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S25: Maksim Chmerkovskiy

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One thing I love is how often I hear people who may not have been her biggest fan before saying they're really excited about Meryl on the show now, and I think Maks deserves a lot of credit or at least co-credit for providing her with someone to spark off of.

I didn't really care about Meryl one way or another before the show. Now I like her, but that's despite Maks, not because of him. Or maybe it is because of him, but only because I am seriously impressed with how she manages such a temperamental asshole. 

Maks, Maks, Maks....  Sweetie, you have GOT to calm the (as Meryl would say) frick down.  The last thing I want to see is you sabotaging your (by your own admission) "perfect partner" because of your temper tantrums.  I know you're frustrated and you want everything to be perfect, but sometimes you just have to let things happen.  The greatest strength you have this season is not your choreography but the chemistry you have with your partner.  Don't torpedo that.

The artistic process can be intense and the glimpses we get of real moments is what makes Maks so special. His most turbulent outbursts are not directed at Meryl and I loved seeing him bring her into the process of creating a dance from scratch when he was blocked creatively. I'd hazard to guess that working on the AT with Val might have been a more grueling experience for Meryl than putting these two dances together this week, but that's not the story that the show runners wanted to tell.


I am skeptical that Maks is keen on the "Tame the Wild Beast," storyline that TPTB are insistent on telling because of his "You'd never know it from the package" comment but he pulled a fast one on them by showering the love on everyone this week even before the scores were announced. That particular out-pour of happiness and satisfaction seemed to come genuinely from the appreciation of performing the dance as well as intended. If his creative process takes real emotion and expresses it through dance, then that's just his process and, unfortunately for him and his image, it's being filmed and put on display.


My take on the frustration expressed in the package is that he's not fearful of not winning; he's been there done that. I think that the frustration stems from a fear of not presenting Meryl in the best possible light on the dancefloor. The lack of turbulence in their relationship may actually be the cause of the block when the music inspires him to go in a turbulent direction.


Incidentally, it looked like the outbursts made it into the VW, but instead of all the emotion coming from Maks, it came from Meryl and it appeared to be genuine and unforced. Although the theme was similar to what they did last week in the Rumba, in the VW it was more nuanced which is much harder to achieve and a sign of true artistic growth. Last week, the slap was a tool to get them into the story of the dance, this week the expression came from within Meryl and it set up a lovely dance that soared despite a dress made from Puffs (some athletes can take sponsorship too far!) and clunky boots.


For what it's worth, for as long as Maks has been on the show, he's able to do this kind of expression through dance. The growth arc we are witnessing for them as dance partners is Meryl's maturation as an artist. She's very much coming into her own in this department. It's much less obvious than the growth that is getting Candace so much deserved praise. They both came into this competition with opposite strengths, in that Meryl brought a mastery of demanding extraordinary things from her body and Candace brought a mastery of artistically expressing emotion (her Contemporary Dance week 1 was excellent).

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Well said Glaadrial, I have always been a fan of Max, I find his candor refreshing. My husband is like that too, he is pure Croatian in ancestry though he was born in America. I noted that Max said he just said his truth about Abby, because you could already see what he is thinking by the look on his face. My husband too, he tries to fake me out with joking white lies, but he can't, his face tells the tale every time. And from past experience with adept liars, that is a very good thing.


I am really enjoying Maks and Meryl and it is more than the possibility of a win, they are already winning, I love every minute they are on camera. Compared to that, the mirror ball is merely a trinket!

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I am with you gigi and Glaadrial. I understand 100% why someone would NOT be a fan of Maks. I totally get how and why he can be off-putting to people. I suspect he gets it too. What I appreciate about him is that he is who he is and puts that out there regardless of how it looks. I'll admit there have been a few weeks when I've watched a pre-dance package with Maks and one of his partners(not just this season) and thought to myself "Ugh. I wish he had dialed that back just a little bit" but overall, I do appreciate his candor.


I always enjoy watching the post-show interviews with Extra or Afterbuzz because I think they often get into what was really happening in the pre-dance packages for all the couples. When I first started watching DWTS, I was not a big fan of Maks based on what I saw in the show. When I started watching more of the interviews of the couples outside the show, I think I got a better sense of who he is and why he comes across a particular way (which can be unlikable). This week, Maks explained that the reason he was so frustrated in rehearsal is because he is terrible at preparation and shows up to rehearse having no idea what he is going to do. So the cameras are there filming as he is working things out step by step from scratch. He said he walks in, says "Hi Meryl," turns on the music for the first time and then starts trying to work out the steps with his partner in the room. This is why we see so many packages with his partners standing around while he seems annoyed and frustrated. It has nothing to do with the partner and everything to do with him and his process.


In contrast, he's said before that Val gets the music for next week after the show Monday night and stays up until 4:00 am working on the choreography. Then he tests it out with another pro or a troupe member. And THEN he brings it to his partner and teaches her exactly what he wants her to do. Any frustrations Val has in his creative process comes when he is working out the choreo alone at 2:00 am Monday. Maks basically admitted in the post-show interviews this week that he knows his approach is not great but it is the way he works and he can't change it. 

  • Love 3

In contrast, he's said before that Val gets the music for next week after the show Monday night and stays up until 4:00 am working on the choreography. Then he tests it out with another pro or a troupe member. And THEN he brings it to his partner and teaches her exactly what he wants her to do. Any frustrations Val has in his creative process comes when he is working out the choreo alone at 2:00 am Monday. Maks basically admitted in the post-show interviews this week that he knows his approach is not great but it is the way he works and he can't change it. 

Both approaches have their drawbacks. Charlie mentioned that Sharna has every detail planned before hand too. I would think that approach doesn't account for the individual star's strengths and weaknesses as much. I imagine it would also be frustrating when you have an entire dance choreographed and the star just isn't getting the key portions. No way is going to be perfect and it's a matter of preference. Not everyone will work the same way.


Maks deserves some credit for Meryl making the finals. I know she's a huge ringer, but Charlie leaving demonstrates that her making the finals was not a foregone conclusion. Meryl has a lot of talent and has worked very hard, but her partnership with Maks has allowed her to really stand out from the crowd. 

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I thought the package plus the jive and scoring afterwards was kind of Maks in a nutshell tbh. For good and bad. I know the packages are edited and I'm sure the temper tantrum was just a snapshot and not something that's going on constantly. IMO the way Meryl keeps going on about him being "giving" and "nurturing" and how at ease she seems with him points more towards her being able to deal so well with the occasional drama llama nonsense because he's really supportive and cool otherwise. But since TPTB are determined to go for the (creepy) "beauty and the beast" narrative, that's the focus. That said, temper tantrums aren't cool and he should try to cut that out and it is super annoying.


Then OTOH you also had him trying to get Meryl to admit that she's still hurting. Which is something he's been talking about since the start of the season, that Meryl will just try to tough it out and won't say if something's not working for her, if she's hurt, if she doesn't like something etc. I can see where that can be a problem, and even though it's admirable for Meryl to be all "no complaining ever", it can also be counter-productive and leave her dance partner with no idea if adjustments to choreography, training, pacing, teaching etc. need to be made.


Then the jive was total badass and you could see that he was happy with the performance. Hence you had him smooching the judges, hilariously mugging Elvis-style in the skybox etc. Which for me is Maks at his best. He just seems so warm and genuinely enthusiastic and on a good day he brings so much energy into the show. I understand when people are annoyed with his loudness and drama, but for me the way he's such a live wire really adds to the watching experience.


And I agree that all approaches to choreographing seem to have drawbacks. IMO you saw with both Sharna and Val that sometimes the pre-planned routine didn't go 100% with the strengths of their celebrity partner, and with Maks you'll have the frustration at the beginning of the process and sometimes perhaps staying too much within the comfort zone? Though  the "give them content like a pro" approach really showed its negative sides this season as well IMO. And since Maks is directly creating on Meryl I feel he's fully aware of her performance abilities in particular and really pushes her into different directions each week. Since the technical content of their dances has also been very good, that just makes a really appealing package IMO.

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I think the Maks method of choreographing also allows for spontaneity and humanity that Val's does not.  Meryl & Val's AT was spectacular from a technical standpoint, but it was kind of lacking that human element of two people relating to each other that Maks was able to achieve with the foxtrot or the tango.  And he achieved that from he and Meryl being in the rehearsal room together.  The hand-holding thing in the tango came directly from their rehearsal experience.

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For me though, I've enjoyed their choreography less and less as the season went on because it's all started to blend into a 'let's walk in dramatically, dance a bit, then almost kiss' sameness. They do it beautifully, but it doesn't feel innovative or fresh anymore and maybe it's because Maks isn't giving himself room to get creative. And it's probably why he hasn't helped her correct some of the technical flaws she does have. Meryl's time is so limited with the SOI commitments, it's foolish to waste any of it by coming in unprepared.

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And it's probably why he hasn't helped her correct some of the technical flaws she does have.

What technical problems did she have in the jive and the waltz?  None of the pros on Afterbuzz or in their blogs had any technical complaints at all.  I think what Maks did with the two dances this week was to not go overboard with flashy moves and just to make sure that what she did was perfect and that all the details (like synchronicity in the jive) were correct.

And he achieved that from he and Meryl being in the rehearsal room together.  The hand-holding thing in the tango came directly from their rehearsal experience.



Or the rehearsal footage was scripted to go along with the choreography. Maks has done that close up on the hand holding to start the dance choreography before - see Erin's V Waltz. As Maks himself said this week, he's always been passionate about storytelling. 

See, I'm no dance expert, I only like watching it on TV, heh. But to me Maks and Mark seem to be the two pros who have been really cleaning up their partners' technique this season. Maks seems to give her as much content as she can handle executing cleanly, and IMO that content has visibly increased throughout the weeks. Though the cha cha in week 1 already had plenty. Things like legs, knees, feet etc...these are things Meryl has been criticized for for years on skating boards. That's just not something he can correct in 10 weeks IMO. If it can be corrected at all.


I think overall Sharna did a really good job with Charlie, but one of the things that may have done him in is that he didn't seem to be visibly improving. He was really good at ballroom and jazz and contemporary and struggled with latin. That didn't change throughout IMO. That paso in particular really wasn't helped by Sharna giving him content he couldn't handle cleanly and she didn't help him enough in channeling the character of the dance. Whereas with Meryl you see that she struggles more with latin as well, but there's been clear improvement throughout the season.


And I don't think it would make much sense for Maks to try to change his way of choreographing. He does it the way he does in rehearsal, he knows it has drawbacks, but it works like that for him. If he tried to be all prepared for it beforehand, the results would probably look strained, awkward and unconvincing because his best ideas come during rehearsal with his partner. As was also already said, the pre-planned also has downsides, examples being Charlie's paso or Danica's "street dance" salsa IMO (where Val probably thought the concept was cool, but didn't seem to take Danica's personality into account at all).


One of the things that has helped Meryl this season IMO is that she has gotten choreography that plays to her strengths but also shows a lot of variety. The cha cha was a fun riff on her skating career. The swing had the Minnie and Mickey theme. The foxtrot was romantic. The samba was whimsical and cute. The tango was dark and passionate. The salsa had a fierce and fun party feel. The rumba had the "A Streetcar Named Desire" motif (when everybody had been expecting a more traditional "steamy" routine from them, I thought Maks smartly sidestepped the danger dance couples with good chemistry sometimes fall into here: overcooking it). The Elvis theme was given. The VW nicely incorporated both the country and western theme and the heartbreak theme of their song.

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Whereas with Meryl you see that she struggles more with latin as well, but there's been clear improvement throughout the season.



Again, this is where people see things differently. I've seen no struggles and no improvement from Meryl at all this season. She came in at the top of the game and stayed there all season. Whereas Charlie struggled.


But then again, as much as I've grown to really like Charlie, I don't think either of them should have been on the show. This is a show about teaching celebrities with no dance experience to dance. I know a lot of celebs have some level of dance experience but these two are ICE DANCERS. Not ice skaters, but trained ice DANCERS. As far as I'm concerned, they might as well have brought back Anna and Louis and let them dance with Maks and Sharna.


And before I get jumped on I've been saying this for years. But this season just took it to a whole new level with two ice DANCERS.

But then again, as much as I've grown to really like Charlie, I don't think either of them should have been on the show. This is a show about teaching celebrities with no dance experience to dance. I know a lot of celebs have some level of dance experience but these two are ICE DANCERS. Not ice skaters, but trained ice DANCERS. As far as I'm concerned, they might as well have brought back Anna and Louis and let them dance with Maks and Sharna.

And before I get jumped on I've been saying this for years. But this season just took it to a whole new level with two ice DANCERS.

Here's the thing... The emphasis is probably more appropriately ICE dancers. At the end of the day they are ICE skaters not dancers. Transfer of weight, momentum, and lower body movement is all incredibly different on skates than on the floor. That's one of the reasons we saw Charlie struggle so much with Latin movement and while Meryl struggled far less, I would say that early on she did have some struggles. The patterns required in ice dance are more approximations of ballroom steps than direct translations of them.
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Here's the thing... The emphasis is probably more appropriately ICE dancers. At the end of the day they are ICE skaters not dancers. Transfer of weight, momentum, and lower body movement is all incredibly different on skates than on the floor. That's one of the reasons we saw Charlie struggle so much with Latin movement and while Meryl struggled far less, I would say that early on she did have some struggles. The patterns required in ice dance are more approximations of ballroom steps than direct translations of them.


Moving this to General Gabbery. 

Edited by Toonces464

What technical problems did she have in the jive and the waltz?  None of the pros on Afterbuzz or in their blogs had any technical complaints at all.


I didn't watch the waltz that closely because I was so distracted wondering what the hell she was wearing. But in general I have seen  sloppiness with her leg extensions and her knees, as well as the dreaded sickle foot. I haven't seen improvement over the season with that.


The folks on Afterbuzz and the pro bloggers are all very diplomatic. They're going for a general audience and they don't get too technical about anyone. They tend to overpraise almost everyone, in my view.

For me though, I've enjoyed their choreography less and less as the season went on because it's all started to blend into a 'let's walk in dramatically, dance a bit, then almost kiss' sameness. They do it beautifully, but it doesn't feel innovative or fresh anymore and maybe it's because Maks isn't giving himself room to get creative. And it's probably why he hasn't helped her correct some of the technical flaws she does have. Meryl's time is so limited with the SOI commitments, it's foolish to waste any of it by coming in unprepared.

A Big ITA to this post.


The intro to their VW seemed same-old same-old at this point.  Meryl dramatically declined to dance with him at first, then she relented and they did their dance.  Seemed very similar to what we've seen before.


And it is very inconsiderate of Maks to do no preparation before working with Meryl. He could at least listen to the music and start forming ideas.  Meryl's time is so limited, she is getting so little sleep anyway, she shouldn't have to waste any time and energy standing around while he waits to be 'inspired.'

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That said, temper tantrums aren't cool and he should try to cut that out and it is super annoying.

My husband has temper tantrums too, and he can no more change that part of his personality than he can lie. My husband is very supportive and nurturing as well. It may be cultural. I am used to it, my friends can be shocked at times seeing the temper flare, but it is all bark, no bite. I think that is why the way Maks expresses himself seems normal to me. And that expressive quality is what is also fun when it comes to joy and kissing. All parts are in play, there isn't any hiding except perhaps grief. But that one is hard for most men in general.

Maks is what, mid-thirties? In my opinion and in my experience, adults don't get a pass for temper tantrums and violent outbursts no matter how artistic or Ukrainian they are. Especially when they've been accused of physical abuse in the past! I'm passionate about my work, too, but I'd have been fired in a flash if I ever behaved that way on the job. Maks is old enough to control himself, and well-off enough to get help if he can't do it on his own. Since he hasn't, I have to think it's not because he can't but because he doesn't want to.

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I'm pretty sure the poster is referring to Hope Solo's accusation of Maks hitting her in rehearsal in regards to the physical abuse comment and I think many of the comments about Maks' action in the rehearsal package is not based on this one particular incident but more that we've seen this kind of behavior from him before, in many forms and variations. And I agree with Barbara Manatee that "he's Ukranian or he's just so passionate about his art" or whatever else doesn't really fly when you consider that we're talking about a man in his mid-30's. At some point it's time to grow up and act like an adult. 

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I didn't equate throwing a mic with hitting a person, I said that because he's been accused of abusing a partner before, Maks should not be indulged or excused when he starts yelling and flinging things now.


But I disagree that one has nothing to do with the another. They're both violent acts and they're both examples of a lack of self control leading to physical aggression. I don't know if Maks ever hit Hope, but I do know that what we saw in his package Monday wasn't an isolated incident - we've seen him lose his temper repeatedly. I think his tantrums are both embarrassing and inexcusable.

I think some of the problems that people have with Maks's temper have to do with a cultural divide. I don't know what the Ukraine is like, but where I'm from short outbursts in a moment of frustration are not unusual. While you won't see things like that often in a professional environment, a lot of people do tend to have an outburst or throw something in a moment of anger or frustration. These moments are not directed toward a person in general, usually it's a way to release feelings of anger at ones self or frustration at a situation. They don't usually escalate to physical aggression. With that said, I don't know Maks or what the complete situation was, but I can see that being a reaction if he was frustrated with himself for having issues with the choreography. 


However, I do think that cultural awareness is needed on his part too. A lot of people aren't used to that type of personality, and since he's working with different partners so often, I think he really should try to tone it down a bit and ensure that his partner is comfortable. If he felt like he needed to have an outburst like that, I think it would have been more appropriate for him to at least go into the hall or bathroom so that he didn't risk frightening his partner.

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Throwing things and having a childish fit does not equate to physically putting your hands on another person for the express purpose of hurting them.  I'm no real fan of Maks, haven't been for years, but I do still believe in the 'innocent until proven guilty' idea, and as Hope is the only one who's ever accused Maks of actual physical abuse, I'm going to assume she wanted to say something outrageous in her book and this certainly fit that bill.  I don't know if he actually hit her but you'd think if he was a chronic abuser that other people would have come forward, especially as his fame grew (gotta get that 15 minutes) and tell their stories.  DWTS would certainly have never allowed him to stay, not if they wanted to get anyone to dance with him, because the legal headaches would have been massive.

Edited by COESpiral
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Throwing things and having a childish fit does not equate to physically putting your hands on another person for the express purpose of hurting them.

THIS! I have had both experience, a former boyfriend who presented as a "Healer" to the community, beat the shit out of me many times, my hubby now is very expressive, many times angry, but has never laid a hand on me to hurt me, ever.


I am not sure about Hope's claims, I just don't get the vibe from Maks that he is a woman beater.


And to be honest, I have ruined many electronics out of frustration. I don't beat anything but pillows should I have anger issues. Electronics are pillow stand-ins. We all have frustration, I know how hard it is to be creative on demand, the pressure is immense. But as a thinking human you can release pressure but in a way that doesn't harm someone weaker, be they women, children or animals. Besides some funky electronic devices deserve a kick up the butt! ;)

Edited by gigi1701

However, I do think that cultural awareness is needed on his part too. A lot of people aren't used to that type of personality, and since he's working with different partners so often, I think he really should try to tone it down a bit and ensure that his partner is comfortable. If he felt like he needed to have an outburst like that, I think it would have been more appropriate for him to at least go into the hall or bathroom so that he didn't risk frightening his partner.

His partner has promised to keep him on the straight and narrow and has agreed to help him avoid throwing things . She's a doll, love her!




Edited by Glaadrial
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I never believed Hope's claims, she changed her story a lot and from what I read about her, she had a habit of saying things and never being able to back them up. I also read that this caused some tension between her and some members of the National Team.


I don't think Maks scared Meryl, and I don't think he would ever do anything to her. And who knows, I highly doubt that it was all jokes and laughter when Meryl and Charlie were training, especially when it got close to the Olympics and World Championships, I wouldn't care to bet that words and maybe even an object or two have flown before. And considering she trained with hot-headed Scott Moir for a decade, I'm sure she's at least seen a couple tantrums.

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I think it would have been more appropriate for him to at least go into the hall or bathroom so that he didn't risk frightening his partner.

I studied under a Russian ballerina, Madame Valentina Belova, that sort of thing is how it is, as I said before it could be cultural, but being intensely critical (read angry/abusive to us) on students is how it is done. She was rough, I left the class many times sobbing. But I had to buck up and do better, or never come back to class.


Meryl getting as high as she has, she will have had teachers that are intense. Maks throwing a microphone is nothing, seriously nothing.

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she will have had teachers that are intense.


Yeah, she's been coached and choreographed by Russians since she was a child, like I said, I highly doubt it was all sunshine and jokes.


It's funny, though, I really wasn't expecting the Maks/Meryl partnership to work so well, or that they would have the chemistry they have. They've become one of my favorite partnerships and my favorite Maks partnership since Mel B.

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I'm sorry, YMMV and all that but this really sounds like just a lot of excuses for a man who acts like an overgrown child at times. I sincerely doubt that every Russian/Ukranian/"artist" gets on like this so it's all just part and parcel for Maks. I mean hell, Val is all those things like Maks and he doesn't act like that. Everyone gets frustrated, I get that. Everyone has moments of being annoyed, irritated but it's just been so long and so much with Maks that now it's just like "I'm over this dude and I'm over you..." Like just shut the hell up, try to create something worthwhile for the woman to do and keep it moving.


Just enough already... This is why as much as I had seasons of liking Maks I was so glad when he did leave after the Hope season because it got to the point where it was just borderline uncomfortable and unpleasant with him. I need a season from Maks where he just shows up and does what needs to be done - no ridiculous showmance, no throwing passive aggressive shade at the judges and no temperamental tantrums. Of course if he does that, all that may be left to talk about is his choreography and yeah...

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That is true Gigi. I forgot to account for Meryl and what she most likely had to deal with in order to reach the level she is at. In that case I doubt it bothered her very much. That part of my comment was assuming the celebrity hasn't had to deal with such an intense personality before.


I've noticed a huge difference in the way things like that are received in other countries and the way they are in america. I'm italiana and there, no one would even blink at seeing a coach throw something like that. I've heard the russians are even more intense.

I need a season from Maks where he just shows up and does what needs to be done - no ridiculous showmance, no throwing passive aggressive shade at the judges and no temperamental tantrums. Of course if he does that, all that may be left to talk about is his choreography and yeah...

My mileage, indeed, does vary. I need many more seasons of Maks being exactly who he is with every ringer being put under his tutelage so that I get to see what exciting routines he can come up with; ones that showcase their talents and help them to grow as artists within the context of solid ballroom dances. That he is able to bring the Latin expression and sensibility to more traditional ballroom routines is infinitely more captivating for me than anything anyone else has done on the show choreographically (with the exception of Karina who has done some stunningly gorgeous work when she has been able to dance with complete abandon).


Sadly, I get the impression that Maks may not wish to continue given the choices that the producers have made this season (i.e., Disney week assignment and their insistence on putting his personal and turbulent process on display).

I think the throwing the mic thing has been blown up out of proportion a bit.  The mic pack slipped off his back where it had been secured and was banging around his legs, so he grabbed it and tore it the rest of the way off before throwing it away.  Was it a bit childish?  Yes.  But I've done the same kind of thing when I've been frustrated and something mechanical isn't cooperating.  It can be very satisfying.  I didn't think it was any big deal.  Now, if he'd thrown it at Meryl, that would be a different story.  But ripping it off when it was getting tangled up in his legs?  Been there done that.  And I'm generally considered to be a fairly mild-mannered individual.  :)

  • Love 2
Sadly, I get the impression that Maks may not wish to continue given the choices that the producers have made this season (i.e., Disney week assignment and their insistence on putting his personal and turbulent process on display).



Maks was never coming back after this season. He said when he returned that part of the reason was so his mother and grandmother could see him dance on TV "one last time."


Of course, this is Maks, the king of contradicting himself, so there is that. I'm sure if the show manages to snag JLo or Beyonce, he'll make time in his busy schedule to return. LOL

His partner has promised to keep him on the straight and narrow and has agreed to help him avoid throwing things . She's a doll, love her!


That was a great video. I love how Meryl mentioned that she'll throw things instead of him. That really made me like her a lot. It seems like they have a good relationship and understand each other. 


Even the moderators of Pure DWTS, the hub of all Chmerkovskiy hatred, took his side on the Hope Solo thing.


That's shocking. I stopped by there once to see if they had any good conversations and was turned off by all the negativity. They really seemed to hate Maks too.

Clearly people have differing standards for what is acceptable. Regardless, I think when your behavior starts debates over whether or not you are abusive and violent, it's time to dial it back.

Not really, I don't think. The debates are never gonna go away regardless of what one does or doesn't do. It's always the best choice for an artist to be true to himself and not worry about trying to be something he's not. Haters gonna hate and all that.


I like what I'm interpreting as a personal quote from his Twitter HomepageYou know EXACTLY who I am! And I know EXACTLY who im not! Everywhere!

Ah yes, the haters card. Am I just jealous, too? ;-)

OMG! I am mortified that you thought that my comment was directed at you. I sincerely apologize. I didn't get that you were a hater at all from your message. My comment was intended as a modernization of "You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself" with regard to how Maks has chosen to go about creating what I believe are beautiful pieces of choreography on this show, at this point of his career with his current partner.


I think it's really pretty easy not to start a debate over whether you are abusive, actually. No one else on the show seems to have had the slightest trouble avoiding one.

I'd rather not comment about this point outside of the context of the show and Maks, in particular. In this context, I don't see how it could be easy to avoid such a debate because Maks doesn't control the narrative and there's a cultural difference in the way his actions are interpreted. Until the ALM comment, Maks had done a remarkable job of avoiding the kind of drama that had plagued him in packages in seasons past, and it really didn't make any difference.


It's clear to me that the producers have an agenda to present compelling "reality" in their packages and that they pick an choose which moments they want to highlight and in what context. Contrasting the images of Derek/Mark with Maks/Tony, for example, makes for an interesting theme that can deliver across multiple seasons. 

I think the throwing the mic thing has been blown up out of proportion a bit.  The mic pack slipped off his back where it had been secured and was banging around his legs, so he grabbed it and tore it the rest of the way off before throwing it away.  Was it a bit childish?  Yes.  But I've done the same kind of thing when I've been frustrated and something mechanical isn't cooperating.  It can be very satisfying.  I didn't think it was any big deal.  Now, if he'd thrown it at Meryl, that would be a different story.  But ripping it off when it was getting tangled up in his legs?  Been there done that.  And I'm generally considered to be a fairly mild-mannered individual.  :)


Lord knows, I've done similar things when that's happened to me but it wasn't a mic pack while learning choreography -- it was often a piece of clothing or an accessory like a belt, a bra, an oversized piece of jewelry, or footwear that's gotten tangled up on my body or looked awful when I've gotten myself into a snit while trying to come up with the "perfect" outfit for a night out or an event of some sort.

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From Maks on Instagram, seems like the happiness high and spreading the love continued beyond the show.:


Being able to REALLY create and REALLY dance is very rare....especially on @dancingabc That's why I have so much respect for ANY PRO WHO HAS EVER DONE THIS SHOW...even for one week! I've always been passionate about story-telling and I want to thank @meryledavis for embracing my insanity and making me a better choreographer AND a better dancer... Today was a gift...


And now this from today, he looks exhausted:


Woke up in LA... Rehearsed with @meryledavis in Wenatchee... Had lunch in Seattle... Going to sleep in Portland! Waiting for my plane to park...LOL


Everything Maks does Meryl does only backwards and on skates! M&M ftw!


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Moved from another folder.

I don't understand this comment at all.  I can only recall one partner with which  Maks might have been thought to have a "showmance," and that was Erin Andrews.  Only in that case, it wasn't a showmance but an actual pairing for a while.  I can't think of any other time.  There were rumors of a pairing with Willa Ford, but there was nothing played up on the show.  His partnerships with Tia, Brandy, Laila Ali, Mel B., Melissa seemed good but not a "showmance."  There certainly was no "showmance" with Hope.  Or with Kirstie.  That one time they kissed in the dance was not planned, and Kirstie admitted in an interview that she kissed Maks, and he had no idea it was coming.  They had some fun with it in other dances, but no one in their right mind (imo anyway) would have seriously thought for even a second that we were supposed to think they were romantically involved.  <lol>  I don't even see a "showmance" with Meryl.  They have a great partnership and some terrific chemistry, but I have seen nothing that makes me think it is anything more than that.  Some people have a need to pair up everyone around them like animals on the ark (and I absolutely agree with you that shippers ruin everything - drives me crazy), but that doesn't mean that Maks is instigating it.  He may play along with it in interviews by being coy and not flatly stating they're just friends, but unless you happen to be someone who frequents message boards or follows the pairs outside of the show (which most viewers don't), you wouldn't even know about that.  All you'd know is what you see on the show, and there's nothing there.  Now if Maks made stupid comments like, "we're trying to keep it platonic," then I'd think there was some basis for saying he's trying to push a showmance, but all he's ever said on the show is that they have a great friendship and he hopes it continues after the show.  He's not really feeding it, and Meryl certainly isn't.  I just think it's really unfair to claim that Maks can't do choreography so he just goes for showmance.  I don't know where that's coming from.  Maks has come up with some really wonderful choreography through the seasons.  The first person to actually kiss a partner during a performance was Derek.  And when asked, he was very coy about whether it was planned as part of the choreography or "just happened." 


I really feel bad for Maks this season.  The guy can't win no matter what he does.  When Derek plays to his partner's strengths, he's a genius and the best choreographer/teacher on the show.  When Maks does it, he's just copying Derek.  And if Maks went a different route for the freestyle and they lost, then it would be all "Maks sucks at the freestyle, and he cost Meryl the trophy."  Win or lose, Maks will get no credit for doing anything right with some people.



For me, the term showmance is not only what's going on between the two but the perception of the fans and how the showmancees play it. Obviously what he had with Erin was beyond a showmance. But since then it seems Maks has played it to varying degrees based on the fans in an attempt to get votes. 


Was there anything going on with him and Brandy? Hell no. I never even thought they liked each other very much. But boy, they had some pretty hardcore shippers. I cringed my way through that fake date package, which was one of the most awkward things I've ever watched. But the shippers ate that up just as was meant to happen.


Obviously there was nothing going on with him and Kirstie. But their shippers were even more hardcore than Brandy's. And they played to that with the kisses which felt like they got to be done in every single dance. And more than once I felt they both said things that could have been perceived as them being in a relationship - the key words being could have and perceived. And the shippers ate up every second of it. There was a huge meltdown on Twitter the night he was caught "cheating" on her with Cheryl in Las Vegas. 


Even in the beginning with Hope - despite her having a boyfriend who was traveling with them, there were a few things Maks said early in the season that were just coy enough to get them some shippers. Obviously that whole thing blew up.


Melissa's not even worth mentioning since she had the French boyfriend. And by the time Kirstie came back for the All Stars, Maks had taken up with Peta.


The problem I have with Maks is the coy games he plays with the fans and the media. It started with Erin and I got it with them since they obviously did have something going on beyond the show. But then he played them every season after that. Sure there was a half-hearted denial by Maks, usually early in the season - but he and Erin did that as well. After that it became suggestive comments and implications and refusals to just come out and say no we're not dating and put a stop to them. I found it ironic that Val did that this season because I had no idea anyone was shipping him and Danica or thought they were involved. I'd love to see Maks do something like that.


Believe it or not, I was actually excited to have Maks back this season. What's turned me off is the overpimping and the overscoring and the showmance. I think Maks is extremely talented and doesn't get nearly enough credit for what he does on the dance floor. He has the biggest ringer in the show's history and I think he could have easily won this season on talent. Instead we've gotten them overpimped, overscored, overpraised and manipulated. We've had Charlie thrown under the bus. And we've had Maks feeding the showmance with some of his comments and social media posts and his behavior. Yes he's a touchy feely kind of guy but the best way to play down a showmance is not to feed into it by draping yourself all over your partner to the extent Maks does it. And Meryl as well - she may not feed it on social media or in interviews the way Maks does, but a big part of what seems to be fueling the showmance is the way she behaves with him after the dances and in their interviews. And what's funny is that's exactly why I don't think anything is going on between them. Since Karina, Maks seems to keep his relationships fairly low key unless they're strictly for publicity (hello Kate Upton).


And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the fact that you've got four women he's been involved with running around the set with him. Meryl seems a bit too level-headed to fall into some great "romance" on the set of a reality tv program surrounded by women he's slept with. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't wonder if that also is pushing Maks's behavior. He's got the once fiercely private Erin making a public spectacle of having an athlete boyfriend. He's got Peta playing out her own showmance with a guy she obviously had something with coming on the heels of another showmance with Brant. And I've read Karina is dating someone now. For a guy who says he wants to find someone and settle down, it can't be easy to have all these exes right in your face with other relationships.


Sorry to go on so long but I was bothered by the comments in the other folder about people coming here just to tear Maks down. I wanted to enjoy Maks this season. I wanted to see him finally win on his talent. Instead I feel whatever work he's done has been overshadowed by producer manipulation and that he didn't have enough faith in his own talent and abilities so he had to go the showmance route. I'm disappointed in that more than anything.

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The thing is that shippers will pop up from nowhere. There are people I follow on tumblr who ship characters on shows who have never had a scene together or aren't even on the same show. People have terrific imaginations and are very capable of spinning things how they want them. That goes both for the people who ship it and the people who think that Maks needs to be burned at the stake for ever having had a showmance.


Personally, I don't think we've really seen much outside of their dances that lends any weight to the argument that they're playing the showmance and I don't think you can count the dances on their own. If we were counting the dances as any sort of indicator of reality, then you'd also have to argue that Candace and Charlie tried to sell a showmance.


People have turned Maks' comments about wanting to marry her and asking if she was married when they first met into this big red flag that he was planning on working a showmance when to me it came across pretty clearly as something he was instructed to ask because the American public wants to know and more importantly a joke. Aside from that there's been a handful of times where they've said that they're friends or have gotten to know each other on a personal level, but a personal level doesn't necessarily mean anything other than friendship and I don't think that phrasing it the way they did is playing coy.


I don't think that you can use the argument that she's more affectionate with him than Charlie as an indicator of anything, either. They're two completely different situations with two completely different people. Some people are naturally affectionate and comfortable with being that way in public and some people aren't. D/W have never been overly affectionate and have always been very straightforward and almost businesslike in their presentation. They like each other a lot, but they've never presented that way and there's been a lot of discussion regarding that having more to do with Charlie than Meryl. On the flip side, Maks has been stated to be incredibly affectionate with people he cares about by a number of people who have known him for years. Maybe Meryl doesn't really care either way and is happy to go along whichever her partner is comfortable with. You can tell that she's relaxed somewhat about it and that early on she was a little taken aback by it, but that doesn't mean that the goal in Maks' mind was to sell a showmance.


Yes, he's been around for awhile and knows how to play the game. Yes, he's done it before. But I don't think there have been any glaring red flags this season unless you want them to be glaring red flags and there are people on both sides who want them to be glaring red flags. The shippers will take them as that so that they can squeal about their OTP and the antis will take them as red flags so they can have something to complain about.

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I guess my main issue with that whole showmance argument is the idea that their performances are lacking, so they have to make up for it with the showmance aspect, and I can't agree with that at all. I think they've just gotten better and better as the season has progressed. But then again, I'm not a dancer and this is only my first season. Has Maks really been that bad a choreographer this season? I've found their dances to be really compelling, especially the last couple of dances and their tango.

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Instead we've gotten them overpimped, overscored, overpraised and manipulated. We've had Charlie thrown under the bus.

Your post was about showmance, and then you threw this in the middle.  First of all, Charlie's fate as it played out on the show had almost nothing to do with Meryl.  After the first two weeks, the producers seemed to realize that people didn't care about them as a unit as they had anticipated.  It's probably when the votes started coming in and Meryl was getting tons and Charlie was not.  There goes the partner vs partner finale showdown!  Add in the fact that they didn't even interact much.  From about week 3, they were treated as two separate entities on the show (except for that one time the producers tried desperately to introduce something of interest to Charlie's package by bringing in Meryl).  Complain about how Charlie was treated, but don't automatically relate it back to Meryl.


And I disagree about Meryl being overscored or overpraised.  She was blatantly underscored in the first half of the show - which is befitting a ringer.  She did better in the second half of the show, but as good as 9's sound, when you have a dancer of Meryl's caliber still tying with Nene or being behind Candace, that's underscoring. 


As for being "overpimped" and "manipulated" - I'm seeing these vague accusations flying around more as the finale nears and people get bitter about their particular favorite not winning.  So far, all I can see is by "pimping" is that people are upset that recently there have been a few more pictures of Meryl on the ABC Facebook page.  That's probably because fans were posting 8,000 comments about Meryl on every single post not related to her, and needed a place to go.  And evidence indicates that Meryl has proven to be very popular, so of course ABC is going to pick the most popular contestant to advertise the show on their Facebook page, rather than the least popular.


And then there are people accusing Meryl of getting longer pages than Charlie.  Yeah, because everybody did.  She certainly wasn't getting more time than everybody else.  The one week I added it up, Meryl's package length had her firmly in the middle, with Candace, Amy and Danica all taking up the most time by far with their dramas.  (Candace's package was over 7 times as long as Charlie's.)


Let's see what else - the accusation that Meryl is always dancing last in "the pimp spot".  I added it up.  Meryl, Amy, and Candace have each gotten the pimp spot twice.  Charlie got it once.  You can argue that Charlie had another showstopping number at some point that deserved the spot (I'm not so sure) but there's hardly a pattern of unfairness benefitting Meryl.


As for the shippers...I don't see what a big deal it is at all.  Obviously, some viewers enjoy it.  Big deal.  What's wrong with letting them have their fun?

Edited by Bitsy
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