.  I'll give it another chance though...

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The biggest difference to me was the character of Julie.  In the French, she wears baggy clothes, her posture looks like she is hiding, no makeup, no hair style - the violation and horror she endured has left major psychological scars.  The new Julie is a successful doctor, friendly to her neighbors and quite confident.  That was a problem for me.


Agreed -- that was a big change as well, and not for the better.


And then Lucy - in the French version we have the sunny and sweet mysterious bartender who does some side psychic sex business. In this one we have a prostitute who also bartends and needs money because of a mean ex.  No mystery at all, then we see her assaulted (is that too strong a word?) by Jack who is angry that he's grieved for Camille but now she back.


That scene with Jack was kind of off-putting and and an unnecessary addition to the story.


I checked against the French version regarding Simon's timeline since he died -- in the US version it was 6 years while in the French version it was 10 years.


There were several scenes in the US version so far where you could really tell they were "acting", like when Camille was freaking out at the door of the bus.


The US version of Victor is not even close to being as creepy as the French version of Victor.  The US version is like the Diet Coke of creepy -- just one calorie, not creepy enough.  Plus they ditched that entire scene where French version of Victor freaked out Julie by jumping out of a 2nd story window but was completely fine.

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If I hadn't seen and loved the original, I may have liked this more.  I loved the eerie, quaint atmosphere of the French town - this town seemed like a rich resort town instead.  I missed the butterflies.  I liked the confusion of not knowing exactly what the timing was from Camille's death to her return.  I liked the issues of the dam being introduced right from the beginning.  The American version seems to think I need anvils dropped on my head to explain what's going on.


Well, if one can't be bothered to read subtitles then you kind of get what you deserve. ;)


It's simply missing the tone that made the original so great. I'm afraid this is going to be one of these "retoolings" that only works for those who haven't seen the genuine article. And those viewers are the worse for it.


Since a second season of the French original is being produced, I guess this means the Cuse production will have to follow that one as well, instead of going their own direction as they said was under consideration.

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The old man that committed suicide off the dam -- the US version completely dropped the part in the French version where Mr. Costa (called Mr. Goddard in the US version) tied up his wife that had come back from the dead and burned the house down around her BEFORE jumping off the dam.


Thank you! I knew something was missing from that scene but couldn't remember what. It didn't quite make sense to me that this guy would just leave his newly resurrected wife to kill himself. Since Michelle Forbes is sticking around, I wonder what her role will be.


The US version of Victor is not even close to being as creepy as the French version of Victor.  The US version is like the Diet Coke of creepy -- just one calorie, not creepy enough.  Plus they ditched that entire scene where French version of Victor freaked out Julie by jumping out of a 2nd story window but was completely fine.


Agreed. French Victor sitting there silent was creepy and off-putting, but US Victor is just kind of there. I also think French Victor speaking French was creepier to American me. 


I did think some of the scenes got the general atmosphere right, like when Rowan saw Simon and had her breakdown by the door. Overall, though, it seemed like an English version of something I'd seen done better. I'll keep watching, though. I do like most of the actors and want to see if they make any changes. 

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Camille looks like she escaped from The Disney Channel. On one hand, I'm annoyed that she doesn't have the eerie feeling contrasted with being a normal, awkward-looking teenaged girl. On the other, I kinda like that she does look like a popular teenaged blond girl- an utterly normal, cookie-cutter kid who's biggest concern is getting the hot guy in class to like her.


I do, however, prefer Rowan to Adele.



I checked against the French version regarding Simon's timeline since he died -- in the US version it was 6 years while in the French version it was 10 years.


I think they had to bump it down because Mary Elizabeth Winstead is only 31. They tried to keep Chloe's age as low as they could without making her a toddler.


The indie pop does change up the feel of the show, though. And I liked how the unnamed French town looked old and slightly worn-down...this town looks like a fairly large town with a lot of affluence. It's also gotten a name.

Edited by methodwriter85
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One of the things I liked better about the French version is the eerie emptiness/starkness of the town and surroundings.  There are few people walking about; few cars being driven.  The US version seems positively bustling in comparison.  One of my theories is that they are ALL dead and in limbo/purgatory. 

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It's been maybe a year since I watched the French version, but while this isn't quite as good it's not a bad knock off at all, so far. Pretty true to the original and so far I don't find it hollow or disappointing. We'll see where they go with it.

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One of the things I liked better about the French version is the eerie emptiness/starkness of the town and surroundings.  There are few people walking about; few cars being driven.  The US version seems positively bustling in comparison.  One of my theories is that they are ALL dead and in limbo/purgatory. 

I agree the French version felt moodier and more mysterious.  As to them all being dead or in purgatory, have you seen Lost?  It is Carlton Cuse, after all.

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The funny thing about Lost (which I watched) is that I remember them saying early on that they weren't; dead/in purgatory.  And then ...   I'm interested to see where the French version goes with this; not so much the American version. 

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