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Small Talk: Hall Of Just Talk


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Personally, as a long-time member of TWoP's Heroes Meet Market and someone who is genuinely looking forward to Reborn, I'm partial to the "jokey bit" we used there: "Hall of Just Talk" (a riff on the Super Friends' "Hall of Justice").

For a self-introduction, I'm from Maine, and 3 phones later, I still use the Heroes "theme" as my ringtone....

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Some (hell, most) of my best online friends came from the old Heroes Meet Market forum. Don't know how much of that old magic we can recapture, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

BTW, I'm a hotel night auditor in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, up in Canada. (And the wallpaper on my laptop is the S-symbol from the show, in front of an eclipse, with a black background. :) )

Edited by The Crazed Spruce
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Hey everyone. Immigrant (refugee?) from TWOP here. I was a long time poster in the Heroes Meet Mar-heyyyyy... I already know you two.

How are things going Spruce, has life been treating you well? I have missed talking to you since forever ago. I had HVGB weather conditions sent to my phone so I could be smug about how less cold it was here. ;-)

Hey Mark! Happy April 16.

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I've already booked the house elves to bring the HMM bar and hot tub out of storage and give the DMS a good cleaning (it's been outdoors at Tribal Council for years now, so...) :)

Hmm, the bar and the hot tub? Nice. :) We shouldn't forget the massage table and everything else in the RoR.


ALenore, you might remember me from TWoP as 'keeptrying.'


Oh yes Caprice, I do remember keeptrying.   The massage table sounds great.   I could really use a massage right now, I have construction going on outside my window at work, lots of noise all day.   Last week there was a jackhammer (literally) 20 feet away pounding all day. Yesterday there were trucks backing up all day, beeping.   It's raining today, so it's quiet right now, but I'm expecting the work to start up again soon.

Edited by ALenore

I have construction going on outside my window at work, lots of noise all day.   Last week there was a jackhammer (literally) 20 feet away pounding all day. Yesterday there were trucks backing up all day, beeping.   It's raining today, so it's quite right now, but I'm expecting the work to start up again soon.

This will be my life, soon enough. We bought a house under construction and will be moving in in another few weeks. Thing is, the entire development is still under construction, so I'll be living with the building of the two houses on either side of me. I have GOT to get a job....

  • Love 1

So . . . it turns out I have/had 25,963 active posts on TWoP, presumably since January 2001. Was I dedicated, or did I need a life?


How is everybody? I'm wussing out of going to the TAR start-up tonight. Why did they have to do it at 3 in the damn morning? If there was daylight, I would've went. I want to go, but it would be a pain in the ass to get there and back.

Warden was over 50,000 before he got booted, but 25000 was damn respectable.  I salute you.  I'm at 11,205, and I completely missed it when I hit 10,000. 


We do have until some time tonight (5/31) to say our final goodbyes on TWoP; I don't know what they're using for a timezone so I don't know when it'll actually go dark.  If I were in New York, I'd go to the startup, but at this point it's not even drivable for me to do so (assuming it's 3 Am Saturday morning).


The house elves should be in here tonight to set up the kitchen, the bar, the hot tub, the Room of Requirement and the DMS.

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Mmmm, I love tennis season....


Warden was over 50,000 before he got booted, but 25000 was damn respectable.  I salute you.  I'm at 11,205, and I completely missed it when I hit 10,000. 


We do have until some time tonight (5/31) to say our final goodbyes on TWoP; I don't know what they're using for a timezone so I don't know when it'll actually go dark.  If I were in New York, I'd go to the startup, but at this point it's not even drivable for me to do so (assuming it's 3 Am Saturday morning).


The house elves should be in here tonight to set up the kitchen, the bar, the hot tub, the Room of Requirement and the DMS.

Funny, I'm at 11,581 and missed when I hit 10,000. How did I pass you in post-count, Mark?


I'm still reading our old posts in the HMM. Ahh, the time our webdaughter ran screaming from the Hall because of a chat HM and I were having... Eagle and her crack-like addiction to BSG... the early Mafia games.... Good times, good times.


Hey, Lantern! Things are pretty good here. I'm still getting used to it.

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TWoP and its format were a victim of changing times.  The pagination of the recaps and the 15/15 rule were both designed to maximize page views when that could actually be translated into revenue; the online ad space is very different now.  Plus, getting younger audiences to want to click through 15 pages of a recap or try to 1) figure out 15/15 and 2) actually do it must be nearly impossible.  Also, except for a few Glarkware ads I spotted lately, how many did you see on the forums recently that weren't just house ads (e.g., for Movies Without Pity)?  No ads = no revenue, and Invision hosting at that level ain't cheap.  Plus, the software upgrade a couple of years ago, with all of the TWoP-specific modifications, was a nightmare from our side; I can imagine what it did to Strega et al.  So from that perspective, I am not surprised that ComUniBC pulled the plug.  It sucks, but such has been the way of the Internet ever since The Spot shut down.

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Hey everyone, How are things?

*stacks boxes in a convenient closet*


I posted my last at 11:48 EST iirc and I noticed that someone posted a few minutes after me, but having the last post wasn't that important.

I think that NBC expected to grow TWOP into some sort of online hub and maybe envisioned it being much larger than it ever got. Whereas it being a small community is much more inline with it is. Hopefully PTV will not grow enticing enough so that another large company thinks it can create an online presence and the whole thing happens again. Not that I begrudge the owners/operators making bank.

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike shopping? Seriously, I am one of the only women I know who lacks the shopping gene. Still, I managed to force myself to buy some necessary items for the new house... and came in under budget!


That's close enough.  I posted after that, but it wasn't nearly as good, so consider it deleted :) .


AFAICT, TWoP went dead at 12:20 Am EDT on June 1, 2014 when everything started returning "Temporarily Unavailable".  I still have an HMM page open that I don't think I can bear to close yet.

*sticks fingers in ears* LALALALALALA!!!! I can't hear you!


Hey everyone, How are things?

*stacks boxes in a convenient closet*

Stacking boxes? Hey, HM, maybe you could come up in a couple weeks and help move some boxes around? I'll bake a cake!

Yeah, I gotta learn how to ignore TWoP when I type in "content" in my browser.


I like p.tv, but there are shows that remain uncovered, and I think some would benefit with just a single thread, like in TWoP. Robot Chicken fits that . . . it's eleven minutes long, and the wait time between seasons can be pretty long. There was a good episode tonight . . . a pretty dark sketch with Shrek and the horror of condoms made by Cobra . . . but there isn't a forum devoted to it. Yet. I tried something similar with One Piece last month, but only one other person has visited the forum so far.

Using Firefox, I used the Nuclear Option on my history: open the history sidebar, type "television" in the search box, right-click on one of the hits for the TWoP forums, and then... "Forget About This Site".  I haven't done it at home yet since I still have that one page open to the HMM that I'm clinging to like Leo DiCaprio at the end of Titanic.


I know at least one show has its own forum, but then an "All Episodes Discussion" topic instead of breaking out all the episodes 1 by 1.  But speaking of forums, we still have an opening for the "jokey bit" on this thread.  Do we want to bring back "Hall of Just Talk," or go in a different direction?  I'm currently in favor of keeping the old name.


OED Word of the Day from Sunday: "Hero".

Hey, waffles in the steam tray! Good morning, everyone.


Wow, that's right... I-35 is now the official caprice-HM Highway! Unfortunately, radio station KTHM isn't in Tulsa or Kansas City, but in northern California.

Snerk. Well, that's one way to think of I-35. And seriously? There's a radio station KTHM? That cracks me up. :) Maybe I'll look them up....


Hey there, Lantern. Smile today, okay?


For some silly reason, I forgot to buy coffee when I was at the store yesterday. *sigh* I suppose I'm off to waste money at the big, national coffee chain in my apartment complex.

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Don Zimmer, a legend to baseball fans in 44½ states and the District of Columbia, has died.


Those of us in the other 5½ states who chiefly remember him as the manager of the 1978 "Boston Massacre"/"Bucky-F-Dent" Red Sox may think of him less kindly.  (Warning: linked thread contains crude adult commentary and much trampling on the adage that one should not speak ill of the dead.)




Didn't have that long a day at the con. According to the pedometer, I logged 8,403 steps, give or take. The real pain is getting up early tomorrow morning to catch a screening at 9 a.m. The trip takes about 30 minutes, but trying to find parking is a pain in the ass. Oh, and I got sketches here and here.


ETA: Logged in 11,787 steps today. Wound up getting shut out of a few panels, but I got to a Ninja Warrior panel, and I got two more sketches. I guess I got a full day . . . and I have one more day left.

Edited by Lantern7

Thanks, Caprice. I wound up getting three more: click here, here and here. And I'll be going to Special Edition NYC this weekend, so I'm going to keep getting sketches.


Anybody following the World Cup? I'm thinking soccer would be more exciting if the field shrank a little for more scoring chances*. Otherwise, I like the idea of a major sporting event potentially being over in roughly two hours.


*Seriously, you know why announcers get orgasmic over goals? Because they're rarer than scoring in comparison to other sports. It also explains the over-the-top celebrations afterward.

Edited by Lantern7

I think I set a personal record today. I logged in 16,077 steps today at Special Edition NYC. Wound up getting five sketches total, and I'll be going tomorrow for more. If I'm not a whimpering wreck by Monday, I'll consider it a victory.


ETA:  Logged in 12,717 steps today. All in all, it was a small, mellow convention, though it does make for a nice appetizer for the main course in October.

Edited by Lantern7
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Hey, guess what... I've won a some-expenses-paid trip to Canada!


Literally: I've won a round trip for 2 on the Nova Star, the new cruise ferry between Maine and Yarmouth, NS.  I'm going next week.  it includes a cabin on the night portion and a recliner on the way back, but not food & drinks.


@Lantern7: the Mets picked up Dice-K?  I hope he does well -- I'm in the "Red Sox didn't handle him properly" camp -- but doesn't this sound to some extent like Pedro all over again?

  • Love 2

Yeah . . . from what I remember, he's gone from the bullpen into the rotation. I don't think he's as old as Pedro Martinez when the Mets picked him up.


I'm still recovering from Special Edition. Here are the eleven sketches I picked up over both days. I've uploaded the pics (which are a little light) onto my new laptop, and I'll post those later tonight. I'm a little conned out right now . . . dunno when my next fix will come in, and I'm not in any real rush.


ETA: Here's the latest Epic Rap Battle, and it comes with a few surprises. Also, the duo behind ERB are featured in YouTube commercials, and the next concept has been revealed.

Edited by Lantern7

Hey everyone, how are things?

For some stupid reason I thought the US - Ghana game started at 6:30 CST, and it did not. I was working and I thought I would leave at 6 and get to someplace to watch it and when I checked at 6 to confirm my times, I was flabbergasted to learn that the game was half over and we were winning. It was all in all a kind of yucky day.



 I've won a round trip for 2 on the Nova Star, the new cruise ferry between Maine and Yarmouth, NS.

Is there anything to do in YARRRRRmouth? Or are you going to get there, clear customs, and turn around and come back?




Here are the eleven sketches I picked up

Neat, the Space Dandy is kinda cool...

Is there anything to do in YARRRRRmouth? Or are you going to get there, clear customs, and turn around and come back?

Well, the new ship is a mite faster than the prior cruise ferry, so we'll likely have a couple of hours in port instead of just one.  The last time I was there we had just enough time to get to a T-shirt shop.  (There was a high-speed catamaran for a few years that made the crossing in just a few hours, but they split the US side between Portland and Bar Harbor so you couldn't come straight back to your port of embarkation, and it was so fast and sparse aboard that no one took it just for the trip; it was limited to those who actually had a need to go to Nova Scotia, and it didn't last.)

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