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S07.E13: The Countdown Begins

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If there is really no married rich African prince and Porsha has been paying for everything though her own work and endorsements, then Claudia owes her a big apology.  I actually do not mind Porsha (wish she would used the money to learn more about the great history her grandfather was a part of) or Claudia (not a fan of some of her comments), but in this situation one of them is lying.


Really would not care about it at all...but they made it a big part of the show this season.

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What does "dress like a hooker" even mean? Porsha's dresses are form fitting which might not be everyone's taste but beyond that, I just don't see it.

Everybody knows(TM early seasons Phaedra) Hookers wear gym shoes  camisoles, and booty shorts.


At least, that's what many seasons of Cops have lead me to believe.

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Please, please, please tell me there is a GIF of Kandi's aunt (aka Baby Dinosaur) talking about Todd's "booooollshit"!! I deleted the episode without watching it a 2nd time - and my night is wrecked because of it!!

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